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Mississippi Passes "More Dead Kids Please" bill. Texas responds w/ "hold my beer"

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What exactly do you think is reversible?

Why are you being so dishonest in your framing? Do you LIKE being dishonest? It's not justified no matter what it is you think you can get from it.
What are you, a Randroid? Enough with the endless dishonesty accusations. When you can’t think of any explanation besides bad faith for why someone argues the way she argues, keep in mind that you have the sort of brain that is terrible at modeling other people’s brains.
Loretta’s right to bear children even though she has no womb
Yes, that's how all rights to attain the power-to function.

We have a right to do all things that do not, by their doing, restrict the power of others to do the same.

Yes Loretta has the right. No she does not have the power. If she had the power, if follows that she should not be impeded by others, and she ought not be impeded by others in seeking the power to do so.

That's how rights work, I have the right to speak even if I don't have a mouth (this right authorizes me to attain a "mouth" by some means and use it).

Giving a male child estrogen at the age of 12 or thereabouts is not going to result in a body formed by primary influences of estrogen through puberty
This is a nonsense assertion and a contradiction to itself, even given your use of "male" which makes unnecessary assumptions about them. Giving a estrogen influence over a child through puberty is tautologically going to result in a body formed "by primary influence of estrogen through puberty".

That's what they are asking for and you have presented no suitable reason to not comply with their wishes, as we afford this right to many through the power their own bodies exert to effect it.

You pose a special responsibility to accept things just the way they are, not merely to not put in effort yourself but to stand in front of others and demand they make no effort themselves either.

This sinks to the very heart of the naturalistic fallacy, the assumption that is drives ought.

It's clear that you are arguing in bad faith because you have attempted to hide the very is/ought fallacy you falsely accuse me of.
No. Literally there are only two sexes. There are two gametes, there is no third gamete, there is no in-between gamete. There are two and only two sexes among all mammals.
Some individuals produce both. Many produce neither. Two gametes implies four categories, not two.

Two gametes implies four sexes (if we accept the unstated assumption that gamete production is the definitive factor in determination of sex, which is a deeply flawed assumption, but that's a whole other discussion).

To get two sexes, there would need to be only one gamete, which individuals either produce, or don't.
She said there are two sexes, not two categories. She’s free to offer a definition of “sex” that assigns people of your four categories to her two sexes any way she pleases, and what she comes up with is unlikely to be any more arbitrary, unscientific, or disconnected from common usage than your four-sexes definition. Your proposal implies women stop being women at menopause. That is not what anyone in the known universe means by “sex”. And if you mean to impute that theory to Emily, you have not been paying attention to her line of argument.
I don't believe in a magical gendered soul either. I believe in a brain with a connectivity between it's neurons which corresponds to a  Grammar which fairly statically consists a structure and weight of connection which encode for the holder a "gender" which largely informs them of how to operate their bodies, socially position themselves, and that also within that physical configuration is an image of a personal ideal, someone we each strive to be, and that too has something that satisfies zero or more of "he", and "she".

That is not magic. It is a recognition that the ideas in our heads are driven by the structures which grow in them.

What you believe in is "?". You believe that someone what? Thinks with their genitals?

That someone actually has a brain in their penis?

Biology says behavior arises from neurological associations informed by measurements of the chemical environment of the body delivered by chemically sensitive neurons.

If you are not worried about behavior first and foremost you are prejudiced and you can go to hell.
And transwomen on average commit crimes at about the typical male rate, not the typical female rate.

Biology, which you reference again in bad faith, says that the processes which grow brains can do all sorts of weird junk, and given the node structure similarities (thanks @SigmatheZeta) despite their subtle differences, its not going to take a big chemical push.

As has been discussed on the Biology, so many different biological mechanisms have served as genetic triggers to differentiation that it is unreasonable to make any claim that there will not be innumerable ways for it to get tipped opposed to the direction of tipping of the genital formation chain.

What has been observed is that in those who are distressed by the hormonal situation of their body, testing shows statistical likelihood of having a brain structure more commonly by people whose bodies will produce different hormones to them.

