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Latest right wing conspiracy theory: JFK jr faked his death to become QAnon leader


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

article said:
Until July, QAnon supporters believed that “Q,” the anonymous online forum poster whose cryptic clues make up the conspiracy theory, was a high-ranking Trump administration official, or maybe even Trump himself. But now, a good portion of QAnon believers have become convinced that Q is none other than JFK Jr, even though he died in a plane crash nearly 20 years ago.

Uhm, am I allowed to call this belief stupid?

Not that I would in any way call believers in QAnon stupid. They are obviously the greatest geniuses in the world because they alone have figured out the "real truth" about what is going on in the world, and of course I am the "real moron" for failing to believe in any of this QAnon stuff.

But seriously. JFK jr faked his death 20 years ago, and spent all this time working in secret to do this? This?



Oh...I thought it was a Cabal of Elvis, MLK and Al Capone....all faked their deaths.

That Elvis is a busy little beaver......this is headline from 1989, on the infamous but much-missed Sunday Sport. Too hilarious.

Oh...I thought it was a Cabal of Elvis, MLK and Al Capone....all faked their deaths.

That Elvis is a busy little beaver......this is headline from 1989, on the infamous but much-missed Sunday Sport. Too hilarious.

View attachment 16897

Fake News. That's not Elvis, it's the lion from Wizard of OZ. :mad:

article said:
Until July, QAnon supporters believed that “Q,” the anonymous online forum poster whose cryptic clues make up the conspiracy theory, was a high-ranking Trump administration official, or maybe even Trump himself. But now, a good portion of QAnon believers have become convinced that Q is none other than JFK Jr, even though he died in a plane crash nearly 20 years ago.

Uhm, am I allowed to call this belief stupid?

Not that I would in any way call believers in QAnon stupid. They are obviously the greatest geniuses in the world because they alone have figured out the "real truth" about what is going on in the world, and of course I am the "real moron" for failing to believe in any of this QAnon stuff.

But seriously. JFK jr faked his death 20 years ago, and spent all this time working in secret to do this? This?




Stupid that spreads.

There were a lot of Q shirts at the Trump Tampa rally here a few days ago.
Nah, he was killed in relation to trying to stop Dimona and so on.

Starts at 3:20
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article said:
Until July, QAnon supporters believed that “Q,” the anonymous online forum poster whose cryptic clues make up the conspiracy theory, was a high-ranking Trump administration official, or maybe even Trump himself. But now, a good portion of QAnon believers have become convinced that Q is none other than JFK Jr, even though he died in a plane crash nearly 20 years ago.

Uhm, am I allowed to call this belief stupid?

Not that I would in any way call believers in QAnon stupid. They are obviously the greatest geniuses in the world because they alone have figured out the "real truth" about what is going on in the world, and of course I am the "real moron" for failing to believe in any of this QAnon stuff.

But seriously. JFK jr faked his death 20 years ago, and spent all this time working in secret to do this? This?




Stupid that spreads.

There were a lot of Q shirts at the Trump Tampa rally here a few days ago.

Since JFK Jr's plane was brought down by a mysterious occurrence at the Pyramids of Giza, this actually makes sense.
Is this Q thing for real? Are people so stupid they'll blindly follow some anonymous person spouting this stuff on the Internet?
The silliest thing I ever heard was that JFK survived being shot in Dallas and reappeared as Jimmy Carter.
Is this Q thing for real? Are people so stupid they'll blindly follow some anonymous person spouting this stuff on the Internet?

Oh yes. You see, Robert Mueller is actually working for Q. You see, he's only making it look like he is investigating the heroic Donald Trump in order to throw the deep state off, but in reality he's investigating Killary and Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, and they will be the ones thrown in jail when the Mueller investigation is over.

Honestly, QAnon reminds me of Spirit Science more than anything else. For those who don't remember, Spirit Science sort of gathered up every single supernatural claim other than the ones made by the major world religions, and tried to create a cohesive narrative/ideology out of the resulting mess. In case that doesn't already sound crazy enough, they believe that Jews come from outer space.

Similarly, QAnon seems to stitch together a very large number of different conservative conspiracy theories, which is probably why conservolibertarians are so willing to believe it. It's more or less a repackaging of things they were already brainwashed into believing by the right wing propaganda machine.
Is this Q thing for real? Are people so stupid they'll blindly follow some anonymous person spouting this stuff on the Internet?

One of my in-laws, who has a BS degree in business of some type from a very normal state university and a regular occupation, bitched about how the stock market was doing under Pres. Obama circa 2012...yes some people really are that stupid when it comes to alt-R politics! Him and his family have posted some really really really really STUPID Alt-R shit on FaceButt over the years.
QAnon is what you get when internet comment sections and Twitter trolls have a baby. - heard on MSNBC
Is this Q thing for real? Are people so stupid they'll blindly follow some anonymous person spouting this stuff on the Internet?

One of my in-laws, who has a BS degree in business of some type from a very normal state university and a regular occupation, bitched about how the stock market was doing under Pres. Obama circa 2012...yes some people really are that stupid when it comes to alt-R politics! Him and his family have posted some really really really really STUPID Alt-R shit on FaceButt over the years.


