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Impeachment II thread

Schoen argues that the impeachment proceedings will drag down our prestige in the eyes of the world, and that the Dem's have been advocating for impeachment since early 2017. Well if they'd gotten it done back then then Jan. 6th wouldn't have happened and the world wouldn't be so skeptical of our system to begin with. Also, from other reporting on CSPAN he misrepresents statements by Brian C. Kalt, an American legal scholar. In fact it's already become an entry in Wikipedia:

And a house manager had already mentioned how they quote mined Kalt, and he still tried to use it, like nobody would remember. So perfectly post-truth.

It truly beggars belief. Alternative facts are the only truth to Trump and his Jihadists. The American Taliban.
Randi Rhodes, liberal talk radio and television host, had her Youtube account suspended for posting the House impeachment manager's video of the violence at the capital. She got suspended for 90 days.
GOP senators say despite being handed flashlight and mirror by House Managers, they can’t find their own asses.
Assuming he still has 100% of his "old" fans by 2024, that's not enough as has been demonstrated in 2020,
He got the second highest voter turnout in history for his dumb ass. ...
Out of a large total population. Relative turnout is a better indicator.

 Voter turnout in United States presidential elections

The 2020 Presidential election was at 62.0% of the voting-age population. 1960 was at 62.8%, 1904 at 65.2%, 1908 at 65.4%, and the other higher ones in the 19th cy. So by that standard, it was an impressive turnout.
Randi Rhodes, liberal talk radio and television host, had her Youtube account suspended for posting the House impeachment manager's video of the violence at the capital. She got suspended for 90 days.

Youtube is owned by Google. Eff Google. Evil and stupid is no way to go through life.
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

It's not supposed to be court of law. If it was, Trump would have been in prison already. It's a political circus and republicans are to blame for that.
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

It's not supposed to be court of law. If it was, Trump would have been in prison already. It's a political circus and republicans are to blame for that.

Yeah. "When they go low, we go lower". That's what's happening now
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

Wow. I do NOT understand your point of view. First, the "trial" is not a "legal trial" as we understand the term. (If it were, the Judge might direct the jury to return a guilty verdict.) And of course the result of the "trial" is foregone: the Republicans will insist on acquittal. With more than 33 Senators uninterested in justice, ONLY media coverage matters. Whose fault is the "circus," if any?

As for "besmirching" this heinous sociopathic traitor and criminal, that is the prosecutor's job. (Just ask Marcia Clark, whose coddling of the celebrity O.J. Simpson she prosecuted made it easier for jury to acquit.)

As for the claim that "people will remember his term was complete disaster": You might want to work on your Googling skills there, Dr. Zoidberg. Trump received 18% MORE votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election! 18% MORE votes!! That's "More votes" with an "M."

Trumpism is still alive — the very trial you are besmirching tells us that, with GOP Congresscritters who condemn Trump getting death threats. Can U.S. democracy recover from this? I don't know, but making Trump's crimes as visible and well-known as possible seems like a very good first step. You think we should forget about it all?

Maybe I'm wrong, and your point is valid. Can you point to a specific instance of the Dems going too far in this "trial"?
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Yeah. "When they go low, we go lower". That's what's happening now

When Schumer mentions the 2nd Amendment in the same paragraph as the GOP senators covering Trump's ass, we may have someone going 'as low' as the Right has this year.
Until then, no. Not even close.
First, the "trial" is not a "legal trial" as we understand the term. (If it were, the Judge might direct the jury to return a guilty verdict.)
Also, prosecutors would have cried foul over coconspirators being on the jury....
Defense probably would try to get anyone that nearly died, or feared they did, off the jury, too.

We'd probably end up with Romney, Ossoff, and nine custodial staff from the Smithsonian.
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

Wow. I do NOT understand your point of view. First, the "trial" is not a "legal trial" as we understand the term. (If it were, the Judge might direct the jury to return a guilty verdict.) And of course the result of the "trial" is foregone: the Republicans will insist on acquittal. With more than 33 Senators uninterested in justice, ONLY media coverage matters. Whose fault is the "circus," if any?

As for "besmirching" this heinous sociopathic traitor and criminal, that is the prosecutor's job. (Just ask Marcia Clark, whose coddling of the celebrity O.J. Simpson she prosecuted made it easier for jury to acquit.)

As for the claim that "people will remember his term was complete disaster": You might want to work on your Googling skills there, Dr. Zoidberg. Trump received 18% MORE votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election! 18% MORE votes!! That's "More votes" with an "M."

Trumpism is still alive — the very trial you are besmirching tells us that, with GOP Congresscritters who condemn Trump getting death threats. Can U.S. democracy recover from this? I don't know, but making Trump's crimes as visible and well-known as possible seems like a very good first step. You think we should forget about it all?

Maybe I'm wrong, and your point is valid. Can you point to a specific instance of the Dems going too far in this "trial"?

I don't understand at this point why zoidberg keeps thinking there is nothing to win here.

I mean shit, Hitler got slapped on the wrist and sent to jail rather than being censured, and then went right back into office, and the rest is history.

DrZ, do you want Hitler? Because what you are asking for is how you get a repeat of Hitler.
Because what you are asking for is how you get a repeat of Hitler.

