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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

American M.O. regarding Russia is very simple. They go to border countries and ask simple question: "Who here hates Russia?" Once they find these people, they give them bags of money, declare them democrats, freedom fighters, etc and eventually one way or another get them into power. And these people don't even have to really hate Russia, all they need to do is to play the role. You really think Baltic States governments hate Russia? Bullshit, they all have/had business in Russia.
But when you are offered bigger money and the only way into power they will "hate" Russia in public.
For fuck's sake, all their presidents old enough to be commies were, in fact, ..... fucking commies during USSR.
You think Elensky hates Russia? Bullshit! He was touring in Russia all his pre-president life making fun of Ukraine and entertaining Putin and his friends. There are tons of videos of his concerts.
Then all of a sudden he forgot russian and became ukrainian. Yeah right.
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If Elesnky could turn time back to February 2022 he would and then he would tell Johnson to go and fuck himself.
because right now, his bet on Western support and happy retirement in Miami is not looking good.
He is more likely to end with a bullet in his skull than in Miami.
You think I am exaggerating? Check on Saakashvili, how well he is doing?
I would not try to do something which will make anyone attack my home.
What if it wasn’t about what you did, (trying or not) but about what you have that they want? That is what is happening in Ukraine.
Think you might fight back?
Russia is trying to bully Ukraine into defeat using missile attacks on the civilian population.
That's what western Propaganda tells you. In reality russian army is bullying Ukraine by exterminating their Army and power stations. This is perfectly legal way to conduct war. Ukro regime on the other side continues its terrorist attacks on Belgorod trying to paint Putin as weak and incapable to prevent that. Russia has no reason for terrorism. We are winning
So your attacks on Ukraine are legitimate conduct of a defensive war, but their counter attacks are illegal terrorism. Gotcha!
But you need to understand is that Ukraine can't really back down. It's Ukraine that has its back against the wall. Have you heard the terms that Russia is willing to accept? Here's what Russia wants: 1) de-naziification (what the fuck does that mean?); 2) all Ukranian leaders thrown in the gulag; 3) full de-militarization; 4) reparations for Russia; 5) all conquered land and stolen goods to remain in Russian hands.
Who told you that these are Putin's terms? Western media? NATO? Ukraine should talk and see. Make Modi the mediator, whether in Ukraine or in Gaza.
He will do it.
We have a saying in this part of the world now - 'Modi hai to mumkin hai' (If there is Modi around, then it is possible).
Temple in Abu Dhabi. Who thought it was possible?

Right. A war mongering policy.
I don’t know if “mongering” really applies.
It’s more like “hey, we gotta do what’s good for US, and if someone else gets hurt, that’s their problem!

I guess when your country comprises double digit percentages of the world population, the notion of “everyone” is interchangeable with “everyone in our country”, and “othering” isn’t really a possibility.
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By not supporting Ukraine you are supporting a war monger.
By supporting Ukraine, the war is going to be prolonged. Those affected will be Ukrainians, not you or me. Talking peace is the best alternative. Talking peace does not mean capitulating.
Do you really think if Ukraine laid down their arms today that would stop the killings by Russia?
By not supporting Ukraine you are supporting a war monger.
By supporting Ukraine, the war is going to be prolonged. Those affected will be Ukrainians, not you or me. Talking peace is the best alternative. Talking peace does not mean capitulating.
There have been ongoing peace negotiations since four days after the war began.
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You included an incorrect word: "not". You're supporting the war monger Putin.
No, I am not. I am trying to put forward peace talks to save all, Ukrainians as well as Russians, even if that may not be liked by Western powers or NATO.
There have been ongoing peace negotiations since four days after the war began.
There also the cause was not paying attention to Russian sensibilities by electing Zviad Gamsakhurdia.
So by electing Modi you have not paid attention to US sensibilities and therefore it's okay for the US to invade India? There's aren't enough rolling eyes emojis to express how stupid your statements are.
So you favor Putin government? You somehow think that dictatorship is better than what Ukraine had? Do you know what it means to cling to an abusive guardian? That is what you are saying the Ukrainians should do, submit to Hitler and take their chances. It didn't work so well for the Jews. What leads you to think it would work for the Ukraine?
I am not favoring anyone. I am saying that the best way to peace under the circumstances is not war but peace talk. How would we know without talking?
Is not West an abusive guardian of Ukraine? It is making Ukraine fight an unending war.
There have been ongoing peace negotiations since four days after the war began.
You favor a Putin/Hitler dictatorial state? Should South Korea just surrender to North Korea?
I am trying to help Ukraine by asking it (in this forum, I do not have any clout either with Ukraine or with Russia) to think of peace. One cannot clap with one hand. Both the parties should be agreeable.
Tell that to Russia on Russian soil and see what happens to you.
But you need to understand is that Ukraine can't really back down. It's Ukraine that has its back against the wall. Have you heard the terms that Russia is willing to accept? Here's what Russia wants: 1) de-naziification (what the fuck does that mean?); 2) all Ukranian leaders thrown in the gulag; 3) full de-militarization; 4) reparations for Russia; 5) all conquered land and stolen goods to remain in Russian hands.
Who told you that these are Putin's terms? Western media? NATO? Ukraine should talk and see. Make Modi the mediator, whether in Ukraine or in Gaza.
He will do it.
We have a saying in this part of the world now - 'Modi hai to mumkin hai' (If there is Modi around, then it is possible).
Temple in Abu Dhabi. Who thought it was possible?

