I list the personality traits of a fundy think type Christian. What would an atheist sound like with those personality traits?
Hmmm. IMHO that’s not a valid question. I think those personality traits are largely a result of Xtian indoctrination.
IOW, they’d sound like a fundy. If someone was raised in a strict atheist environment (I can’t even picture that) then your question might have relevance. I have never even heard of a militantly enforced atheist family environment, but I’ve met lotsa people who grew up in strict religious environments.
Kids in religious family are sent to their rooms, grounded or otherwise punished for taking god’s name in vain, but I never heard of any atheist kids being punished for mentioning god in a way that could imply that gods are real.
Except they aren't.
They're the combination of some archetype when loaded with Christianity, but as per SIB's observation, I see the same thing from atheists raised as atheists, it just manifests in different ways.
I think that oftentimes, there is a mind virus involved, a big fat gross case of "organized religion", but conspiracy theorists can easily be atheists, as can incels.
The one Hallmark of the archetype of "believer" is that it almost universally opens them up to some form of external control.
I mean the word virus ... as a metaphor ... OK. I call them strings. Like a subroutine.
Atheist/theist are human, thus subject to all the human traits we see. To me, "We have the real truth" is a big one. The problem in both groups is that some have been mislead into thinking "for team unity, don't question ourselves". Toss in the emotional connection to anti-religion/my religion only and even, otherwise stable people, tend to go off the rails a bit. Much like a phobia, like Arachnophobia.
Spiders are not all bad. Watch a person with this phobia talk about spiders. They may be able to control themselves most of the time. Talk rationally but learn towards extermination. But every so often, usually when things get hot, they show true intentions.
"Archetype of believer" opens them up to to universal control. I think if we sat down and drew this up we would see this fail more often than not. For example, I am a believer in the scientific method. I guess I am open to control in that i somebody said "we need more data." I would would see if that is true or not true. So, in a way, they controlled me I guess.
List the types of personalities that people in the people business describe. Clusters as an example, if they are still relevant that is. Also include what we would call normal crazy. Predict how a theist/atheist would sound when challenged with these personality traits.
Do the predictions match what we see?
I think if we stood far enough away from (just in ear shot) fundamental atheist they would sound a lot like fundamental theists. Much like if we watched two groups of fans and a football game. Toss in the internet where abused people are striking back (I hate saying that-it sounds so bad-but its its a reality), Anti-religion/my religion only team unity, and foreign influences are involved, well, we see what we see.
The red flags: "Don't question other atheists/theist.", "we are not talking about that (usually like it to carefully worded titles), "We should avoid discussing it like that, and "Some non-believers/believers will take that and ..." insert whatever fear we have.
Otherwise this is easy. A belief in "something more" is a very rational belief. And when we have people that reply of "You're a wanna be believer" shows us that this personality set is in the game for other reasons than describing how the universe works to the best of our ability. I saw, and now use, the term fundamental atheist. If we have a visceral reaction to the statement of "cluster-B atheist mite get very defensive and start "dehumanizing" you.", well, what should I think?