Most Republicans genuinely believe that Obama destroyed all the economic gains achieved by Bush II.

But then again, if they're willing to believe in Trickle On economics after the last half century, they're already pretty immune to evidence or reason.
Don't forget. The president is a Birther. He pardoned that asshole Birther Joe Arpaio, who is to this day banging on about the Obama birth location conspiracy theory.

That shit isn't fringe. It is the whole Republican Party. They tolerate that kind of conspiracy theory bullshit. You never see them publicly repudiate. They'll nod and wind tacit approval for Fema Coffin Concentration Camps, Jade Helm, DHS Bullet, etc... conspiracy theories. You never see them condemn those theories as long as they think they can steer the anger the theories generate into anti-government sentiment that is favorable their corporate deregulation goals. No, as long as they happily vote for a Birther for president and don't condemn the pizza-gaters in their ranks then I consider them to all be chemtard nut-jobs to throw in the looney bin with the anti-vax and GMO-tard lefties (with the knowledge of course that anti-vax and GMO conspiracy theories are just about as popular on the crazy right now as on the crazy anti-state reefer-shroom addled left).
Don't forget. The president is a Birther. He pardoned that asshole Birther Joe Arpaio, who is to this day banging on about the Obama birth location conspiracy theory.

That shit isn't fringe. It is the whole Republican Party. They tolerate that kind of conspiracy theory bullshit. You never see them publicly repudiate. They'll nod and wind tacit approval for Fema Coffin Concentration Camps, Jade Helm, DHS Bullet, etc... conspiracy theories. You never see them condemn those theories as long as they think they can steer the anger the theories generate into anti-government sentiment that is favorable their corporate deregulation goals. No, as long as they happily vote for a Birther for president and don't condemn the pizza-gaters in their ranks then I consider them to all be chemtard nut-jobs to throw in the looney bin with the anti-vax and GMO-tard lefties (with the knowledge of course that anti-vax and GMO conspiracy theories are just about as popular on the crazy right now as on the crazy anti-state reefer-shroom addled left).

You know, I think John McCain might have had a much closer race with Obama in 2008 if he hadn't so explicitly and publicly rejected the conspiracy theories of the right and defended Obama. The deceived and paranoid are a major voting bloc for the Republicans. That is exactly how Trump dominated the primaries.

This moment broadcast below might have been a tipping point that spelled doom for McCain.
Indeed. Watch the conservatives that try to walk back the crazy either get shoved out by the Trump pick in the primaries or retire at the end of this term.

Watch the people rallying around Joe Arpaio with his profiling, harassment, and wild-eye conspiracy theory mongering.

Of course I've got real life conservative acquaintances that are wealthy and intelligent and that think Trump is a buffoon and that the conspiracy theories and fear mongering around immigration are lunacy. That is their private thinking. Publicly they cheer it because they are doing anything they can to keep the regulation wrecking ball and tax cutting rolling ; keeping the rubes voting R is their primary goal. They'll publicly condemn liberals for picking on poor sheriff Joe or defend Joe against the mean spirited liberals. Never mind what Joe did with his public power for many years.

Those acquaintances may have once been considered friends. Now I watch my back around them as I have to assume that their duplicitous politics caries into their personal dealings. "You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, so that when they turn the backs on you, you'll get the chance to put the knife in" (Waters and Gilmour).
I have interacted with some weather modification conspiracy theorists and their believers.

They and people like Wolfgang Halbig and Jim Fetzer have filled me with a far amount of antipathy.

I have considered trolling/hoaxing them out of spite.
Don't forget. The president is a Birther. He pardoned that asshole Birther Joe Arpaio, who is to this day banging on about the Obama birth location conspiracy theory.

That shit isn't fringe. It is the whole Republican Party. They tolerate that kind of conspiracy theory bullshit. You never see them publicly repudiate. They'll nod and wind tacit approval for Fema Coffin Concentration Camps, Jade Helm, DHS Bullet, etc... conspiracy theories. You never see them condemn those theories as long as they think they can steer the anger the theories generate into anti-government sentiment that is favorable their corporate deregulation goals. No, as long as they happily vote for a Birther for president and don't condemn the pizza-gaters in their ranks then I consider them to all be chemtard nut-jobs to throw in the looney bin with the anti-vax and GMO-tard lefties (with the knowledge of course that anti-vax and GMO conspiracy theories are just about as popular on the crazy right now as on the crazy anti-state reefer-shroom addled left).

I stopped going to liberal message boards because I became sick to death of arguing against other liberals about 9/11 conspiracies or big pharma conspiracies, but as infuriating as left wing conspiracy theories are, the number and severity of conspiracy theories from the right is simply breath-taking.

- - - Updated - - -

Luther Blissett and the novel Q

Looks more and more like right wingers are being trolled.

If this is a troll, then the troll is wildly irresponsible even by troll standards. This kind of crap does incalculable damage to discourse.
Is this Q thing for real? Are people so stupid they'll blindly follow some anonymous person spouting this stuff on the Internet?

It fills a void in education.

It is insane stuff, like some people in power are actually "lizard-people" to things like high ranking Democrats and their rich benefactors are behind a huge child sex trafficking ring that Trump is going to expose any day.
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