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#MeToo goes full prude. Never go full prude!


Ok so let's deconstruct.

Lovely tits, and I think I might be able to imagine some sexy (probably shaved) camel toes lurking down there (thinner, tighter panties would have been helpful in this regard). Nice belly buttons too. Skinny waist is good, and de rigeur. Ditto for tanned, and shaved legs. Also good that they're smiling and have gone to a lot of (stereotypically attractive) hair and make up trouble. Cool that they're not as tall as him, even though I'm also guessing high heels (them, not him) for full effect. I like the way the the cleavage bows suggest that all it would take is one tug for the goodies to come tumbling out, nipples already erect no doubt. Great teeth too. I'm guessing American.

The ratio works well too (one man gets 4 women's attention). I wonder if he's thinking he'd like to f**k one of them, or maybe all 4, at once. Maybe he's gay, or has his mind on the car race. At any rate, I'd like to f**k one of them or maybe all 4, at once (same extended session I mean) and I wouldn't be surprised if several other male viewers would like that too. Gay male viewers might be ogling the man for similar reasons. He is rather hot. Lesbians can imagine a fivesome. Bisexuals can imagine getting involved in a sixsome. The man should also be scantily clad imo. It's not fair. At least his t-shirt is white (ish). Maybe he's at least partly a domestic appliance.

The good thing is, if I have sex with them and either they're not enjoying it or it hurts, they probably won't spoil my enjoyment by saying anything about that.

I note that everyone in the pic is caucasian. Just sayin'.

One question. Something is missing. Why are they not looking (up) at the man? That would have made it nearly perfect. Though one of them could also have gazed down at his todger package, or got on her knees in front of it, index finger on her lower lip.

On the other hand, I'm guessing they're getting a lot of money for very little hard labour. Maybe they're using it to help fund their Masters Degrees or PhD's. I'd like to do a Masters Degree or a PhD but I have to toil hard in an office just to pay the mortgage. Are there any sports gigs out there for 57 year old guys who are still not in bad shape, even if they haven't had their teeth straightened or whitened? I'm 6' 0" tall and have my own hair and speedos.

I would also have no objection to getting sprayed with symbolic fizzy juices on the winner's podium if I can claim laundry costs for the speedos.
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H.L. Mencken defined puritanism as "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." We could borrow that and say that radical feminism is the haunting fear that some man, somewhere, may be having a good time.

Lol. There's a grain of truth in that, imo.

It's a god job there's not really very many truly Radical, mysoginistic Feminists around these days. But as with everything, there's always a few bad apples. That said, surely we shouldn't paint all feminists with the same shaving brush.
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And yet you complain when people can not resist making jabs at your snowflake over-sensitivity. Huh and sheesh to that.

Does he? I have seen Derec take plenty of abuse on here from your gang the likes of which would draw "warnings" or maybe even a ban if he responded in kind. I rarely see him complain. He has a much tougher skin than most of you.
I'm going to chance posting this:


Purely for the straight females of course. Viggo Mortensen. Phew.

Note the slightly unrealistic nature of the scene*.

*(They're supposedly married and have children.)
If one reads the actual article, there is not one iota of evidence that supports the OP claims. Some grid girls blame "feminists" or "political correctness" for the decision, but they have no evidence. And there is no mention of #MeToo anywhere in the linked article.

One moral of this is to read your source and you may avoid looking like someone with a disgusting biased axe to grind.

You do not find the timing suspicious?
In this climate of the #MeToo moral panic grid girls are banned from up high. So yes, I see a connection.
Of course you do.
As to you seeing no evidence, there is no evidence for any other possible reason (like for example, going rates for models tripling, or guys suddenly deciding they do not like looking at pretty girls) which strengtehs the case for a connection with the #MeToo moral panic.
There is as much evidence for any other possible reason as there for your conclusion.
#MeToo is a movement against unwanted sexual advances. There is no logical connection between that and scantily clad women.
Manchester Art Gallery's #MeToo-inspired removal of nude Nymphs painting branded a 'pathetic stunt'

The painting, behind NSFW tags because I know there are plenty of #metoo snowflakes around here too.
Nothing like egging on for a flame war out of the gate....

