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How Trump will steal the election


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
Regardless of the electoral vote.

Trump actually tweeted on June 22: "Rigged 2020 election: millions of mail-in ballots will be printed by foreign countries, and others. It will be the scandal of our times!" With this, Trump has begun to lay the groundwork for the step-by-step process by which he holds on to the presidency after he has clearly lost the election:

Biden wins the popular vote, and carries the key swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by decent but not overwhelming margins. Trump immediately declares that the voting was rigged, that there was mail-in ballot fraud and that the Chinese were behind a plan to provide fraudulent mail-in ballots and other "election hacking" throughout the four key swing states that gave Biden his victory. Having railed against the Chinese throughout the campaign, calling Biden "soft on China," Trump delivers his narrative claiming the Chinese have interfered in the U.S. election.

Trump indicates this is a major national security issue, and he invokes emergency powers, directing the Justice Department to investigate the alleged activity in the swing states. The legal justification for the presidential powers he invokes has already been developed and issued by Barr. The investigation is intended to tick down the clock toward December 14, the deadline when each state's Electoral College electors must be appointed. This is the very issue that the Supreme Court harped on in Bush v. Gore in ruling that the election process had to be brought to a close, thus forbidding the further counting of Florida ballots.

All four swing states have Republican control of both their upper and lower houses of their state legislatures. Those state legislatures refuse to allow any Electoral College slate to be certified until the "national security" investigation is complete.
The Democrats will have begun a legal action to certify the results in those four states, and the appointment of the Biden slate of electors, arguing that Trump has manufactured a national security emergency in order to create the ensuing chaos.

The issue goes up to the Supreme Court, which unlike the 2000 election does not decide the election in favor of the Republicans. However, it indicates again that the December 14 Electoral College deadline must be met; that the president's national security powers legally authorize him to investigate potential foreign country intrusion into the national election; and if no Electoral College slate can be certified by any state by December 14, the Electoral College must meet anyway and cast its votes.

The Electoral College meets, and without the electors from those four states being represented, neither Biden nor Trump has sufficient votes to get an Electoral College majority. The election is thrown into the House of Representatives, pursuant to the Constitution. Under the relevant constitutional process, the vote in the House is by state delegation, where each delegation casts one vote, which is determined by the majority of the representatives in that state.

Currently, there are 26 states that have a majority Republican House delegation. 23 states have a majority Democratic delegation. There is one state, Pennsylvania, that has an evenly split delegation. Even if the Democrats were to pick up seats in Pennsylvania and hold all their 2018 House gains, the Republicans would have a 26 to 24 delegation majority.

This vote would enable Trump to retain the presidency. And with his tweeting he is setting the stage for this scenario. Expect more of this. The only way Biden wins is by overwhelming electoral college votes, or perhaps by DoJ personnel who break with Barr and uphold their Constitutional duties by declaring that there is no evidence of voter fraud and stopping the process in its tracks.
Plausible. Also plausible:

The states in question go to Trump, but the nationwide popular vote doesn't, so instead of the legislature intervening the governor does. The governor declares that the EV of the state should go to the national popular vote winner instead of the state popular vote winner. And you can fill in the rest of the details.
Plausible. Also plausible:

The states in question go to Trump, but the nationwide popular vote doesn't, so instead of the legislature intervening the governor does. The governor declares that the EV of the state should go to the national popular vote winner instead of the state popular vote winner. And you can fill in the rest of the details.

The governor doesn’t have the authority to dictate how the EV’s of the state will go.
Plausible. Also plausible:

The states in question go to Trump, but the nationwide popular vote doesn't, so instead of the legislature intervening the governor does. The governor declares that the EV of the state should go to the national popular vote winner instead of the state popular vote winner. And you can fill in the rest of the details.

The governor doesn’t have the authority to dictate how the EV’s of the state will go.

They also don't have the authority to order citizens to wear masks. See how well that worked.

