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jailing Trump


Veteran Member
Feb 26, 2006
United States-Texas
Basic Beliefs
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
This is a larger factor than anyone wants to admit, on common white collar crimes like tax fraud, document security, fraudulent investment practices, and sex trafficking.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
Well, you could start the discussion by detailing each of the crimes he has been convicted of for which jail/prison is the punishment, and which he has managed to avoid.
Much as it might be emotionally satisfying, imprisoning Trump is NOT going to happen. (He MIGHT be jailed on a contempt of court charge, but in the unlikely event that that happens, the jailing would only be for an hour or two anyway.)

Any judge sentencing Trump would treat ANY ex-President with "kid gloves"; and would be unlikely to impose a non-suspended sentence anyway -- but since Trump has incited a huge number of his followers toward violence, any judge who imprisoned Trump would be signing his own death warrant.

To see that "Justice" is a two-tier system in Amerika, consider Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani, and Alex Jones. All three of these criminals -- who aren't even ex-Presidents -- should be bankrupted by now, given civil court rulings against them -- but are they?
Well, SCOTUS effectively told us that Presidents are different from the rest of us. Cohen did time behind bars for some of the same counts Trump was found guilty on.
We are beset by powerful scoundrels. The lessons for our youth are, there is no consent of the governed; lie 'til you get what you're after; crime does pay. And dry-hump the flag, it's what patriots do.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?
Money. A person like Orange Hitler has lots of money to keep things endlessly in the court system. Someone without that money simply doesn't have that ability.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
Dirt on judges? Bribes? Afraid of their own skeletons exposed?

Technically possible, maybe, in the sense that all things not violating how the universe works are possible, but…vanishingly unlikely, to the point it’s not worth really giving serious consideration to.

Because the rich and powerful enjoy benefits in the eyes of the law that “others” do not? Well, I think we have a Bingo on that one.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
Well, you could start the discussion by detailing each of the crimes he has been convicted of for which jail/prison is the punishment, and which he has managed to avoid.
You needn’t pull a hamstring leaping to Trump’s defense; the OP was, and is, a hypothetical. And within it is the (unstated) premise that, if Trump never goes to jail for something he was convicted of, for which prison was an option, what would the underlying reason be?

It goes without saying that if he’s never convicted in the first place, the reason would be that he was never convicted/sentenced, if that makes you feel better about Trump.

Of course, he has been convicted—of felonies—at this point, and is awaiting sentencing, so we’re only halfway through one data point in this exercise.

And if he weren’t so rich and powerful, we’d have long ago had multiple other convictions and sentences to talk about…
I'm just a humble retail store manager. My education is just a bachelor's degree in history plus some grad school. Sorry if I didn't frame the post a certain way.
I'm just a humble retail store manager. My education is just a bachelor's degree in history plus some grad school. Sorry if I didn't frame the post a certain way.
Did you mean it to be a hypothetical situation (as some are saying), or did you have some past convictions in mind for which he was found guilty and escaped incarceration?

And nothing wrong with being a retail store manager and having just a bachelor's degree. Its what I have as well and NO grad school. Stay humble too.
Of course, he has been convicted—of felonies—at this point, and is awaiting sentencing, so we’re only halfway through one data point in this exercise.

And if he weren’t so rich and powerful, we’d have long ago had multiple other convictions and sentences to talk about…
It’s a sticky wicket. A fair system provides recourse for the accused to address accusations against them. But it should also (IMHO) limit that recourse to what is universally available to everyone in the system.
Right now if you are accused, your ability to defend yourself if you’re innocent - or to evade repercussions if you’re guilty - is proportional to the resources available to you, so that if you have much greater resources (wealth), you have much greater access to recourse. If you have sufficient millions to lay out, you can delay your own prosecution indefinitely, no matter how guilty you are.
If you have sufficient millions to lay out, you can delay your own prosecution indefinitely, no matter how guilty you are.
Trump also has the advantage of having appointed so many in the "justice" business. 3 SCOTUS judges, hand picked for loyalty. Aileen Cannon. The list of Trump's corrupt appointments is long. If it weren't Cannon's decision, can you imagine anyone getting off from selling top secret documents to hostile governments for billions of dollars? Trump and Kuschner can.
Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?
Obviously yes.
Have they bribed people?
That’s another crime. He tried to bribe Zelenskyy.
Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
Possibly. After 4 years of his cronyism making appointments as president, there are probably lots of heavily conflicted people who know the truth but can’t tell it for fear of their own legal, and likely their physical, well-being.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?

