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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

Police will get alerted every single time when they think you are lying or hiding something from them. That's in their job description.
In thins particular case ClockBoy has done a great job of looking suspicions and uncooperative.
Whether it was intent or he is just that way is irrelevant, police has done their job.
I was not against this kid when the news came out. But when I saw the picture and then more info came out I changed my opinion.
I personally think that Ahmed could be a bit mentally deficient. His has weird speech patterns and interest in collecting electronic junk without actually doing anything with it, all points toward "Kid is mentally retarded" theory.
Combine it with attention whore father and you get what we have got.
This is insane. some members of this forum seems to have a sick desire to portait ahmed and his father as villains. And they seem to enjoy it.
This has come out in the last few days about the father.


Reporter Trace Gallagher said it appears the dad operates two different Facebook pages. On his personal page, he reported, the elder Mohamed wrote about how “killing without rightness” is prohibited by Islam. But there’s also apparently an Arabic Facebook page that also appears to be run by Elhassan Mohamed.

“There’s also an Arabic Facebook page for the National Reform Party, a political party started by Elhassan Mohamed, bearing a similar profile picture and address,” Gallagher explained. “Only, this webpage is much more active and the tone is very different, including a 14-minute conspiracy theory clip on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and a post that shows the smoking World Trade towers, describing as a U.S.-sponsored hoax to launch a world war against Islam and Muslims.”

The facebook page seems to be inaccessible now. Maybe he realized the jig is up.
The police knew there was no bomb, and they knew there was no hoax. They arrested Ahmed because they believed his device could have been used in a bomb hoax. Chief Boyd had no answer to the question of why Ahmed was arrested for a possible future use for his clock without any evidence he had ever thought of using it that way, why he wasn't allowed to call his parents, and why he was unaccompanied by a parent in the juvenile detention center as wanted and is entitled to be.
A kid brings a device to school that looks like a bomb, that he knows looks suspicious, and shows it in every class despite at least one teacher's suggestion not to do so, until someone confiscates it and calls the police. Kid has no explanation why he made it.

Not true. He had an explanation. He made it because he thought it was cool, and he wanted to show his teacher what he could do.

It doesn't matter that his explanation did not satisfy the adults in the room. Fourteen year old kids (and plenty of grown-ups for that matter) do things 'just because', and that's all there is to it.
We don't know what he said to the cops apart from "it's a clock". In particular, we don't know if he said he thought it was cool, or that he wanted to show his teacher what he could do. That's just stuff he said afterwards to the media. We already know he knew it looked suspicious, so why did he keep bringing it to every class and showing it to teachers? "Just because" is only another way of saying that it was a prank.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt he kept telling the cops it was a clock even though they kept suggesting it might be used for another purpose. And we know it was indeed a clock.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt he brought it to school to show it to his teacher, and that he did show it to him.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt the teacher told him to not show it to the other teachers, and the evidence suggests this was because his engineering teacher knew it would make the other teachers nervous.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that Ahmed did not show it to any other teachers until it made noise in English class, and the English teacher wanted to know what was beeping. We know beyond a reasonable doubt that Ahmed showed the English teacher the device, explained that it was a clock, and told her about how he had put it together.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that nothing Ahmed said or did was done with the intention of making others believe he had a bomb, and that in fact, no one thought the thing was a bomb, or that he was hoaxing them.
Some of those things we know, but some we don't know "beyond reasonable doubt". He did say it was a clock, but he did not bring it to school to show his teacher but teachers in plural. There is not much evidence to suggest that he did it to impress any particular teacher, in fact the only story I've seen that even mentions the "engineering teacher" is the original Dallas Morning News report that kicked it off. Do they even have engineering as a subject in high school? Ahmed did mention in an interview with Al Jazeera that there were two teachers, which is probably true, but that's just because the english teacher confiscated the device before he could show it to anyone else.

We also know beyond reasonable doubt that despite the first teacher advicing against showing it to anyone, and despite knowing that the device looked suspicious, Ahmed plugged it in during class and set the alarm to show his class mate (according to what Ahmed said to Al Jazeera). We don't know if the English teacher had asked to see the device or if Ahmed volunteered to show it to her again after class. Ahmed's stories are also somewhat contradictory.