That is the biology of it, and it's not magic. It's the fact that networks of switching units process information differently when they are connected differently, and gender is a discussion of how we are connected in our very real, material brains.
And if “sex” referred to the specific aspect of node structure that gets tipped that way, you’d have a point. Or if the weird junk that brain processes grow that cause people to be distressed by their hormones tipped not just that aspect of brain node structure but also tipped pretty much everything about their brains, to the point where a transwoman’s behavior usually fell within the typical female range rather than the typical male range, you’d have a point. But if that were the case then transwomen would commit crimes at the typical female rate. So all you’ve got is one measurable property of transwomen’s brains that’s in the female range to put on the scales against a hundred measurable properties that will probably turn out to fall in the normal male range when anyone gets around to measuring them all. That does not amount to you having a point. There’s one aspect of my anatomy that falls smack dab in the female range. Whoop de do. It doesn’t outweigh the hundred aspects in the male range.
Your proposal implies women stop being women at menopause.
On the contrary, I have made no proposal, and am just expanding on the implications of the proposal already made - which suffers from the flaw you identify here along with many other flaws.

Hence my comment:

(if we accept the unstated assumption that gamete production is the definitive factor in determination of sex, which is a deeply flawed assumption, but that's a whole other discussion)

@Emily Lake provided a definition that suffers a large number of deep flaws; The one I chose to concentrate on was the claim of two sexes, when clearly her own premise implies four distinct categories. Of course she is free to arbitrarily add more rules that serve to consolidate these four implicit categories into two, but until she does, her claim is simply false. "Two gametes" doesn't imply "two sexes", Even if gametes were the defining characteristic for assigning individuals to a "sex" which, as your menopause objection illustrates, is itself a deeply flawed idea.
And transwomen on average commit crimes at about the typical male rate, not the typical female rate.
Cite please. Please present your data controlled by hormonal situation, as well.
And if “sex” referred to the specific aspect of node structure that gets tipped that way, you’d have a point.
You are again making an is/ought.

You are attempting to make a distinction that some aspect of a human imparts risk, either special behavioral risk, or special structural risk, and mitigate that risk.

The penis presents neither a special behavioral risk (it does not generate behavior!) Nor does it present a special structural risk: others possess structures in fact much more readily useful for raping others.

The behavioral risks come from that which directly impacts the brain, and the ability to make someone pregnant.

At best you have a bold claim without a cite.

I wouldn't care if ten thousand people carried guns everywhere with them everywhere I went, pointing them all at me all the time, if it were impossible to find or make bullets.

You know, it's not exactly easy to get a "useful" erection when you've got no testosterone kicking about right?
Your proposal implies women stop being women at menopause.
On the contrary, I have made no proposal, and am just expanding on the implications of the proposal already made - which suffers from the flaw you identify here along with many other flaws.
Of course you have. You proposed identifying a “sex” with whether an individual does or does not produce a particular type of gamete. No doubt you made believe that you were just echoing Emily’s proposal back at her, but you were not. That is not at all what she said. That proposal was all you.

Hence my comment:

(if we accept the unstated assumption that gamete production is the definitive factor in determination of sex, which is a deeply flawed assumption, but that's a whole other discussion)

@Emily Lake provided a definition that suffers a large number of deep flaws; The one I chose to concentrate on was the claim of two sexes, when clearly her own premise implies four distinct categories.
Where “her own premise” is a phrase that here means “bilby’s simplistic arbitrary gloss on Emily’s words”. [/lemonysnicket]

At no point did Emily say the procedure for getting from a gamete to a sex was “Check if the individual makes the gamete.”. You added your premise to her argument and then you attacked the resulting chimera.

Of course she is free to arbitrarily add more rules that serve to consolidate these four implicit categories into two, but until she does, her claim is simply false.
Where “until she does” is a phrase that here means “until bilby gets around to reading what she has repeatedly written on the topic in previous threads.”

“Two gametes" doesn't imply "two sexes", Even if gametes were the defining characteristic for assigning individuals to a "sex" which, as your menopause objection illustrates, is itself a deeply flawed idea.
What it illustrates to be deeply flawed is your proposed procedure of checking if the individual makes the gamete. Emily’s proposal handles menopause just fine.
Loretta’s right to bear children even though she has no womb
Yes, that's how all rights to attain the power-to function.

We have a right to do all things that do not, by their doing, restrict the power of others to do the same.
Where on earth do you get this stuff? Why would you believe something so ridiculous? Do you never test your hypotheses before you confidently propound them as if the rest of us should be expected to accept your word over common sense?

If I slap your face, that’s a thing that does not in any way restrict your power to slap my face back. So according to your theory of rights, I have the right to slap your face. Why should anyone believe your theory?