All they need is enough doubt in the votes cast to exercise "emergency powers". Then a swing state that voted Trump gives its EVs to Biden.
Not a fantasy, not a "Trump-hater's" delusion. This is a man with no moral compass, with an absolute fixation on dominating and winning, and a man who has thrown all sorts of insane conspiracy theories into the public forum. The right wing has been strategizing vote suppression for years. They know the demographics are against them, and they will fight as dirty as they can. They do it out in the open now, because everyone except for a narrow "independent" class has declared sides. Trump wouldn't care a fig about throwing the country into an absolute pig wallow, and his party has stood by him through every disgraceful episode of his "presidency."
Demographics = the GOP is overwhelmingly white and skews toward the elderly. USA will be 'minority majority' as of 2042. Trump's core base consistently polls around 33% of the electorate. Those are daunting stats for the GOP. Hence the radical playbook.
Conspiracy theories Trumpo has thrown out, to name a few: Obama wiretapped him, or Obama had the Brits wiretap him; there is a "criminal deep state" that is out to get Trump, full of people who have committed treason (which is a capital offense in some circumstances);...there was a conspiracy to hide Obama's true birthplace (this one of course he abandoned in '16); Ted Cruz's father had some ominous connection with JFK's assassination; Joe Scarborough had an aide whose sudden death needs to be reinvestigated as a possible murder; climate change is a hoax created by China; the FBI was weaponized to destroy his campaign in '16 (which is bizarre nonsense, in that the FBI director dealt Hillary's campaign a death blow in the last 2 weeks of the campaign, while keeping secret their investigation into Trump '16's tango with the Russkies); Trump actually won the 2016 popular vote, instead of losing by 2.8 million, but there was widespread fraud... there are more, I'm sure. Who knows where the Q-Anon garbage originates? Hopefully that will be known someday.
Plausible. Also plausible:

The states in question go to Trump, but the nationwide popular vote doesn't, so instead of the legislature intervening the governor does. The governor declares that the EV of the state should go to the national popular vote winner instead of the state popular vote winner. And you can fill in the rest of the details.

The governor doesn’t have the authority to dictate how the EV’s of the state will go.

They also don't have the authority to order citizens to wear masks. See how well that worked.

All they need is enough doubt in the votes cast to exercise "emergency powers". Then a swing state that voted Trump gives its EVs to Biden.

Do you believe that Democrats are not only as likely, but just as capable of putting their thumb on the scale when it comes to election manipulation? I mean this thread is speculative, granted, but believing Biden could win solely because a cabal of Governors wills it is pretty farcical. It's plausible in the sense QAnon is plausible.
Founder Of CNBC Says Trump Has A Plan To Stay In Office Regardless Of What The Voters Decide

The silence of posters like Metaphor who have been mocking those of us who have seen this coming for years already, will be small consolation. But it might be the only reward we get for having seen through the career criminal's character and intent.

This isn't exactly how I thought it would go down, but Tom Rogers' prediction makes sense:

“Why do I think that’s real?” he continued to say. “Just ten days ago he tweeted, he actually tweeted, “rigged 2020 election,” millions of mail-in ballots will be printed by foreign countries it will be the scandal of our times. so he’s laying the groundwork for this. So he does an investigation and [Attorney General Bill] Barr backs this up with all kinds of legal opinions about emergency powers that the president has.”

“Then what happens is it’s all geared towards December 14th. Why December 14th? Well, that’s the deadline when the electors of the states have to be chosen,” he said. “Why is that key? Because that’s what the Supreme Court used in Bush v. Gore to cut off the Florida counting. They keep this national emergency investigation going through December 14th. Biden, of course, challenges this in the courts and says, ‘hey, we won these states, I want the electors that favored me named. The Supreme Court doesn’t throw the election to the republicans as it did in 2000, instead, it says, ‘look, there’s a deadline here.’ If they can’t be certified in these states because of this investigation going on, there’s a constitutional process for this.”

“What’s the constitutional process? It goes to the House of Representatives,” Roger explained. “Everybody says, ‘that’s good. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats control the House, but no. When a presidential election is thrown into the House of Representatives under the Constitution, it’s state-by-state vote. Each state gets one vote based on the number of Republicans and Democrats in that delegation. Today, Republicans control the House on that kind of vote 26 to 23 with one delegation, Pennsylvania, split. Even if Pennsylvania was to elect a Democratic delegation come this new election because it’s the new Congress that votes here, it would be 26 to 24 Republicans and Trump retains the presidency.”
They also don't have the authority to order citizens to wear masks. See how well that worked.

