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Meet the man behind the fake seal

I am sorry if you feel that way. But, the facts do show that poor people have more kids than rich people. It should logically be the opposite, but it's not. This is what's causing a problem.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.

But don't you see the logic? Poor people should not be allowed to reproduce! Only rich people should be allowed to have children! Isn't that obvious? The poors are having kids, and that's a problem! Just like Jesus said. Right?

I mean Jesus was pretty clear about how rich people were guaranteed entrance into Heaven and poor people had to thread a needle or something...
I am sorry if you feel that way. But, the facts do show that poor people have more kids than rich people. It should logically be the opposite, but it's not. This is what's causing a problem.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.

So you are denying this well-known fact? I'm not understanding.

I know. I have yet to see any evidence of you understanding anything. And I have yet to see you demonstrate a single fact.

You are completely mistaken. Your axioms are false, your reasoning is fallacious, and your conclusions are absurd.
I am sorry if you feel that way. But, the facts do show that poor people have more kids than rich people. It should logically be the opposite, but it's not. This is what's causing a problem.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.

But don't you see the logic? Poor people should not be allowed to reproduce! Only rich people should be allowed to have children! Isn't that obvious? The poors are having kids, and that's a problem! Just like Jesus said. Right?

I mean Jesus was pretty clear about how rich people were guaranteed entrance into Heaven and poor people had to thread a needle or something...

Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said they were not allowed to reproduce. But, they shouldn't have kids if they can't afford to take care of them. This is very simple to understand. I personally do not make a lot of money. I am not poor, but it would be hard if I did choose to have a kid. This is why I do not have kids: because I would not be able to afford to take care of them. Sadly, people don't take this advice.
But don't you see the logic? Poor people should not be allowed to reproduce! Only rich people should be allowed to have children! Isn't that obvious? The poors are having kids, and that's a problem! Just like Jesus said. Right?

I mean Jesus was pretty clear about how rich people were guaranteed entrance into Heaven and poor people had to thread a needle or something...

Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said they were not allowed to reproduce. But, they shouldn't have kids if they can't afford to take care of them. This is very simple to understand. I personally do not make a lot of money. I am not poor, but it would be hard if I did choose to have a kid. This is why I do not have kids: because I would not be able to afford to take care of them. Sadly, people don't take this advice.

Half, there are people who cannot afford NOT to have kids.
They need the extra money they bring in to get by.
They need free baby sitters to watch the youngest so both parents can work three jobs. They have no retirement to speak of, so their only hope for their old age is that their kids can take care of them. Having many kids will spread this burden across several households to improve the lives of the nextest generation.
Not everyone takes your advice because not everyone is in your situation.
Many of you might be saying, "But what would Jesus want? Wouldn't he want the rich to give to the poor?" The answer is yes, of course He does. But, Jesus din't advocate stealing from them. Jesus advocated the rich giving to charity out of their own choice, not by being forced by the government to empty their pockets. Do you see the difference? To this day, Republicans are larger donaters to charity than Democrats are. Yet, it's the leftists who lecture us morality and helping the poor when they give less to charity. Who is really following Jesus' message? Republicans.
So much silliness so little time...First, a huge part of what conservatives/Republicans give to 'charity' is in reality to their churches. And those churches spend at least 90% on their own social club (aka the buildings, the preacher, the staff and such). If one is lucky, maybe 10% of their churches funds goes to feeding, clothing, and caring for those sheep in need. Good luck finding data to support the idea that Repugs give more to actually help 'those people' in need.

Secondly, charity does not make up for organized (aka that evil govt) general assistance to the poor/needy, which tends to work better in those libral states you hate. So librals prefer to give thru direct taxation to provide said aid.

WWJD? So funny. Jesus and Paul never conceived of Christians running a country, especially one with real power. In acts they essentially were working building a commune (a micro socialist society). Also, Jesus preached near pure pacifism. That's a hell of a Repug trait...LOL. Also, this Jesus didn't care what country people were from or about borders.

Matt 5:-9 Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
10 “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Repug my ass...

NOTE: Not that I should have to say it, but of course I don't think the Jesus of the Bible was part of some god-head omni thingy; saying purported a 100 times seems a tad silly.
But don't you see the logic? Poor people should not be allowed to reproduce! Only rich people should be allowed to have children! Isn't that obvious? The poors are having kids, and that's a problem! Just like Jesus said. Right?

I mean Jesus was pretty clear about how rich people were guaranteed entrance into Heaven and poor people had to thread a needle or something...

Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said they were not allowed to reproduce. But, they shouldn't have kids if they can't afford to take care of them. This is very simple to understand. I personally do not make a lot of money. I am not poor, but it would be hard if I did choose to have a kid. This is why I do not have kids: because I would not be able to afford to take care of them. Sadly, people don't take this advice.

Half, there are people who cannot afford NOT to have kids.
They need the extra money they bring in to get by.
They need free baby sitters to watch the youngest so both parents can work three jobs. They have no retirement to speak of, so their only hope for their old age is that their kids can take care of them. Having many kids will spread this burden across several households to improve the lives of the nextest generation.
Not everyone takes your advice because not everyone is in your situation.

