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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Russia who suffered greatly in WWI
from Nazi Germany and ..... Banderites who are now in power in Ukraine.

So think hard whose side are you on.
Oh, my bad, you are on the side of british/americans who after WW2 were seriously considering arming remnants of german army and using to attack USSR. That's right.
On August 21, Tucker Carlson released a fairly detailed interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor, who has had a long career in the US military. MacGregor has long taken a strong pro-Russia, pro-Putin position on the war, and the would probably be useful to barbos in his campaign to promote the Russian side of the conflict here. It has been promoted heavily by in the rightwing blogosphere and likely by Russian troll farms now. MacGregor himself has been seen quite often on RT and other propaganda outlets. Here is the Tucker Carlson interview with MacGregor:

I have also found a very interesting factcheck by Ryan Mcbeth, which goes over MacGregor's comments and refutes them quite strongly. I find this 30-minute video particularly informative, because Ryan McBeth gives a lot of insight into the status of the ongoing combat. He seems to take a very neutral stance on the war, arguing that neither side will win and that both sides will come out losers. I highly recommend it.

People vote with their feet. People from around the world want to go to the USA, Canada, and western Europe. Other than North Koreans who work for low pay nobody wants to move to Russia. The Russian population is declining. Putin essentially kidnapped Ukrainian kids to be raised as Russians.
Yup, this is the ultimate ballot. Observe cross-border flows. Especially, observe cross-border relationships. When a cross-border couple involves developed nations they may settle in either. When a cross-border couple involves a developed nation and another nation it's rare for them to not settle in the developed nation.

I am half of one such cross-border couple. I can recall no discussion of where, we both simply assumed we would be in the US.
Russia who suffered greatly in WWI
from Nazi Germany and ..... Banderites who are now in power in Ukraine.

So think hard whose side are you on.
Oh, my bad, you are on the side of british/americans who after WW2 were seriously considering arming remnants of german army and using to attack USSR. That's right.
I am on the side of Ukrainians, I am against Putin and anyone who supports him or goes alomn within.

Russians suffered in WWII. The total estmated Soviet civilian and mil tray casualties is aroud 20 million.

You wolud think after the Nazi invasion Russia would have empathy for others, yet Stalin enslaved countries post war.

Today Putin says there are Nazis in Ukraine, the same kind of raionale the Nazis used. For one the Jews were claimed to be a national threat. They were extermnated in gas chmbers.

One of Putin's stated goals was the eradication(extermination) of the Ukrainian people and culture.

Putin is no better than Hitler. It is obvious.
When a cross-border couple involves a developed nation and another nation it's rare for them to not settle in the developed nation.
And the goal of US foreign policy is to keep undeveloped countries undeveloped.
Massive investment from Europe and North America went to China including manufacturing technology. A China that was a Cold War adversary. The result, a new China with an economy.

Investment went into Russia and the result, corruption and a dictatorship.

Post war US supported Japan and South Korea are free and have economies and high standards of living. Russia not so high a living standard.

The post war Soviet states had low standards of living by western standards and eventual the Soviets collapsed. Former Soviet states freely chose to align with EU and NATO, and want no part of the Russian Federation.

music is good

This is funny. The old Cod War propagnda attack.

In the 0s a Russian film crew was given permission to film in NYC. On a windy overcast day they filmed empty streets around Wall Street with newspapers blowing around, and that what was hwn in Russia.

Whatever problems we have our free press reports it, nothing is hidden or denied.

Putin said there are no homosexuals in Russia, so I suppose there is no drug addiction either?
Russian propaganda has been full of genocidal and violent rhetoric. No different from Hitler's Nazis with racist genocide against Jews, Poles, and Slavs.

A more recent RIA Novosti op-ed by Timofey Sergeytsev describes the planned extermination of an entire nation in a matter-of-fact manner. He not only describes “Ukronazism” as a more dangerous global threat than Hitler but casts much of the Ukrainian nation as accomplices and legitimate targets of terror. “A significant part of the masses of the people, who are passive Nazis, are accomplices to Nazism,” he writes. Ukraine’s elites “must be liquidated as they cannot be reeducated and the social swamp that backed them must be subject to the terror of war and made to pay for their crimes.”

Putin is fantasizing. The great Russian empire had empty sotre shelves and had to keep peoplee in. The Berlin Wall was to keep people in not out.
And Putin know this. He doles out a little feudal generosity and people seem to think he's for the Russian people. Nothing could be less accurate. He's only a master of propaganda because there are enough idiots around to swallow it. Without the police state he'd be back driving his taxi.
Russian media calls for Ukrainian genocide. Putin lets them do so.

In October, RT’s director of broadcasting, Anton Krasovsky, suggested drowning Ukrainian children, setting Ukrainian homes on fire — with the inhabitants inside — and alleged that Ukrainian grandmothers would gladly pay to be raped by Russian soldiers. He insisted that Ukraine should end in its current form, with its only surviving sliver zoned for pig rearing. Krasovsky felt the need to clarify that when he said “pigs,” he did not mean Ukrainian women.

In October, Pavel Gubarev, a Russian political figure who proclaimed himself the “People’s Governor” of the Donetsk Region in 2014 and later as leader of the Donbas People’s Militia, explained that Ukrainians were, “Russian people, possessed by the devil,” and that Russia’s aim was to “convince them” that they are not Ukrainian. He added: “But if you don’t want us to change your minds, then we will kill you. We will kill as many of you as we have to. We will kill 1 million or 5 million, we can exterminate all of you.”

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