Yes Loretta has the right. No she does not have the power. If she had the power, if follows that she should not be impeded by others, and she ought not be impeded by others in seeking the power to do so.

That's how rights work, I have the right to speak even if I don't have a mouth (this right authorizes me to attain a "mouth" by some means and use it).
That’s not what’s in dispute. Your advocacy of a Loretta-right is pointless; but I didn’t say it was incorrect.

Giving a male child estrogen at the age of 12 or thereabouts is not going to result in a body formed by primary influences of estrogen through puberty
This is a nonsense assertion and a contradiction to itself, even given your use of "male" which makes unnecessary assumptions about them. Giving a estrogen influence over a child through puberty is tautologically going to result in a body formed "by primary influence of estrogen through puberty".
You are evidently a poor recognizer of tautology. You might as well put an Estes model rocket engine on the next 20 meter asteroid on a collision course with Russia, and when it smashes up Chelyabinsk, claim the destruction is tautologically formed by primary influence of rocket exhaust.

That's what they are asking for and you have presented no suitable reason to not comply with their wishes,
You’re reversing burden of proof. You’re the one claiming a positive right; I’m just pointing out your argument is poor; I’m not claiming we shouldn’t comply.

as we afford this right to many through the power their own bodies exert to effect it.
It’s not the same right. Girls get an estrogen-estrogen body; transgirls get a testosterone-estrogen body. “I have the right to X because she has the right to Y” is not a convincing argument.

You pose a special responsibility to accept things just the way they are, not merely to not put in effort yourself but to stand in front of others and demand they make no effort themselves either.
You made that up. Where on earth do imagine you saw me make a moral claim?

This sinks to the very heart of the naturalistic fallacy, the assumption that is drives ought.
You assume facts not in evidence. Quote me making an “ought” claim.

It's clear that you are arguing in bad faith because you have attempted to hide the very is/ought fallacy you falsely accuse me of.
It’s clear you don’t care enough whether the accusations you make to bully other posters with are true to bother fact-checking them.

And how the bejesus do you figure the words I quoted in post #81 weren’t an is-ought inference?
And transwomen on average commit crimes at about the typical male rate, not the typical female rate.
Cite please. Please present your data controlled by hormonal situation, as well.

And if “sex” referred to the specific aspect of node structure that gets tipped that way, you’d have a point.
You are again making an is/ought.
I can’t have made an is/ought since I didn’t make an ought.

You are attempting to make a distinction that some aspect of a human imparts risk, either special behavioral risk, or special structural risk, and mitigate that risk.

The penis presents neither a special behavioral risk (it does not generate behavior!) Nor does it present a special structural risk: others possess structures in fact much more readily useful for raping others.

The behavioral risks come from that which directly impacts the brain, and the ability to make someone pregnant.
No, I am showing that your argument for transwomen actually being the gender they think they are is poorly reasoned. The point of the risk assessment is simply that your insistence that behavior matters more than bottom anatomy doesn’t actually strengthen your case.
And transwomen on average commit crimes at about the typical male rate, not the typical female rate.
Cite please. Please present your data controlled by hormonal situation, as well.

Your study does not speak to crimes, at least based on the abstract. It makes no conclusions about that. It makes conclusions about long term prognosis and outcome.

So, in other words you still apparently have not cited your claim. And now you have presented what appears to be a further use of dishonest references to defend what appears to be a dishonest claim.

And if “sex” referred to the specific aspect of node structure that gets tipped that way, you’d have a point.
You are again making an is/ought.
I can’t have made an is/ought since I didn’t make an ought.
Yes you did. That you can't see the "ought be left well enough alone" and 'ought be differentiated in the way they are differentiated, you have committed an is/ought fallacy.

ALL references to the way things are without active defense of the way things are done, in any discussion about whether the way things are done is appropriate, is an invocation is/ought fallacy.

You are attempting to make a distinction that some aspect of a human imparts risk, either special behavioral risk, or special structural risk, and mitigate that risk.

The penis presents neither a special behavioral risk (it does not generate behavior!) Nor does it present a special structural risk: others possess structures in fact much more readily useful for raping others.

The behavioral risks come from that which directly impacts the brain, and the ability to make someone pregnant.
No, I am showing that your argument for transwomen actually being the gender they think they are is poorly reasoned. The point of the risk assessment is simply that your insistence that behavior matters more than bottom anatomy doesn’t actually strengthen your case.
My point is that making "risk assessments" based on anything other than posture and behavior, of any other person, is prejudiced behavior and can get castigated along with any other noxious behavior.
Your study does not speak to crimes, at least based on the abstract. It makes no conclusions about that. It makes conclusions about long term prognosis and outcome.

