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Kim Davis - Kentucky's theocratic ruler

Mark 12:17 American Standard Version (ASV)

17 And Jesus said unto them, Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. And they marvelled greatly at him.

State recognition of the marriage contract is a thing of Caesar's.

(I spend way too much time teaching Christians their own faith)
You can say what you like about the Supreme Court decision, but to assert that it constitutes "lawlessness" is fucking moronic.

The Supreme Court did its job - it interpreted the law, and made a ruling based on that law. Whether or not you agree with their decision, it was exactly as far away from "lawlessness" as it is possible to be without completely abandoning the use of the English language.

Actually, the chowder headed lunacy is anyone's belief that the SC did its job - unless pulling laughable rationalizations from the cosmic ass is its "job". It was not "interpreted" by any method of greater or rational merit than that used by necromancers and crystal gazers. Indeed, it was the complete abandonment of the meaning in the words of the English language that facilitated it's drivelly poetics.

Its not that one could not make a plausible legal argument for gay marriage, but that opinion was not it. It was an embarrassment.

Long has it been since a word salad of this caliber been posted. So many words, so little point.
Bunning's release order carries the stipulation that Davis will not interfere with the deputy clerks and instructs counsel for the deputy clerks to report on her adherence or lack thereof every two weeks.

I have read that she has already said she will violate those terms, and that this will open her to a contempt citation for a relatively long (12-18 months) period that cannot be shortened.

I expect her to be back in jail be the end of the month.


I very nearly barfed when I saw they played "Eye of the Tiger" at the press event following her release.
The band, Survivor, was furious and announced that they not only did NOT give permission, they disagree completely with her actions.
Evidently, the Rowan County Attorney has filed Misconduct charges against Mrs. Davis.

She's legally protected from prosecution because of he lawsuit.

I wonder at what point they say, 'Okay, the litigation is over. Let slip the dogs.'
Evidently, the Rowan County Attorney has filed Misconduct charges against Mrs. Davis.

She's legally protected from prosecution because of he lawsuit.

I wonder at what point they say, 'Okay, the litigation is over. Let slip the dogs.'

"The lawsuit" is presumably the suits Davis has filed against the Governor and another state officer whose name and title escape me at the moment, asking that she be given "reasonable accommodation" for her religious beliefs.

There are motions field to quash both of them...
I wonder if her objections would have worked better if she had refused to issue them based upon the fact that the law can't be followed as written. (Gays: There's no female residing in the county, can't issue a license. Lesbians. It says "the", which woman is that? Although if both lesbians resided in the county they could make a case that the "the" is moot.)
It appears to me that the whole 'the female' part, and the county of her residence, is moot if neither applicant is under 18.

On second thought, I agree--I read it backwards.
It is the function of that office to keep track of who gets married to whom and to levy a small fee for the service. There was no winnowing authority issued to this bitch and she really has no right to dictate to others. I have always though that this office should be civil service and not elected just because we keep getting half wits who do things like this Davis woman.
Sadly, I'm thinking whoever posted earlier that Bunning released her because the gay couples who wanted to get marriage licenses in her county now have gotten them is correct.

All 5 couples in her county, apparently.

They will 'monitor' her for a month or so, to make sure she's "not interfering", but I doubt she'll be getting any more requests anytime soon and then the feds will withdraw.

She will declare victory, saying she never had any intention of not interfering, still standing defiant, a paragon of Christian virtue. Though it is not being tested again.

Other clerks of one horse counties have already said they idolize her stance and will follow her lead, seeing she spent no more than 3 days in jail, hadn't worked for 3 months, still collected her salary, won popularity and admirers and money and didn't have to give an inch.

I think Bunning made a grave mistake releasing her . She should have stayed in the pokey until SHE admitted on camera she would not interfere.

Instead, she can still claim the high ground.
Just a note: She was denying all marriage licenses. Not just the gay ones.
Sadly, I'm thinking whoever posted earlier that Bunning released her because the gay couples who wanted to get marriage licenses in her county now have gotten them is correct.

All 5 couples in her county, apparently.
Surely, there's someone in Kentucky who'll want to poke the possum to see if it's dead or shamming...
Sadly, I'm thinking whoever posted earlier that Bunning released her because the gay couples who wanted to get marriage licenses in her county now have gotten them is correct.

All 5 couples in her county, apparently.
Surely, there's someone in Kentucky who'll want to poke the possum to see if it's dead or shamming...

I hope.
Sadly, I'm thinking whoever posted earlier that Bunning released her because the gay couples who wanted to get marriage licenses in her county now have gotten them is correct.

All 5 couples in her county, apparently.
Surely, there's someone in Kentucky who'll want to poke the possum to see if it's dead or shamming...

I don't think any human in their right mind would want to poke this particular possum, but that may just be me.
Sadly, I'm thinking whoever posted earlier that Bunning released her because the gay couples who wanted to get marriage licenses in her county now have gotten them is correct.

All 5 couples in her county, apparently.
Surely, there's someone in Kentucky who'll want to poke the possum to see if it's dead or shamming...

^^^ That.
While for many days posters have enjoyed a lusty hatcheting (one that would make Lizzie Bordon envious) of the "one horse" county's clerk, most have ignored the developing pivotal issue of religious accommodation. Ms. Davis has filed suit with the State of Kentucky, under the religious accommodation act. She is asserting that the state should find a method to accommodate her demand to take her authorization off the marriage licences, as well as her title.

Should she prevail? Should the others I listed previously (repeated below) prevail?

The question has also arisen before (for some examples) with regard to:

- A Muslim employee who had religious objections to raising a flag, which was a task assigned to him;

- a philosophically vegetarian bus driver who refused to hand out hamburger coupons as part of an agency’s promotion aimed at boosting ridership;

- Pacifist postal workers who had religious objections to processing draft registration forms;

- A Mormon Truck Driver who refused to transport his company's delivery cargo if it contained alcohol.

- A Muslim Flight Attendant who refused to serve alcohol.

Should these person(s) be given religious accommodation, or are they subject to firing or disciplinary action if they refuse to do their jobs?
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