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Impeachment II thread

Trump incited a riot. When riot happened, he did nothing to assist. He should have resigned that night. He effectively did as Pence appeared to take over operations.

Any time i have resigned i stopped getting paychecks and i wasn't allowed to sit at the big desk anymore.
Ignoring his responsibilities, putting the administration in auto-preside is not resigning.
The world appears to operate differently for Trump.
The world appears to operate differently for Trump.

More accurately, the world operates differently for billionaires. Similarly, in centuries past, the world operated differently for hereditary aristocrats. Trump is the ugly combination of both forms of entitlement and privilege.
So [democratic systems] have all instituted mechanics to offset this and to give increased weight to less densely populated regions. This is true for every democracy in the world.

ALL democratic systems? Doubtful. The Lower House of Thailand, for example, is methodically laid out in proportion to population. (No ordinary voters at all currently participate in selection of Thailand's Upper House, let alone rural voters.)

More generally, since Saddam Hussein received 99.96% of the vote in 1995, is criticism of him also off-limits? What's that you say? Saddam cheated? So does the GOP; it's just a matter of degree! :-)
Sounds like the House Managers are priming the pump for a RICO case. I know the DOJ might pursue RICO charges against leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, etc. I wonder if they can against The Godfather of the Deluded.
Castor's arguments were practically non-existent. Disconnected rambling while slipping in the threat that going ahead with impeachment will be met with vindictive retribution, and that Trump could always be prosecuted afterwards in a court of law because, he claims, impeachable offenses are also felonies. Total BS. I also hate it when a speaker subjects me to the sounds of them chugging from a water bottle. He even left Lindsey befuddled.
"I thought I knew where I was going, and I really didn't know where he was going," South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday about Castor's performance.

Schoen argues that the impeachment proceedings will drag down our prestige in the eyes of the world, and that the Dem's have been advocating for impeachment since early 2017. Well if they'd gotten it done back then then Jan. 6th wouldn't have happened and the world wouldn't be so skeptical of our system to begin with. Also, from other reporting on CSPAN he misrepresents statements by Brian C. Kalt, an American legal scholar. In fact it's already become an entry in Wikipedia:
On the eve of the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump in February 2021, the former president's attorneys filed a brief that made multiple references to a 2001 article on impeachment Kalt had written, asserting he had concluded impeachment of a former president is unconstitutional. Kalt replied “they misrepresent what I wrote quite badly” and that he had actually concluded there is a “solid basis” for post-presidential impeachments. “They suggest that I was endorsing an argument when what I actually did was note that argument—and reject it,” Kalt wrote on Twitter.[6] In an article for Slate magazine, he elaborated: "In several places, they cited me as though I had concluded something when in fact I had concluded the opposite."

And Congress's impeachment hearings were unconstitutional and sought to deprive Trump of his right to run for office in the future. He seems to be confused and thinks we've already thrown out the old constitution because it's not fair, and adopted the post-apocalyptic version. Then he holds up Mao's little red book and takes another slurp from his water.

You buried the lede about Schoen's water fighting technique.


He's an observant Orthodox Jew who has to cover his head when drinking. He later said he wasn't sure if a yarmulke head covering was allowed there.

He must not have seen Raskin earlier.

raskin kippah3.jpg
You buried the lede about Schoen's water fighting technique.
He's an observant Orthodox Jew who has to cover his head when drinking. He later said he wasn't sure if a yarmulke head covering was allowed there.

He must not have seen Raskin earlier.

I thought it was just a weird personal idiosyncrasy until I remembered he's Jewish and then I thought he's trying to keep his yarmulke from falling off.
Castor's arguments were practically non-existent. Disconnected rambling while slipping in the threat that going ahead with impeachment will be met with vindictive retribution, and that Trump could always be prosecuted afterwards in a court of law because, he claims, impeachable offenses are also felonies. Total BS. I also hate it when a speaker subjects me to the sounds of them chugging from a water bottle. He even left Lindsey befuddled.

Schoen argues that the impeachment proceedings will drag down our prestige in the eyes of the world, and that the Dem's have been advocating for impeachment since early 2017. Well if they'd gotten it done back then then Jan. 6th wouldn't have happened and the world wouldn't be so skeptical of our system to begin with. Also, from other reporting on CSPAN he misrepresents statements by Brian C. Kalt, an American legal scholar. In fact it's already become an entry in Wikipedia:

And Congress's impeachment hearings were unconstitutional and sought to deprive Trump of his right to run for office in the future. He seems to be confused and thinks we've already thrown out the old constitution because it's not fair, and adopted the post-apocalyptic version. Then he holds up Mao's little red book and takes another slurp from his water.

You buried the lede about Schoen's water fighting technique.


He's an observant Orthodox Jew who has to cover his head when drinking. He later said he wasn't sure if a yarmulke head covering was allowed there.

He must not have seen Raskin earlier.

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I was confused as to why he'd not know if it was okay to wear. Why wouldn't it?
I was confused as to why he'd not know if it was okay to wear. Why wouldn't it?