So, in other words you still apparently have not cited your claim. And now you have presented what appears to be a further use of dishonest references to defend what appears to be a dishonest claim.
I wasn't aware the was disputed.

Comparisons of official MOJ statistics from March / April 2019 (most recent official count of transgender prisoners): 76 sex offenders out of 129 transwomen = 58.9% 125 sex offenders out of 3812 women in prison = 3.3% 13234 sex offenders out of 78781 men in prison = 16.8%
Your study does not speak to crimes, at least based on the abstract. It makes no conclusions about that. It makes conclusions about long term prognosis and outcome.

So, in other words you still apparently have not cited your claim. And now you have presented what appears to be a further use of dishonest references to defend what appears to be a dishonest claim.
I wasn't aware the was disputed.

Comparisons of official MOJ statistics from March / April 2019 (most recent official count of transgender prisoners): 76 sex offenders out of 129 transwomen = 58.9% 125 sex offenders out of 3812 women in prison = 3.3% 13234 sex offenders out of 78781 men in prison = 16.8%
And none of this answers my position, as how many of those individuals are still on testosterone and who produce sperm?

Answer very carefully there.

Also, let's look at the math here:

Of people born with penises, about 1%-ish are trans.

Of prisoners born with penises, about .1% are trans.

This indicates one very specific trend: trans people commit FAR fewer crimes than CIS folks, and this allows a selection bias to weight prisoner representation towards those trying to use bad faith to get away from a population simmering in a culture of toxic masculinity.

According to your own statistic, as a cohort, so few trans people commit crimes that it becomes exceedingly likely idiotic attempts at bas faith swing the mean.

Of course, of those, as I mention, VERY FEW would be willing to readily yeet "the boys", so it doesn't speak to my position.

My position is and always has been that the two primary and observable elements in separation of bathroom spaces and prison are "steroids" and "sperms".

It seems to me sex offenders would be rather self-defeating in that regard but then, if it means they ASK to be castrated, I will let them OWN that hill. In fact, I will gladly cede them that territory, to see sex offenders ASK to be castrated, and pen a treaty to that effect.
And transwomen on average commit crimes at about the typical male rate, not the typical female rate.
Cite please. Please present your data controlled by hormonal situation, as well.

Your study does not speak to crimes, at least based on the abstract. It makes no conclusions about that. It makes conclusions about long term prognosis and outcome.

So, in other words you still apparently have not cited your claim. And now you have presented what appears to be a further use of dishonest references to defend what appears to be a dishonest claim.

Is it against your religion or something to ever fact-check your trumped-up accusations against other posters? Why on earth would you assume researchers cram every last fact their studies reveal into the abstract?

This is about six pages in, under "Crime rate":

"Second, regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime. By contrast, female-to-males had higher crime rates than female controls (aHR 4.1; 95% CI 2.5–6.9) but did not differ from male controls. This indicates a shift to a male pattern regarding criminality and that sex reassignment is coupled to increased crime rate in female-to-males. The same was true regarding violent crime."​

Next time you ask for a cite and the other poster provides one, read the bloody paper before you call him dishonest.

But maybe that's too much to ask, considering that you apparently couldn't even understand the abstract.


To estimate mortality, morbidity, and criminal rate after surgical sex reassignment of transsexual persons."​

You are again making an is/ought.
I can’t have made an is/ought since I didn’t make an ought.
Yes you did. That you can't see the "ought be left well enough alone" and 'ought be differentiated in the way they are differentiated, you have committed an is/ought fallacy.
What the bejesus are you talking about? Whom are you quoting, and how the hell do you figure somebody else's words magically make me have made an "ought" claim?

ALL references to the way things are without active defense of the way things are done, in any discussion about whether the way things are done is appropriate, is an invocation is/ought fallacy.
Ah, the old proof-by-boldface argument. You have not offered any facts or logic to support your absurd inference rule.

Bob: My neighbor gained the power of witchcraft by selling her soul to Satan. She should be hanged.
Alice: There's no such thing as witchcraft, or Satan.
Bob: You're committing an is/ought fallacy!

Don't argue like Bob. Bob is an idiot.