We don't know beyond reasonable doubt what Ahmed told the teacher about his reasoning, or "how he had put it together", much less why. In fact, Ahmed has not given a truthful answer about how he put the device together in any of the interviews he's had (that he just took the innards of an alarm clock and stuffed them in a box), so it's unlikely he would have done so at the school either.

And yet some people are convinced he was pulling a prank, that he's a master strategist, and also retarded.
It does have the characteristics of a prank. It could have been a honest attempt at impressing the teachers, but it's not hard to see how showing a device that looks like a suitcase bomb to an english teacher might have been taken the wrong way.
Police will get alerted every single time when they think you are lying or hiding something from them. That's in their job description.
In thins particular case ClockBoy has done a great job of looking suspicions and uncooperative.
Whether it was intent or he is just that way is irrelevant, police has done their job.
I was not against this kid when the news came out. But when I saw the picture and then more info came out I changed my opinion.
I personally think that Ahmed could be a bit mentally deficient. His has weird speech patterns and interest in collecting electronic junk without actually doing anything with it, all points toward "Kid is mentally retarded" theory.
Combine it with attention whore father and you get what we have got.
I don't think he's retarded. I think he just lives in a fundie bubble, and is a loner who gets bullied at school for his name so he doesn't have many friends.
This has come out in the last few days about the father.


Reporter Trace Gallagher said it appears the dad operates two different Facebook pages. On his personal page, he reported, the elder Mohamed wrote about how “killing without rightness” is prohibited by Islam. But there’s also apparently an Arabic Facebook page that also appears to be run by Elhassan Mohamed.

“There’s also an Arabic Facebook page for the National Reform Party, a political party started by Elhassan Mohamed, bearing a similar profile picture and address,” Gallagher explained. “Only, this webpage is much more active and the tone is very different, including a 14-minute conspiracy theory clip on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and a post that shows the smoking World Trade towers, describing as a U.S.-sponsored hoax to launch a world war against Islam and Muslims.”

The facebook page seems to be inaccessible now. Maybe he realized the jig is up.

Oh, for dog's sake! The very first sentence of that report is a giant clue that the story is bullshit and half-truths.

"On Wednesday night, Fox News host Megyn Kelly reported on a “disturbing new twist” in the story of Ahmed Mohamed, the Texas teenager who became an overnight celebrity after officials at his high school took precautions and treated his homemade clock as a possible hoax bomb."

Remember the Fox News story where the little black neighborhood kid said when he grew up he was going to have a gun, and the Perky Babe and Mr. Suit at the news desk shuddered in horror and talked about how scary that was? Remember how it was shown to be a deliberate misrepresentation when someone found and posted the entire clip in which the reporter asked the follow-up question why he was going to have a gun, and the kid said he would have a gun because he was going to be a police officer and he was going to fight the bad guys? Remember how no one was surprised Fox News hosts withheld pertinent information so they could spin the story into something to scare the white folks?

Remember when Fox News was reporting on liberals and union supporters holding a public protest in Wisconsin, and the news clip they showed in the background had angry black people marching down streets lined with palm trees? Remember how no one was surprised they deliberately misled their audience by substituting old footage of a near riot in Los Angeles in place of the real footage showing calm, well mannered citizens making speeches in Madison?

Remember the attempt to change Canadian broadcast law, which calls for news programs that knowingly broadcast untruths and lies to be fined per deliberate lie or deception, by a man who wanted to broadcast Fox News in Canada but knew he couldn't possibly make enough money to pay all the fines Fox News would earn?

Sheesh. You'd think people would be just a little bit skeptical, and want to see the actual Facebook page for themselves, not just put their faith in Fox News to tell them what it said.

But let's take that story at face value anyway. What does it actually say? That Ahmed's father has a personal Facebook page in which he says “killing without rightness” is prohibited by Islam. And that there is another Facebook page for the political party Ahmed's father belongs to that has "a 14-minute conspiracy theory clip on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and a post that shows the smoking World Trade towers, describing as a U.S.-sponsored hoax to launch a world war against Islam and Muslims.”