Nonsensical censorship like that has been usually associated with those inspired by conservative religion. Not any longer!
Religious conservatives have always had a level of company from the left side of the ledger when it comes to 'protecting' people, whether it is drugs/alcohol, prostitution, et.al. But for at least the last half century, the right side has generally been louder and bigger. But yeah, removing the painting, even if will return in a better 'context', is silly...

Gannaway said the painting would "probably" return, "but hopefully contextualised quite differently. It is not just about that one painting, it is the whole context of the gallery.”
You do not find the timing suspicious? In this climate of the #MeToo moral panic grid girls are banned from up high. So yes, I see a connection.

I remember a trade show that banned booth babes something like 20 years ago. It's nothing new. And I actually felt it was overall a benefit to the show. (A few places had booth babes that simply put on presentations and that worked fine. My only objection there was so many clad in material I found unattractive. However, most of them were there to interact with the attendees. The companies would hire the women to do it--which meant that they had only very basic product knowledge. Booths without the babes would have actual employees there--much more knowledgeable.)
Poor Derec. So desperate to find something to be angry about regarding women.
And yet you complain when people can not resist making jabs at your snowflake over-sensitivity. Huh and sheesh to that.

Does he? I have seen Derec take plenty of abuse on here from your gang the likes of which would draw "warnings" or maybe even a ban if he responded in kind. I rarely see him complain. He has a much tougher skin than most of you.

Because starting off a conversation by flaming your detractors isn't the sort of thing that leads to ridicule. :rolleyes:

Honestly, do you even have a sense of fair-mindedness? Of course he gets ridiculed. You don't start a discussion by popping off on people in your audience.
What I don't get is why the banishment of the grid girls is celebrated by the feminists, but at the same time, we have these "slut walks" where women dress in skimpy clothes and say things like "My body, my choice", etc. Make up your minds ladies!

slutwalk.jpg slutwalk2.jpg

slutwalk4.jpg slutwalk3.jpg
What I don't get is why the banishment of the grid girls is celebrated by the feminists, but at the same time, we have these "slut walks" where women dress in skimpy clothes and say things like "My body, my choice", etc. Make up your minds ladies!

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Isn't the purpose of third-wave feminism to shame society into finding unattractive women appealing? It's intrasexual competition. Fair and undesirable women resent that men like to look at attractive women and not them. Think of the feminist critique of beauty pageants where the women actually participating in such pageants have made the choice to do so and are happy. It's also like how Muslim women are more apt than Muslim men to promote/oblige wearing the hijab/burka. They don't want their man gazing on some other woman.
And yet you complain when people can not resist making jabs at your snowflake over-sensitivity. Huh and sheesh to that.

Does he? I have seen Derec take plenty of abuse on here from your gang the likes of which would draw "warnings" or maybe even a ban if he responded in kind. I rarely see him complain. He has a much tougher skin than most of you.

Because starting off a conversation by flaming your detractors isn't the sort of thing that leads to ridicule. :rolleyes:

Honestly, do you even have a sense of fair-mindedness? Of course he gets ridiculed. You don't start a discussion by popping off on people in your audience.
That and the fact Derec does quite of bit of passive-aggressive insulting and complaining that any fair-minded, competent reader who pays attention would know.
You may be right. I get the feeling that the grid girls in their F1 outfits would not be welcome at slutwalks.

The difference is with whom it serves. The target demographics for both Grid Girls and Slutwalks are pretty obvious.
What I don't get is why the banishment of the grid girls is celebrated by the feminists, but at the same time, we have these "slut walks" where women dress in skimpy clothes and say things like "My body, my choice", etc. Make up your minds ladies!

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On the face of it that is a good point and there does appear to be a contradiction.

