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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

US is not there to free russians from "tyranny" of Putin's "regime".
US is not there, period.
Ukranians are there, using European, American and Ukranian assets to hold off the mighty Russian Empire that has shown itself to be a paper tiger.
Like Hitler with Russia Putin misunderstood the Ukrainians and the war will eventually bring down Putin and Russia with it. Hitler's insanoty brought Germany down, Putin's insanity is bringing Russia down.
Biden is Hitler, senile one at that.
Biden is Hitler
Sometimes I wish he’d round up the Trumpsucking morons who are trying to bring fascism to America. If he was Hitler that would have been done a long time ago.
Hitler and Trump were all about killing and locking up their opposition. Does the phrase “lock her up!” ring any bells, Barbos? You don’t hear ANY of that kind of crap from Biden.
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Barbos, are the Russian people better or worse for Putn's war?

So you lived over here.

People vote with their feet. People from around the world want to go to the USA, Canada, and western Europe. Other than North Koreans who work for low pay nobody wants to move to Russia. The Russian population is declining. Putin essentially kidnapped Ukrainian kids to be raised as Russians.

I have worked with Russian engineers who came here. Chinese and South Korean engineers. They find freedom and opportunity.

Indoctrinated Germans believed in Hitler even as the Allies entered Berlin.

Putin's war is an abysmal failure. Russians killed and crippled for Putin's own glorification, and no end to it. Ukraine stands and Russians are still dying. Just like the Nazis did.
Barbos, are the Russian people better or worse for Putn's war?
Nothing really changed economic situation wise since the start of Biden's war.
People vote with their feet. People from around the world want to go to the USA, Canada, and western Europe.
Some moved back to Russia. I follow one of the bloggers who left Germany/France.
The west used to be very attractive, but it got worse and the rest of the world got better.

The Russian population is declining.
No more than the western one (including ukrainian)
Putin essentially kidnapped Ukrainian kids to be raised as Russians.
That's western propaganda lies.

Putin's war is an abysmal failure. Russians killed and crippled for Putin's own glorification
That's not hoe it's viewed and Russia. It's viewed as western aggression.
But you are free to repeat these lies.
Like Hitler with Russia Putin misunderstood the Ukrainians and the war will eventually bring down Putin and Russia with it. Hitler's insanoty brought Germany down, Putin's insanity is bringing Russia down.
Biden is Hitler, senile one at that.
It is obvious you are grasping at straws to defend yoorself, silly rants.

So far while stressed our system of rule of law is holding against Trump's attempts to take personal power. He is a Putin wanna be. He wants to be bale to do what Putin does. He is going to be tred i a court of law. Lie Putin Trump cares only about his self gratification and cares nothing about what the effects on the country are.

In this system if Biden does not have enough popular suprt he will lose. He can not jail or suppress opposition.

Over here right now I doubt many thinking about Putin and the shibboleth Russia, it is football sason. College and pro football are in the news and what many are talking about.

Here in Seattle big news is the University Of Washington leaving the Pac 12 college football conference. Nobody gives a shit about Russian misery and politics.

People will be barbecuing, drinking, partying watching college footbal. Choosing which parbcue to buy is a hard choice, many options in our free market economy. Propane or charcoal. Calssic circular or a smoker. Barbecuing is serious bossiness. Plenty of chicken, pork, and beef in the stores to barbecue. That is what we care about.

We just had a building barbecue on our roof deck overlooking Seattle and the water. Who cares about Russia.
Ukraine stands and Russians are still dying. Just like the Nazis did
And Biden is to be blamed for that.

You really need to stop repeating shit your media feeds you. Pretty much no one in Russia buys it.

Trump's attempts aside our presidents are indeed held accountable by our free press and in the end free elections. Biden can not suppress opposition candidates and can not suppress negative reporting.

Nothing like Russia, China, or North Korea.
Nothing like Russia, China, or North Korea
The difference is that you are ruled by Politburo of mostly MIC and media and business in general oligarchs.
There are money to be made (for oligarchs) in this illegal war your corrupt government started with Russia
Nothing like Russia, China, or North Korea
The difference is that you are ruled by Politburo of mostly MIC and media and business in general oligarchs.
There are money to be made (for oligarchs) in this illegal war your corrupt government started with Russia

Vodkastan started the wars. Invading East Ukraine. Invading Crimea. Attacking Ukraine and failing to take Kyiv. Do not blame the U.S. for starting "this illegal war". Russia did that. Repeatedly.
Barbos, here is the reality of it for you ad your fellow Russians.

Over here some people follow the British royals and TV shows. People follow international golf, tennis, athletics, auto racing, and soccer. There are basketball leagues in Europe abnd China. There are baseball leagues in Japan.

In turn Americans have adopted soccer and rugby to a lessor degree.

Outside of Russia there is a free flow of culture, even with China. An American female pro basketball player in Russia to play was arrested and sent to prison for a small amount of canabis oil she used for pain. She could just have been fined, instead she was treated like a criminal and turned into a political hostage. Who will want to play in Russia.

