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Intelligence, race and related issues.

I think you mean world, not continent.

Yes. All I've got is a non-white civilisation that lasted and was way ahead longer than western white civilisation has been so far. I'm good with that. It's a bit more than a blip for your theory. :)

54 countries in Africa. You got Egypt and South Africa.

52 countries suck.

Right wing bullshit.

1) South Africa sucks.

2) Egypt isn't very good--but the problem is Islamists, not blacks.

3) You're missing one that actually seems to be doing decently: Botswana. Notably it's the one country that got an educated leader instead of a strongman in the post-colonial era.

But, here's the problem. Whenever leftists speak of countries doing great, they never seem to want to move there. Why are Americans not flocking to Africa if it's not so bad?

When Americans do decide to go there to volunteer to build things like schools, they don't choose to live there. Why can't they build their own stuff? You guys know BIll Gates has spent billions of dollars on fighting malaria in Africa, right? Why isn't Africa smart enough to fight it themselves? Why do they need us? Seems weird.

When was the last time you heard, "Africans are coming to the U.S. and building schools for us!!!"
Right wing bullshit.

1) South Africa sucks.

2) Egypt isn't very good--but the problem is Islamists, not blacks.

3) You're missing one that actually seems to be doing decently: Botswana. Notably it's the one country that got an educated leader instead of a strongman in the post-colonial era.

But, here's the problem. Whenever leftists speak of countries doing great, they never seem to want to move there. Why are Americans not flocking to Africa if it's not so bad?

When Americans do decide to go there to volunteer to build things like schools, they don't choose to live there. Why can't they build their own stuff? You guys know BIll Gates has spent billions of dollars on fighting malaria in Africa, right? Why isn't Africa smart enough to fight it themselves? Why do they need us? Seems weird.

When was the last time you heard, "Africans are coming to the U.S. and building schools for us!!!"

Because they started way behind, they haven't caught up with us yet.
That's quite a claim.

Racists have been trying to prove it for some time but haven't found anything that actually shows it. Everything we see is cultural or medical (nutrition, disease), not genetic.

But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.
That's quite a claim.

Racists have been trying to prove it for some time but haven't found anything that actually shows it. Everything we see is cultural or medical (nutrition, disease), not genetic.

But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

[Citation needed]
But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

[Citation needed]

Any citations he finds will show just the opposite so don't hold your breath.
That's quite a claim.

Racists have been trying to prove it for some time but haven't found anything that actually shows it. Everything we see is cultural or medical (nutrition, disease), not genetic.

But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

Wrong culture. It's the culture of the people involved, not of society.
But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

[Citation needed]

Citations aren't the issue--he's addressing the wrong thing.
I have worked with people from around the world. From what I see anyone who has the general equivalent to our primary education are on the average no better or worse rhan anyone else.

There is a thriving Ethiopian immigrant community in Seattle. Those who come with basic education pick up English. Some go to college or trade schools. Those without the foundation have trouble picking up English and communicating. They are stuck in low wage jobs.

I'd say culture matters more than any generic variation.

The problem with statistical studies is isolating all relevant vsaribles.

In the JFK era the Moinahan Report showed that the biggest factor affecting kids performing in school was income and family stability. Race was not an issue. Controversial at the time. Further it was said welfare was destroying black families exacerbating the problem.

I’d say that what really matters is opportunity.

We don’t all get the same opportunity or the same number of opportunities in life. We all have some opportunities. And we all have some burdens. I don’t believe the world will ever be such that opportunity and burden are equally distributed among people, but we could sure do a much better job of easing some of the worst burdens and ensuring that all people get the chances they need to make the most of their lives.
But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

[Citation needed]

Any citations he finds will show just the opposite so don't hold your breath.

The Shaker Heights Effect

This trail-blazing suburb has tried for 60 years to tackle race. What if trying isn’t enough?

In the 1950s, the first black families arrived, an event that triggered white flight in so many other communities. In Shaker, white families knocked on doors and got to know their new neighbors. Founded as a wealthy and white enclave of privilege, Shaker reinvented itself.

