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Independence Day

Its mathematically provable.
Fuck math. Post a photo of your pay stub. Simple as that. Black out any personal information you wish.
Tax is more than the pay stub.
He specifically said from his pay:
I almost feel like it is actually the US government working for my employer and I get a cut from the paycheck going to them since I'm the one who shows up everyday. I lose over 50% of my paycheck to taxes in one form or another.
That's what I addressed.

I would like to keep at least a little bit of independence from the grifting and fraud that has become the Republican Party.
It now functions as nothing more than a grift machine for the benefit of phony, lying “conservatives”, pandering to and aggravating the kinds of grievances that preoccupy swizzles and vonces.
Speaking of grifting, check this out.:

I would like to keep at least a little bit of independence from the grifting and fraud that has become the Republican Party.
It now functions as nothing more than a grift machine for the benefit of phony, lying “conservatives”, pandering to and aggravating the kinds of grievances that preoccupy swizzles and vonces.
Speaking of grifting, check this out.:

In most jurisdictions, we aren't legally given enough independence to celebrate this holiday with fireworks. The labor class now pays far more tax than during the original tea party tax rebellion. Giving more of their time and service to established bureaucrats in Washington then the serfs gave to their Kings did during medieval times. Regardless of color, ethnicity, or background, we are all part of modern day slavery in and on the plantations of slavelandia USA.

Independence Day is a day worthy to celebrate only if you are living in your bubble matrix. And it will be even less of a holiday if the WEF gets its way with the world.
Life must be miserable in that imaginary dystopia of yours.

Living standards today by any reasonable metric are much higher than in the medieval or colonial times.
I agree with you that living standards today are much better. But technology and automation is not freedom and independence from government. And they do not need to be mutually exclusive.

It should be possible to live free and also have technology.
Define freedom. Does my neighbor’s freedom to light up fireworks operate only within his own personal bubble or can it be justly regulated so that his bottle rockets don’t set fire to my home? Does he have the freedom to teach his 2 year old how long it is safe to hold a lit firecracker? Can someone set off fireworks under my porch? In my neighbor’s dog kennel? Does it matter if there is a drought and the risk of fire is significant? Must people simply expect to have their sleep disturbed throughout the month of July? Should people not have the freedom to a reasonable expectation of the safe abd peaceful use of their domicile?

Whose freedom do you care about anyway?
I'm guessing white, rich entitled males with so much disposable income they can eat out every night and casually talk about all the properties they've owned whilst claiming to be concerned for the middle class with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever.
In most jurisdictions, we aren't legally given enough independence to celebrate this holiday with fireworks. The labor class now pays far more tax than during the original tea party tax rebellion. Giving more of their time and service to established bureaucrats in Washington then the serfs gave to their Kings did during medieval times. Regardless of color, ethnicity, or background, we are all part of modern day slavery in and on the plantations of slavelandia USA.

Independence Day is a day worthy to celebrate only if you are living in your bubble matrix. And it will be even less of a holiday if the WEF gets its way with the world.
Life must be miserable in that imaginary dystopia of yours.

Living standards today by any reasonable metric are much higher than in the medieval or colonial times.
I agree with you that living standards today are much better. But technology and automation is not freedom and independence from government. And they do not need to be mutually exclusive.

It should be possible to live free and also have technology.
Define freedom. Does my neighbor’s freedom to light up fireworks operate only within his own personal bubble or can it be justly regulated so that his bottle rockets don’t set fire to my home? Does he have the freedom to teach his 2 year old how long it is safe to hold a lit firecracker? Can someone set off fireworks under my porch? In my neighbor’s dog kennel? Does it matter if there is a drought and the risk of fire is significant? Must people simply expect to have their sleep disturbed throughout the month of July? Should people not have the freedom to a reasonable expectation of the safe abd peaceful use of their domicile?

Whose freedom do you care about anyway?
I'm guessing white, rich entitled males with so much disposable income they can eat out every night and casually talk about all the properties they've owned whilst claiming to be concerned for the middle class with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever.
I think that such men don’t care at all about fireworks. Instead, it is people working unpleasant jobs under unpleasant circumstances with too little pay who feel they have no real control over their lives so why the hell can’t they set off fireworks to celebrate freedom??? who care very much about the freedom to set off fireworks.

My dad was very conservative but he was also cautious about setting off any sort of firework, having seen a childhood friend lose a finger in a firecracker accident. Don’t get me wrong: occasionally he indulged in ( illegal where we lived) fireworks of the very minor kind, mostly to irritate my mom. It was a wee bit of rule breaking he indulged in once or twice during my childhood—while sternly lecturing us about the dangers. We kids got to hold sparklers under careful supervision.
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