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Is there a God of atheism?

Now, you got me. I worship dogs. After all, dog spelled backwards is god, so why wouldn't I worship the most loving, loyal little creatures on the planet? I have two little gods sitting near me right now. Unlike the Christian god, they never judge me. They are very forgiving if their meal time is delayed or I'm out of their favorite treats. Of course, since I worship dogs, I'm a polytheist, and I've had many little gods over the course of my lifetime, because just like humans, my gods aren't immortal.
Your gods are weak, sycophantic gods. If you want to worship a god who is strong and powerful and doesn't need you... get a cat.
Is it correct to say you lack faith in what you're saying here? If yes, then you are not confident that it is true. If no, then you have faith!
There's this thing where words have different meanings in different contexts, and most people with brains functioning at about a fifth grade level can figure out which meaning is the right one for a given context.
Oh, look, argumentum ad imaginem! Madalyn Murray O’Hair (long dead) scowls; therefore, atheists worship her, and Christianity is true. Nice argument, bro! As you say, your logic is unassailable, and we bow before you! :notworthy:
One cannot assail that which does not exist.
But getting back to the topic, here's your Goddess of Atheism. Can't you just hear her sitting at her computer cursing at me, calling me names, or alleging that I'm a Christian just because I criticize atheists? She would fit right in here at IIDB.

This might be a more powerful schoolyard taunt if I knew who the fuck that is.
But getting back to the topic, here's your Goddess of Atheism.
You're better at bullshitting yourself than anyone else.

Most nontheists don't even know who she is. Personally, I never liked her because I thought her bitchiness lowered the tone of the entire conversation. And she gave people like you someone to hate on. I will give her props for tenacity, that's about it.
Yes, Tom, I agree that "bitchiness lowers the tone of conversations." That's why I must protest your own snarky insult directed at me.
Isn't that whole "people in glass houses" thing supposed to biblical? Or was that Aesop? I'm not great at keeping all the myths sorted out. Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that you started it, so you should probably stop whining when someone gives you back what you're dishing out.
Anyway, if you're looking for salvation from atheists regarding your being gay, then I strongly recommend you look elsewhere. It's bizarre that you like this group of atheists.
You should probably back the fuck up off of our Tom. He's ours, and only we're allowed to give him a hard time. You're the trolling interloper here, don't think you can pick on one of ours with impunity. :picking_a_fight:
Note he used quotes in rebuttal. The original phrasing re corners on a circle had no quotations around on.

Prolly because he's a mathematician, and therefore very precise.

Trust me.
We are all mathematicians here. Trust me, too.
Are we all Superman too? :hehe:
Now, you got me. I worship dogs. After all, dog spelled backwards is god, so why wouldn't I worship the most loving, loyal little creatures on the planet? I have two little gods sitting near me right now. Unlike the Christian god, they never judge me. They are very forgiving if their meal time is delayed or I'm out of their favorite treats. Of course, since I worship dogs, I'm a polytheist, and I've had many little gods over the course of my lifetime, because just like humans, my gods aren't immortal.
Your gods are weak, sycophantic gods. If you want to worship a god who is strong and powerful and doesn't need you... get a cat.
I think we already addressed this issue earlier in the thread and I said that I didn't want a mean, unforgiving god. I wanted a kind, forgiving and loving god.

Actually, I have known some very sweet little cat gods but they couldn't defend or protect me like my dog gods do. Each god has its own personality regardless of whether it's canine or feline in nature. A huge, strong canine god once threatened to attack me, but my tiny, loyal canine god protected me from the evil canine god. I've known some feline gods. They needed me far more than I needed them, although they did make nice lap warmers. My dog gods suit my needs just fine.
I liked Carl Sagan, but I prefer Neil deGrasse Tyson as my atheist leader. He's a lot sexier than Sagan, in my lady opinion. And yes. He's admitted he's an atheist. I have a refrigerator magnet with a photo of him on it with a caption that says, "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it". He's my personal astrophysicist, or so he has claimed. :giggle:
Meh. I used to like Tyson, but he went and screwed up Cosmos for me. Instead of teaching about the cosmos - you know, what the show is all about - he went and decided it was a good platform for an anti-religion rant. I think that approach does more harm than good. It was unnecessarily antagonistic, in a venue where it had no place being at all.
I liked Carl Sagan, but I prefer Neil deGrasse Tyson as my atheist leader. He's a lot sexier than Sagan, in my lady opinion. And yes. He's admitted he's an atheist. I have a refrigerator magnet with a photo of him on it with a caption that says, "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it". He's my personal astrophysicist, or so he has claimed. :giggle:
Is Lavar Burton an atheist?

