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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

If the seemingly incessant shooting at malls has not already made shopping feel unsafe in the US then the drones would not make much that difference.
There's not incessant shooting at malls or big retail places.
There's some, but not much and it's not covered by the media like school shootings or other violence.

I am absolutely sure that a dozen coordinated drone attacks on big retailers, on black Friday, would be a gigantic problem for the US economy.

And that's just one example of the destructive possibilities of drone attacks. Think about all the seaports that could be paralyzed with a few well placed drone attacks. Imagine if international airports became targets. Oil pipelines. The list is kinda endless.

We already have drones delivering goods from stores to homes. What if they were equipped with bombs?
If the seemingly incessant shooting at malls has not already made shopping feel unsafe in the US then the drones would not make much that difference.
There's not incessant shooting at malls or big retail places.
There's some, but not much and it's not covered by the media like school shootings or other violence.

I am absolutely sure that a dozen coordinated drone attacks on big retailers, on black Friday, would be a gigantic problem for the US economy.

And that's just one example of the destructive possibilities of drone attacks. Think about all the seaports that could be paralyzed with a few well placed drone attacks. Imagine if international airports became targets. Oil pipelines. The list is kinda endless.

What you can't Buy from Amazon or AliBaba, you have to make in your garage.
You will find the needed recipes on the internet - it's all there.
It is very terrifying!

Russia Offers Asylum to YouTubers Paid by TENET Media to Promote Russia & Trump​


I think that the hardest part for them will be learning Russian. :D

More seriously, these influencers' paymasters' working language seems to have been Russian, though they were careful to translate their strategy documents into English.
Looks like the US is real close to authorizing missile strikes deeper within Russia. US Secretary of State and Britain's Foreign Secretary are in Kyiv likely for the final authorization. Netherlands has already given their blessing to use what they give as Ukraine sees fit without any mention of whether or not it was originally US equipment. I was wary of anything happening this close to the US election. Looks like I underestimated my government. I shant be so critical going forward.

In other news, Russia is tightening the internet noose, slowing and working on shutting down access to western the truth. ISW claims YouTube has been slowed to a crawl. That might actually be a good thing. And they aim to block the use of VPNs.
Looks like the US is real close to authorizing missile strikes deeper within Russia. US Secretary of State and Britain's Foreign Secretary are in Kyiv likely for the final authorization. Netherlands has already given their blessing to use what they give as Ukraine sees fit without any mention of whether or not it was originally US equipment. I was wary of anything happening this close to the US election. Looks like I underestimated my government. I shant be so critical going forward.
Yes, this means that they can also use Storm Shadows and all other such targeting Russia.
And what I saw somewhere USA will also give (sell) Ukraine new type of air-to-ground whatever it was. They will arrive in December-January?
In other news, Russia is tightening the internet noose, slowing and working on shutting down access to western the truth. ISW claims YouTube has been slowed to a crawl. That might actually be a good thing. And they aim to block the use of VPNs.
However, the big news is that Google does not work in Russia anymore. I am not a tech guy, but when someone tries to log in with a Russian telephone number Google says: Sorry, no service.

I try to find the exact news. Do not take this what I wrote here as the "Final Truth".
Looks like the US is real close to authorizing missile strikes deeper within Russia. US Secretary of State and Britain's Foreign Secretary are in Kyiv likely for the final authorization. Netherlands has already given their blessing to use what they give as Ukraine sees fit without any mention of whether or not it was originally US equipment.
Is the southern U.S. going to get attacked by elements from Mexico and Cuba? The Mexican Prez has been getting pretty chummy with Russian Hitler. How do we respond if a drone lands in El Paso and kills a bunch of people?

Getting back to reality it's about time we gave the free people of Ukraine the help they need to defend themselves. If we don't then our undertaking the Cold War was a total waste of resources.
Looks like the US is real close to authorizing missile strikes deeper within Russia. US Secretary of State and Britain's Foreign Secretary are in Kyiv likely for the final authorization. Netherlands has already given their blessing to use what they give as Ukraine sees fit without any mention of whether or not it was originally US equipment.
Is the southern U.S. going to get attacked by elements from Mexico and Cuba? The Mexican Prez has been getting pretty chummy with Russian Hitler. How do we respond if a drone lands in El Paso and kills a bunch of people?

Getting back to reality it's about time we gave the free people of Ukraine the help they need to defend themselves. If we don't then our undertaking the Cold War was a total waste of resources.

I see things like this:
Democratic/democracy = Majority rules but does not clamp on the rights of the minority.
My "line" = Defend all those that can't defend themselves; children, older people and so on.
What I think we should do = Defend, help, and fight on the side of all democratic countries and those countries that wants to be democratic. [If we count the population of countries in this world and add them up = democracy is still in the minority.]