That said, it is probably not accurate to lump all feminists together, since some will (and do) disagree with slutwalks and some won't/don't. Ditto for the grid girl issue.

Even if you met one who said that they agreed with both the not having grid girls and the right for women to dress as they want to, I suspect that they could point to distinctions, at least between the two general issues (slutwalks having had a particular connection to the issue of rape and assault as opposed to the issue of objectification). Whether they could make a case for specifically both of those things (the not having grid girls and the freedom for women to dress as they want) I don't know.
What I don't get is why the banishment of the grid girls is celebrated by the feminists, but at the same time, we have these "slut walks" where women dress in skimpy clothes and say things like "My body, my choice", etc. Make up your minds ladies!

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On the face of it that is a good point and there does appear to be a contradiction.

That said, it is probably not accurate to lump all feminists together, since some will (and do) disagree with slutwalks and some won't/don't. Ditto for the grid girl issue.

Even if you met one who said that they agreed with both the not having grid girls and the right for women to dress as they want to, I suspect that they could point to distinctions, at least between the two general issues (slutwalks having had a particular connection to the issue of rape and assault as opposed to the issue of objectification). Whether they could make a case for specifically both of those things (the not having grid girls and the freedom for women to dress as they want) I don't know.

One likely objection would be that grid girls do NOT dress as they want to - they dress as they are told to, and the dress codes dictated by their employer are both detailed and strict.
What I don't get is why the banishment of the grid girls is celebrated by the feminists, but at the same time, we have these "slut walks" where women dress in skimpy clothes and say things like "My body, my choice", etc. Make up your minds ladies!

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On the face of it that is a good point and there does appear to be a contradiction.

That said, it is probably not accurate to lump all feminists together, since some will (and do) disagree with slutwalks and some won't/don't. Ditto for the grid girl issue.

Even if you met one who said that they agreed with both the not having grid girls and the right for women to dress as they want to, I suspect that they could point to distinctions, at least between the two general issues (slutwalks having had a particular connection to the issue of rape and assault as opposed to the issue of objectification). Whether they could make a case for specifically both of those things (the not having grid girls and the freedom for women to dress as they want) I don't know.

One likely objection would be that grid girls do NOT dress as they want to - they dress as they are told to, and the dress codes dictated by their employer are both detailed and strict.

Lots of people have to dress according to the way their employers demand, and not according to how they want to or what's comfortable. Firemen, policemen, soldiers, waitresses, waiters, construction workers. I could go on all day. Grid girls know when they take the job that they're not going to be wearing comfy overalls or sweat pants. If you don't want to dress sexy in front of thousands of people, don't be a grid girl. Maybe be a mechanic instead.
One likely objection would be that grid girls do NOT dress as they want to - they dress as they are told to, and the dress codes dictated by their employer are both detailed and strict.

Lots of people have to dress according to the way their employers demand, and not according to how they want to or what's comfortable. Firemen, policemen, soldiers, waitresses, waiters, construction workers. I could go on all day. Grid girls know when they take the job that they're not going to be wearing comfy overalls or sweat pants. If you don't want to dress sexy in front of thousands of people, don't be a grid girl. Maybe be a mechanic instead.

Well done; You managed to completely miss the point from a standing start. Very impressive.

I am pretty certain that the organisers of slutwalks do NOT provide a dress code for attendees. As we are discussing the different attitudes of feminists to slutwalks vs grid girls, it is completely irrelevant to consider firemen, policemen, soldiers, waitresses, waiters, construction workers, or any other group that you might want to go on about.

The question was why is there a different attitude amongst feminists to scanty dress amongst grid girls, than they have to scanty dress amongst slutwalkers. The answer is that grid girls do NOT dress as they want to - they dress as they are told to; While slutwalkers dress as they wnat to and refuse to be told how to dress by anyone else.

If you really don't see how feminists might consider that a hugely important distinction, then I feel very sorry for you.
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