They chose to start the cycle by having kids! They knew they couldn't afford it.
"We can't afford kids so let's have a kid." They have a kid, realize they can't afford it and the solution is to just keep making more kids? No sane rational person thinks like this.
They chose to start the cycle by having kids! They knew they couldn't afford it.
"We can't afford kids so let's have a kid." They have a kid, realize they can't afford it and the solution is to just keep making more kids? No sane rational person thinks like this.
That's hilarious, YOU judging who is sane and rational.
And this strange ability to mind-read, yet still get everything wrong.
They chose to start the cycle by having kids! They knew they couldn't afford it.
"We can't afford kids so let's have a kid." They have a kid, realize they can't afford it and the solution is to just keep making more kids? No sane rational person thinks like this.
That's hilarious, YOU judging who is sane and rational.
And this strange ability to mind-read, yet still get everything wrong.

Why do I get the suspicion that halflife believes Idocracy is a documentary?
But don't you see the logic? Poor people should not be allowed to reproduce! Only rich people should be allowed to have children! Isn't that obvious? The poors are having kids, and that's a problem! Just like Jesus said. Right?

I mean Jesus was pretty clear about how rich people were guaranteed entrance into Heaven and poor people had to thread a needle or something...

Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said they were not allowed to reproduce.
Odd because you just did.
Half Life said:
they were not allowed to reproduce
This is why I do not have kids: because I would not be able to afford to take care of them.
No goats, but what about children?
Odd because you just did.
Half Life said:
they were not allowed to reproduce
This is why I do not have kids: because I would not be able to afford to take care of them.
No goats, but what about children?
Baaaah ;)

This is so ironic, a guy lecturing at a bunch of people on economics and how one can get ahead in this world, and he can't afford children. This may be the most honest thing he's said here. Meanwhile your a civil engineer; I have an EE degree (though it has long gathered dust) as I switched to the IT field, and Keith is another professional that I'm sure can afford children. The Koch brothers are so lucky people like Half-Life are out there defending their bounty....
Odd because you just did.
No goats, but what about children?
Baaaah ;)

This is so ironic, a guy lecturing at a bunch of people on economics and how one can get ahead in this world, and he can't afford children. This may be the most honest thing he's said here. Meanwhile your a civil engineer; I have an EE degree (though it has long gathered dust) as I switched to the IT field, and Keith is another professional that I'm sure can afford children. The Koch brothers are so lucky people like Half-Life are out there defending their bounty....

You guys are obsessed with the Koch Brothers! What are you guys gonna do when they die? Find another boogeyman I guess.
Odd because you just did.
No goats, but what about children?
Baaaah ;)

This is so ironic, a guy lecturing at a bunch of people on economics and how one can get ahead in this world, and he can't afford children. This may be the most honest thing he's said here. Meanwhile your a civil engineer; I have an EE degree (though it has long gathered dust) as I switched to the IT field, and Keith is another professional that I'm sure can afford children. The Koch brothers are so lucky people like Half-Life are out there defending their bounty....

You guys are obsessed with the Koch Brothers! What are you guys gonna do when they die? Find another boogeyman I guess.
Half, a boogeyman is a phantom, an unreal threat blamed for nebulous attacks.

The Koch Brothers have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to guide and control government actions to match their view of how things should be. They're not boogeymen. They're established threats to democracy.
If I have to choose between handouts for billionaires and corporations or handouts for poor people, I'll err on the side of the most vulnerable among us and not the most powerful and secure.

Who provides the jobs for the "poor people?" The rich ones who own the companies. Make them pay more in taxes, they slash hours and employees. That would kill the economy. This is why I like the flat tax. You make $10, you pay $1. You make 10 billion, you pay 1 billion.

Making the rich pay more in taxes is saying, "we're punishing you for being successful." Is that the land of the free? Punishing success?

Which is horribly unfair to the poor people who are having a hard time making ends meet.
So, to paraphrase, "Fuck you, we've got ours".

Like I said, if that were true, Republicans would account for 0% of all charity donations. But since they are the higher donators than Democrats, I guess it's the Democrats who believe "fuck you, we've got ours."

Why do Republicans donate to charities if they already got theirs?

How much of that "charity" is their church, though?
And then they FIRE THEM when they find out they are racists! No one would answer "yes" in a job interview to the question, "Are you a racist?" So, they can't know before hiring them.

So now you agree it's good to punish racism? But remember that time you were outraged that Harvard rescinded their offer to that other racist TPUSA guy? Weird.
And then they FIRE THEM when they find out they are racists! No one would answer "yes" in a job interview to the question, "Are you a racist?" So, they can't know before hiring them.

So now you agree it's good to punish racism? But remember that time you were outraged that Harvard rescinded their offer to that other racist TPUSA guy? Weird.

Hey, so the algorithm isn't perfect. :shrug:
And then they FIRE THEM when they find out they are racists! No one would answer "yes" in a job interview to the question, "Are you a racist?" So, they can't know before hiring them.

So now you agree it's good to punish racism? But remember that time you were outraged that Harvard rescinded their offer to that other racist TPUSA guy? Weird.

You guys know how to connect zero dots.

TPUSA fires racists for being racist on the job. Kyle Kashuv said his racist things 2 years prior and has apologized profusely for it. That's not who he is now.

There's a big difference.
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