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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I can't imagine we'd let anything close to this happen. We'd have to go in and settle Russia's hash.
You can't imagine?
You have been fermenting it for 25 years. It's in your plans.
Dude, The plan was for Russia to embrace democracy and capitalism because it encourages peace and prosperity. The plan was for Russia to join the 21st century and become a sane, reasonable trading and diplomatic partner on the world stage. But Russia prefers corruption, oppression, violence and imperialism.
Do you know that Ukranians hate Russia all by themselves without anyone telling them to?
Yes, Bandera was one of these guys. He was born in..... Poland.
Poles did not hate ukrainians, they simply did not consider them humans, until they change to catholicism that is :)
Unfortunately Stalin took that part of "poland" and annexed to Russian "Ukraine".
That's where that ukrainian scum comes from - from Poland.
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Do you know that Ukranians hate Russia all by themselves without anyone telling them to?
Yes, Bandera was one of these guys. He was born in..... Poland.
Polands did not hate ukrainians, they simply did not consider them humans, until they would change to catholicism that is :)
Unfortunately Stalin took that part of "poland" and annexed to Russian "Ukraine".
That's where that ukrainian scam comes from - from Poland.
No. Ukraine is still probably upset about the 5 million citizens who starved to death while under the thumb of the Russian lead USSR and all the other shit that went along with that. Russia has been a dick to Ukraine.
In Euro-Maidan, Yanukovych chose to use military violence to displace the protesters.
He absolutely categorically did not! and that's why nazi scam won.
You can't rewrite a history so recent with so many living eyewitnesses. You need to learn some things from the Christians who compiled the Bible.
You nay have lived here but oiu do not understand our culture.

Blacks were brought over as slaves. After the civil war they were denied ther righys as citizens. It was encoded into llaws we refer to as Jim Crow.
Blacks were beten, hung, and shot with impunity.
No, it's you who does not understand russian history. You don't even know any of it. You know propaganda shit your government and Hollywood was and still feeding you.
I, on the other hand, fairly well versed in american history, considering I never studied it in school. I probably know american history better than you, because the history you were taught in school was mostly propaganda.
No. Ukraine is still probably upset about the 5 million citizens who starved to death while under the thumb of the Russian lead USSR and all the other shit that went along with that. Russia has been a dick to Ukraine.
Yes, their propaganda tells them to. They conveniently omit that starvation was NOT intentional and WAS spread into the parts of the USSR. You touched on shitty part of ukrainianism. That is, they are ridiculously short-sighted and only care about themselves. basically they are fairly large "country" which behave like they are tiny.

My advice to you, stop parroting ukro-scum propaganda and actually learn history.
It ain't pretty for ukrainian nazis.
You can't rewrite a history so recent with so many living eyewitnesses
It is you who rewrites history. Yanukovish should have been more assertive.
In fact, ukro-nazis and their masters in Washington imply that themselves when they say "Yanukovch ran away, therefore his illegal impeachment is legal" truth is, at the time of the illegal impeachment Yanukovch was still in Ukraine and impeachment, by they way failed, he was not impeached or kicked out. Eventually he left Ukraine.
Don't get me wrong, he was shitty president, but he did not try violent crackdown on protesters, he is simply not that kind of guy, and it was really hard to do anyway in Ukraine, governments there have always been very weak and prone to revolts.
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We are going in circles and you are not learning anything. You just repeat western propaganda garbage, ignoring everything I say even if it is what your own people are saying.
Meanwhile Biden appointed new Minister of Defence of Ukraine. People interpret that as Biden removing people not acceptable by Russia for negotiations. Biden team decided that War against Russia must be stopped, cause it hurts their elections.
I hope it's too late.
I use accepted RUSSIAN spelling and pronunciation which is "Kiev".
Otherwise the capital of Rossiya is Moskva.