I'm going to go out on a limb here are presume no one has an issue with Mr. Mohamed's rejection of "killing without rightness". So that leaves the other page, the one that allegedly has a 14 minute clip on the 9/11 terrorist attack. What does that clip say? That is was good, that it was bad, that it was Jews who did it? We don't know because Megyn Kelly doesn't say.

It also has a post (posted by whom? Ahmed's father? Somebody else in his party? A troll, perhaps?) that "shows the smoking World Trade towers, describing as a U.S.-sponsored hoax to launch a world war against Islam and Muslims". What hoax does the post describe? A hoax where the US government and Israel were behind the attack and blamed it on Muslims? Or does it describe a hoax perpetrated by the Bush Administration to mislead Americans into thinking Saddam Hussein and his Bath party were responsible, even though the government knew it was really Osama bin Laden and al Queda radicals, so they could widen their retaliatory attacks to include a Muslim country they wanted to bomb for a different reason? Once again, Megyn Kelly doesn't say.

Obviously we are supposed to fill in the gaps with the products of our own imaginations, and like all True Patriotic Americans we are supposed to assume the worst about a fellow American who is brown, Muslim, and stirring up trouble for the good white Christian folks in Texas.

But even if you think Fox News is reliable this time the question remains, what does Mr. Mohamed's Facebook page have to do with how the police and school officials should react to a kid with a home built clock who has not violated any school rules except maybe rules about carrying electronic devices around, and making noise in class?
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The police knew there was no bomb, and they knew there was no hoax. They arrested Ahmed because they believed his device could have been used in a bomb hoax. Chief Boyd had no answer to the question of why Ahmed was arrested for a possible future use for his clock without any evidence he had ever thought of using it that way, why he wasn't allowed to call his parents, and why he was unaccompanied by a parent in the juvenile detention center as wanted and is entitled to be.
A kid brings a device to school that looks like a bomb, that he knows looks suspicious, and shows it in every class despite at least one teacher's suggestion not to do so, until someone confiscates it and calls the police. Kid has no explanation why he made it.

Not true. He had an explanation. He made it because he thought it was cool, and he wanted to show his teacher what he could do.

It doesn't matter that his explanation did not satisfy the adults in the room. Fourteen year old kids (and plenty of grown-ups for that matter) do things 'just because', and that's all there is to it.
We don't know what he said to the cops apart from "it's a clock". In particular, we don't know if he said he thought it was cool, or that he wanted to show his teacher what he could do. That's just stuff he said afterwards to the media. We already know he knew it looked suspicious, so why did he keep bringing it to every class and showing it to teachers? "Just because" is only another way of saying that it was a prank.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt he kept telling the cops it was a clock even though they kept suggesting it might be used for another purpose. And we know it was indeed a clock.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt he brought it to school to show it to his teacher, and that he did show it to him.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt the teacher told him to not show it to the other teachers, and the evidence suggests this was because his engineering teacher knew it would make the other teachers nervous.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that Ahmed did not show it to any other teachers until it made noise in English class, and the English teacher wanted to know what was beeping. We know beyond a reasonable doubt that Ahmed showed the English teacher the device, explained that it was a clock, and told her about how he had put it together.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that nothing Ahmed said or did was done with the intention of making others believe he had a bomb, and that in fact, no one thought the thing was a bomb, or that he was hoaxing them.
Some of those things we know, but some we don't know "beyond reasonable doubt". He did say it was a clock, but he did not bring it to school to show his teacher but teachers in plural. There is not much evidence to suggest that he did it to impress any particular teacher, in fact the only story I've seen that even mentions the "engineering teacher" is the original Dallas Morning News report that kicked it off. Do they even have engineering as a subject in high school? Ahmed did mention in an interview with Al Jazeera that there were two teachers, which is probably true, but that's just because the english teacher confiscated the device before he could show it to anyone else.

There are reports from multiple reputable news outlets that Ahmed brought the clock to school to show to his engineering teacher. For example, the BBC reported:

Ahmed said that he had made a clock at home and brought it to school to show his engineering teacher.

He said his engineering teacher had congratulated him but advised him "not to show any other teachers".

The teenager said another teacher became aware of it when the device beeped during the lesson.

"She was like - it looks like a bomb," he said.

