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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

If you want to bring up events that happens when USSR was still a thing, is it fair to bring up all the atrocities and war crimes that Soviets did as well?
Russia is not Soviet Union and Russia accepted their history. Having said that. Soviet Union have never assasinated democratically elected leaders of other countries. US did it twice at least. And when I say "democratically" I really mean democratically in the western sense.
Most of soviet attrocities were directed at their own population. If you want a country who really got away with atrocities look at Japan.
They were way way way way worse than soviets. So, what do we do the today's Japan? Start with sanctions maybe?

And I am talking about 90s, Russians said "We are done with communism" to which US replied "We are not done with you"
Speaking of russian "oligarchs". Yes they were created by US with a plan to eventually plunder Russia.
But the interesting side effect of illegal sanctions and theft West is conducting now is the fact that "oligarchs" can not transfer their "earned" money out of Russia :) And anecdotally results are remarkable!
It would be ironic if all these sanctions is exactly what Russia needed to finally kick economic growth into high gear.
You can look at the Uk in India or the US with its own indigenous minorities. US was still an apartheid state when it started bashing the USSR. The US foreclosed on farms and created the dustbowl famine and slaughtered millions of livestock animals for outstanding debts during the Holodomor.
So we got 0 evidence for Ukraine shelling the plant, and at least 1 shell that came from Russian-occupied territory
YOU got zero evidence. And moon is made of cheese, you got zero evidence otherwise.
Russia shelling their own plant, for what?
Get your head out of your ass.
Elensky in Vilnius, please comment :)
Let me start:
Elensky ran out of script, so he is just standing there in his normal relaxed state.
Oh, I forgot, LM, you don't have to comment this one, just don't.

Elensky-in Vilnius.jpg
Losing that reservoir would be an emergency situation in any other plant. Even without Ukraine shelling near spent rod ponds. What if a fuel rod is rusted and creates oxygen in one of the reactors. How do they cool that. Why does the western media completely ignore it and continue to fund the shelling.
Speaking of oligarchs,

I don't agree with everything there. Hell, I disagree with most of it, except the fact that you don't have a democracy.

Elensky does not understand that his purpose is to cause troubles for Russia at least long enough for The White House Corpse to reelect himself, not to win the war or even start nuclear war.
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When all is said and done, Zelensky will go down in history as one of the truly great heroes of the 21st century. Putin will go down in history as a failed dictator and a cruel and savage mass murderer.
Agreed. This must really tick off Barbos! Further more, future Ukraine will be rebuilt, with the assistance of the west. They will in the future have a vibrant economy and free elections. Future Ukraine will have NATO security. Russia will be a dying gas station selling products that won't be needed as much in the future.
You can look at the Uk in India or the US with its own indigenous minorities. US was still an apartheid state when it started bashing the USSR. The US foreclosed on farms and created the dustbowl famine and slaughtered millions of livestock animals for outstanding debts during the Holodomor.
Perhaps you're in the wrong thread? This is about how should the west respond to the USSR invasion of Ukraine. And it's implications. Unless you are trying to say that since the US was mean, other countries should be just as bad?
Losing that reservoir would be an emergency situation in any other plant. Even without Ukraine shelling near spent rod ponds. What if a fuel rod is rusted and creates oxygen in one of the reactors. How do they cool that. Why does the western media completely ignore it and continue to fund the shelling.
Western media doesn't fund shelling.
Governments do.
They are doing that because Russians invaded Ukraine and refuse to stop.

That's why this happening. Nothing to do with Western media, this is all about Russians invading.
You can look at the Uk in India or the US with its own indigenous minorities. US was still an apartheid state when it started bashing the USSR. The US foreclosed on farms and created the dustbowl famine and slaughtered millions of livestock animals for outstanding debts during the Holodomor.

The U.S. was never an apartheid state. Do you even know what the word means?

Are you Barbos’s twin brother?
Downtown Moscow Walk:

Yes, the waggoniers are planning something. They are by far the most effective military Russian group. So, having them sit in Belarus dosn't make sense. I believe that there is a chance that they could invade Poland. But if they do, the little waggoners will be going against NATO. That won't bode well for them.
Yes, the waggoniers are planning something. They are by far the most effective military Russian group. So, having them sit in Belarus dosn't make sense. I believe that there is a chance that they could invade Poland. But if they do, the little waggoners will be going against NATO. That won't bode well for them.

They will more likely invade Ukraine again from Belarus. Putin won't dare take on a NATO country. That would be a recipe for losing Belarus, if not triggering a global nuclear war.

The first victim of Finland joining the NATO.

The first victim is all of those Russian shoppers, who certainly can't get the same quantity or quality of goods in their own country. The shopping mall can reopen, if and when Russian aggression in Ukraine ceases and Russia withdraws its occupation forces.
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