Because if he is he wins my vote for 'hottest' celebrity educator.
Really? I mean... Geordie? Different tastes and all, but he never struck me as "hot". At least, not in like a Jason Momoa or Emma Stone level of hotness.
It can be very constructive to argue with me if you would let go of your dogmas and be willing to learn.
Lol. You claim to be a "truth seeker", but you also have the hubris to elect yourself a "teacher". What exactly do you think we need to learn, and why on earth do you think you're qualified to teach us?

And before you venture into this particular pit... it might behoove you to learn a bit about all of our various educational backgrounds, experience, and ages. I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that everyone in this thread has both more education and more real-world experience applying that education than you do.
Sheesh--it looks like I've come full circle (along with some points if not corner points). Those points are that I became an atheist thinking I left God and religion behind only to find that atheists have Gods and a religion of their own.

No, they don’t. Sorry.

And no, a circle cannot have corners.
The sophistry is strong with this one.
Trust me--I'm a mathematician.

Trust you?
You don't know some of the elementary concepts of geometry...
That's demonstrably wrong, of course.
...and you think you're a mathematician?
I know I am although you're obviously hoping I'm not.
Circles and squares are kinda like God. They only exist as abstract concepts. They're two dimensional things humans invented for their own purposes.
Yes. I know that.
Because they're both two dimensional...
Yes, I know that too.
...it isn't possible to put one on top of another.
Here's where you're going wrong. The possible positions of a square relative to a circle depends on the space they're in. On a plane in R2, yes, it isn't defined for any point on a figure to be "on top" of another point. However, in R3 a point in a sense can be on top of another. For example, P = (1, 2, 3) is above the point Q = (1, 2, 0). In a similar way, the circle having all points at z = 3 is "on top of" the square whose corner points are (3, 0, 0), (0, 3, 0), (-3, 0, 0) and (0, -3, 0).
One who doesn't understand that might think that drawing a picture, superimposing two shapes, represents the reality, but it doesn't.
You need to admit that you are wrong here.
Any more than superimposing God onto nontheists represents reality.
You need to consider all possibilities and not just what you think advances your beliefs.

That's not on-top of, that's over.

That's like saying, if your mom is in Australia and I am in the US, I'm on top of your mom.
If your mom is Italy and I'm the Vatican, I'm inside your mom!
But getting back to the topic, here's your Goddess of Atheism. Can't you just hear her sitting at her computer cursing at me, calling me names, or alleging that I'm a Christian just because I criticize atheists? She would fit right in here at IIDB.

This might be a more powerful schoolyard taunt if I knew who the fuck that is.
She’s the goddess you worship. Keep up with the conversation.
Note he used quotes in rebuttal. The original phrasing re corners on a circle had no quotations around on.

Prolly because he's a mathematician, and therefore very precise.

Trust me.
We are all mathematicians here. Trust me, too.
Hey now... some of us could technically call ourselves mathematicians. But I wouldn't have the hubris to do so, given that I've spent 25 years (holy cow, when did I get so old?) working as an actuary, and have never actually worked as a mathematician, despite the degrees.
I feel like it’s a case of,

The cartoon image i have of atheists is that they​
Hate religion​
Hate faith​
Hate belief​
So I’m going to say they​
have religion,​
Have belief​
Have faith​
In an attempt to get them to transfer the hate i think they have for my group​
Onto themselves​
So i can make them hate themselves and reject atheism.​

And it all seems to be more of an autobiography of how to try to leave atheism for the author than anything about atheists or us, because the assumptions are pretty narrow ands personal.
I feel like it’s a case of,

The cartoon image i have of atheists is that they
Hate religion
Hate faith
Hate belief
So I’m going to say they
have religion,
Have belief
Have faith
In an attempt to get them to transfer the hate i think they have for my group
Onto themselves
So i can make them hate themselves.

And it all seems to be more of an autobiography of how to try to leave atheism for the author than anything about atheists or us, because the assumptions are pretty narrow ands personal.
Seems like a good synopsis. The problem is that most of us don't hate religion, we don't hate faith, we don't hate belief.

We nothing all those things.
Note he used quotes in rebuttal. The original phrasing re corners on a circle had no quotations around on.

Prolly because he's a mathematician, and therefore very precise.

Trust me.
We are all mathematicians here. Trust me, too.
Hey now... some of us could technically call ourselves mathematicians. But I wouldn't have the hubris to do so, given that I've spent 25 years (holy cow, when did I get so old?) working as an actuary, and have never actually worked as a mathematician, despite the degrees.

I have qualifications from long ago, too, but I won't get into them. Most ppl on here have STEM qualifications or advanced skills.
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