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Just Hypotherically - What Happens if Trump Croaks tomorrow?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
My guess is that within a day or two, a couple hundred congressional trumpsuckers would experience an epiphany.
Within a month, none of them ever really liked some of the stuff he said even though he was right about most stuff.
Within a year, they have said all along that Trump was a flawed character.
By 2024, they never really agreed with him about anything.

I think they also might go the Reagan route. Continual gaslighting about how his term went (which they have been doing all along), treat his legacy as if he was a saint. Keep it up so future voters will believe it, not knowing anything of his actual record. Every republican thereafter will talk of fondness of the Trump years, everyone running for office will pay their homage to Saint Trump, and claim they will be just like him. And when elected they will just do the regular corporate corruption, and conveniently ignore any of Trump's actual politics if they contradict what they are trying to do.

I suppose which route is taken depends on what criminal convictions actually happen to the people involved. A number of Reagan's people were convicted, but since R himself wasn't it was easier to ignore. With Trump dead it would be easier to go the Reagan route. But if a lot of hard evidence came out, and many top people go to prison, like Barr, then I'd expect republican amnesia to set in.
Half a dozen or so will seek to fill the void. But Don Jr., Donald the Softheaded, will swat them all away with insults they dare not return out of fear of offending a member of the royal family and drawing the ire of the Trump faithful.
And it shall be Donald the Softheaded. Only he can carry on his father’s legacy and Make America Great Again Again. No riches will be too great to lavish on The Softheaded. For he will make America for Americans.
Half the MAGA crowd will exhaust itself trying to pinpoint exactly which element of the Deep State was responsible, while the other half will assure them that it's part of his 24-dimensional chess game and he'll be coming back to life on 9/11.
Trump is a symptom, not the disease. We saw Part 1 in 2012, when the Red Hats rallied behind anyone but Romney. Then Trump came in '16 and he and his syncopate supporters blew away political convention. Trump didn't create this movement, he just gave it a big shove in the direction it has been heading. MAGA was the next evolution of the Tea Party. Now we have the Idiot Fascists in Cawthorn, Boebert, and Greene who are so far right that they are anti-democracy. Trump will likely be unmentioned at best, and Reaganized at worst.
They'll be looking for a girl willing to kiss him and turn him back into a prince.
HIs children will never speak to each other again as they fight tooth and nail for any scrap of unleveraged money he had.
Lord Jesus did not die. He became human but was also god at the same time and defeated death and left his tomb with an earthquake or maybe without an earthquake and ascended into the sky to prepare a mansion with many rooms for you and me and Donald Trump. I get dibs on the TV room.
Things have changed a bit.

The god Trump will lease you a nice room. The best.

If he has any sense of humor, he might respond "Ribbit ... ribbit ... ribbit ... I croaked."

More seriously, there would likely be a big fight over Trump's legacy, with some Republicans claiming to carry it forward and some feeling it safe to oppose it. Would any of Trump's family become involved? Queen Melania, Princes Don, Eric, Barron, and Jared, and Princesses Ivanka and Tiffany.
My guess is that within a day or two, a couple hundred congressional trumpsuckers would experience an epiphany.
Within a month, none of them ever really liked some of the stuff he said even though he was right about most stuff.
Within a year, they have said all along that Trump was a flawed character.
By 2024, they never really agreed with him about anything.

Probably. But followers would be chasing the conspiracy theories that Elixir murdered Trump for decades.
My guess is that within a day or two, a couple hundred congressional trumpsuckers would experience an epiphany.
Within a month, none of them ever really liked some of the stuff he said even though he was right about most stuff.
Within a year, they have said all along that Trump was a flawed character.
By 2024, they never really agreed with him about anything.

Probably. But followers would be chasing the conspiracy theories that Elixir murdered Trump for decades.

Very funny! If not Elixir, then probably an elixir, right?
My guess is that within a day or two, a couple hundred congressional trumpsuckers would experience an epiphany.
Within a month, none of them ever really liked some of the stuff he said even though he was right about most stuff.
Within a year, they have said all along that Trump was a flawed character.
By 2024, they never really agreed with him about anything.

Probably. But followers would be chasing the conspiracy theories that Elixir murdered Trump for decades.

Very funny! If not Elixir, then probably an elixir, right?

Or one of you godless libturds put something in his koolaid elixir!
As much as I'd enjoy not having DJT around stirring $#!t up, I think I'd like to see some of this litigation resolved officially on the record against him, before he weasels thru his final exit.

The sooner, the better.

It would warm my heart to know he died in prison with his buddy Rudy in the next cell.

That's best case scenario for me, too. But honestly, I would be happy if he just died peacefully in his sleep tomorrow. Let the magats busy themselves with who killed our savior conspiracy theories and let the right wing authoritarian cultism subside without its mascot fueling it, hopefully.
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