LOL, if there is Modi around, then it is possible. If there is Modi around, like Donald Trump, hatred and division are fostered, and everything turns to shit.

Oh, look a stupid Hindu temple. Who’d have thought it possible? Who’d have WANTED to be possible, except for religious extremists living in their usual la-la land?

This is in Abu Dhabi? What has that to do with Modi? Not that I care. But didn’t he also build one of these stupid temples on the site of a mosque burned down by a bunch of religious fanatics some thirty years ago? Why does your stupid hero foster hatred against Muslims?
Yup, here is. $217 million for this meaningless garbage. In a country, remember, that is supposed to be officially secular.
When did I say that Modi or myself are pacifists.
So now we understand your position. It is identical to Putin's, Hitler's, Stalin's, etc. Everyone else should be submissive pacifists when I invade or threaten to invade their country. You apparently don't realize how ridiculous your position is. You reserve the right to take up arms against another state but think that other states should not take up arms against you. Hilarious!

One cannot clap with one hand.
But apparently one can clap with three hands, just keep one behind your back.

I am not favoring anyone.
More hilarity. You are saying Ukraine should surrender if it wants peace yet you claim the right to defend yourself if attacked. Have you ever heard of an immiscible amalgam because that's what your word salad sounds like to me, contradiction after contradiction.
But you need to understand is that Ukraine can't really back down. It's Ukraine that has its back against the wall. Have you heard the terms that Russia is willing to accept? Here's what Russia wants: 1) de-naziification (what the fuck does that mean?); 2) all Ukranian leaders thrown in the gulag; 3) full de-militarization; 4) reparations for Russia; 5) all conquered land and stolen goods to remain in Russian hands.
Who told you that these are Putin's terms? Western media? NATO? Ukraine should talk and see. Make Modi the mediator, whether in Ukraine or in Gaza.
He will do it.
We have a saying in this part of the world now - 'Modi hai to mumkin hai' (If there is Modi around, then it is possible).
Temple in Abu Dhabi. Who thought it was possible?

Western media? Come on, don't fall for the cool aid. First off, I assume that Russia and Ukraine talk all the time behind the scenes. We don't know what Putler will accept. But below is the peace plan put out by Russia's number 2:

Ukraine must declare "complete and unconditional surrender", "conduct demilitarisation", "dismiss all constitutional authorities" and "immediately hold elections for a temporary parliament".

He also claimed that Western countries recognise the "Kyiv political regime as [a] Nazi [junta]" and that there was a need to conduct a "forced denazification [programme encompassing] all authorities" under United Nations supervision.

In addition, the Russian official believes that Ukraine must pay compensation to Russia, including reimbursing relatives of Russian soldiers, and to "officially recognise that the entire territory of Ukraine belongs to the Russian Federation".
Oh, people, have mercy on me. I replied to 12 alerts in the morning and have 14 now.
I think, I have made my position absolutely clear to all. I have nothing more to add.
So, do not think otherwise if I do not reply to these alerts.
Do you really think if Ukraine laid down their arms today that would stop the killings by Russia?
Who is asking Ukraine to lay down arms and capitulate. I said start talking peace.
There have been ongoing peace negotiations since four days after the war began.
Why did they fail? If Ukraine asks Russia to pull back without conditions, then surely the talks will fail.
So by electing Modi you have not paid attention to US sensibilities and therefore it's okay for the US to invade India? There's aren't enough rolling eyes emojis to express how stupid your statements are.
Ask Biden. His officials are praising Modi and relations between US and India (recently someone from Defense department). That is a nice emoji.
Tell that to Russia on Russian soil and see what happens to you.
I am not going to Russia any time soon.
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