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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

BS? China is thinking 100 years ahead. Russia's population is around 144 million and is declining and China has around 1.5 billion people.

China will just move in to Russia. Just like Putin is trying to do to Ukraine, but Russia will not be able to fight back.

China is working to a plan, dominating global economics and replacing the dollar with the Yuan.

China tried to coerce Australia to trade in the Yuan.

Do you really think China takes Russia seriously? Why would it.

In the long run the war weakens Russia. China will wait until the time is right.

Putin is just as stupid as Stalin. China is using Putin to antagonize the USA and cares nothing about Russia. Nobody really cares about Russia.
Yes, BS.
Ignorance is bliss.

Stalin trusted Hitler even as he massed troops on the Russian border.

China is known fr its extreme jingoism and cultural bias. The CCP considers anyne of Chinese dissent abroad as owing allegiance to the motherland.

Here in Chinatown there are stores with only Chinese signs where a non Chinese will be ignored.

I doubt China has anything but racial and social contempt for Russia and considers Russia inferior.

There are probably jokes in China told about Russia and Putin.

China and Russia may have ended the border dispute, but the animisoty has not likely gone away.
While I do not like the Chinese political system, the Chinese people get a lot of credit for in a shirt period transformed China from a backwards poor failed state to a modern global economy. They are industrious, hard working, and creative.
And russians are as lazy as USians and europeans. So why are you trying to destroy Russia?
Put a sock in it, Wendy. We're not against Russia. We're against Putin.

Fuck, we tried to give you McDonalds and Burger King and pizza joints. We tried to help you modernize your economy the same way we tried to help Ukraine. But Putin was stuck in the cold war mentality and now he's badly losing the war he started. Good luck in you ever getting economic cooperation with anything other than shithole countries just like yours ever again.

In reality, of course, chinese economic success couldn't have been replicated in Russia even if we wanted.
China had an advantage of low start, they had large population and favorable economic terms with the west.
Russia never had that.
By your own choosing.

So China outcompeting everyone, not just stupid and lazy Russians.
Having said that, Russia is still better in certain hard areas where China is still far behind, despite all their achievements.
Basically Russia is way behind in electronics (all kinds) and cars. And russians keep asking for chinese help with cars and they correctly point out that russian market is too small to have competitive auto-industry. Economy of scale can not be utilized within such a small market as Russia. And yes, we are lazy compared to chinese.
It's not too small. It's the excess capital being swept up by Putin and the rest of the oligarchs there. There's no money left to make investments in quality engineering.
Mikhail Rogachev, 64, was found by the security service after committing suicide by jumping from a tenth floor window. Of course he left a suicide note. It's kind of interesting that he was openly opposed to Putin and his fellow Nazis. It's so surprising. What a coincidence!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
He was not opposed to anything and he had a cancer.
A former deputy CEO of Russian state energy giant Yukos was found dead on the pavement in front of his apartment building amid local media reports that he fell from the window of his Moscow flat.

Pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Mash reported that Mikhail Rogachev had been suffering from advanced cancer. It added that he had left a farewell letter and that investigators believed he had committed suicide.

But according to independent Telegram channel VChk-OGPU, sources “from Rogachev’s close circle” categorically denied that he had been suffering from cancer.

His family said Rogachev had breakfast with them, was in his usual mood, and that nothing indicated he intended to commit suicide.
China;s Silk Road project. China wants to dominate global economics. I doubt that includes Russia as a partner.

Wellcovered in reporting. China is trying to control port facilities. They make loajns they know a country will probably defaultt on and ten they will size the assets.

Putin's BRICS is a joke in comparison.

China's major infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa are primarily driven by the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI), which involves massive investments in transportation, energy, and other infrastructure projects across the continents, particularly focusing on port development, railway construction, and road building, with a significant presence in countries like Pakistan, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Zambia; essentially aiming to connect China with Europe and other Asian markets through land and sea routes.
I knew there would be jokes in China about Putin.

Putin decreed that all time zones in Russia be unified.​

"And then I called my family in Kaliningrad to wish them a happy holiday, and they said the holiday was already over."

"And then I called Xi Jinping to wish him a happy new year, and he said 'what, it's still the old year'."

Putin nodded his head sympatheticly, saying:

"I, too, have had these kinds of problems. I called Prigozhin's family to offer them condolences, but it turned out we hadn't even killed him yet'

Putin's Trip to China Sparks Avalanche of Jokes, Memes: 'Employee Review'

Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to China this week has been met online with a flood of mockery and memes.

Another user on X dubbed Putin "Xi's little buddy," posting a meme featuring Xi and Putin as the Disney characters Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, respectively. The Chinese government began censoring mentions and images of Pooh several years ago because of the popularity of memes comparing the honey-loving bear to Xi.

I expect the CCP is having a good laugh on Putin for his inept war in Ukraine, and especially his begging China for help.
We're not against Russia. We're against Putin.
Of course, of course. That's what nulandists wants you to think.
And who the fuck you to think that you can just decide that you are against Putin the guy who was duly elected and has 80% support in the country and then start a proxy war?