English speakers now use the transliteration from Ukrainian Cyrillic, not Russian Cyrillic. The Ukrainian government has insisted that the international community not use Russian transliterations for geographical names inside Ukraine, and their request has been honored. The name "Moscow" is not a transliteration from Cyrillic. Russians follow the same practice of using names that are not based on transliterations for some locations. For example, "Paris" is Париж "pah-rizh", not Пари "pah-ri", which would be a proper transliteration of the French name for their capital. The capital of Italy is Рим "rim" in Russian, not Рома "roma". So it is entirely proper for English speakers to spell the capital of Ukraine as "Kyiv", since the city name is properly transliterated from Cyrillic script.
You can't rewrite a history so recent with so many living eyewitnesses
It is you who rewrites history. Yanukovish should have been more assertive.
More assertive than sending forces armed with live rounds to clear the square by any means including murder?
In fact, ukro-nazis and their masters in Washington imply that themselves when they say "Yanukovch ran away, therefore his illegal impeachment is legal" truth is, at the time of the illegal impeachment Yanukovch was still in Ukraine and impeachment, by they way failed, he was not impeached or kicked out. Eventually he left Ukraine.
Don't get me wrong, he was shitty president, but he did not try violent crackdown on protesters, he is simply not that kind of guy,
As the Russian agent he proved himself to be, I think he could very plausibly be exactly that kind of guy.
and it was really hard to do anyway in Ukraine, governments there have always been very weak and prone to revolts.
LOL, Here you claim that revolts are part of the natural culture of Ukraine, but for some reason you can't imagine the possibility that this revolt was not inspired* by outside forces, despite your complete and utter lack of evidence for such?

You know, maybe the reason Ukraine is so prone to revolts is because Russia is so prone to messing around in the Ukrainian Government.

(*inspired? financed? bullied? bribed? You've been quite vague on the exact mechanism of western "invasion." Probably because you don't have any evidence for it even existing ephemerally)
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Do you know that Ukranians hate Russia all by themselves without anyone telling them to?
Yes, Bandera was one of these guys. He was born in..... Poland.

Nope. Barbos has a screwed up concept of history, as usual.

Neither Ukraine nor Poland officially existed in 1909, when Bandera was born. At that time, Bandera's birthplace (Старий Угринів/Stary Ughryniv) was technically in the Austro-Hungarian partition of Poland. Most of Poland itself had been incorporated into the Russian Empire. My Polish grandfather was actually born in the Russian partition of Poland. If barbos is thinking in terms of modern European boundaries, Bandera was born in western Ukraine, not Poland. In modern terms, my grandfather was born in Poland, not Russia.

Poles did not hate ukrainians, they simply did not consider them humans, until they change to catholicism that is :)

Historically, Poles and Russians have been political rivals, and the ethnic hatreds tend to reflect that. Poles adopted Catholicism in 996. Moscow wasn't even found until 1147. Poles deeply resented the partition of their country by neighboring empires in the 18th century. Catherine I took the lion's share of Poland, and the resentment only grew after Stalin allied himself with Hitler in order to reoccupy the eastern half of Poland, before Hitler reneged on the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty and attacked the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately Stalin took that part of "poland" and annexed to Russian "Ukraine".

Barbos is right about it being unfortunate, but Stalin, like his ally, Adolf Hitler, wanted to retake parts of their country's former empires, which was the antebellum status quo. Stalin, stupidly, got sucker-punched by Hitler, even though he knew that his country would ultimately engage in a war with Germany. Stalin just didn't realize it would happen so soon, while Hitler was preoccupied with his western flank.

That's where that ukrainian scum comes from - from Poland.

Nope. Dead wrong. Austria-Hungary. Poland did not exist at the time.
LOL, Here you claim that revolts are part of the natural culture of Ukraine, but for some reason you can't imagine the possibility that this revolt was not inspired* by outside forces
Revolts are almost always instigated by outside forces.
In this particular case it was instigated by Nuland&Co. All kind of scum from Georgia was invited to participate.
Snipers were most likely georgians. Georgians were planned to be used in Moscow 2012 revolt US tried to organize.

We've been over this million times. I am not going to accept ridiculous western lies you are spewing here.

Until nazis with the help of US/GB seized power, central government in Ukraine had been ridiculously impotent and corrupt.
Now It's only corrupt and ..... nazi.
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LOL, Here you claim that revolts are part of the natural culture of Ukraine, but for some reason you can't imagine the possibility that this revolt was not inspired* by outside forces
Revolts are almost always instigated by outside forces.
Citation? No, Nevermind, you just pulled that out of your ass. No. Revolts are almost always instigated by rulers who have driven their populations to desperation.

