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How Whites Took Over America


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism

This video will blow the lid off the secret history and peel back all of the cultural marxist revisionism!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!

Yep, sounds totally legit with no anachronistic references.
Don't those "Indians" who call themselves "Indians", even though they don't know what India is, have any property rights?
I'm pretty sure the whites took over America because we had guns and small pox and they did not.
I'm a bit confused as to who or what they mean to satirize and/or dehumanize.

Whatever the case, big steaming pile of ignorance about Native Americans, or about anything really, except randomly pulling a contemporary world view out of their asses and applying it to European colonizing several hundred years ago. At one point it looks like liberal mantras squeezed through a black and white sieve. At another, it appears to be making fun of anything a white person (who is also perhaps brain damaged) might stereotype. What am I missing?
This is a white nationalist (including Europe) group that is trying to skewer open borders policy and white guilt.

The forced analogy is very tenuous and weak. I myself have problems with open borders (immigration should be "to the person" controlled IMO with not one more illegal let in) and I think white guilt is well overused. But these assholes are too dumb to realize how hamfisted they are trying to crowbar their analogy.
I watched the first half of it. I suspect that I am now considerably dumber than I was before I did.

What a heap of crap that is on every level. It is obviously intended as a parody; but produced by someone who is deep in Kruger-Dunning territory. He believes himself a wit, but sadly, this belief is only 50% accurate.
Thinly disguised white supremacist parody of what they perceive as liberal ideology.

I watched 30 seconds and knew all attempts at historical accuracy had been thrown out the window especially the time traveling Napoleonic British Navy-- "Lord Nelson?" Really?
SPLC has some interesting info on this group. Take it with a grain of salt.


“There is not a modest bone in my body,” Whitaker wrote in 2004. “I AM a genius. I was born with one hell of a brain, and I scare our enemies because I am so smart I can laugh them to shame. I am at so high a level that a PhD or a big-time news anchor doesn’t mean a thing to me.”

It seems that he is at so high a level that there are a huge number of topics that don't mean a thing to him. ;)

I am so smart that I can simply laugh at anything with which I disagree, and it instantly becomes clear to all that I am right, and they are wrong. Kruger and Dunning would have loved this guy.
He has such a high opinion of himself that he should go on tour with Yeezus.
Dang Indians, don't didn't they know that open borders was a human right?
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