I started this thread to ask the question of what should the west do to stop the impending Russian invasion. Well, whatever the west is doing, it just isn't working. The civilians in Ukraine and suffering terribly. The people are putting up a valiant fight, but they are people with day to day jobs going against a professional army with the latest weapons. Apparently, after Russia has conquered Ukraine and murdered it's leaders, they plan to attack Moldova.
Individual citizens like you and I can't do much. But we can do this:
1) Write your congressman. Ukrainians need stingers and Javelins. Every effort needs to be made to limit Russian mobility. If their transportation is taken out, they can't conquer.
2) Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions. Sanctions are helpful, but probably only over the long term. But the goal should be to bankrupt Russia until, use the carrot of economics to encourage them to stop their imperialism. All Russian banks should be taken off swift. Any and all sanctions should be considered and implemented immediately. The time for slow rolling out sanctions against Russia should be over.
3) Boycott Russian goods and activities. Below is a list of goods that should be boycotted.
4) Help the Ukrainians. Below is an excellent link to support charities helping civilians. Displaced civilians are low on food, water and shelter. I'm going to research the best charities, then will report back after we send them money.
5) Get involved locally. My wife sits on a board for a local theatre. The Russian Orchestra was scheduled to perform in June. Very nice people that we've met before. The board unanimously cancelled the performance.
It might seem a little harsh, but if individual Russians don't feel some of the pain that their government is causing, Putin will never stop. Sadly, the only people who can stop Putin are really the Russian people.
Businesses and governments are boycotting products from Russia amid the country's ongoing invasion of Ukraine