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Just Hypotherically - What Happens if Trump Croaks tomorrow?

As much as I'd enjoy not having DJT around stirring $#!t up, I think I'd like to see some of this litigation resolved officially on the record against him, before he weasels thru his final exit.

The sooner, the better.

It would warm my heart to know he died in prison with his buddy Rudy in the next cell.

I would be happy if he just died peacefully in his sleep tomorrow.

My better self agrees with that. Pointless suffering (as Trump has habitually caused) is the province of the stupid and the cruel. It's not like he is ever going to be rehabilitated, no matter how much pain and suffering is visited upon him.
It would be a good thing if he just ... ceased to exist.

It would be good if he simply ceased to exist.
I would be happy if he just died peacefully in his sleep tomorrow.

My better self agrees with that. Pointless suffering (as Trump has habitually caused) is the province of the stupid and the cruel. It's not like he is ever going to be rehabilitated, no matter how much pain and suffering is visited upon him.
True, but I'm speaking more out of exhaustion than moral high ground.
It would be a good thing if he just ... ceased to exist.

It would be good if he simply ceased to exist.

As much as I'd enjoy not having DJT around stirring $#!t up, I think I'd like to see some of this litigation resolved officially on the record against him, before he weasels thru his final exit.

The sooner, the better.

It would warm my heart to know he died in prison with his buddy Rudy in the next cell.

That's best case scenario for me, too. But honestly, I would be happy if he just died peacefully in his sleep tomorrow. Let the magats busy themselves with who killed our savior conspiracy theories and let the right wing authoritarian cultism subside without its mascot fueling it, hopefully.

He can go peacefully. Fine by me. I’d just like to know there is some justice and at long last he do so from where he most deservedly belongs, in prison. Whether being in prison causes him pain is neither here nor there. It’s where he belongs. It chaps my ass to see the pain and suffering the wealthy and powerful can get away with inflicting on the rest. And on the rare occasions they do land in prison, the accommodations are about as harsh as living in a Holiday Inn.
I just want him and his ilk to be treated no better than the rest of us. It’s my egalitarian streak.
That's best case scenario for me, too. But honestly, I would be happy if he just died peacefully in his sleep tomorrow. Let the magats busy themselves with who killed our savior conspiracy theories and let the right wing authoritarian cultism subside without its mascot fueling it, hopefully.

He can go peacefully. Fine by me. I’d just like to know there is some justice and at long last he do so from where he most deservedly belongs, in prison. Whether being in prison causes him pain is neither here nor there. It’s where he belongs. It chaps my ass to see the pain and suffering the wealthy and powerful can get away with inflicting on the rest. And on the rare occasions they do land in prison, the accommodations are about as harsh as living in a Holiday Inn.
I just want him and his ilk to be treated no better than the rest of us. It’s my egalitarian streak.

Yes to all of that, but as I said, I'm speaking mainly out of exhaustion now. I don't care how comfortably he slides out of existence, even as a man who deserves no comfort, just fucking go already.

There's a lot of shit that drives and connects right wing authoritarian morons, but Trump is the main thing. The sooner he goes, the better. I'd rather it not be violent, not because I give a shit about violence happening to him, but because that would further inflame his minions.
It would be good if he simply ceased to exist.

It would be better if he is used as a cautionary tale for the next cunt who wants to do something similar. Trump isn't special. He isn't unique. Everything he said and did whilst President right wingers have fantasized about or achieved on a smaller scale for decades. Republicans will elect someone just like him in a future primary. A deterrent could be useful.
It would be good if he simply ceased to exist.

It would be better if he is used as a cautionary tale for the next cunt who wants to do something similar. Trump isn't special. He isn't unique. Everything he said and did whilst President right wingers have fantasized about or achieved on a smaller scale for decades. Republicans will elect someone just like him in a future primary. A deterrent could be useful.

Very good point, and I'm rather ashamed that I abandoned it out of just being fucking tired of trump and his cult. Ford did the country a great disservice by pardoning Nixon and that helped pave the way for trumpland. We made it clear that America doesn't hold power accountable. We had it backwards then and it's been backwards ever since. Who fucking cares about the man? He abused the highest level of power a human could attain. Why this country cannot figure out why that is more reason to be as hard on him as possible and not easier is beyond me. We're sick, and we've been sick for decades, and we likely will eventually succumb to right wing authoritarianism, which of course will destroy us beyond repair because authoritarianism always does.

All that to say, yes, we really, really need for the country and the world and any budding authoritarian leaders licking their chops to take the reigns of that obedient, violent cult of trump's to see what people who abuse our highest office held to the highest level of accountability.
Who believes in the impeachment process anymore? Trumps' malfeasance and corruption were played out right in front of us. Makes you wonder how the impeachment process might've been redesigned if the 1789 conventioneers could've time-traveled and seen what the Republicans inflicted on us.
If there is any hope of coming down hard on Trump, it may be on the Stormy Daniels check (of course, there may be untold slimy revelations in the tax returns.)
I don't want Trump to drift off in a KFC coma just yet. I want bad things to happen to him. A storm of lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Foreclosures. Loan paybacks that it hurts him immensely to make.
Who believes in the impeachment process anymore? Trumps' malfeasance and corruption were played out right in front of us. Makes you wonder how the impeachment process might've been redesigned if the 1789 conventioneers could've time-traveled and seen what the Republicans inflicted on us.
If there is any hope of coming down hard on Trump, it may be on the Stormy Daniels check (of course, there may be untold slimy revelations in the tax returns.)
I don't want Trump to drift off in a KFC coma just yet. I want bad things to happen to him. A storm of lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Foreclosures. Loan paybacks that it hurts him immensely to make.

