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Did you learn that from all the criminal procedure courses you took in law school and your subsequent time spent trying cases for criminal defendants? Surely all these "questionable elevation" of charges are based on your familiarity with the elements of the charges and the burden prosecutors are required to meet in order to obtain a guilty verdict, right?
I have read articles by several legal experts who have questioned the soundness of Bragg's "novel legal theories".
Btw, are you a lawyer yourself?
Do you know that there were two lawyers on the jury?

Knowing and caring are two entirely different things. You're asking the wrong question.
Juror Gets News from Truth Social,
Found Dead from Multiple Falls!

I’m sure they threatened the poor guy appropriately, but he still failed to do the “right thing”.
Federal Penitentiary system menus for 2024. Bon apetite, Donald Trump!

Don't get too excited, this was a state charge.

State Prison menus tend to be even worse in many cases.

Oh, my favorite line was, "Cohen isn't on trial here. Trump is on trial". I don't remember which one said it, but I loved it. It was like all the defense could do is try and prosecute Cohen who already served some jail time for doing what Trump asked him to do.
"We didn't choose Michael Cohen to be our witness. We didn't pick him up at the witness store. The Defendant chose Michael Cohen to be his fixer because he was willing to lie and cheat on Mr. Trump's behalf. Mr. Trump chose Mr. Cohen for the same qualities that his attorneys now urge you to reject his testimony because of." ----Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass <link>
George Conway says stuff

No lies detected.
George Conway says stuff

No lies detected.

I watched the beginning. As usual George Conway is spot-on. Then some Republiotard tried to rebut, coming up with "Trump has never been convicted of what he was convicted of." :cool: :cool: :cool:
( :cool: :cool: :cool: -- The bar is very low when you're trying to convince MAGA fools that their mascot is the bigliest whatever ever!)
We all see what you wrote.
Yes, we all see what I wrote is exactly what I described what I wrote.

Now if what I wrote on this board actually had any impact, and actually could influence the campaigns, and if I wanted to sabotage Biden, I would advise that he is so far ahead that he doesn't need to do anything. I would say that anyone pointing out a weak spot is actually a Trump supporter. In other words, I'd post what you're posting.

As for the actual ruling, I confess surprise. Of the five options I listed, I thought "guilty on some not guilty on others" was the most likely, leaving nobody satisfied. Instead we have a complete sweep on all 34 counts.

I would wonder if the Democrats will be able to sell this in the heartland and convince the little people that these crimes are big crimes, but Zipr says wondering if this can be sold to the common man makes a person a Trump supporter.

I would wonder if the Democrats will be able to sell this in the heartland and convince the little people that these crimes are big crimes, but Zipr says wondering if this can be sold to the common man makes a person a Trump supporter.
well, if the justice system weren’t so rigged perhaps he would have already been convicted of the big crimes and this one wouldn’t have mattered as much.
I would wonder if the Democrats will be able to sell this in the heartland and convince the little people that these crimes are big crimes, but Zipr says wondering if this can be sold to the common man makes a person a Trump supporter.
That's not what you said.
Agreed, you are the one who said asking that question makes you a Trump support.
I would wonder if the Democrats will be able to sell this in the heartland and convince the little people that these crimes are big crimes, but Zipr says wondering if this can be sold to the common man makes a person a Trump supporter.
That's not what you said.
Agreed, you are the one who said asking that question makes you a Trump support.
The disconnect here is that despite all this - Trump getting convicted of shuffling a six figure sum out of his campaign funds to pay off a porn star to keep her silent and getting busted - still makes him someone who can appeal to "the common man."

It's been a minute since I was in the Saginaw/Bay City/Midland area, but I don't remember there being a lot of jet-setting billionaires around. You'd have a better chance of running into a guy who was driving around a beat-up PT Cruiser with a busted out back window covered with plastic and duct tape. Yet for some odd reason, that guy thinks "Trump....he's just like us!"
Yeah. People are vulnerable to propaganda, especially when administered over years. And especially if politics “isn’t really their bag”. Trump makes it all very simple. “There are the bad guys. I’ll get ‘em for you, before they get you!”
And that is The Answer, no matter what the question. Also, the implied threat “if you vote against me, when I win I will come after you!
I would wonder if the Democrats will be able to sell this in the heartland and convince the little people that these crimes are big crimes, but Zipr says wondering if this can be sold to the common man makes a person a Trump supporter.
That's not what you said.
Agreed, you are the one who said asking that question makes you a Trump support.
The disconnect here is that despite all this - Trump getting convicted of shuffling a six figure sum out of his campaign funds to pay off a porn star to keep her silent and getting busted - still makes him someone who can appeal to "the common man."

It's been a minute since I was in the Saginaw/Bay City/Midland area, but I don't remember there being a lot of jet-setting billionaires around. You'd have a better chance of running into a guy who was driving around a beat-up PT Cruiser with a busted out back window covered with plastic and duct tape. Yet for some odd reason, that guy thinks "Trump....he's just like us!"
I have seen a couple times a guy driving somewhat beat up and a little rusty Chevy Cavalier (early 2000s) that had pro Trump stickers all over the ass end. I haven't seen it in a while. It's probably in a junk yard by now.