You are attempting to make a distinction that some aspect of a human imparts risk, either special behavioral risk, or special structural risk, and mitigate that risk.
No, I am showing that your argument for transwomen actually being the gender they think they are is poorly reasoned. The point of the risk assessment is simply that your insistence that behavior matters more than bottom anatomy doesn’t actually strengthen your case.
My point is that making "risk assessments" based on anything other than posture and behavior, of any other person, is prejudiced behavior and can get castigated along with any other noxious behavior.
Ah, the old proof-by-vetting-opinions-for-ideological-permissibility-before-considering-evidence argument. Reality matches binary logic. It does not match ternary true/false/evil logic.
Comparisons of official MOJ statistics from March / April 2019 (most recent official count of transgender prisoners): 76 sex offenders out of 129 transwomen = 58.9% 125 sex offenders out of 3812 women in prison = 3.3% 13234 sex offenders out of 78781 men in prison = 16.8%
And none of this answers my position, as how many of those individuals are still on testosterone and who produce sperm?

Answer very carefully there.

Also, let's look at the math here:

Of people born with penises, about 1%-ish are trans.

Of prisoners born with penises, about .1% are trans.

This indicates one very specific trend: trans people commit FAR fewer crimes than CIS folks, <rest of drivel snipped>
:rolleyesa: Oh, for the love of god!

Your "Of prisoners born with penises, about .1% are trans." claim appears to be a reference to Ministry of Justice data reporting 129 transwomen out of 78781 men in prison, or .16%. That means .16% of prisoners born with penises are known by the Ministry of Justice to be trans. Has it never occurred to you that there might possibly be some prisoners in the British penal system who are trans, but who have refrained from announcing that fact?!? Do you seriously imagine the Ministry of Justice obtained that 129 figure by some sort of anonymized survey similar to what the academic psychologists who came up with your "1%-ish" figure presumably used? They're obviously counting only the specific individuals they happen to have found out are trans.

Any male-bodied prisoner who lets the fact that he/she is trans become known to a prison packed with violent male inmates who have poor impulse control and a macho urge to put their upper body strength and their masculinity on display needs his/her head examined. In the toxic environment of a prison keeping one's gender identity in the closet is a matter of self-preservation. This is not rocket science.
who have refrained from announcing that fact?!?
No, because there are heavy incentives for trans people in the system to at least be out to the system, and there is a trend among sex offenders to use bad faith immediately after capture to claim they are trans. There is a selection bias to over-report being trans particularly among sex offenders.

Your data is either bad for your claim or  really bad for your claim.

I have clearly identified trends in my corner and you have what? A hand wave?

And this goes to my point which you snipped (lol), how.many of that .1% of the inmate population still produces testosterone and sperms and wants to keep it that way?

Because while you keep screaming "ItS A PrObLeM! PeNiS PerSoN WaNt bE WiTh WiMmINS!" The fact is that it's entirely possible to change the rules of that game to neither call them "men" NOR house them with those who have reason to fear them as potential victims unless they are willing to lose testicular functions of whatever gonads they have is what vindicates my position.

It's a good opportunity to ask for wider reforms, too. Reforms like to refrain from housing sex offenders with those who are not sex offenders, refraining from housing nonviolent offenders with violent ones, and so on.

The fact is that you want to villainize trans people because the conservatives need a new enemy now that people like TeH GaYs too much to hate on them for now, at least in this moment in history.

This will be true no matter how much sophistry you commit to.

You are trying to paint trans folks as criminals. They are not. They are not, by a whole base 10 order of magnitude, and all you have to dispute that statistic, provided by OLEG in an attempt to suck up to you, that makes exactly this point.

And to be clear, you actually had a responsibility to point that out, to maintain your own integrity, and find a statistic that cites your claim without such a clear statistical problem.
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The whole element of separation of spaces is a problem engineered to create an enemy.

I personally don't care about protecting only certain women. I think it's important to note that because we wrote the rules of how we operate, we can change the rules of how we operate.

People are afraid some folks will use bad faith in order to use bad applications of categories for separation, in a time of linguistic change, to get access to victims.

This is a valid concern.

Some people then piggyback on that fear to paint all trans people with their bad faith, because they need or want an ENEMY. Some such folks don't understand that's what they are seeking or why and are to self-unaware to figure it out.

That's not a valid concern.

Obviously the solution is to change the structure of rules around spaces, since Language is gonna Language. Rules can adjust to Language, but adjusting language to rules?

LOL! Might as well piss upwind in a sandstorm.