I'd rather see that happen specifically in regard to his abuse of power while in the highest office of the United States. That's the message to the world and Americans, that we hold abusers accountable and don't let them off even if they do have a shit ton of other stuff about to land on them and ruin them. I want him to suffer, too. He more than deserves it. He's had 70 years or so to be human but instead has always, always taken the sociopathic, self serving route. But that desire of mine even though I share it with countless others is irrelevant. It doesn't mean shit. Holding him accountable in the harshest way legally possible is what our country really needs as well as the rest of the world.
I too am more generally exhausted than ever, and exhaustion makes me mean(er). My exhausted self so resents what the horrid orange thing has done to this country and its people, I'd like to see him hung up by the thumbs and let everyone so inclined poke him with sharp sticks, dull sticks, burning sticks... Earlier in life that would have seemed to promise catharsis. It's a false promise.

Fun to talk about it though... :devil:
The Constitution was written before parties existed in the US.

Hamilton and Madison, later two bitter enemies, worked on what is called 'The Federalist Papers' together.

Madison with Jefferson (the slave owners) talked a lot about liberty.
There will be a million new conspiracy theories. Hillary Clinton or George Soros had him killed. With the help of the deep state. There will be a rush to take over his spot as blathering leader of the MAGAts. Anger and outage among the MAGAts will reach new heights.
There will be a million new conspiracy theories. Hillary Clinton or George Soros had him killed. With the help of the deep state. There will be a rush to take over his spot as blathering leader of the MAGAts. Anger and outage among the MAGAts will reach new heights.

That's a given. Members of my extended family would go into mourning and maybe commit suicide having lost dear leader. The political landscape wouldn't change much.
My guess is that within a day or two, a couple hundred congressional trumpsuckers would experience an epiphany.
Within a month, none of them ever really liked some of the stuff he said even though he was right about most stuff.
Within a year, they have said all along that Trump was a flawed character.
By 2024, they never really agreed with him about anything.

Probably. But followers would be chasing the conspiracy theories that Elixir murdered Trump for decades.

Very funny! If not Elixir, then probably an elixir, right?

So I've "known" you for a couple of years here, Elixir, and I finally got the chance to throw this out there....

My wife had a really bad wound in her mouth that was not healing. Her dentist prescribed her everything... like 5 different things for pain and to accelerate healing.. Not the least of which, by which I mean that which seemed to work the best to cut the pain and help it heal, was a prescription mouthwash called "Elixir". It had no ingredients listed. No chemical name.. Just, "Elixir". It worked really well as a rinse, but she found if she swallowed it, it got her pretty fucked up.. like opioid high. Still no idea what it actually was.
I think of that everytime I see your name.
So I've "known" you for a couple of years here, Elixir, and I finally got the chance to throw this out there....

My wife had a really bad wound in her mouth that was not healing. Her dentist prescribed her everything... like 5 different things for pain and to accelerate healing.. Not the least of which, by which I mean that which seemed to work the best to cut the pain and help it heal, was a prescription mouthwash called "Elixir". It had no ingredients listed. No chemical name.. Just, "Elixir". It worked really well as a rinse, but she found if she swallowed it, it got her pretty fucked up.. like opioid high. Still no idea what it actually was.
I think of that everytime I see your name.

Lol... did the bottle look like this?

not at all... nice bottle, though.
It looked like a maalox or pepto bottle, all white plastic, with a standard prescription label on it with all kinds of information, but simply identified the contents as "Elixir".
We thought it was strange, but it worked well enough.
not at all... nice bottle, though.
It looked like a maalox or pepto bottle, all white plastic, with a standard prescription label on it with all kinds of information, but simply identified the contents as "Elixir".
We thought it was strange, but it worked well enough.

Did it come from a compounding pharmacy?
not at all... nice bottle, though.
It looked like a maalox or pepto bottle, all white plastic, with a standard prescription label on it with all kinds of information, but simply identified the contents as "Elixir".
We thought it was strange, but it worked well enough.

Did it come from a compounding pharmacy?

It came from either a CVS or a Target pharmacy. Yes, I think they prepared it on site.
To answer the OP: The birds would suddenly sing again, the clouds would part and the grass would start to grow green again (instead of red-orange).

Why do you want to know?
To answer the OP: The birds would suddenly sing again, the clouds would part and the grass would start to grow green again (instead of red-orange).

Why do you want to know?

'Cuz one of these days it's gonna happen, and I don't want to be caught unaware.
To answer the OP: The birds would suddenly sing again, the clouds would part and the grass would start to grow green again (instead of red-orange).

Why do you want to know?

'Cuz one of these days it's gonna happen, and I don't want to be caught unaware.

Unless of course Trump is Jebus. Which means you need to get saved ASAP. May I suggest visiting your local church of the holy jebus right now and ask how much money do you need to give to become converted. The answer though is all of it. 1/2 to them and 1/2 to trump. (just for legal fees.)
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