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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I think our friend from India has demonstrated repeatedly that being uninformed is of no consequence when it comes to making decisions about today. Old information is of no value or relevance to things happening today.
If you talk about old things, then also talk about the alacrity with which West hailed the removal of Yanukowych and election of Poroshenko in 2014.
It was a victory for West. Ukraine did not realize what will it mean for them.
They (Ukraine) certainly did realize that removing Pootey’s puppet and electing their own guy would piss Pootey off. That’s no reason to accept Pootey’s puppet. And the West’s celebration of their decision to remove the Russian puppet is irrelevant.
You keep reverting to your “position” that rather than defend their homeland, Ukrainians should surrender to Putler.
It’s an endorsement of fascism. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you believe fascism is ok. But you talk out of both sides of your mouth, and make assertions based on falsehoods. That’s not ok.
That’s no reason to accept Pootey’s puppet. And the West’s celebration of their decision to remove the Russian puppet is irrelevant.
You keep reverting to your “position” that rather than defend their homeland, Ukrainians should surrender to Putler.
It’s an endorsement of fascism. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you believe fascism is ok. But you talk out of both sides of your mouth, and make assertions based on falsehoods. That’s not ok.
They could have selected wise persons. Both Poroshenko and Zelenski have helped destroy Ukraine.
What possible justification could there be?
I have tried to put across my views many a times - NATO expansionism.
So you are now against Putin? I'm so confused
Don't be confused, I am stating the Indian law. Russia is important to us for military supplies. We will not condemn it, though we will keep talking to them about the need for peace. If we condemn Russia, we will also need to condemn NATO expansionism. US will not like that.

Secondly we need crude for our refineries - "Despite the dependence on imports, India has developed sufficient processing capacity over the years to produce different petroleum products. As result, India is a net exporter of petroleum products."

I don't think you understand what NATO is. It's just a defens
Yeah, 200,000 troop invasions happen on the whims of field generals all the time.
Your arguments from ignorance are really tiresome. Get a clue, dude.
I do not know if Putin wanted to occupy Kyiv or frighten Ukraine.
He put his most elite units to take Kiev as well as most of his tanks.

Of course he wanted to take Kiev. Russia just faced one of the worst military disasters in modern history. Basically all of Russias elite troops got wiped out. That has been Russias single worst problem in this war. Elite troops are important for an army
Yeah, 200,000 troop invasions happen on the whims of field generals all the time.
Your arguments from ignorance are really tiresome. Get a clue, dude.
I do not know if Putin wanted to occupy Kyiv or frighten Ukraine.
When you drive a TWENTY MILE COLUMN OF TANKS into someone else's territory, it's a fucking invasion dude.
Get real. They tried to frighten Ukraine for months,, as they amassed about 200,000 troops on the border preparing for the INVASION.
They succeeded in "frightening them so so much that they prepared to - and did - repel the invasion.
Now Putler has killed some 300,000 of his own troops. Have you ever heard of a leader sacrificing hundreds of thousands of troops to frighten someone?
You are old enough to know better (according to you),..
Why should I care about something that happened ten years ago?
The matter has not ended and continues till now. War started in 2014.
That's a laugh. The conflict between Russian imperialism and western democracy only started in 2014. Thank you for the useless response.

I do not know if Putin wanted to occupy Kyiv or frighten Ukraine.
Now we're truly getting into the land of denial and obfuscation. I suppose then that when Hitler invaded Russia, France, Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Balkans and more that we really didn't know if he just wanted to scare people or had other intentions. Oh! Excuse me, I forgot that when things happened in the past they have no relevance today. My bad. Apologies.
Yeah, 200,000 troop invasions happen on the whims of field generals all the time.
Your arguments from ignorance are really tiresome. Get a clue, dude.
I do not know if Putin wanted to occupy Kyiv or frighten Ukraine.
When you drive a TWENTY MILE COLUMN OF TANKS into someone else's territory, it's a fucking invasion dude.
Get real. They tried to frighten Ukraine for months,, as they amassed about 200,000 troops on the border preparing for the INVASION.
They succeeded in "frightening them so so much that they prepared to - and did - repel the invasion.
Now Putler has killed some 300,000 of his own troops. Have you ever heard of a leader sacrificing hundreds of thousands of troops to frighten someone?
You are old enough to know better (according to you),..
I appreciate Aupmanyav answering the questions and responding to all our posts. But yea, his above comment really tells me that he buys the Putler BS completely. It's hard debating Kool-Aid drinkers (no offense my young friend Aupmanyav!). Of course Putler wanted to conquer Kyiv and all of Ukraine. And I see absolutely nothing telling me that he has changed his mind here.
(no offense my young friend Aupmanyav!)
Your young friend says he's 82. Second childhood?
The Hindu faith is into that whole reincarnation thing so I think his age can be anything he wants it to be. Reincarnation is actually quite real if you leave out all the religious woo. We are all as old as the Universe and considering the fact that the universe is the reincarnation of something earlier we're all infinitely old.
The Hindu faith is into that whole reincarnation thing so I think his age can be anything he wants it to be.
Kinda like Russian history and its current Ukraine genocide?
Hey, that’s some convenient damn faith, if that’s what they call it.
The Hindu faith is into that whole reincarnation thing so I think his age can be anything he wants it to be.
Kinda like Russian history and its current Ukraine genocide?
Hey, that’s some convenient damn faith, if that’s what they call it.
There are those - like Vladimir Hitler - who hide behind claims about national security to justify their blatant aggression. "National security" has always been the last refuge of the scoundrel, as others have opined. And that may be true but in my view religion has always been their first refuge. .
I don't think you understand what NATO is. It's just a defens ..
Ha, ha.
That's a laugh. The conflict between Russian imperialism and western democracy only started in 2014. Thank you for the useless response.
In case of Ukraine, yes. These are different episodes - like One Thousand and One Nights or Arbian Nights (Alf Laylah wa-Laylah).
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Of course Putler wanted to conquer Kyiv and all of Ukraine. And I see absolutely nothing telling me that he has changed his mind here.
When animals are in fighting mood, they puff themselves up, open their claws.

Your young friend says he's 82. Second childhood?
Oh no. Strong atheist, non-believer in any kind of after-life except chemical recycling. We live only once.
Hey, that’s some damn convenient <-(damn) faith, if that’s what they call it.
That is Buddhism - 'You are reborn every moment."
In my type of Hinduism, we are eternal, only form changes. We are star-dust.
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"National security" has always been the last refuge of the scoundrel, as others have opined.
Which country is not concerned about 'national security'. Why else NATO (gang-up) will even exist?
Alejandro Mayorkas, United States Secretary of Homeland Security
WTF does this even mean???
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