We can recognize that rules can be built around significant elements of biology and the game theory around them: pregnancy, and steroids, and this allows people to use language to call anyone anything they want, but let's the law make decisions on actual biological fact.

Biological facts about sperms, and testosterone require no faith. Statistical modes do require fairh since they lose the immutable relationship between "people ought not fear being made pregnant by those they cannot escape and do not consent to bear children with", and "people ought not be put in competitive environments of violent contact with those recently exposed to more steroids than themselves." They say nothing about whether someone should have exposure, or has had exposure.

They pose an "ought" where there is none, a hidden one "people ought to cleave universally to the modes, and select the mode which is assumed by nothing but exterior observation at birth." It is the naturalistic fallacy, hiding in a place one would not expect it.

Observing the biology allows a clean divorce from linguistic games like "man and woman" or even "male and female", as if anyone can be a statistical mode.
Some individuals produce both.
No mammal produces both. No mammal, no human, no "individual" within the context of this discussion. Humans are not clownfish.

Many produce neither.
Which doesn't make them something other than male or female, it just makes them infertile males or females.

Two gametes implies four categories, not two.
No, it doesn't. If you disagree, take it up with evolutionary biologists. Infertile males are still males. Infertile females are still females. And at no point does the question of fertility or its absence switch someone to the opposite sex, nor does it make them a new third sex, nor does it make them unsexed.

There are two ABO antigens on red blood corpuscles; Giving four blood types - A, B, AB, and O*
This is irrelevant. Three primary subatomic particles, which give rise to 118 atoms. This is just as irrelevant as your mention of antigens.

Two gametes implies four sexes (if we accept the unstated assumption that gamete production is the definitive factor in determination of sex, which is a deeply flawed assumption, but that's a whole other discussion).

To get two sexes, there would need to be only one gamete, which individuals either produce, or don't.
No, you are wrong. I mean, just completely and irrevocably wrong.

Let's stick with the basic failure in your assumption. For your assumption to work, we would need sex-related chromosomes to be codominant as well as having the ability to be absent completely. But that's not the case.

Each parent contributes ONE sex chromosome. Female parents can only contribute an X, they have no Y to pass on to their offspring. Male parents can contribute either an X or a Y. Barring karyotypic anomalies, offspring receive an X from their mother and either an X or a Y from their father.

If the child receives two X chromosomes, they are female. If they receive an X and a Y, they are male. Those are the combinations, and the resulting sexes. This is important, because the triggers that drive the mullerian process are on the X chromosome, and the ones that turn that process off and instigate the wolfian process are on the Y chromosome - specifically, the SRY gene.

If something goes wrong, and the offspring fails to receive an X chromosome from the mother, the fetus is inviable and dies. If the offspring receives an X from the mother, and something goes wrong and they don't receive either chromosome from the father, it is possible for the child to develop as a single-X female.

Even with all of the various karyotype combinations that can occur when something goes off the rails... if the offspring receives a Y chromosome from the father, it will be a male. The Y chromosome is dominant.

There are two semi-exceptions to this: Swyer syndrome and CAIS.. In the case of Swyer syndrome, the offspring inherits a damaged Y chromosome from the father - a chromosome in which the SRY gene doesn't work. Thus, the fetus never receives the prompt to switch from mullerian to wolfian developmental paths. People with Swyer syndrome are female phenotypical, but are sterile. They develop female-typical fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, etc. but they don't have ovaries, they have undifferentiated tissue in place of ovaries. In CAIS, the SRY gene is there on the Y chromosome, but the body's ability to receive signals from it is damaged or absent. The receptor is carried on the X chromosome. For Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, the fetus develops female-typical anatomy, but generally has testicular tissue in place of ovaries. Most people, including doctors in any fields other than reproductive medicine, both of these types of people are treated as female. Note that Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome produces people who are fully categorized as male, even if they have some underdeveloped reproductive features.

Please don't pass along false pseudo-science. Chromosomal variations aren't new sexes. There are only two sexes: Female, and Male.
You can't possibly say that humans have two eyes, it's too complicated for that.
You can say it. You won't be right though; Some have one, some have none.

You're making the error of applying a general rule to the specific.
And you're making the error of assuming that injury or developmental error CHANGES THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMANS AS AN ENTIRE SPECIES

If an adult of the human species gets into an accident and loses a leg, that does not mean that defining humans, as a species, can no longer include "bipedal".
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