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Local Weather

I feel for those in the heat, today it is cool and I am wearing a hoody around the apartment instead of a T shirt. Added ab extra blanket last night.

The local climate is changing, no question about that.

Most people in the region did not have air committing until recent years.

Seattle s ok fr water, other areas are not. Hot and dry.
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We just went through a hot spell of a week, which was more humid than usual as well. We keep getting forecasts now involving shear in these systems. That isn't common.
It's finally cooled down a bit, if you consider 84 degrees F to be cool. The normal high for today is about 87, but the humidity is making it feel about 89. It's cloudy with a breeze, quite tolerable for me. We will be back to 90 by tomorrow. Oh well. July in Georgia, what can I say?
Nice today, but they are calling for 102 F this weekend.
Here in NW Oregon.
These are the days I miss Alaska!
We had an epic downpour in the middle of the night last night, no thunder or lightning, just a roaring downpour for about 20 minutes. 47 degrees this morning!
It never gets muggy around here, but it's 84 degrees, sunny and muggy!
"Balmy" is not a word I normally use, but the recesses of my decaying brain did know it had at least two meanings.
balmy (comparative balmier, superlative balmiest)

1. Producing balm.​
2. Soothing or fragrant.​
3. Of weather, mild and pleasant.​
4. (informal, US) Foolish; slightly crazy or mad; eccentric.​
Synonym: (UK) barmy​

Chiang Mai was Too F*k*g Hot even a week ago, but temperatures have turned balmy, and should continue to fall until December, when a sweater may be needed....

What??? Someone was balmy in this post, but it wasn't the weather. And it was balmy's definition 4 rather than definition 3.

I guess I was responding optimistically to the SINGLE day of June 24 with its high of "only" 34.3°C (93.7°F), the coolest ("balmiest"?) day here between June 15 and July 1.

I spend over 23 hours per day in air-conditioning here. Part of the extra non-air hour is spent in the late balmy nights briskly walking around the block a few times.

By the way, April 30th 2024 was tied for the hottest day ever recorded at Chiang Mai International Airport. 42.5°C (108.5°F). May 11, 2016 was the other day with this temperature. (That Airport has recorded highs of 41.5°C or more on only 14 days: five of these were in the April just past, and five during the historic Asian heat wave of 2016.)
With Hurricane beryl down South, I suspect we will be getting rain over the next few days and possibly gusty winds. Beryl is now a category 5 hurricane. all depends if it stays Southerly heading or possibly starts moving Northerly a bit.
80F with a dewpoint of 77F when I went for a run at 5AM today. Our average low used to be around 73F. It rarely gets that cool here in the summer any more. What was the median daily low temperature until the 1990s is now below the 25th percentile of daily low temperatures over the last 30 years of records on which our climate normals are calculated. The current median is 77 but that is with data from 1991 to 2000 included in the 1991 through 2020 period from which our normals are calculated. 77 is below the median of the last 10 years of data. USDA moved our cold hardiness zone. I grubbed out our plum and pear trees because they stopped producing and replaced them with mangoes.
We are having a normal week this week. It was in the 70s and dry for a change! Last decade or so, we've been rarely having pleasant temps with low humidity. Though Sunday was 75 and felt like 125% humidity. The following couple of days were awesome 70s, low 80s, dry. 90 or so today, but just for the day. Like it used to be.
it's a lovely 90 right now, but the humidity is making it feel like it's 97. It didn't feel that hot to me when I walked Sunny around out back, so I guess I'm used to it. Next week, we are supposed to be in the upper 80s all week, which is normal for July here. I'm cool with that. :cool:
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