All they need is enough doubt in the votes cast to exercise "emergency powers". Then a swing state that voted Trump gives its EVs to Biden.

Do you believe that Democrats are not only as likely, but just as capable of putting their thumb on the scale when it comes to election manipulation?

Hell yes. Fuck yes. Damn yes. Holy fucking shitting dick nipples, do you actually think this election is the Angels versus the Devils?

I mean this thread is speculative, granted, but believing Biden could win solely because a cabal of Governors wills it is pretty farcical. It's plausible in the sense QAnon is plausible.

While I think it is very unlikely, I think it is exactly as likely as the OP's scenario.
Ditto. It's lazy to say "They all do it." Ask yourself what party has made a detailed, statistically researched study of vote suppression. (When North Carolina's vote suppression law was struck down, the judge said it was shaped with bullet-point precision to keep black voters from voting.) What party created the gerrymandered map of my state, Ohio? (Yes, gerrymandering has a long bipartisan history. It is also the number one reason that so many GOP candidates come from basically uncontested districts these days.) What party refused to give Obama's last SCOTUS nominee a hearing? What party has a leader who's making a major campaign theme that somehow the 2020 election is already rigged? What party brought in Russian assistance in '16 (and, apparently, wanted Chinese help this year)?
BTW, who exactly is Dick Nipples? Is he the new Trump campaign chair?
Ask yourself what party has made a detailed, statistically researched study of vote suppression.

So it is the party that kicks living people off the voter rolls versus the party that keeps dead people on the rolls.

What party brought in Russian assistance in '16 (and, apparently, wanted Chinese help this year)?

The Democrats believe in the Russian under every bed, not the Republicans. It is funny. People hung on to "Birther" to the bitter end, now they hang on to "Muh Russia" to the bitter end.
Trump's campaign had over 200 contacts with Russians.

Documented cases of voter fraud (i.e., someone fraudulently voting under a different name) occur at an incident rate of .00004 to .00009 percent. A study of vote fraud that covered the years 2000 to 2014 found 31 cases out of over 1 billion ballots cast. You can look for alternate findings, but I've never seen a study that found a statistically meaningful voter fraud problem. Do you have a source for your implication that either party "keeps dead people on the rolls"? Our country doesn't have a voter fraud dilemma. It has a dramatic need for a new voting rights bill that makes voting a right, provides for easy access to the process, and establishes some uniformity to practice and requirements. How could anyone who values democracy want to limit suffrage?
So it is the party that kicks living people off the voter rolls versus the party that keeps dead people on the rolls.

So, which is more likely to happen: a living person mistakenly removed from the polls doesn't get a chance to vote or a dead person comes to the polls and votes?

How many cases do you suppose there have been of people voting using the identities of dead registered voters?
Hell yes. Fuck yes. Damn yes. Holy fucking shitting dick nipples, do you actually think this election is the Angels versus the Devils?

Nope, which is why I said "not only as likely, but just as capable". Anything the Republicans can do Democrats can do also. Republicans are guilty for the majority, but not all, of gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement that occurs during US elections. These two statements are not mutually exclusive. "Both side are just as bad", is a very naive stance to have. One clearly has a much larger thumb on the scale.

While I think it is very unlikely, I think it is exactly as likely as the OP's scenario.

Okay, I disagree and here's why. Republicans are very good at organising protests and outrage. If any governor tried to do what you suggest they would be crucified, possibly literally. OANN would be cheering and Trumptards would be proclaiming this to be democracy in action. If Trump performed some legal fuckery to nullify election results well, that would be another Tuesday. I understand that the difference is very subtle, but it is there.
Hell yes. Fuck yes. Damn yes. Holy fucking shitting dick nipples, do you actually think this election is the Angels versus the Devils?

Nope, which is why I said "not only as likely, but just as capable". Anything the Republicans can do Democrats can do also. Republicans are guilty for the majority, but not all, of gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement that occurs during US elections. These two statements are not mutually exclusive. "Both side are just as bad", is a very naive stance to have. One clearly has a much larger thumb on the scale.