If we do not keep/work together (left and right, low and high) on this, we are going to lose (for some time), and it will cost us a lot (see last century).
In democratic systems there is a balance attempting to prevent a tyranny of both the minority and the minority.

Small minorities in our congress can and do hold up legislation that the majority of Americans want.

We have no legal protections from a Trump figure who as a private citizen can coerce republicans in congress to reject for example immigration legislation as Trump did.

We have problems with our system, which is obvious.

State governments work much better and are more responsive.
Most or all states have referendums. Here in Washington referendums work, get enough signatures on a petition and it goes onto a ballot.

Stes are mre focused and resposive.

During the BLM riots there was a knee jerk reaction to to reduce police funding and limit the scope of police.

The ability of police to pursue criminals was severely weekend leading to criminals taking advantage of the fact. A cop car pulls up behind and they just speed away. As crime went up people complained and it swung back the other way.

Our city council polices failed miserably, and the extreme progressives were voted out and replaced by moderates more pro police and pro business.

Wauy back in the 90s the stae had a monopoly on the sale of hard liquor fixing prices at state stores. A rerendum led to a vote to get rid of it and it passed.

There are problems of course but at the state level more responsive.
Most or all states have referendums. Here in Washington referendums work, get enough signatures on a petition and it goes onto a ballot.

Stes are mre focused and resposive.

During the BLM riots there was a knee jerk reaction to to reduce police funding and limit the scope of police.

The ability of police to pursue criminals was severely weekend leading to criminals taking advantage of the fact. A cop car pulls up behind and they just speed away. As crime went up people complained and it swung back the other way.

Our city council polices failed miserably, and the extreme progressives were voted out and replaced by moderates more pro police and pro business.

Wauy back in the 90s the stae had a monopoly on the sale of hard liquor fixing prices at state stores. A rerendum led to a vote to get rid of it and it passed.

There are problems of course but at the state level more responsive.
I think our number of state representatives to the national congress needs to be increased greatly.
Most or all states have referendums. Here in Washington referendums work, get enough signatures on a petition and it goes onto a ballot.

Stes are mre focused and resposive.

During the BLM riots there was a knee jerk reaction to to reduce police funding and limit the scope of police.

The ability of police to pursue criminals was severely weekend leading to criminals taking advantage of the fact. A cop car pulls up behind and they just speed away. As crime went up people complained and it swung back the other way.

Our city council polices failed miserably, and the extreme progressives were voted out and replaced by moderates more pro police and pro business.

Wauy back in the 90s the stae had a monopoly on the sale of hard liquor fixing prices at state stores. A rerendum led to a vote to get rid of it and it passed.

There are problems of course but at the state level more responsive.
I think our number of state representatives to the national congress needs to be increased greatly.
It is difficult to get a consensus in congress as it is, adding more will gridlock congress permanently.

The problem is we are trying to fit a model created by the founders for a small agricultural system to our modern diverse complex country. Too many compering social, religious, politico, and economic factions. With no one willing to compromise.

The founders intended the president to be selected by educated electors who were land owners with a stake in the country.
Most or all states have referendums. Here in Washington referendums work, get enough signatures on a petition and it goes onto a ballot.

Stes are mre focused and resposive.

During the BLM riots there was a knee jerk reaction to to reduce police funding and limit the scope of police.

The ability of police to pursue criminals was severely weekend leading to criminals taking advantage of the fact. A cop car pulls up behind and they just speed away. As crime went up people complained and it swung back the other way.

Our city council polices failed miserably, and the extreme progressives were voted out and replaced by moderates more pro police and pro business.

Wauy back in the 90s the stae had a monopoly on the sale of hard liquor fixing prices at state stores. A rerendum led to a vote to get rid of it and it passed.

There are problems of course but at the state level more responsive.
I think our number of state representatives to the national congress needs to be increased greatly.
It is difficult to get a consensus in congress as it is, adding more will gridlock congress permanently.

The problem is we are trying to fit a model created by the founders for a small agricultural system to our modern diverse complex country. Too many compering social, religious, politico, and economic factions. With no one willing to compromise.

The founders intended the president to be selected by educated electors who were land owners with a stake in the country.
I had to cut off my answer above quickly due to someone at the front door.

The problem is we are trying to fit a model created by the founders for a small agricultural system to our modern diverse complex country. Too many compering social, religious, politico, and economic factions. With no one willing to compromise.
That is exactly the reason why better representation is needed And frankly, the only ones I see unwilling to compromise are the crazy wing of the Republican party

The founders intended the president to be selected by educated electors who were land owners with a stake in the country.
Are you trying to explain the electoral college? I see nothing in the constitution that land owners had to be educated with a stake in the country. Land owning white men is the only requirement in the constitution.

And we need netter representation in the house.

Almost looks like in Iceland everyone is their own representative. And ‘Murka is rather autocratic.
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