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Images that make you laugh

Photographer gets clobbered by drunk gorilla


Wildlife photographer Christophe Courteau visited Kwitonda gorilla group in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
Silverback Akarevuro was intoxicated from fermenting bamboo stems and became angry when he spotted camera
The 6ft 6in 30st gorilla thwacked photographer, resulting in astonishing photo taken a split-second before punch


  • Wildlife photographer Christophe Courteau took this astonishing picture a split-second before 6ft 6in, 30 stone silverback gorilla Akarevuro punched him during a visit to Volcanoes National Park - the ape was intoxicated from the fermenting bamboo stems he'd eaten


  • Akarevuro the silverback gorilla (pictured) appears to have felt threatened by the photographer and mistakenly thought he was a rival

Result: 6ft 6in of 30st gorilla came charging towards the camera – and produced this spectacular close-up.
There could be only one winner.
Akarevuro the Rwandan silverback thwacked the 46-year-old wildlife photographer effortlessly to the ground.

The contest was captured on camera during a visit to the Kwitonda gorilla group in the forest area of Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda.
Christophe Vasselin photographed the aftermath as Akarevuro trampled over his colleague


  • Another photographer, Christophe Vasselin, took these pictures of Akarevuro the gorilla attacking Mr Courteau at the nature reserve


  • An angry Akarevuro pushes Mr Courteau over before trampling on him - leaving the photographer with a 'souvenir scar' on his forehead

‘Akarevuro just ran at me,’ said Mr Courteau. ‘I could not move away because I was taking photos on my knees.
'In less than a second he was on me. He pushed me out of the way as if I was not there.
'I felt all of his power and weight on my body. It was like being hit by a train.’
Mr Courteau escaped with ‘a souvenir scar on my forehead’ and ‘an instant I will remember all my life’.

  • Mr Courteau said of his experience with Akarevuro: 'I felt all of his power and weight on my body. It was like being hit by a train’

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Hmmm. My 'werewolf' name is Lone Wolf. I'm sure glad someone went to the trouble of making a name generator to save me from the risk of calling myself by something as original sounding as a vampire named Alucard. Or my roommate who playced AD&D with a fighter-thief named Conan...

Not as Derp as "Moon Moon," sure, but probably even more embarrassing in paranormal romance chat.
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