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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

If y’all gave Ukraine some of your nukes, Pootey would go home.
But you’re too greedy to do that.
Ukraine has a great friend in USA. And it has a big pile. Why does it not ask them?
We do not want Ukraine to commit harakiri and put other countries too at risk.
Right, you just want them to roll over and die quietly so Putin will stop making scary noises. 😫
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
I think Pakistan is wise enough not to do something like that. First we have a better army than them, and secondly that may mean a nuclear war in which they will suffer just as badly as us or worse.
So your answer is you wouldn't support ceding any territory to Pakistan if they invaded overnight, caught India by surprise and occupied a small slice of Indian territory.
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