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Meanwhile, in the 'You Get What YOU Voted For' category

You have to be a citizen to vote, right? and if you are a citizen you can't be easily deported. I only heard of war crime nazies being stripped of citizenship and deported. And by the way, are they last Iraq war refugees? that's pretty quick citizenship if you ask me.

1. That's the point: simply being born within the U.S. or to parents of American citizenship gives such a person the right to vote. There is no test, nothing measuring one's ability to understand the slightest thing about how the government works. We've reached a point where that has become damaging to the Republic.
2. Neither myself, nor anyone else, ever said anything about stripping anyone of citizenship.
3. Neither myself, nor anyone else, ever said anything about deporting anyone.
4. This is being applied to anyone, regardless how their citizenship is attained.
OP said some iraqi christians in US voted for Trump and now afraid that Trump would deport them. This did not compute for me.
OP said some iraqi christians in US voted for Trump and now afraid that Trump would deport them. This did not compute for me.

The OP also said
They have been under supervision by ICE for decades...
Does that work a bit better? They've been here long enough to become citizens, but Trump's ban would work by how they came to the country, not their current status.
The OP also said
They have been under supervision by ICE for decades...
Does that work a bit better? They've been here long enough to become citizens, but Trump's ban would work by how they came to the country, not their current status.

And this is what puzzled me as well. Citizens are not under supervision by ICE. Resident aliens might be, but they can't vote.
You have to be a citizen to vote, right? and if you are a citizen you can't be easily deported. I only heard of war crime nazies being stripped of citizenship and deported. And by the way, are they last Iraq war refugees? that's pretty quick citizenship if you ask me.

1. That's the point: simply being born within the U.S. or to parents of American citizenship gives such a person the right to vote. There is no test, nothing measuring one's ability to understand the slightest thing about how the government works. We've reached a point where that has become damaging to the Republic.
2. Neither myself, nor anyone else, ever said anything about stripping anyone of citizenship.
3. Neither myself, nor anyone else, ever said anything about deporting anyone.
4. This is being applied to anyone, regardless how their citizenship is attained.
OP said some iraqi christians in US voted for Trump and now afraid that Trump would deport them. This did not compute for me.
It didn't say that, though. It said a lot of Iraqi-Americans voted for Trump, and it said a lot of Iraqis living in America are facing deportation now. Those aren't the same people. Some members of the ethnic group are US citizens and voted for Trump; different members are Iraqi citizens and are likely to be deported.

Of course a lot of US citizens are quite naturally upset that their non-citizen loved ones may get deported; and some of them may even have brought expectations with them from the Middle East that the laws will be bent in your ethnic group's favor if your ethnic group is pro-government. But although the OP excerpt sensationalized the situation as "the Iraqi religious minority group in Michigan is facing mass deportations", the full article makes clear which people are actually at risk of deportation:

"The people seized by ICE had been previously ordered to leave the country for having committed crimes. Bajoka said all of his clients at some point possessed green cards but were stripped of them when convicted of a crime. While he admits some of them committed very serious offenses, he said a majority of the Iraqi nationals were involved in low level felonies, misdemeanors, drug offenses and other non-violent crimes that they served time for."​


There's very little in this story that's actually about Trump. His involvement is incidental. The US has been trying to deport these people for many years because that's what the law says is supposed to happen to foreign citizen criminals. We could have patched up our differences with Iraq over deportation at any time, and Obama would already have deported them. If the election had gone the other way we might have patched up our differences with Iraq over deportation anyway and then Clinton would have deported them. So if many in the Iraqi-American community feel betrayed because they helped Trump win and now the law is going to run its course on somebody they care about, since by chance it turned out to be Trump who patched things up with Iraq, that's perfectly understandable, but it isn't rational. The guy getting deported should have thought about how sad he was going to make his relatives when he sold cocaine to a cop or whatever while he was still only a guest in a country he was hoping would take him in.
Oh. Well if the Germans said it, then it must be true.

Well, if you can't trust the Germans to support democracy, who can you trust?

Once all the Germans were warlike, and mean
But that couldn't happen again
We taught them a lesson in 1918
And they've hardly bothered us since then...