There is nothing going on in Russia anyone over here is interested in. Putin's anti west isloationist ideology and the war has isolated Russia from the global culture. Maybe you do not realize what you are missing.

I watched the recent Budapest world athletics completion. When is the last time there has been an international competition in Russia? Face it Barbos, Russia is walled off from the world.

When Russia hosted an Olympics it was an embarrassment to Russia.

Putin wants to restore Russia to what he thinks was a glorious Soviet global power. In reality Russian culture is fadng and is being bypassed by the the rest of the world.
Putin wants to restore Russia to what he thinks was a glorious Soviet global power.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. Putin is just like Trump. Neither of these two assholes gives one fucking shit about anything but personal enrichment, except insofar as such propagandistic deliveries enrich themselves and shield them from accountability for their crimes. That's the bottom line. It doesn't get any more basic than that. Hitler did the same thing. This is the lesson to take home.

Without Putin, Russia would be on the road to being an economic and technological powerhouse. Russian citizens would be enjoying the freedom to be entrepreneurs and exercising civic responsibility. The people of Russia would actually be free to chart their own destiny, no doubt becoming an economic juggernaut. It's all there. The problem is the Putins and the inability of the people of Russia to understand and appreciate what it means to be "free." Russia is a fucking calamity. Barbos is a symptom.
We know in Russia the government controls social and news media. I wonder how you and other Russians think about life over here and in Europe and the western nations.

While we are having issues with inflation and people at the bottom paying for food, our grocery stores are well stocked with fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, and pork. Plenty of milk, cheese, and eggs. Each and every day.

In any large grocery store in my area I can get wine, beer, liquor, and other foods from around the world.
You appear to be living in the 1980s, if you think this sets your home town apart from those in which the Russians are living.

Russian stores aren't empty anymore. And haven't been since the collapse of communism, more than thirty years ago.

Under communism, every person could afford meat, but there wasn't any in the shops, so they ate cabbage.

Under capitalism, the shops are full of delicious cuts of meat, at prices most people can't afford, so they eat cabbage.

Unsurprisingly, many people preferred the old way, because at least they didn't suffer the fate of Tantalus.
B-B-B-B bullshit? Why da nieve of da guy.

From documentaries, the political pundits, and Putin himself his goal is to reform the Soviet Union. He said the greatest tragedy of he last century was the fall of the Soviet Union.

He wanted Ukraine to economically align with the Russian Federation, and it chose to align with Europe with the potential to join the EU and NATO. Intolerable for Putin the Russian nationalist.

From a bio Putin was a KGB agent in East Germany married to an East German. As East Germany collapsed and the wall was being torn down he went around asking for help from the Russian military for his family, and was ignored.

He blamed the west and the US for the Soviet collapse.

When he got to Moscow politics he was a nobody. His primary qualification for becoming president was he could be relied on to protect oligarchs and their money from prosecution, especially Yeltsin and his family.

As to Russia becoming an economic powerhouse I do not think so. Stalin's purges emanated the middle class intellectuals who could make an economy work. A Soviet working economy never developed. Peasant run economy based in ideology not performance.

China's history and culture was right for a rapid economic growth, it is not in the Russian cultural DNA. It has been bred out since the revolution. Add to that the endemic oligarch power and corruption.

When the Soviets collapsed resources were sold cheap to Soviet insiders.

In the 80s I read about a bizarre Soviet experiment. They had kids listening to western music and lplaying Western games trying to stimulate a western kind of creativity.
In the 80s I read about a bizarre Soviet experiment. They had kids listening to western music and lplaying Western games trying to stimulate a western kind of creativity.

I'm not sure what you are trying to remember. Back in 1965, they were listening to Western music and had a thing going for the Beatles. In the 1980s, a lot of Western media was being smuggled back into Russia, just as it is today. Those who smuggled records and video tapes back were often KGB operatives, since they had access to it when visiting the West. People in the Soviet Union weren't totally isolated or cut off from the West, but everyone allowed to travel internationally had to submit reports to the KGB. I know this, because my acquaintances told me that they had to do it. During that decade, many Jews were also allowed to emigrate to the West, if they could afford to pay for it and if they were thought not to have valuable skills.
Yes, but it was a structred Soviet experiment to stimuate cretvity in Russian kids.

A physicist I worked with in the 80s said at the time said he thought Russia had the best theoretical physics in the world. They put kids that showed aptitude in sports, chess, and science into special schools.

But when it came to translating it into an economy they lacked cultural initiative and creativity. In their ideology it was not promoted. Artificial equality and conformity was.

Chronic incompetent administration of infrastructure. Collectivization leading to famine.

In contrast China rejected the economic conformity of communism and went to quasi free market system. Individuals had the opportunity to get wealthy.

China has combated corruption unlike Russia. In the 90s China was shooting pepple for corruption.

I don't think Russia has a chance to grow like China did. Putin is the nail in the coffin.
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