Only two teachers saw the clock - his engineering teacher (Ahmed was taking a robotics class) and his English teacher. The engineering teacher saw it because Ahmed brought it to class to show him. The English teacher became aware of it when it started beeping in her class.

We also know beyond reasonable doubt that despite the first teacher advicing against showing it to anyone, and despite knowing that the device looked suspicious, Ahmed plugged it in during class and set the alarm to show his class mate (according to what Ahmed said to Al Jazeera). We don't know if the English teacher had asked to see the device or if Ahmed volunteered to show it to her again after class. Ahmed's stories are also somewhat contradictory.

We don't know beyond reasonable doubt what Ahmed told the teacher about his reasoning, or "how he had put it together", much less why. In fact, Ahmed has not given a truthful answer about how he put the device together in any of the interviews he's had (that he just took the innards of an alarm clock and stuffed them in a box), so it's unlikely he would have done so at the school either.

And yet some people are convinced he was pulling a prank, that he's a master strategist, and also retarded.
It does have the characteristics of a prank. It could have been a honest attempt at impressing the teachers, but it's not hard to see how showing a device that looks like a suitcase bomb to an english teacher might have been taken the wrong way.

The clock has the characteristics that make it useful as a means of pranking someone. So do buckets, salt shakers, and Mountain Dew. But to have the characteristics of an actual prank, there has to be an attempt to deceive, scare, or provoke a response the pranker intends to provoke. That's what's missing.

Ahmed told everyone who saw it that it was a clock. He told anyone interested in knowing how he put it together. There was no prank, no hoax, no lie, no deception. He told them the truth, but for whatever reason, not all of the listeners accepted that. His English teacher thought it looked like a bomb, the Principal apparently agreed with her, and the cops thought it looked like something that could be used in a bomb hoax. The cops pressured him to agree, but they had no particular reason to think he thought of it the same way they did, and neither do we.
Not a word here about the brats father having two Facebook accounts, one in Arabic and preaching most likely hate the infidels, another in English exposing his duplicity.

The clock has the characteristics that make it useful as a means of pranking someone. So do buckets, salt shakers, and Mountain Dew. But to have the characteristics of an actual prank, there has to be an attempt to deceive, scare, or provoke a response the pranker intends to provoke. That's what's missing.

Ahmed told everyone who saw it that it was a clock. He told anyone interested in knowing how he put it together. There was no prank, no hoax, no lie, no deception. He told them the truth, but for whatever reason, not all of the listeners accepted that. His English teacher thought it looked like a bomb, the Principal apparently agreed with her, and the cops thought it looked like something that could be used in a bomb hoax. The cops pressured him to agree, but they had no particular reason to think he thought of it the same way they did, and neither do we.
You keep arguing as if this was unusual and Ahmed was the victim of singular intent to abuse him in a situation where school faculty and police otherwise always act with reasonable judgement. It is the fucking ZT programs where they are not allowed to use judgement. Ahmed is one of thousands of kids (not an isolated incident) where kids are hauled out of school in handcuffs by the police. The mother of special needs child was hauled out of school in handcuffs and charged with criminal trespass for not getting a hall pass even though the school called her to come, knew who she was, why she was there, and was let into the school by school security. One kid was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police for farting in class. One elementary school girl was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police and charged with assault for kissing a boy.

If you want to argue that Ahmed was a typical victim of ZT programs as a reason to abolish this stupidity then I am all with you. If you continue to paint this as an isolated case of stupid irrational authoritarianism in an atmosphere where schools and police normally act rationally and with judgement then you are just being a puppet for those who are using this to foment division by making this a case of "islamophobia".
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Not a word here about the brats father having two Facebook accounts, one in Arabic and preaching most likely hate the infidels, another in English exposing his duplicity.

Read the thread. Arctish already covered this.

But I notice how you use the words "most likely" here because neither you nor any reliable source has seen this alleged second facebook account. It isn't even clear that this political party account is actually used by boy's father. But the fact that you take the mere rumors of the contents of this facebook account so seriously and use them to presume the worst possible for this family speaks volumes about you. But you already acknowledged that you are a bigot about Islam so there's nothing new here.

But suppose you guessed right and his father hates America and all of it's infidels.

