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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

How Lenin created Ukraine and Stalin created ukrainians, from ukrainian ukrainian:

This is nonsense garbage. Ukraine predated Russia by several hundred years, as has been repeatedly demonstrated.

No, it did not.
Funny how she shows an example of ukrainian language paper from the 1920s which is markedly different from current "ukrainian". Also funny how politics was essentially the same in 1917-1920 where West was invading and installing different regimes. Keep in mind that she herself is a prominent ukrainian journalist educated in "free" Ukraine doing her research with all the quotes from prominent ukrainian actors of that time which literally repeat what ..... Putin says today. She has all the receipts. Basically her education in free Ukraine school was a complete fabrication.
And yes, she is a prominent ukrainian journalist who interviewed Elensky, well, she has asked him questions a number of times in press conferences.
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How Lenin created Ukraine and Stalin created ukrainians, from ukrainian ukrainian:

Also interesting part about Petlyura, a prominent piece of shit during revolution. He was at one point main guy there. Ended up in France where he was murdered by a jew, who was eventually acquitted of the murder by the french, saying he had more than enough reasons to murder the guy.
And quotes from other ukrainian state "forefathers" of the time which current ukrainian regime does not like you to see.

Another funny part is letter from industrial workers from Harkov to ..... Stalin where they complain about ukrainization he imposed on them. Lenin&Co attached Eastern "Ukraine" (which is Russia) to "Ukraine" (which was not even called Ukraine before) becasue of the all proletariat there, in order to dilute ukrainian peasants. Then they ukrainized that russian proletariat.

It's an interesting history lecture, you can turn auto-translate, it's not great but OK enough.
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In other news, Kiev Regime lost the first F-16. Exact circumstances are not known, but Kiev regime says it happened during russian missile attack on Ukrainian electric grid. Pilot with a callsign Moonfish is dead, they claim.

Ukraine does not have a lot F16s or pilots. Another ukro-F16 pilot died in a crash exactly one year and one day before.
How Lenin created Ukraine and Stalin created ukrainians, from ukrainian ukrainian:

Also interesting part about Petlyura, a prominent piece of shit during revolution. He was at one point main guy there. Ended up in France where he was murdered by a jew, who was eventually acquitted of the murder by the french, saying he had more than enough reasons to murder the guy.
And quotes from other ukrainian state "forefathers" of the time which current ukrainian regime does not like you to see.

Another funny part is letter from industrial workers from Harkov to ..... Stalin where they complain about ukrainization he imposed on them. Lenin&Co attached Eastern "Ukraine" (which is Russia) to "Ukraine" (which was not even called Ukraine before) becasue of the all proletariat there, in order to dilute ukrainian peasants. Then they ukrainized that russian proletariat.

It's an interesting history lecture, you can turn auto-translate, it's not great but OK enough.

This is all interesting, but what gives Russia TM registration on Ukraine if other countries held it first such as Austria and Poland? Crimea is an easier argument for Russia as the terror and genocides that helped Russia claim that territory dated back centuries. But Ukraine joined the Soviet Union, Russia didn't conquer Ukraine. Ukraine joined the USSR in 1922 but by the 1930s, they were ready to leave the USSR due to an absolute shit job of governance was leading to millions starving to death. They would officially leave when the USSR shit the bed.
This is all interesting, but what gives Russia TM registration on Ukraine if other countries held it first such as Austria and Poland?
You do realize before Revolution all modern day Ukraine with tiny exceptions was a part of Russia?
And had been for a long time. And most of it was not even Ukraine. It was literally Russia.

Crimea is an easier argument for Russia as the terror and genocides that helped Russia claim that territory dated back centuries.
Genocide was perpetrated by ... Turkey there. Crimean tatars had been their puppets there regularly raiding Russia for slaves.
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But Ukraine joined the Soviet Union,
LOL. No, They were "joined" by the same bolsheviks which were in power in Russia.
You basically claim Ukraine as a country on the basis that during revolution Russia had lost control of Ukraine to different actors such as Germany, Austro-Hungary and even british+american for less than 2 years in total.
but by the 1930s, they were ready to leave the USSR due to an absolute shit job of governance was leading to millions starving to death.
By the same logic US states were ready to leave USA during great depression and dust bowl.
Ukraine had no real right to leave USSR, not while Stalin was in charge anyway.
Imagine growing up in modern Ukraine and going to Ukrainian school and learning about how Ukraine was independent in 1918 and how great these leaders of Ukraine were only to later learn that these leaders were assigned pretty much randomly by chance by ..... fucking germans. And that said leaders were actually ....... pro-russian and not really fond of ukrainian independence or even ukrainians themselves. And that it was ....... Stalin who pretty much created ukrainian language and ordered everybody to learn it or else.

Ukro-nazi version of Ukrainian history is a fiction and not even good one at that.
Speaking of which, reminded me that famous chat-roulette with a victim of ukrainian education talking to a russian where ukro-diot starts with a famous saying "Kiev is the mother of Russia cities" to which russian guy says "That means Kiev is a russian city?". Then after a short and priceless face expression, ukro-idiots disconnects.
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This is all interesting, but what gives Russia TM registration on Ukraine if other countries held it first such as Austria and Poland?
You do realize before Revolution all modern day Ukraine with tiny exceptions was a part of Russia?
Tiny... you must have a different meaning in Russia for tiny.
And had been for a long time. And most of it was not even Ukraine. It was literally Russia.
Odd how the Ukrainian Soviet Republic managed to not only exist, but joined the USSR. One day out of no where, they had a border. How could they have even become an independent state in 1918 if there was nothing to base Ukraine on in the first place.
Crimea is an easier argument for Russia as the terror and genocides that helped Russia claim that territory dated back centuries.
Genocide was perpetrated by ... Turkey there. Crimean tatars had been their puppets there regularly raiding Russia for slaves.
Very loosely held puppets. Ottomans got theirs and that was about that. Catherine dreamed of a Black Sea coast, so the Russians did their terrorize, displace, genocide thing there. Same thing they are doing in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Russia can't come up with anything new.
Tiny... you must have a different meaning in Russia for tiny.
What are you talking about?
Western Ukraine with all their nazis were part of Russian Empire (along with Poland, Baltic States and Finland)
Tiny part is part with hungarians, romanians and slovaks. But I am not sure, could be that these were part of Russia too,
Imagine growing up in modern Ukraine and going to Ukrainian school and learning about how Ukraine was independent in 1918 and how great these leaders of Ukraine were only to later learn that these leaders were assigned pretty much randomly by chance by ..... fucking germans. And that said leaders were actually ....... pro-russian and not really fond of ukrainian independence or even ukrainians themselves.
So you concede Ukrainians did exist. Thanks.
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