I will say there are a lot of Mercedes Benz, BMWs, Teslas, new Suburbans, and Porsches going around to show thing are turning around here quite well. I even occasionally see Lambos and Ferraris around too.
Yet for some odd reason, that guy thinks "Trump....he's just like us!"
I think the Orange Ass is a lot like that guy cognitively. Orangey inherited millions and is swindling his way to billions while the guy you mentioned just dreams about it. So I think it's pretty easy to make the connection. The Orange ass doesn't want to be like this guy but this guy sure wants to be like the Orange Ass with all that fraudulent wealth. Orangey doesn't produce anything of value but manages to make tons of money from people who actually do.
Yet for some odd reason, that guy thinks "Trump....he's just like us!"
I think the Orange Ass is a lot like that guy cognitively. Orangey inherited millions and is swindling his way to billions while the guy you mentioned just dreams about it. So I think it's pretty easy to make the connection. The Orange ass doesn't want to be like this guy but this guy sure wants to be like the Orange Ass with all that fraudulent wealth. Orangey doesn't produce anything of value but manages to make tons of money from people who actually do.
I'm reminded of a conversation I had while I was at lunch with the richest person I know. His father was - like Don Pornleone - big in real estate, and left his sons nine figures each when he passed away. My friend had actually been disowned at one point because he refused to go into the family business, struck out on his own, and became a millionaire in his own right. One day at the office, I asked him (he worked across the hall from my studio) "man, why are you doing this? You have all the money in the world now." His response was that he wanted to show his own sons that you had to work for a living. He wanted them to see him get up and go to work every day.

Then - at the lunch that other day at the IHop - he elaborated. His brother had taken the money, and lived the sort of lavish lifestyle that having north of a hundred million dollars can afford a person. His kids - according to my friend - were insufferable, spoiled brats who never wanted for anything and also thought they deserved everything. He said that he never wanted his kids to be like that. So he lived a relatively normal life. His house was big, but not extravagant. Think Lego's on the kitchen floor rather than expensive Italian marble countertops. He drove a couple-years old Ford Explorer to lunch at the IHop or Denny's. Absurdly rich, but - as much as he could be - a regular guy. Is he? No. His image as a regular guy is a bit of an act. Is he a saint? Hell no. As a mutual friend said "Dave didn't get rich by being nice to everybody."

Obviously, in this story, Orange Baby Jesus is my buddy's spoiled rotten brother, but the disturbing thing is that the regular guy driving around Saginaw in that PT Cruiser or Cavalier thinks that's the thing he should aspire to become. If he hits the Michigan Lotto he'll rush out and buy a golden toilet, a Cyber Truck, and live the sort of life that Robin Leach used to wax poetic about with "champagne wishes and caviar dreams." A spoiled rotten man-baby has become aspirational rather than the guy who has boatloads of money yet drives a slightly used SUV to lunch at a discount restaurant.
Obviously, in this story, Orange Baby Jesus is my buddy's spoiled rotten brother, but the disturbing thing is that the regular guy driving around Saginaw in that PT Cruiser or Cavalier thinks that's the thing he should aspire to become.
That's pretty much Orangey's base with a whole lot of persecution complex thrown in.
Obviously, in this story, Orange Baby Jesus is my buddy's spoiled rotten brother, but the disturbing thing is that the regular guy driving around Saginaw in that PT Cruiser or Cavalier thinks that's the thing he should aspire to become.
That's pretty much Orangey's base with a whole lot of persecution complex thrown in.
Some of them, yes. Some of Trump's supporters suffer terribly like that.

My Dad's two brothers were Reagan Republicans. Then one became a Trump supporter and the other a Democrat (or the Democrats kind of shift right). The Trump supporter worked hard his whole life, much like his Dad. So did the other brother (and my Dad as well), though he'd change professions mid-life. I had no idea why one of them became a Trump supporter, other than he likely bought into the bullshit that if you aren't successful, it is because you are lazy. And probably this idea that white people aren't being forgotten by government.

My Dad was a life long Democrat (and only one of the brothers to serve in the military) and one of the most reserved people when it came to interpreting information, never getting overexcited. He had no idea what to think of Trump, it was so outlandish. They all had the same father, dude who worked the company line, and then was dropped like a dead fish by management. Each of them came out of it with varying perspectives. All of them hard working, decent people. I'd suppose the main difference between the three was intelligence. My Dad was a vault with info and had an uncanny ability to manage data without a lens, one brother is super smart science/engineering wise, the Trump brother was fair in intelligence, a great salesman and impressive with people, but definitely the most excitable and least intelligent, but admittedly it was a high bar. The Trump brother died in 2020, so we don't know if he'd seen the light after January 6th. I've got to think he would have. But the partisan mind behaves oddly.

We saw in January 6th, lots of white collar people out there. People that perhaps see the world in too narrow of a worldview, seeing only the hardships they've endured, underappreciating the help they've benefited from. Indeed, when Obama said the corporations didn't build the infrastructure that is used by them to drive our trillion dollar economy, many on the right-wing didn't have a clue what Obama meant. I think the source of our problems with Trump supporters partially lays within that.
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