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Monday - Biden Will Be Declared President

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
The electoral college is about to hand Biden the presidency. 55+ lawsuits could not stop him. "Stop the steal" marches could not stop this. Rage tweets from Orango The Clown could not stop it. Ranting and raving from far right media propaganda outlets could not halt this. Outrageous squealing from far right Republican congressmen could not halt this.

The howls and squeals of partisan outrage will continue on. More failed lawsuits can be expected. This is going to be an interesting month as the fact Biden IS president sinks in.
The rage and denial, it's not even about Biden. It's about realizing that a politician many had raised to the status of a cult leader is defeatable.
My understanding is that Biden will not be declared president or president-elect yet. That won't happen until January 6th when the congress counts the votes. Right?
Monday, the electoral college will do its thing and present their final and official count of their EC votes to Congress. This will mean all the failed lawsuits to date did not stop Biden from becoming president of the United Snakes of America.
Yup, America has improved. A black man had less issues with the transition of power. :cool:
Yup, America has improved. A black man had less issues with the transition of power. :cool:

Well, the good news is that a black president-elect following the Danger Yam this year would have had just as many problems.
Yup, America has improved. A black man had less issues with the transition of power. :cool:

Well, the good news is that a black president-elect following the Danger Yam this year would have had just as many problems.

That's speculation. Obama was running against a better candidate so I'm inclined to believe he would have had less problems with Trump. What is not speculation is he had less problems than Biden. :cool:
Expect escalating violence across the country.

I've been thinking about this lately, and I think that maybe if we simply ignore these assholes, instead of setting up counter protests, they might eventually fade away. I'm not talking about the mindless death threats that have been directed against government officials who are simply trying to do their jobs correctly. Those people should be arrested for making terrorist threats. I'm thinking more of the protests that happened this weekend in DC. What if there were no counter protests going on while these crazy cultists did their thing? If you've got no-one to fight, what's the point? Of course, I could be wrong, but what is the point of acting out if nobody is paying attention to you? Think of when a young child throws a temper tantrum. If that child is ignored, the child usually stops the tantrum earlier. These people and Trump are like toddlers in some ways. If they don't get the attention that they want, maybe they will end this crazy behavior sooner than if we all give them a lot of attention. What do you think? How is the best way to react to these cultists?

I'm not expecting this type of violence where I live. Are you expecting it where you live?

Meanwhile, back to the OP. I just learned that Stacey Abrams is one of Georgia's electors. And, the way it works here, is that the party who wins the election gets to choose their own electors. Biden will be president, despite all of the insane attempts to over turn the election. And, even if the Congress tries to do more, both parties would have to agree. Since the Dems control the House, that will be another failed effort. Biden certainly has a huge challenge on his hands, but I for one am glad that we will have a very experienced president along with a very experienced cabinet. This isn't the time for bringing a lot of people who lack experience. We need their voices but at least for now, we don't need inexperienced people running things. That's my opinion.
The rage and denial, it's not even about Biden. It's about realizing that a politician many had raised to the status of a cult leader is defeatable.
Is it? I get it is more that they believe Trump won because Trump said he won... and Trump says he won because he knows his idiot base will believe him.

It is interesting how the arguments shift... I'm now hearing about how it is so unlikely that Biden would get that many more votes than Clinton. They are just throwing anything and everything at the wall!

As far as violence, that is up to Trump.
Obama was running against a better candidate so I'm inclined to believe he would have had less problems with Trump.
i don't see how that follows at all. Trump is an incredibly sore loser. Anyone taking the Presidency away from him would get this crusade of tantrums. Good candidate, bad candidate, male, female, young, old, veteran, hippie, or Mary goddamned Poppins, Trump would be an uncooperative baby.
Expect escalating violence across the country.

I've been thinking about this lately, and I think that maybe if we simply ignore these assholes, instead of setting up counter protests, they might eventually fade away. I'm not talking about the mindless death threats that have been directed against government officials who are simply trying to do their jobs correctly. Those people should be arrested for making terrorist threats. I'm thinking more of the protests that happened this weekend in DC. What if there were no counter protests going on while these crazy cultists did their thing? If you've got no-one to fight, what's the point? Of course, I could be wrong, but what is the point of acting out if nobody is paying attention to you? Think of when a young child throws a temper tantrum. If that child is ignored, the child usually stops the tantrum earlier. These people and Trump are like toddlers in some ways. If they don't get the attention that they want, maybe they will end this crazy behavior sooner than if we all give them a lot of attention. What do you think? How is the best way to react to these cultists?