By your own choosing.
No, by your choosing. you choose to start NATO expansion, you choose to start a war with Russia.
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We're not against Russia. We're against Putin.
Of course, of course. That's what nulandists wants you to think.
By your own choosing.
No, by your choosing. you choose to start NATO expansion, you choose to start a war with Russia.
Western assholes were trying to make Georgia to start second front with Russia. Said Ivanishvili.
They literally said "Start a war with Russia, you will lose in 3 days, after that we will support your insurgency"
Barbos sounds like what we over here call a 'Chicken Hawk'.

A political term for someone who supports war but avoided military service when they were of age. The term implies that the person lacks the moral character to fight in war themselves.

If Barbos feels so strongly about the Ukraine war he may be too old to volunteer to fight but he can volunteer to drive an ambulance and help take care of the wounded at the front.

A p;patriotic Russian would do no less for Mother Russia defending against the ukro Nazis.
BS? China is thinking 100 years ahead. Russia's population is around 144 million and is declining and China has around 1.5 billion people.

China will just move in to Russia. Just like Putin is trying to do to Ukraine, but Russia will not be able to fight back.

China is working to a plan, dominating global economics and replacing the dollar with the Yuan.

China tried to coerce Australia to trade in the Yuan.

Do you really think China takes Russia seriously? Why would it.

In the long run the war weakens Russia. China will wait until the time is right.

Putin is just as stupid as Stalin. China is using Putin to antagonize the USA and cares nothing about Russia. Nobody really cares about Russia.
Yes, BS.
Given the economic, p[copulation, and military disparity between China and Russia Putin can hardly be seen as an equal partner to China. It does not take an experienced political analyst to see that.

China is using Putin for its own political purposes. Given Russian military incompetence in Ukraine Chinese leaders probably joke about Putin in private.

Putin needs China, China does not need Putin. Appearing to partner with Putin is a political strategy to antagonize the USA and the west. It diivdes our attention between China and Russia.
If I were Putin I would feel ashamed and humiliated for having to ask China, North Korea, and Iran for help in his multi year war that was supposed to be a short 'special militray operation'.

The mighty Russia led by Putin begging from Iran. The ignominy of it all must be overwhelming.

Over here a president who fucks up has a way out. He gets voted out of office and retires on a pension.

The secretary of the treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2020, it was $219,200 per year and since January 2022, $226,300. The pension begins immediately after a president's departure from office.

Dictators like Putin who fuck up live in constant fear of assassination, plots, subterfuge, and rebellion.

American ex presidents support humanitarian causes, play golf, take world tours, go fishing, write books, and generally enjoy themselves.

Putin on the other hand gets no relief from the constant pressure, it ends when he dies. He sleeps behind walls with armed guards.

A kind of Shakespearean tragedy.

Vladimir, is it everything you hoped it would be?
One of the area where Russia is still way ahead of China is aerospace and weapons (nuclear subs, Air Defence in particular).
Which is kinda remarkable considering that Russia has been stagnating there since the end of the USSR.
Apparently it's tough nut to crack, even with money Chinese have.
Russia is the only country outside of the combined West (1bil people) which has comparable full spectrum aerospace expertise.
If I were Putin I would feel ashamed and humiliated for having to ask China, North Korea, and Iran for help in his multi year war that was supposed to be a short 'special militray operation'.

The mighty Russia led by Putin begging from Iran. The ignominy of it all must be overwhelming.

Why would Putin have a problem with that? Putin's Russia has inherited USSR's stance of being the defenders of ex-colonials and part of the alliance against the west. Getting help from these guys fits that narrative just fine.

Don't forget that whenever it goes badly for Putin he just blames the west. Everybody is aware of the power of the west. He's just playing that card. Let's just ignore that this war is about Russian imperialist ambitions. Putin is twisting the narrative to suit his needs. It's infinitely malleable.

I don't think Putin has a problem with asking for help.

Over here a president who fucks up has a way out. He gets voted out of office and retires on a pension.

Which autocrats, like Putin, think is a weakness in western nations.

The secretary of the treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2020, it was $219,200 per year and since January 2022, $226,300. The pension begins immediately after a president's departure from office.

Dictators like Putin who fuck up live in constant fear of assassination, plots, subterfuge, and rebellion.

American ex presidents support humanitarian causes, play golf, take world tours, go fishing, write books, and generally enjoy themselves.

Putin on the other hand gets no relief from the constant pressure, it ends when he dies. He sleeps behind walls with armed guards.

A kind of Shakespearean tragedy.

Vladimir, is it everything you hoped it would be?

I think being a president, or ex president means your life is constantly threatened. Being a celebrity sucks in that sense.

I don't think Putin has a problem with that
If I were Putin I would feel ashamed and humiliated for having to ask China, North Korea,
Elensky is not ashamed. And Putin has not asked anyone for help in dealing with western aggression.

The difference here is that President Z's country was attacked. They deserve to be helped. The world should always stand up and help countries fight off imperialism. No one is going to feel bad for Utin.
If I were Putin I would feel ashamed and humiliated for having to ask China, North Korea,
Elensky is not ashamed. And Putin has not asked anyone for help in dealing with western aggression.

The difference here is that President Z's country was attacked.
Nope, Russia was actually attacked.
They deserve to be helped.
Yes, because they have $1trillion in lithium reserves, right? :D
The world should always stand up and help countries fight off imperialism. No one is going to feel bad for Putin.
Nobody feels bad for Elensky, yet you are helping him.
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