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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

The ugly truth is that at this point, thousands, tens of thousands of Russians are being told to die to save face for Putin. Over 9000 posts in and Russia has made virtually no gains.
The ugly truth is that MSM is lying to you to save their ugly face.
What is the lie? Russia invaded a sovereign country. The Ukrainians did not invite the Russians in. Lie or not? The Russians have killed probably more than 100,000 Ukrainians. You've severely bombed their cities. You've mercilessly attacked their infrastructure and their power grid. Putler has continually violated international law. You've stolen land, raped women, targeted civilians, and stole everything that your side could get their hands on. Where's the lie?
What is the lie? Your side invaded a sovereign country.
Everything MSM tells you.

Did you forget that your country invaded way more countries than Russia?
Here's the big difference: I don't think that the US should have invaded Iraq. I was against it day one. And I condemned all atrocities committed by American soldiers on Iraqi civilians. I'm against the deliberate targeting of civilians by US troops. Can you say the same about Russian troops? Are you against deliberately targeting civilians?
China finally came out with their peace plan. Their plan or road map to peace included "sovereignty of all countries should be upheld."

I think a positive first step. However, their plan also states that "The security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocs.” Well, I hate to say it but "blocs" or Nato to be specific, is the only thing stopping Russia from invading other eastern European countries. The only way for a smaller country to stop a bully is to band together with other smaller countries. But again, the Chinese plan is a positive first step.
What is the lie? Your side invaded a sovereign country.
Everything MSM tells you.

Did you forget that your country invaded way more countries than Russia?
Here's the big difference: I don't think that the US should have invaded Iraq. I was against it day one. And I condemned all atrocities committed by American soldiers on Iraqi civilians. I'm against the deliberate targeting of civilians by US troops. Can you say the same about Russian troops? Are you against deliberately targeting civilians?
Your forgot other illegal invasions - Libya, Vietnam, Syria, Cuba, Yugoslavia, etc
Nobody was held responsible for these. Nobody sanctioned you.
Then your illegal meddling in pretty much every single country - coups and color revolutions.
Coups In Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Taiwan, all over of Eastern Europe.
Continued Illegal occupation of parts of China and Cuba.
Sorry man, you are not in a position to lecture anybody.

Russia has a right for self defense against NATO and US.
Moreover. Russia IS a defacto peace keeping nation in the region. It cannot tolerate nazi regimes you install all around its borders.
yes, Nazi regimes.
What is the lie? Your side invaded a sovereign country.
Everything MSM tells you.

Did you forget that your country invaded way more countries than Russia?
Here's the big difference: I don't think that the US should have invaded Iraq. I was against it day one. And I condemned all atrocities committed by American soldiers on Iraqi civilians. I'm against the deliberate targeting of civilians by US troops. Can you say the same about Russian troops? Are you against deliberately targeting civilians?
Your forgot other illegal invasions - Libya, Vietnam, Syria, Cuba, Yugoslavia, etc
Nobody was held responsible for these. Nobody sanctioned you.
Then your illegal meddling in pretty much every single country - coups and color revolutions.
Coups In Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Taiwan, all over of Eastern Europe.
Continued Illegal occupation of parts of China and Cuba.
Sorry man, you are not in a position to lecture anybody.