*American Revolutionary war was instigated by the perceived injustice in the the British rule over the colonies, and the wildly unpopular taxes they imposed on the colonies like the Stamp act, the Sugar Act, and the "Intolerable Acts."
*One of the major revolts that lead to that war the "Boston Tea party" was in direct response to the Stamp Act.
*The American Civil War was instigated by the threat of an end to slavery which was considered a pillar in the Southern way of life.
*The French revolution was instigated by the monarchy expanding the taxes on the poor and expanding them to the nobels and clergy.
* The Russian Revolution of 1905 was caused by impoverished commoners and discontent with Tsar Nicholas II who was failing to bring industrialization to Russia. (Also the ethnic minorities hated the Russification policies)
*The Russian Revolution of 1917 was caused by food rationing implemented by Nicholas II during World War 1 and then later by a complete failure of morale in the Russian army after they started starving on the battlefield and the urgent desire from the masses to end the war with Germany. The Bolsheviks seized power and fulfilled their intended goal by ending the war.
*Of course the Bolsheviks were socialist radicals and as such weren't terribly popular which is why this lead to civil war between the Reds and the Whites, but this again was not instigated by outside forces. Just unpopular government leaders.

Like for example, when some organized people petitioning their government discover that their president would prefer to murder them in the streets rather than to address their concerns. That might drive a person to revolt.
In this particular case it was instigated by Nuland&Co. All kind of scum from Georgia was invited to participate.
Snipers were most likely georgians. Georgians were planned to be used in Moscow 2012 revolt US tried to organize.

We've been over this million times. I am not going to accept ridiculous western lies you are spewing here.

Until nazis with the help of US/GB seized power, central government in Ukraine had been ridiculously impotent and corrupt.
Now It's only corrupt and ..... nazi.
The western narrative is supported by the facts. Your fantastical narrative is supported by vapor thin conspiracy theories and delusional propaganda inspired paranoia.

Also it is laughable to think that all it takes for the US to overthrow a country is to "invite" some other people to do it for them.

I, at this time, formally invite you to help overthrow Putin.
Pretty Please?
That's all that it takes, right?
Great. Please RSVP.
Thank you!
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The western narrative is supported by the facts.
Found WMD in Iraq yet?
Found any russian collusion yet?
Vietnam attacked US and it caused US to invade?
Afghanistan? after Brzhezinski gleefully revealed that US lied.
Nord Stream, who did it?
Are you going to refute Nino Burjanadze any time soon?
The western narrative is supported by the facts.
1. Found WMD in Iraq yet?
2. Found any russian collusion yet?
3. Vietnam attacked US and it caused US to invade?
4. Yugoslavia?
5. Afghanistan? after Brzhezinski gleefully revealed that US lied.
6. Nord Stream, who did it?
7. Are you going to refute Nino Burjanadze any time soon?
Changing the subject?
Still have no evidence to support your claims that Ukraine is or ever was controlled by a Western power?
Thought so.

And to answer your questions:

1. Chemical weapons are WMD and many were found in Iraq. Some of which were given to Hussein by the US. The nuclear program Bush and Cheyney hyping was a lie.
2. I assume you are referring to the 2016 election? US senate committee released a 1000 page report on Putin's attempts to influence the election and Trump's welcoming of it. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-volume-5-bipartisan-russia-report
3. Nope. I don't know where you cooked up this delusion. Vietnam had a civil war that the US stupidly got entangled in.
4. I don't know what you think happened in Yugoslavia. NATO decided to intervene in the civil war because of the ethnic cleansing of the Albanians. I know you don't understand that murder is a bad thing, but genocide is generally frowned upon by civil societies.
5. You are asking if the US really tricked the Soviets to invade Afghanistan? I don't understand this reference. Maybe I'll read up on it.
6. Nord Stream: I don't know who did it. But you seem to. If only you could show us some evidence that doesn't exist entirely in your imagination.
7. I already adressed Nino in this thread. She has motive to lie about her political opponents and didn't offer any objective evidence of any wrong doing. Just more allegations.

I already adressed Nino in this thread. She has motive to lie about her political opponents and didn't offer any objective evidence of any wrong doing. J
That's great. Just assign motives to any witness and you are done.
She is not alone, plenty of people can confirm that US state department are the deranged maniacs running around and bribing and threatening anyone who dares to have normal relation with Russia, especially at the border.
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