Dude, I just left California. Look up "ballot harvesting". Pay particular attention to the regulations and controls on the practice.

While I think it is very unlikely, I think it is exactly as likely as the OP's scenario.

Okay, I disagree and here's why. Republicans are very good at organising protests and outrage. If any governor tried to do what you suggest they would be crucified, possibly literally. OANN would be cheering and Trumptards would be proclaiming this to be democracy in action. If Trump performed some legal fuckery to nullify election results well, that would be another Tuesday. I understand that the difference is very subtle, but it is there.

Saying they both do it isn't the same as saying they use the exact same tactics. So Republicans are very good at organizing protests and outrage. That's why we recently had a very large right-wing Republican-aligned group taking over several square blocks in Seattle.

Well, maybe that actually IS an example. The CHAZ people were actually pretty incompetent.
Ask yourself what party has made a detailed, statistically researched study of vote suppression.

So it is the party that kicks living people off the voter rolls versus the party that keeps dead people on the rolls.

Putting that dead-people trope out there is an idiot's gambit if ever there was one. Pretty much like Trump's "mail in voting is corrupt" (even as he mails in his vote... )
Please do favor us with some credible account of millions - or thousands - or at LEAST hundreds of dead people voting Democrat.

Jason, do you REALLY think there has ever been Dem President who contemplated overthrowing a not-close election result using his corrupt AG to dispute results without evidence, to delay the assignment of electors until a supreme court they had corrupted using unprecedented tactics to deny the other party so much as a hearing for a SCOTUS nominee ... ???
I mean, seriously.

A real question is when Trump tries to save his ass using the fuckery above, what happens to the down-ballot races? Is SCOTUS supposed to re-appoint all the Republican Senators who lost their seats due to Trump's phantom Chinamen? If not, Trumps is pretty well fucked even if he remains in office.
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Here's one example.

There do not exist any comprehensive databases about this crime, which I find fascinating. The US government has the resources to find out what it wants if it wants it bad enough. They have the resources to pay people to measure methane from cow farts. A woman set police cars on fire, and the FBI tracked her by identifying her tee-shirt, tracking it to the etsy store that sold it, and then finding the customer record of the purchase. Every now and again I come across some news story and say "how did they even find that person?" The questions in the US census vary from census to census, but in one census they found the smallest minority in the US was "female Puerto Rican Buddhist conservative Republicans". There were 4 of them in the whole census. One of them was a lesbian.

There is only one explanation for not keeping track of this, and it ain't "because it never happens".


Of course, this all falls under the category of "I only see crimes committed by the other side, I never see crimes committed by my side."

You want to convince me the Democrats are better? Police yourself more than they police themselves.


The funny thing is the accusations Republicans hurl at Democrats and the accusations Democrats hurl at Republicans only scratch the surface of electoral fraud.
Here's one example.

There do not exist any comprehensive databases about this crime, which I find fascinating. The US government has the resources to find out what it wants if it wants it bad enough.

Right, so ... maybe there is not enough data to create a database. Like maybe a number of instances that you can count on the fingers of one hand.
BTW Jason, from that conservative blog to which you linked: "We don’t know the party registration of those dead voters"

There is only one explanation for not keeping track of this, and it ain't "because it never happens".

Well, Jason that's exactly what you are unable to prove or evidence in any way. Why not "because it never happens"?
I posit that the reason nobody is keeping track is precisely that it virtually never happens.
Just like millions Chinese counterfeit ballots tied to made-up voter registrations isn't going to happen.
If there was even a whisper of evidence for dead people swaying elections, Trump would be trotting it out at every opportunity. But neither you nor he is able to do that.

Of course, this all falls under the category of "I only see crimes committed by the other side, I never see crimes committed by my side."

Are you referring to the dead voters of unknown party affiliation to which you linked above, which included that picture? Projecting ... MUCH?
Actually it falls under "I only see crimes for which there is at least SOME shred of evidence". This dead voter horse is... dead.
Trotting out your "female Puerto Rican Buddhist conservative Republicans" doesn't bolster your made-up case.

But I still want to know what happens to the down-ballot races if Trump successfully bullies his way into retaining office by the means described in the OP.
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