This was a Klan tactic. Let them know the only ones listening are the trees and they will slip back into the woods.

And aside from that, perhaps if some Democrats can set themselves up as solid candidates for 2024. Work those resumes now and keep working them over the next four years instead of the usual "next good party member with seniority" and a handful of volunteers from the cube farm. Of course they need something beyond a solid fan base, a snowball's chance of grabbing fifty percent of the electorate.

Meanwhile, I see the Trump signs are slowly, painfully, and with many tears on the lawn, coming down.
Trump and his followers could now hope that enough Democratic electors will be faithless to deny Joe Biden a majority. That would be 27 electors, and one has to go back to 1896 to find that many faithless electors.  Faithless elector

But how would Trump's campaigners get 27+ Democratic electors to vote for another candidate? Convince them that Bernie Sanders is the one to vote for?
Trump has a 56-27 lead. I hope he's watching as it disappears, just like Pennsylvania. He can claim the electors were hacked.
Right now I'm dreaming that a dozen or so Trumpy electors will vote for Biden. The question is whether Trumpy will declare martial law as a result.
Obama was running against a better candidate so I'm inclined to believe he would have had less problems with Trump.
i don't see how that follows at all. Trump is an incredibly sore loser. Anyone taking the Presidency away from him would get this crusade of tantrums. Good candidate, bad candidate, male, female, young, old, veteran, hippie, or Mary goddamned Poppins, Trump would be an uncooperative baby.

Yeah know what? You're right. He'd still be a sore loser and his base would still try pulling the shinnanagines they're attempting now. I still however don't believe he'd have as much support from nutjobs if he didn't win against Hillary (that hardly anyone liked plus fueled his base) and then lost against Biden where the votes were more anti Trump than they were pro Biden. Biden isn't the best this country can do right now either. Trump's tantrum would be less marketable than it is today IMHO.
Trump and his followers could now hope that enough Democratic electors will be faithless to deny Joe Biden a majority. That would be 27 electors, and one has to go back to 1896 to find that many faithless electors.  Faithless elector

But how would Trump's campaigners get 27+ Democratic electors to vote for another candidate? Convince them that Bernie Sanders is the one to vote for?
37+. And the only time that happened was when one of the candidates had died.
You're right. I'll quote  Faithless elector on the only time that that has happened:
63 – 1872 election: Horace Greeley, the Liberal Republican/Democrat nominee, died on November 29 shortly before the Electoral College vote in December. Three electors voted for the deceased Greeley as pledged, while the other 63 electors pledged to Greeley voted for other persons, with 18 of them casting their presidential votes for Greeley's running mate, Benjamin Gratz Brown, and the remaining 45 scattering their presidential votes among three non-candidates. The three posthumous presidential votes cast for Greeley were rejected by Congress
As I write this, all the electors' votes have been counted except for the four ones of the state of Hawaii. That should be done in about an hour.

California had a unanimous vote for Biden and Harris of its 55 electors, and that vote pushed Biden over the top: 302 - 232.

I'm following what's happening in Electoral college vote 2020: Live state-by-state coverage and updates

t’s over, again.The 538 members of the Electoral College cast their ballots on Monday, the penultimate step in confirming President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the November election.
In Georgia, a state Biden was able to flip in 2020, former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams took the roll call of electors and announced that the state had cast its electoral votes for him.
“I am pleased to announce that Joseph R. Biden has received 16 votes for president of the United States,” Abrams said.
As more members of the Electoral College cast their votes around the country, the drama-free proceedings resembled previous elections in which the results were a foregone conclusion. A little after 5:30 p.m. ET, when California cast its 55 votes, Biden crossed the 270-vote threshold needed to officially be declared the next president.
Despite pressure from Trump and his legal team to convince the Republican legislatures in battleground states to appoint a slate of electors who would overturn the popular vote, none obliged. Biden was on track to receive his 306 votes compared to 232 for Trump — coincidentally, the same margin Trump won in 2016, which he has characterized as a “landslide.”

Trump is done. Thass all folks! Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Time for a happy dance!

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