Out of all white males, he has the most privilege. He has so much privilege that jailing him would anger so many people and make him more popular, like Hitler. He would get another coup going to get him out and overthrow the govt.
I'm just a humble retail store manager. My education is just a bachelor's degree in history plus some grad school. Sorry if I didn't frame the post a certain way.
Did you mean it to be a hypothetical situation (as some are saying), or did you have some past convictions in mind for which he was found guilty and escaped incarceration?

And nothing wrong with being a retail store manager and having just a bachelor's degree. Its what I have as well and NO grad school. Stay humble too.
I meant it theoretical. I've never had any problems with the law except one speeding ticket 30 years ago. I pled guilty and did defensive driving and ended up saving more money on insurance than if I hadn't got the ticket.
. He has so much privilege that jailing him would anger so many people and make him more popular, like Hitler. He would get another coup going to get him out and overthrow the govt.

Uh … Hitler was like 45 or something in 1933. I really think trump is too stupid and cowardly to be any threat at all, absent his enablers. His usefulness to them is teetering right now. I don’t think he will succeed in creating mass havoc. He will probably die in exile or “peacefully at home” while “serving his sentence”.

Some “movement” of morons might adopt his name posthumously, which would delight his ghost no end.
. He has so much privilege that jailing him would anger so many people and make him more popular, like Hitler. He would get another coup going to get him out and overthrow the govt.

Uh … Hitler was like 45 or something in 1933. I really think trump is too stupid and cowardly to be any threat at all, absent his enablers. His usefulness to them is teetering right now. I don’t think he will succeed in creating mass havoc. He will probably die in exile or “peacefully at home” while “serving his sentence”.

Some “movement” of morons might adopt his name posthumously, which would delight his ghost no end.
Agree. People talk about this like Putin talks about nuking the world. It's just bullying meant to intimidate people who can't see through the bullshit.
. He has so much privilege that jailing him would anger so many people and make him more popular, like Hitler. He would get another coup going to get him out and overthrow the govt.

Uh … Hitler was like 45 or something in 1933. I really think trump is too stupid and cowardly to be any threat at all, absent his enablers. His usefulness to them is teetering right now. I don’t think he will succeed in creating mass havoc. He will probably die in exile or “peacefully at home” while “serving his sentence”.

Some “movement” of morons might adopt his name posthumously, which would delight his ghost no end.
His corpse would demand royalties.
. He has so much privilege that jailing him would anger so many people and make him more popular, like Hitler. He would get another coup going to get him out and overthrow the govt.

Uh … Hitler was like 45 or something in 1933. I really think trump is too stupid and cowardly to be any threat at all, absent his enablers. His usefulness to them is teetering right now. I don’t think he will succeed in creating mass havoc. He will probably die in exile or “peacefully at home” while “serving his sentence”.

Well, Hitler also took part in a coup attempt initially and then ran away, trying not to get caught. After that, he was jailed and wrote his book about his own victimization (Mein Kampf translates to My Struggle). This actually made him more popular.

Some “movement” of morons might adopt his name posthumously, which would delight his ghost no end.

I can totally see this.
If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen?

Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges?

Have they bribed people?

Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
In the end, Trump could go to jail but I would hope for the sake of the US Constitution it would not take place before the election. Especially considering state trials and/or convictions in heavily biased jurisdictions based on political motivations accomplished without appellate review.

I view this similar to jury nullification, where it is better to let the public have their voice even if that means letting a convicted criminal off.
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