It's the slippery slope thing. You let him wear that, and next thing you know someone is going to want to wear this:

The Democrats aren't at a disadvantage in any way. They have just the same capabilities of spreading their message. Yet, they're struggling with winning people over.

I don't know what perspective you have that suggests that Democrats are having problems "winning people over". More people vote for Democrats than Republicans in this country. There are structural reasons why the Republicans have outsized representation in the government, but it's not because they've won more people over. In fact, and Trump himself even admitted this (one of the few honest things he has said), if it were easier for more people to vote, the Republicans would lose even more elections.
Republican senators doodled, put their feet up, and read while Democratic impeachment managers made their case against Trump

Several Republican senators appeared to distract themselves on Wednesday afternoon as the Democratic House impeachment managers laid out their argument that former President Donald Trump should be convicted for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, doodled and drew a picture of what appeared to be the Capitol, according to reporters in the room. Paul wasn't present in the chamber during much of a later portion of the arguments. During a 15-minute break, he was seen delivering a folded note to one of Trump's attorneys, according to ABC News' Allison Pecorin.

Both Paul and Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican, didn't wear face masks on the Senate floor for much of the proceedings.
Republican senators doodled, put their feet up, and read while Democratic impeachment managers made their case against Trump

Several Republican senators appeared to distract themselves on Wednesday afternoon as the Democratic House impeachment managers laid out their argument that former President Donald Trump should be convicted for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, doodled and drew a picture of what appeared to be the Capitol, according to reporters in the room. Paul wasn't present in the chamber during much of a later portion of the arguments. During a 15-minute break, he was seen delivering a folded note to one of Trump's attorneys, according to ABC News' Allison Pecorin.

Both Paul and Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican, didn't wear face masks on the Senate floor for much of the proceedings.

Your honor, move to strike them from the jury as they are not able to render an honest decision since their inattention means they don't know the evidence.
I don't know what perspective you have that suggests that Democrats are having problems "winning people over".

Dr Z doesn't understand the USA well at all.

The Democrats have a decided advantage among the electorate. The Dem/lean Dem voters quite outnumber the Republicans. But the D's tend to be regular folks, people who have other concerns than spending an hour voting given the rigged system that Trump talks so much about. Young people, black people, single moms, they've got stuff to do. Fighting through a Republican system of voter suppression to cast a vote that won't matter anyway, due to the rigged system, is the problem Democrats have.

Make the USA election system more democratic and Democrats would rule. One aspect I refer to over and over is:

If every American had an equal vote for President this country would change enormously. Republicans don't want everyone to have an equal vote, because they'd lose so much power and money.
Republican senators doodled, put their feet up, and read while Democratic impeachment managers made their case against Trump

Several Republican senators appeared to distract themselves on Wednesday afternoon as the Democratic House impeachment managers laid out their argument that former President Donald Trump should be convicted for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, doodled and drew a picture of what appeared to be the Capitol, according to reporters in the room. Paul wasn't present in the chamber during much of a later portion of the arguments. During a 15-minute break, he was seen delivering a folded note to one of Trump's attorneys, according to ABC News' Allison Pecorin.

Both Paul and Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican, didn't wear face masks on the Senate floor for much of the proceedings.

Your honor, move to strike them from the jury as they are not able to render an honest decision since their inattention means they don't know the evidence.
Yeah, imagine doing that in a trial jury!
I was confused as to why he'd not know if it was okay to wear. Why wouldn't it?

He also said wearing one can be awkward, that "people stare at it.” I can understand that, best not to wear it then, it would only draw unwanted attention to himself.

I seriously thought Raskin was just bald in the back.
Why is he wearing a flesh-colored yarmulke?
Make the USA election system more democratic and Democrats would rule. One aspect I refer to over and over is:

If every American had an equal vote for President this country would change enormously. Republicans don't want everyone to have an equal vote, because they'd lose so much power and money.

American democracy has serious flaws, but the Electoral College system doesn't make the Top Ten List. IMO.

Making voting mandatory would be a much bigger win. Statehood for DC and PR would also be a bigger win for democracy than abolishing the EC or, worse, enacting the NPVIC.
Republican senators doodled, put their feet up, and read while Democratic impeachment managers made their case against Trump

Several Republican senators appeared to distract themselves on Wednesday afternoon as the Democratic House impeachment managers laid out their argument that former President Donald Trump should be convicted for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, doodled and drew a picture of what appeared to be the Capitol, according to reporters in the room. Paul wasn't present in the chamber during much of a later portion of the arguments. During a 15-minute break, he was seen delivering a folded note to one of Trump's attorneys, according to ABC News' Allison Pecorin.

Both Paul and Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican, didn't wear face masks on the Senate floor for much of the proceedings.

Don’t the senators take an oath to be impartial jurors? Would an impartial juror pass a note to the defendant’s attorneys?

I guess since this isn’t a real trial nothing really matters.
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