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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Bwahahaha! No crime in India, nosiree!
Did I sat that? Discrimination on caste/religion/ethnicity/gender/disability is a crime in India and is an offense which is punishable by jail.
How many Brahmins are in jail for any of those discriminatory practices?

I don’t know but if I had to bet on a single number, it would be zero.
The question is why you love Putin and hate Ukraine. Why the double standard? Are you afraid of other people enjoying freedom?
That is not correct. I am a right-winger supporting Narendra Modi (also an atheist Hindu who does not believe in existence of soul and does not mind beef eating). But NATO and its expansion is the reason for Russian attack on Ukraine. Now the Poland-Belarus border is heating up. Biden administration needs to wake up to NATO overreach.
NATO and its expansion is the reason for Russian attack on Ukraine.

You need to work on your facts. NATO expansion is the RESULT of Russian aggression. Now it serves as an excuse for genocide and territorial theft.
You seem quite pleased with Russia clinging to genocide as a remedy for other people owning shit that they want.
I am not. Russia and West are playing with fire, and that is dangerous for all.
If you don’t like it you should be arguing for Russia to withdraw, not for Ukraine to submit and poise Putler for his next conquest.
If defending sovereign territory is playing with fire, Russia is going to get burned - which should make you happy since it will mean you won’t be next on Putler’s list.
I guess if India gains outsized “influence” you’ll be okay with the US or Russia invading and murdering y’all. It’ll be NECESSITATED!
Influence is gained through credibility. Russia can’t stand the fact that Ukraine and their leadership are more credible than Putler and his minions.
We are content with what we have. We are not influence-mongers. We are a third world country and have a long way to go to remove poverty.
To whom? West. Not to many other countries including China. Do you think countries other than West are fools and cannot understand things?
How many Brahmins are in jail for any of those discriminatory practices?
I don’t know but if I had to bet on a single number, it would be zero.
It is a Constitutional prohibition in India against counting numbers according to religion/caste/ethnicity.
There were brahmin mafia dons who were killed during the rule of the current Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adiyanath. The following can give you an idea:
"During 2017-2020, a total number of 124 criminals were killed in encounters, of which 47 were Muslims, 11 Brahmins and 58 belonged to the OBC and Dalit castes. UP police had admitted that 37 percent of those killed in police encounters were Muslims." 7 May 2023
If you don’t like it you should be arguing for Russia to withdraw, not for Ukraine to submit and poise Putler for his next conquest.
If defending sovereign territory is playing with fire, Russia is going to get burned - which should make you happy since it will mean you won’t be next on Putler’s list.
Russia will not withdraw if I make a request. It may withdraw only with mutually suitable treaty with Ukraine.
But NATO and its expansion is the reason for Russian attack on Ukraine. Now the Poland-Belarus border is heating up. Biden administration needs to wake up to NATO overreach.
Yes. NATO is an amalgamation of free democratic states where citizens have rights and the freedom to speak. It is quite natural for a Putin to be afraid of such a coalition. A free Ukraine on his border scares him to death and he has no qualms killing every citizen of Russia and Ukraine to protect himself from ever becoming accountable for his crimes.
We are content with what we have.
So was Ukraine.
The only thing is, y’all have nukes.
So you’re fine with “might makes right”.
True of the US as well, when ruled by Trump. Isolationism by the most populous Country in the world is as big a problem as populism in the most powerful Country in the world.
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Yea but for Russia, it’s a war of choice.
It is not by choice. It is necessitated by expansion of enemy's influence. They would carry on.
Expansion of enemy influence. That’s a new excuse to invade a country that I hadn’t heard before!! How would you recommend the US lower its “influence” so as to not so offend our Soviet comrades?
The question is why you love Putin and hate Ukraine. Why the double standard? Are you afraid of other people enjoying freedom?
That is not correct. I am a right-winger supporting Narendra Modi (also an atheist Hindu who does not believe in existence of soul and does not mind beef eating). But NATO and its expansion is the reason for Russian attack on Ukraine. Now the Poland-Belarus border is heating up. Biden administration needs to wake up to NATO overreach.
??? Clearly Poland would have been invaded by Russia if it weren’t in NATO.
Yea but for Russia, it’s a war of choice.
It is not by choice. It is necessitated by expansion of enemy's influence. They would carry on.
Expansion of enemy influence. That’s a new excuse to invade a country that I hadn’t heard before!! How would you recommend the US lower its “influence” so as to not so offend our Soviet comrades?
Expansion of Russian influence in Belarus, for instance, is causing the Poland/Belarus border to heat up. NATO needs to abandon Poland to a Russian imperialism NOW, before Russia is forced to invade Poland and exterminate the Poles for being unhappy about it.
/Aupy politics
??? Clearly Poland would have been invaded by Russia if it weren’t in NATO.
Exactly. WTF is going on in his head? And I know it's silly to pose rational questions to clearly uninformed, irrational positions. It most likely is that Russian Hitler came to the realization that western democracy had to be stopped before it got any closer. He's witnessed his buddies get taken down and things were getting too close to home.
Expansion of enemy influence. That’s a new excuse to invade a country that I hadn’t heard before!! How would you recommend the US lower its “influence” so as to not so offend our Soviet comrades?
That is a fact of life. Expansion of Chinese influence in Djibouti, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Red Army moves in Tibet, worries India. In reply, we are trying to improve the capabilities of our armed forces. India stands fourth in the list of countries with strong armies after US, Russia, China.
??? Clearly Poland would have been invaded by Russia if it weren’t in NATO.
I do not know what Putin will do next.
Expansion of Russian influence in Belarus, for instance, is causing the Poland/Belarus border to heat up. NATO needs to abandon Poland to a Russian imperialism NOW, before Russia is forced to invade Poland and exterminate the Poles for being unhappy about it.
/Aupy politics
Or Poland needs to keep some distance from NATO. Polish arms in Ukraine create a dangerous situation.
Expansion of enemy influence. That’s a new excuse to invade a country that I hadn’t heard before!! How would you recommend the US lower its “influence” so as to not so offend our Soviet comrades?
That is a fact of life. Expansion of Chinese influence in Djibouti, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Red Army moves in Tibet, worries India. In reply, we are trying to improve the capabilities of our armed forces. India stands fourth in the list of countries with strong large armies after US, Russia, China.

A large army is scary, but nobody really knows if it is also a strong army, until it fights.

Russia went from having the second strongest army in the world, to having the second strongest army in Ukraine, as soon as they tried (and dismally failed) to take Kyiv.
A large army is scary, but nobody really knows if it is also a strong army, until it fights.
We have been through a few wars and skirmishes. I have full faith in Indian Armed Forces. And then there are nukes, missiles and submarines. Drones too.
A large army is scary, but nobody really knows if it is also a strong army, until it fights.
We have been through a few wars. I have full faith in Indian Armed Forces.
To be fair though, you have demonstrated in this thread that you have faith in a lot of demonstrably nonsensical shit, so that's not particularly impressive or informative.
To be fair though, you have demonstrated in this thread that you have faith in a lot of demonstrably nonsensical shit, so that's not particularly impressive or informative.
That is OK with me. You are already well-informed. I was not trying to impress or inform you. I was just stating my views. :cool:
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