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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

And the thing about China, they can not allow Russia being defeated by US/NATO.
They don't want Russia turning into their own version of Ukraine. They need friendly NATOless Russia on their border. And you can't sanction both Russia and China.
You are royally fucked, especially Europe.
But you are being defeated. And Russia isn’t likely to survive this defeat. Defeat usually results in disintegration.

Seriously, what has Russia managed to do in this war?
Well, Russia managed to exterminate 160-200K ukrainian soldiers, losing ~16K of their own soldiers. Ukraine lost all their weapons they had prior to war.
Conrary to what your MSM lies to you about winter offensive, Russia have never promised that.
Russia is perfectly fine with simply maintaining 10-1 kill ratio.
All that, and you still can’t capture Bakhmut?
You people are ignorant, you take State Department and MSM liars tales as truth.
Putin and his administration do not report to them. And they are not senile idiots controlled by neocon sociopaths like in your case. Putin knows that he has to manage 2 things - economy and death toll. As long as its under control it can continue.
And again, China knows which side they are on.
All that, and you still can’t capture Bakhmut?
They don't want to.
I mean they are not against taking it, but only very cheaply.
Russian plan is to bleed Ukrainian regime into collapse.
And how many years will that take?
Well, according to western estimates it will be over (for Ukraine) by the end of Summer.
Biden administration has already said that their support is not infinite.
I personally think/hope it will be over sooner than end of summer. Russia-US negotiations will start soon.
Russian plan is to bleed Ukrainian regime into collapse.

What a disappointment you have in store for yourself.
Russia will be bled dry. The survivors of the next few conscriptions will be the unlucky ones. Without transfusions from China and India, Russia will be nothing more than the useless husk of a formerly viable nation. With such transfusions, it will be a totally dependent satellite State. Meanwhile, Ukraine will thrive, and given the level of support it has and will receive, Russia’s criminal expansionist blunder will become nothing more than a bad memory of a war criminal’s stupid aggression.
Putin has ordered the entire Dobass taken by March. Ain't gonna happen. The present Russian offensive is costing Russia up to 1,000 casualties a day. They have stopped sending in tanks, and Wagner mercenaries are complaining they are not given enough munitions when ordered to attack. Russia is relying on large human wave attacks by poorly trained and armed troops. Not a good strategy long term.
One more thing about Bahmut. MSM made (and continue to make) such a big deal out of it that once it's captured it would look like a monumental defeat. In that sense, the longer it takes the worse the optics would be.
They have stopped sending in tanks, and Wagner mercenaries are complaining they are not given enough munitions when ordered to attack. Russia is relying on large human wave attacks by poorly trained and armed troops. Not a good strategy long term.
Yep, that's what MSM says. Keep eating it :)
The present Russian offensive is costing Russia up to 1,000 casualties a day.
Why not 10,000?
You sure are cavalier about the deaths of so many people. It's usually older people, who don't have to serve, who always favor war. Most of the younger Russian people with tech skills have fled Russia. Good luck rebuilding Russia without your younger people. Russia legacy will be it's natural resources, which are being squandered, and thousands of dead people. Russian future looks bleak to me...
China finally came out with their peace plan. Their plan or road map to peace included "sovereignty of all countries should be upheld."

Sovereignty my ass. Where were you guys a year ago? Why wasn't Xi Jinping exercising his "no limits partnership" when Putin was preparing to violate Ukraine's sovereignty?

Putin was forced into this? This was all due to western provocation? The provocation of former Soviet republics electing EU friendly leaders instead of authoritarian puppets is all.

Or perhaps there is other motivation for putting this plan out now. Perhaps y'all are desperately searching for threads of discordance after a year of war, volatile energy prices, and inflation. Think we're war-weary? Not yet. You claim to be playing the peacemaker here but behind this facade of peace is an attempt to tear at western unity.

Your countries are one and the same. The only difference is China can often afford to take the economic tack while Russia is forced to take the military one. But your goals are the same, be it by economic or military coercion, authoritarian rule over as much as possible.
The present Russian offensive is costing Russia up to 1,000 casualties a day.
Why not 10,000?
You sure are cavalier about the deaths of so many people. It's usually older people, who don't have to serve, who always favor war. Most of the younger Russian people with tech skills have fled Russia. Good luck rebuilding Russia without your younger people. Russia legacy will be it's natural resources, which are being squandered, and thousands of dead people. Russian future looks bleak to me...
I am not cavalier about it. I know for a fact that russian losses are not that high. Even russian opposition media admit that. Your shit media simply repeat ukrainian propaganda.
I explained it to you a million times, why do you keep repeating these lies?
Putin was forced into this? This was all due to western provocation? The provocation of former Soviet republics electing EU friendly leaders instead of authoritarian puppets is all.
Nobody buys the shit you are selling here. Nobody!
not even people in EU. Not even you yourself buy it. You know damn well that I am right and that you are wrong.
From Newsweek

The Wagner Group has escalated its feud with the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin by sharing a video of troops it says were killed in Ukraine due to a lack of support from the military establishment.

The mercenary organization on Friday released a graphic video showing a large number of bodies laid out in a room after a Wagner Group fighter blames "military functionaries" led by the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) for failing to give his fallen comrades needed weapons.

The video he published is shocking. Lots of dead Russians.
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