The way history repeats itself, and the way we keep repeating it, you gotta wonder HOW DO WE KEEP FAILING AN OPEN BOOK TEST?
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

It's not supposed to be court of law. If it was, Trump would have been in prison already. It's a political circus and republicans are to blame for that.

Yeah. "When they go low, we go lower". That's what's happening now
Trump incited a riot. When riot happened, he did nothing to assist. He should have resigned that night. He effectively did as Pence appeared to take over operations.
Trump incited a riot. When riot happened, he did nothing to assist. He should have resigned that night. He effectively did as Pence appeared to take over operations.

Any time i have resigned i stopped getting paychecks and i wasn't allowed to sit at the big desk anymore.
Ignoring his responsibilities, putting the administration in auto-preside is not resigning.
The way history repeats itself, and the way we keep repeating it, you gotta wonder HOW DO WE KEEP FAILING AN OPEN BOOK TEST?

Right you are. Here's what the spread sheet says about the class:
1. Only one student actually reads the textbook, and even his friends call him a pencil-neck geek. Most of the kids want to give him a wedgie after school.
2. Maybe two others in the class read actual books made of wood pulp. But they're reading the Left Behind series.
3. This means nearly everyone is cribbing answers off kids like Cody and Destinie, who also don't read but who tune in to social media sites like Christian Caucasians for Commerce and Aryan Border Watch.
4. Nobody really knows who the principal is. Some say God and some say the Free Market but it (he) (she) definitely had slave-owning descendants. This fact is either celebrated or loudly abhorred or (in most cases) ignored.
5. The true majority in the class is non-reading for the most part, and largely apathetic, and they've been threatened enough by the crowd that listens to Aryan Border Watch that they don't often get involved in class projects or, God forbid, class elections. At the last class election, about half the class cut school.
6. On the last history quiz, answers to the question 'Who did the Continental Congress appoint to lead the colonial army?" included Squanto, Thomas Edison, and Uncle Sam.
I'm getting the feeling that this impeachment trial is a media circus, rather than a legal case. There's lots of arguments from emotion which has no place in a court of law. I get the impression it's all about besmirching Trump as much as possible rather than to win anything.

Trump needs no help in being besmirched. He is a horrible person. He has done it to himself.

There's nothing to win. He's not the president anymore, and do people seriously think that he'll ever be elected again, even if he was eligible. His term was a complete disaster. That's what people will remember.

The impeachment trial from yesterday has made me like the Democrats less and less. Trump is unpresidential. But so is this impeachment IMHO.

Wow. I do NOT understand your point of view. First, the "trial" is not a "legal trial" as we understand the term. (If it were, the Judge might direct the jury to return a guilty verdict.) And of course the result of the "trial" is foregone: the Republicans will insist on acquittal. With more than 33 Senators uninterested in justice, ONLY media coverage matters. Whose fault is the "circus," if any?

As for "besmirching" this heinous sociopathic traitor and criminal, that is the prosecutor's job. (Just ask Marcia Clark, whose coddling of the celebrity O.J. Simpson she prosecuted made it easier for jury to acquit.)

As for the claim that "people will remember his term was complete disaster": You might want to work on your Googling skills there, Dr. Zoidberg. Trump received 18% MORE votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election! 18% MORE votes!! That's "More votes" with an "M."

Trumpism is still alive — the very trial you are besmirching tells us that, with GOP Congresscritters who condemn Trump getting death threats. Can U.S. democracy recover from this? I don't know, but making Trump's crimes as visible and well-known as possible seems like a very good first step. You think we should forget about it all?

Maybe I'm wrong, and your point is valid. Can you point to a specific instance of the Dems going too far in this "trial"?

If the American voters approve of Trump then isn't he doing a good job? Political office is a popularity contest. The democrats pissing on the memory of a fallen president, is not a good look for the democrats.

Why not let the American voters decide if they want Trump back, rather than this legalistic finagling? If I was a Trump supporter and I saw the impeachment happening, I might think it looks like the Democrats not trusting democracy and is trying to derail the democratic process of electing presidents. Right now it'd be an easy story to sell the MAGA hats.

It looks to me like the Democrats are too vicious over the smell of Trump's blood that they forget the tactics of the democratic game.

I fail to see how impeaching Trump will persuade any current Trump supporters to come over to the Democrat side. If anything it'll just piss them off more and want to vote Republican again.
I don't understand at this point why zoidberg keeps thinking there is nothing to win here.

I mean shit, Hitler got slapped on the wrist and sent to jail rather than being censured, and then went right back into office, and the rest is history.

DrZ, do you want Hitler? Because what you are asking for is how you get a repeat of Hitler.

Do you seriously think Hitler would have been less dangerous in jail? All that would have changed is that another politician would have been the Nazi figurehead and Hitler would have been the de facto leader. After the Reichstag fire Hitler would be the actual dictator anyway. And we'd have a repeat of history. You know... like Putin did seized control over Russia even though he was blocked from being the president again. Nelson Mandela was sent to jail and branded a terrorist. That didn't prevent him from becoming the president of SA. There's many examples like this. Coming down hard on popular figures has a tendency to backfire.

I don't think you're not going to be able to stop Trump/Trumpism/MAGA with this. Psychologically I think this is free candy to Trump, and will fuel his supporters in the long run. It'll make him more dangerous for American democracy.
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