(Tom Lehrer)
Minister supported Trump, now he faces deportation

Jorge Ramirez, an Oceanside minister and unauthorized immigrant, didn’t think he would end up in line for deportation when he encouraged his U.S. citizen daughter to vote for now-President Donald Trump.
Ramirez said he does not know why he is being targeted for removal from the U.S. The Trump administration has said that it is targeting criminals and those who have already been ordered deported. Ramirez said he falls into neither category.

(Your name, dumb shit. Trump is a racist)

He said he supports the Republican agenda on both fiscal and social issues and that he still supports Trump.

(Then you deserve to be deported. Good riddance)

(Then you deserve to be deported. Good riddance)
How tolerant of you.
When reading comments like yours I am no longer wondering the US is so polarised.

We're not the ones who would've been shouting to deport this guy. Quite the opposite. This is like that meme, something along the lines of the guy who voted for the Tigers Eating Your Face Party and then the guy's shocked that tigers ate his face after getting elected.

But I'll grant that it is representative of a huge portion of the American electorate, in that for some baffling reason continues to vote against its best interest.
How tolerant of you.
When reading comments like yours I am no longer wondering the US is so polarised.
Why does he not deserve to be deported? He voted the guy that wants to deport him into office? I thought the right-wing was all about accountability.

No, he didn't vote. He is here illegally. However, he thinks those rules he supports should apply to everyone else but him.
(Then you deserve to be deported. Good riddance)
How tolerant of you.
When reading comments like yours I am no longer wondering the US is so polarised.

I have no tolerance for intolerant fucks like him. He wanted these deportation policies, so he can live with them. Far better he - who wanted these policies - be deported under them than those who have lived equally virtuous lives but do NOT support such intolerant bullshit as he does.

He and those like him are the cause of the polarisation. Read his words - he thinks he is good and other are bad. We don't need people like him and since he like deportation so much... bye bye asshole.
How tolerant of you.
When reading comments like yours I am no longer wondering the US is so polarised.

I have no tolerance for intolerant fucks like him. He wanted these deportation policies, so he can live with them. Far better he - who wanted these policies - be deported under them than those who have lived equally virtuous lives but do NOT support such intolerant bullshit as he does.

He and those like him are the cause of the polarisation. Read his words - he thinks he is good and other are bad. We don't need people like him and since he like deportation so much... bye bye asshole.

I'd rather they stay, learn from there poor decision making and become life-long blue voters personally, but all the same you are right, if someone must suffer the effects of a Trump Presidency, better it be the people who voted for him.
I have no tolerance for intolerant fucks like him. He wanted these deportation policies, so he can live with them. Far better he - who wanted these policies - be deported under them than those who have lived equally virtuous lives but do NOT support such intolerant bullshit as he does.

He and those like him are the cause of the polarisation. Read his words - he thinks he is good and other are bad. We don't need people like him and since he like deportation so much... bye bye asshole.

I'd rather they stay, learn from there poor decision making and become life-long blue voters personally, but all the same you are right, if someone must suffer the effects of a Trump Presidency, better it be the people who voted for him.

Normally I would agree with you, but this one is not changing his mind. He sits in detention for weeks, yet still supports deportation for everyone else other than himself. He thinks he is being tested by his god and is spending his time preaching at the other detainees while continuing on about how the "bad" guys are the ones that need to be deported.

Maybe if he gets deported, his adult children will realize that it was Trump and the conservatives who did it and think twice about voting red next time.
Oh. Well if the Germans said it, then it must be true.

Well, if you can't trust the Germans to support democracy, who can you trust?

Once all the Germans were warlike, and mean
But that couldn't happen again
We taught them a lesson in 1918
And they've hardly bothered us since then...

(Tom Lehrer)

They did, in the 1930's.
Well, if you can't trust the Germans to support democracy, who can you trust?

Once all the Germans were warlike, and mean
But that couldn't happen again
We taught them a lesson in 1918
And they've hardly bothered us since then...

(Tom Lehrer)

They did, in the 1930's.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.
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