Spacetime Inhabitant
Why should God detest magic? If it existed then surely he is the one (allegedly) who created it.I've often hear this similar to you Elixir, even people from other religions debating with Christians. Personally I could never get why some people make those 'erroneous conceptual arguments' that tries to portray that confliction with human logic. The miracles that's written about of God doing things that's not logically possible, shouldn't therefore be possible etc..When called to account for pretending to channel God, creos keep referring to a book. They call it God's word, even though it is a compilation of a lot of words, few of which are actually attributed by that book itself to a God.Then I am told that it is "infallible", which turns out to mean that if my plain reading of the infallible text conflicts with observable reality, either my observations of reality or my plain reading of the text must be flawed.
Yes we'll, God isn't suppose to be logical! That's conceptually the logic.
How can this be? I suppose it's possible if the god who wrote that book took every measure to deceive me ( @Learner knows god and assures me he doesn't pull that crap) for purposes beyond my meager comprehension. but how is it possible to reconcile all the myriad differing interpretations of that book? There is either ONE correct interpretation (hear the chorus of "mine is the right one!") or the "true" meaning is highly variable, or ... the one 'possibility' that alleviates all this confusion, validates the infallibility of the book, and vindicates creos' version of reality. And that very distant IMO possibility is...As a Christian in the modern world. I would say in todays language... God is the ultimate scientist. It's written plain to see, magic is detested by God. In a manner of speaking, magic is merely the counterfeit, a very poor imitation to give the illusion one is creating objects into existence.The Bible is a MAGIC book!
But... why can't creos just come out and say that?
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,
11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
Also, by your Bible quote, why does God speak against magic if it doesn't exist. BTW the quote makes it clear that magic does exist (at least in the minds of the people who made up those lines).