Through it all, the schools built and maintained a reputation of excellence, sending large numbers of students to elite colleges and developing robust Advanced Placement and, later, International Baccalaureate programs. Theater and arts programs are top-notch. Students can take classes in French, Spanish, German, Latin or Greek, plus Mandarin, which is taught to all elementary school students. Last year, the high school sponsored seven international trips for students.

Taxpayers, including some of the wealthiest people in the Cleveland area, approved one tax levy after the next, driven by the slogan “a community is known by the schools it keeps.”

While some inner-ring suburbs flipped from virtually all white to almost entirely black over time, Shaker schools remain nearly half white and just over half black decades after the first black families moved to the city.

But the story of Shaker Heights shows how moving kids of different races into the same building isn’t the same as producing equal outcomes. A persistent and yawning achievement gap has led the district to grapple with hard questions of implicit bias, family responsibility and the wisdom of tracking students by ability level. Last school year, 68 percent of white 11th-graders were enrolled in at least one AP or IB course, but just 12 percent of black students were.
That's quite a claim.

Racists have been trying to prove it for some time but haven't found anything that actually shows it. Everything we see is cultural or medical (nutrition, disease), not genetic.

But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

Your word salad is factually incorrect.
But that’s not correct. Mass government spending on education has done nothing to close the achievement gaps. And, curiously, these gaps are largest where the local culture is anti-hereditarian and kneels at the social justice altar, e.g., Berkley, CA, and Madison, WI.

Your word salad is factually incorrect.

So you're saying that Berkley and Madison have solved the gap? Do tell.
Money, Race and Success: How Your School District Compares

Even more sobering, the analysis shows that the largest gaps between white children and their minority classmates emerge in some of the wealthiest communities, such as Berkeley, Calif.; Chapel Hill, N.C.; and Evanston, Ill.

Why racial achievement gaps were so pronounced in affluent school districts is a puzzling question raised by the data.

It really shouldn't be.
And if you read your own link, you'd have seen
What emerges clearly in the data is the extent to which race and class are inextricably linked, and how that connection is exacerbated in school settings. (bold face and italics are mine)
which has nothing to do with genetics.
And if you read your own link, you'd have seen
What emerges clearly in the data is the extent to which race and class are inextricably linked, and how that connection is exacerbated in school settings. (bold face and italics are mine)
which has nothing to do with genetics.

Indeed, what role do your parents have in your genes?
Okay, maybe these genes have been under selective pressure. Maybe. But if the science provides an answer different than the preferred ideology, screw the science. Amirite?

Changes in Biological Pathways During 6,000 Years of Civilization in Europe

The beginning of civilization was a turning point in human evolution. With increasing separation from the natural environment, mankind stimulated new adaptive reactions in response to new environmental factors. In this paper, we describe direct signs of these reactions in the European population during the past 6,000 years. By comparing whole-genome data between Late Neolithic/Bronze Age individuals and modern Europeans, we revealed biological pathways that are significantly differently enriched in nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in these two groups and which therefore could be shaped by cultural practices during the past six millennia. They include metabolic transformations, immune response, signal transduction, physical activity, sensory perception, reproduction, and cognitive functions. We demonstrated that these processes were influenced by different types of natural selection. We believe that our study opens new perspectives for more detailed investigations about when and how civilization has been modifying human genomes.
But this is only relevant if human population groups have genetic differences. Though, it may be that just like bacteria we can simply pull genes from our environment. What is genetic clustering, anyway?

Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies

We have analyzed genetic data for 326 microsatellite markers that were typed uniformly in a large multiethnic population-based sample of individuals as part of a study of the genetics of hypertension (Family Blood Pressure Program). Subjects identified themselves as belonging to one of four major racial/ethnic groups (white, African American, East Asian, and Hispanic) and were recruited from 15 different geographic locales within the United States and Taiwan. Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity. On the other hand, we detected only modest genetic differentiation between different current geographic locales within each race/ethnicity group. Thus, ancient geographic ancestry, which is highly correlated with self-identified race/ethnicity—as opposed to current residence—is the major determinant of genetic structure in the U.S. population. Implications of this genetic structure for case-control association studies are discussed.
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