Russia has a right for self defense against NATO and US.
Moreover. Russia IS a defacto peace keeping nation in the region. It cannot tolerate nazi regimes you install all around its borders.
yes, Nazi regimes.
Your country has all these grievances against the US. I've been the first to say that we've been very mean to Russia. We should have embraced Russia more after the fall of the USSR. We're meanies. But to get at the US, Russia attacks Ukraine! Why? Putlers actions has tripled the number of enemies that are on your borders now. The NATO countries are united in stopping your imperialism. And Nato is expanding.
Russia attacks Ukraine! Why
Russia did not attack Ukraine!
US used Ukraine to attack Russia!
The same way you used Georgia before that and Chechnya before that.
Even Afghanistan was a way to attack USSR, your fucking piece of shit Brzezinski admitted that. There is nothing new here, Imperialist-neocon pigs has always wanted to destroy or control Russia.
Russia attacks Ukraine! Why
Russia did not attack Ukraine!
US used Ukraine to attack Russia!
The same way you used Georgia before that and Chechnya before that.
Even Afghanistan was a way to attack USSR, your fucking piece of shit Brzhezisnsky admitted that.
Jesus Christ! Simple question: is there at least a single Russian soldier within the UN recognized borders of Ukraine whom is not invited to be there by Ukraine? If there is, your side is invading Ukraine! Ukraine does not want Russians on their soil!
Russia attacks Ukraine! Why
Russia did not attack Ukraine!
US used Ukraine to attack Russia!
The same way you used Georgia before that and Chechnya before that.
Even Afghanistan was a way to attack USSR, your fucking piece of shit Brzhezisnsky admitted that.
Jesus Christ! Simple question: is there at least a single Russian soldier within the UN recognized borders of Ukraine whom is not invited to be there by Ukraine? If there is, your side is invading Ukraine! Ukraine does not want Russians on their soil!
I don't recognize Ukraine as a country anymore. Ukraine lost its right to be independent the moment they started terrorizing russian population.
So no invitation is necessary. Ukraine should be fully occupied and annexed by Russia.
Russia attacks Ukraine! Why
Russia did not attack Ukraine!
US used Ukraine to attack Russia!
The same way you used Georgia before that and Chechnya before that.
Even Afghanistan was a way to attack USSR, your fucking piece of shit Brzhezisnsky admitted that.
Jesus Christ! Simple question: is there at least a single Russian soldier within the UN recognized borders of Ukraine whom is not invited to be there by Ukraine? If there is, your side is invading Ukraine! Ukraine does not want Russians on their soil!
I don't recognize Ukraine as a country anymore. Ukraine lost its right to be independent the moment they started terrorizing russian population.
So no invitation is necessary. Ukraine should be fully occupied and annexed by Russia.
??? What Russian has been terrorized by Ukraine! I'd like to hear a single story of a Russian living in Russia who has been terrorized by Ukraine! And I don't really care which country you recognize as sovereign. I care about whom the UN recognizes as sovereign. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you, but I'll be frank: your side will never fully conquer Ukraine.
Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is claiming the following Russian casualties:
Fucking Meduza disagrees.
Seriously, what has Russia managed to do in this war? You’ve been trying to capture Bakhmut since August,and still can’t do it. You’ve been trying to capture Vuhledar since November, and you’ve just recently lost three brigades around there. Even if these number are exaggerated, you’ve lost thousands of tanks, countless other military vehicles, and at least tens of thousands of your countrymen killed. For what? You’ve achieved nothing but a butcher’s bill and made the lives of millions, both Russian and Ukrainian, miserable. Your military sucks. Your economy is in the toilet. You’ve isolated yourself on the world stage. NATO is adding two more countries. Your people are sheep, afraid to stand up for their rights. Just admit it, Barbos, and start the revolution.
Seriously, what has Russia managed to do in this war?
Well, Russia managed to exterminate 160-200K ukrainian soldiers, losing ~16K of their own soldiers. Ukraine lost all their weapons they had prior to war.
Conrary to what your MSM lies to you about winter offensive, Russia have never promised that.
Russia is perfectly fine with simply maintaining 10-1 kill ratio.
I care about whom the UN recognizes as sovereign
I don't care about UN, UN can go to hell.
Yes, this is the difference between you and I. I want to live in a world that is governed by laws and internationally accepted rules. You do not. You want a world decided by might is right.
I care about whom the UN recognizes as sovereign
I don't care about UN, UN can go to hell.
Yes, this is the difference between you and I. I want to live in a world that is governed by laws and internationally accepted rules. You do not. You want a world decided by might is right.
Which laws? The one which allows US to blow gas pipelines left and right while UN says "We have no jurisdiction to investigate that" ?
You want a world decided by might is right.
This is fucking ironic.
if UN was worth their shit, all your recent presidents starting with Carter and their administrations would have been in prison.
Actually, make it starting with whoever started Vietnam War.

Truth is, you miscalculated. Your plan was to to provoke Russia and then make it collapse from sanctions. It failed spectacularly and now you are facing total defeat and prospects of long term alliance between Russia and China. You're fucked.
Your only hope for saving face is to elect someone who is not controlled by neocons.
Ironically, Orange is a good man for a job, you can blame everything on him afterwards.
And the thing about China, they can not allow Russia being defeated by US/NATO.
They don't want Russia turning into their own version of Ukraine. They need friendly NATOless Russia on their border. And you can't sanction both Russia and China.
You are royally fucked, especially Europe.
And you thought Putin was bad? Wait when ...... Medvedev becomes a president again, the guy is 10 times worse than Putin now.
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