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Jussie Smollet - Horrible Hate Crime or Horrible Case of TDS?


Dec 21, 2001
Silicon Valley, CA
Basic Beliefs

"Empire" star Jussie Smollett was brutally attacked by 2 men who beat him up, put his head in a noose and screamed, "This is MAGA country."

Sources directly connected to Jussie tell TMZ, the actor arrived in Chicago from New York late Monday, and at around 2 AM he was hungry and went to a Subway. We're told when shortly after he walked out on his way home, someone yelled, "Aren't you that f***ot 'Empire' n*****?"

The 2 men -- both white and wearing ski masks -- viciously attacked Jussie as he fought back, but they beat him badly and fractured a rib. They put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him and as they left they yelled, "This is MAGA country."

Seems pretty fishy to me. The scribbled letter writing, the crude pictures and the cut out letters from a magazine, among tons of other things. Its like it was all lifted from a staged crime from the '70's show Columbo, but much more sloppy.
I don't see any kind of meaningful distinction between it being a hate crime or TDS. If someone commits a hate crime because they're swayed by political diatribes from a racist demagogue, it's still just as much of a hate crime.

They recognized him and attacked him due to his being a gay black man. That's a hate crime regardless of the source of their hatred.
Based on the police reporting, it seems like a terrible attack. Based on the time of day, it seems possibly premeditated.
Why do you trust this story?

Remember the Israeli teenager who was making all the threats against the Jewish community centers?

Are those hoaxes still counted towards the total number of hate crimes for 2017?

You want hate crimes and you are credulous about the reports. You are all a joke.

Why do you trust this story?

Remember the Israeli teenager who was making all the threats against the Jewish community centers?

Are those hoaxes still counted towards the total number of hate crimes for 2017?

You want hate crimes and you are credulous about the reports. You are all a joke.

Not all of us put credence to these random stories. I don't know any of these people involved here. I know of no thorough investigations - no matter what happens on this particular (sample size of 1) story, it doesn't diminish the reality of racial tension that is being stoked by the right for political gain. And not just in the USA, It's happening in Britain, Europe, and here in Canada too.

In Canada, we now have right wing politicians stoking fears about immigrants that, when fact checked, are wrong. Flat out liars. Using fear to gain power.

These stories get people riled up - and if true they should. But they can be weaponized as well, so you're correct, we have to be careful. The Catholic Boys school fiasco is another good example. Personally, I don't put any stock in individual stories, but I don't need examples to know that a racist fear monger for a President is going to be bad for everybody. Common sense.

Just for arguments sake - lets say this was a hoax. Does that prove anything?
repoman said:
Why do you trust this story?

Remember the Israeli teenager who was making all the threats against the Jewish community centers?
I don't trust it, but not because I deny the clear fact that rise in homophobic white supremacy is the foundation of the MAGA cult, or that many of it's members would like to violently assault a black man like their statued heroes who fought for their beloved confederate flag did.

I don't trust the story based on current info, because the specific details seem implausible, namely that a couple of MAGAs went to downtown Chicago (far from MAGA country), where even at 2am there are always people on the street and cameras on every building, walked around with ski masks, a rope, and bleach, to track down a B-level celebrity that no one but an avid Empire fan would recognize. If it had occurred a couple hours south in rural IL against a random black person, it would be less fishy.

OTOH, I am still waiting for more information rather than concluding as you clearly have this is definitely a hoax. After all, it also isn't highly plausible that a person would risk their entire career by staging a hoax that is getting the FBI involved, and beat themselves up, just for some Twitter attention. So we need more info to decide, which unlikely event actually occurred.

Besides, it is actually the fact that aggressive white supremacy is the foundation of the MAGA cult that increases the likelihood that some sad individual would try and capitalize on those real racial tensions to pull off such a hoax. Just like that Israeli teenager was motivated to use hoax's of threats by the fact that such threats were so plausible, given the large increase in actual real threats and violence against Jews and Synagogues in the US since Trump's election. That includes the pro-slavery (aka "Confederacy") MAGAs in Charlottesville that Trump called "good people" who carried anti-semitic signs such as "Jews will not replace us." Remember the mass murdering white supremacist shooter of the Pittsburgh Synagogue who parroted Trump talking points about hordes of Honduran immigrants invading the US? He was just indicted yesterday for hate crimes.

But of course, you ignore the reality of the rise in anti-semitism and white supremacy and act like the rare isolated hoax that it gives rise to are indicative of their not being any real rise in white supremacy in the first place.
There isn't enough info at this point to say what happened. The police usually find out if it's a hoax or not.
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
"poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim" according to the Police. If he was attacked, then the dousing with whatever definitely raises the drama all by itself.
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
"poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim" according to the Police. If he was attacked, then the dousing with whatever definitely raises the drama all by itself.

It sounds a bit hokey, "unknown chemical substance" ? Diet Dr Pepper ? He also had "a light rope placed around his neck", a shoelace or what ?
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
"poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim" according to the Police. If he was attacked, then the dousing with whatever definitely raises the drama all by itself.

The police could just be repeating what Smollett claimed.
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
"poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim" according to the Police. If he was attacked, then the dousing with whatever definitely raises the drama all by itself.

It sounds a bit hokey, "unknown chemical substance" ? Diet Dr Pepper ? He also had "a light rope placed around his neck", a shoelace or what ?

It was first reported that it was bleach, a fabric whitener.
He most likely was on the receiving end of an attack but I think he's added a bit of drama to the incident.
"poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim" according to the Police. If he was attacked, then the dousing with whatever definitely raises the drama all by itself.

The police could just be repeating what Smollett claimed.
The noose and verbal statements, yeah. But if he was doused with something, that'd leave an odor. Saying a "chemical substance" is a generic term because they can't say definitively ID the substance without tests they aren't going to run.
The noose and verbal statements, yeah. But if he was doused with something, that'd leave an odor. Saying a "chemical substance" is a generic term because they can't say definitively ID the substance without tests they aren't going to run.
Everything is a chemical substance though. You are breathing in a cocktail of chemical substances, mostly diatomic nitrogen and diatomic oxygen, as we speak.
After reviewing hours of CCTV in the area where the attack happened, Chicago PD have been unable to find any video or stills of the incident or any leads. Just Smollett in the shop, alone. Also, Smollett never mentioned the "this is MAGA country" remark made by his attackers during the initial police interview.
After reviewing hours of CCTV in the area where the attack happened, Chicago PD have been unable to find any video or stills of the incident or any leads. Just Smollett in the shop, alone. Also, Smollett never mentioned the "this is MAGA country" remark made by his attackers during the initial police interview.
Not definitive, but certainly not helping the accusation.
The police could just be repeating what Smollett claimed.
The noose and verbal statements, yeah. But if he was doused with something, that'd leave an odor. Saying a "chemical substance" is a generic term because they can't say definitively ID the substance without tests they aren't going to run.

Even if there were something poured on him or a noose on him, the question is still how it got there.
It sounds a bit hokey, "unknown chemical substance" ? Diet Dr Pepper ? He also had "a light rope placed around his neck", a shoelace or what ?

It was first reported that it was bleach, a fabric whitener.

Bleach is caustic and can cause significant damage to eyes and soft tissues and to skin, depending on the strength of the bleach and how long it remained on the skin.

It eats holes in fabric. It can do the same to skin.
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