That still says nothing about the ethics of arresting minors who bring clocks to school and interrogating them in handcuffs while preventing access to their parents and attorneys. So why should we care?
If I were in charge of the security forces, I'd have the whole family investigated. The father has deleted his Arabic Facebook page only after he realised that it would come under scrutiny!
If I were in charge of the security forces, I'd have the whole family investigated. The father has deleted his Arabic Facebook page only after he realised that it would come under scrutiny!

If you were in charge of the security forces, I would be fucking terrified. I would probably try to assassinate you myself.

The clock has the characteristics that make it useful as a means of pranking someone. So do buckets, salt shakers, and Mountain Dew. But to have the characteristics of an actual prank, there has to be an attempt to deceive, scare, or provoke a response the pranker intends to provoke. That's what's missing.

Ahmed told everyone who saw it that it was a clock. He told anyone interested in knowing how he put it together. There was no prank, no hoax, no lie, no deception. He told them the truth, but for whatever reason, not all of the listeners accepted that. His English teacher thought it looked like a bomb, the Principal apparently agreed with her, and the cops thought it looked like something that could be used in a bomb hoax. The cops pressured him to agree, but they had no particular reason to think he thought of it the same way they did, and neither do we.
You keep arguing as if this was unusual and Ahmed was the victim of singular intent to abuse him in a situation where school faculty and police otherwise always act with reasonable judgement. It is the fucking ZT programs where they are not allowed to use judgement. Ahmed is one of thousands of kids (not an isolated incident) where kids are hauled out of school in handcuffs by the police. The mother of special needs child was hauled out of school in handcuffs and charged with criminal trespass for not getting a hall pass even though the school called her to come, knew who she was, why she was there, and was let into the school by school security. One kid was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police for farting in class. One elementary school girl was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police and charged with assault for kissing a boy.

If you want to argue that Ahmed was a typical victim of ZT programs as a reason to abolish this stupidity then I am all with you.

That would be my argument if ZT was a known factor. But there doesn't appear to be a ZT policy about clocks or pencil cases, the police and school did not mention a ZT policy as a reason for Ahmed's arrest, and bringing ZT into a discussion of an abuse of authority that wasn't inspired by a stupid, ill-considered ZT policy would be missing the point.

The cops didn't have to take the kid out of school in handcuffs. The Principal didn't have to suspend him for 3 days. There was no ZT policy in effect that dictated those choices. The whole thing could have been handled by confiscating the clock until the end of the day, and letting Ahmed know that for everyone's peace of mind, strange homemade electronics need to be cleared at the office before being brought into the school.

If you continue to paint this as an isolated case of stupid irrational authoritarianism in an atmosphere where schools and police normally act rationally and with judgement then you are just being a puppet for those who are using this to foment division by making this a case of "islamophobia".

I fully agree that schools, police departments, and society in general has become way too prone to irrational authoritarianism, and that this must be fought at every turn. But I also see the fact that Ahmed is a Muslim inflaming the discussion and turning off people who might otherwise support him. There are some on this board who have argued in support of citizen's rights in the past, but seem pretty eager to throw this kid under the bus. If it isn't his religion that's inspiring the disdain, then what is it? Envy?
You keep arguing as if this was unusual and Ahmed was the victim of singular intent to abuse him in a situation where school faculty and police otherwise always act with reasonable judgement. It is the fucking ZT programs where they are not allowed to use judgement. Ahmed is one of thousands of kids (not an isolated incident) where kids are hauled out of school in handcuffs by the police. The mother of special needs child was hauled out of school in handcuffs and charged with criminal trespass for not getting a hall pass even though the school called her to come, knew who she was, why she was there, and was let into the school by school security. One kid was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police for farting in class. One elementary school girl was hauled out of school in handcuffs by police and charged with assault for kissing a boy.

If you want to argue that Ahmed was a typical victim of ZT programs as a reason to abolish this stupidity then I am all with you.

That would be my argument if ZT was a known factor. But there doesn't appear to be a ZT policy about clocks or pencil cases, the police and school did not mention a ZT policy as a reason for Ahmed's arrest, and bringing ZT into a discussion of an abuse of authority that wasn't inspired by a stupid, ill-considered ZT policy would be missing the point.
Then you are ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the abuses of ZT policies. Explain how a kid playing "cops and robbers" can be arrested for pointing his finger and saying "bang" at another kid he is playing with. Surely there isn't a specific policy against pointing fingers or saying bang. Or are you going to assert that yes there is a specific rule against pointing fingers and a rule against saying bang? If there is such rules then they are abusive authoritarianism and should be eliminated not used as an excuse for why the school had cops arrest the kid for doing it.
The cops didn't have to take the kid out of school in handcuffs. The Principal didn't have to suspend him for 3 days. There was no ZT policy in effect that dictated those choices.
That is an assertion you are making with absolutely no foundation other than maybe you believe that ZT policies are reasonable.
The whole thing could have been handled by confiscating the clock until the end of the day, and letting Ahmed know that for everyone's peace of mind, strange homemade electronics need to be cleared at the office before being brought into the school.
Again you are assuming that ZT policies are reasonable.
If you continue to paint this as an isolated case of stupid irrational authoritarianism in an atmosphere where schools and police normally act rationally and with judgement then you are just being a puppet for those who are using this to foment division by making this a case of "islamophobia".

I fully agree that schools, police departments, and society in general has become way too prone to irrational authoritarianism, and that this must be fought at every turn.
Good. A spark of reason.
But I also see the fact that Ahmed is a Muslim inflaming the discussion and turning off people who might otherwise support him. There are some on this board who have argued in support of citizen's rights in the past, but seem pretty eager to throw this kid under the bus. If it isn't his religion that's inspiring the disdain, then what is it? Envy?
I have no idea why people on this board think what they do. I don't read minds. But that has nothing to do with what happened in Ahmed's case.

Just as a guess as to why it is "inflaming the discussion" maybe it is that the media hype presenting this as islamophobia to provoke divisiveness and emotional reactions is working.
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That would be my argument if ZT was a known factor. But there doesn't appear to be a ZT policy about clocks or pencil cases, the police and school did not mention a ZT policy as a reason for Ahmed's arrest, and bringing ZT into a discussion of an abuse of authority that wasn't inspired by a stupid, ill-considered ZT policy would be missing the point.
Then you are ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the abuses of ZT policies.

And you are either ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the fact that ZT was not cited as a factor by anyone involved in Ahmed Mohamed's arrest and suspension from school.

You can rail against ZT all you want. I might even join you. But ZT was not to blame for Ahmed's arrest. The police and the school Principal could have allowed him to return to his classes, and finished up their investigation of the pencil case clock without breaking out the jackboots. They had a choice, and they made it.
Then you are ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the abuses of ZT policies.

And you are either ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the fact that ZT was not cited as a factor by anyone involved in Ahmed Mohamed's arrest and suspension from school.
It wasn't cited as the reason that I have heard but neither has it been cited as the reason for the other thousands of arrests that I have heard.

However, after this case exploded in the media the governor of Texas in an interview did say that everything was handled properly because Texas has a zero tolerance policy to assure that it was.... whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

You can rail against ZT all you want. I might even join you. But ZT was not to blame for Ahmed's arrest. The police and the school Principal could have allowed him to return to his classes, and finished up their investigation of the pencil case clock without breaking out the jackboots. They had a choice, and they made it.
Another assertion based on the idea that ZT policies are reasonable.
And you are either ignorant or pretending to be ignorant of the fact that ZT was not cited as a factor by anyone involved in Ahmed Mohamed's arrest and suspension from school.
It wasn't cited as the reason that I have heard but neither has it been cited as the reason for the other thousands of arrests that I have heard.

However, after this case exploded in the media the governor of Texas in an interview did say that everything was handled properly because Texas has a zero tolerance policy to assure that it was.... whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

You can rail against ZT all you want. I might even join you. But ZT was not to blame for Ahmed's arrest. The police and the school Principal could have allowed him to return to his classes, and finished up their investigation of the pencil case clock without breaking out the jackboots. They had a choice, and they made it.
Another assertion based on the idea that ZT policies are reasonable.

Okay, it's time for you to link to the ZT policy in question, and to a direct quote in which a member of the police, school administration, or other official involved with the case cited it as the reason for the arrest and/or 3 day suspension. I think you're conflating one cause of authoritarian overreach with another, but I'll read whatever you post.
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