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Monday - Biden Will Be Declared President

An hour and a half after California's 55 electors voted, Hawaii's 4 electors voted, completing the electors' voting. Joe Biden got 306 EV's, Trump 232, with no faithless electors.
Personally, I'd like to see Putin invite Trump over for a cup of tea just to make sure.
Personally, I'd like to see Putin invite Trump over for a cup of tea just to make sure.

I hear Polonium adds a sweet yet savory note to any dish.

But seriously, Trump's "how can he possibly look more like a vampire?" advisor Stephen Miller said they were going to send "alternate electors" to Congress in order to deliver their "votes" so they could overturn the election results.

An alternate reality where Trump won? His people have already constructed it, and are insisting it's valid. Really.


“You have an alternate slate of electors in a state like, say, Wisconsin or in a state like Georgia, and we’ll make sure that those results are sent up side-by-side to Congress,” Miller said. “So that we have the opportunity, every day between now and Jan. 20, to say that slate of electors and the contested states is the slate that should be certified to uphold a fair and free election and an honest result.”
McConnell congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory during remarks on the Senate floor on Tuesday, a day after the Electoral College formalized the Democrats’ Nov. 3 win.

Mitch McConnell is getting kudos for following Putin's lead and acknowledging Biden's election. But an opinion in the Washington Post points out that McConnell's action is intended to strengthen the Trump Resistance! :
... The scenario McConnell prefers, in which no Republican senator objects to any Biden electors, is not ideal, to be sure, since Trump and his loyalists will no doubt rage at them for failing to join his scheme. But it’s better than having to actively vote against it.

At first glance, this looks like more garden-variety GOP cowardice when it comes to Trump. But if you unpack it a bit, it demonstrates something considerably darker.

First, it’s important to note that McConnell has spent weeks refusing to acknowledge Biden’s victory, for a purpose that’s purely instrumental: Because he has thought this was necessary to keep Republican voters energized heading into the Georgia runoffs.

And so, now that Biden’s victory is so official that it really can no longer be denied, here you have McConnell begging fellow Republicans not to feed the very beast that McConnell himself has been feeding for weeks, for incredibly cynical reasons.

That’s bad enough, but it gets still worse.

What McConnell almost certainly fears in the dreaded scenario — in which Senate Republicans vote down an objection to Biden electors from a given state — is that Republicans will be cast as stab-in-the-back betrayers of Trump.

For as long as he can, Trump will try to keep alive the mythos that the election was stolen from him and that quisling Republicans didn’t fight hard enough to prevent this horrifying travesty of injustice. A vote like this will stand as the final betrayal of the Lost Cause of Trumpism, a day that will live in bloody infamy in the Trumpist mythology.

McConnell is trying to prevent any and all Senate Republicans from endorsing the idea that Trump actually won the election, but not because he thinks GOP voters deserve the basic respect of being told the truth. With some notable exceptions, most Republicans, McConnell included, treated it as simply unthinkable that they would tell their voters the truth about Trump’s loss until they absolutely had to.

After cynically feeding the lie that Biden wasn’t the clear winner for as long as he personally could, McConnell is only trying to get fellow Republicans to refrain from further feeding that beast because the alternative will give birth to a beast that’s even worse. Their contempt for their own voters is bottomless.
Mitch McConnell is getting kudos for following Putin's lead and acknowledging Biden's election. But an opinion in the Washington Post points out that McConnell's action is intended to strengthen the Trump Resistance! :
... The scenario McConnell prefers, in which no Republican senator objects to any Biden electors, is not ideal, to be sure, since Trump and his loyalists will no doubt rage at them for failing to join his scheme. But it’s better than having to actively vote against it.

At first glance, this looks like more garden-variety GOP cowardice when it comes to Trump. But if you unpack it a bit, it demonstrates something considerably darker.

First, it’s important to note that McConnell has spent weeks refusing to acknowledge Biden’s victory, for a purpose that’s purely instrumental: Because he has thought this was necessary to keep Republican voters energized heading into the Georgia runoffs.

And so, now that Biden’s victory is so official that it really can no longer be denied, here you have McConnell begging fellow Republicans not to feed the very beast that McConnell himself has been feeding for weeks, for incredibly cynical reasons.

That’s bad enough, but it gets still worse.

What McConnell almost certainly fears in the dreaded scenario — in which Senate Republicans vote down an objection to Biden electors from a given state — is that Republicans will be cast as stab-in-the-back betrayers of Trump.

For as long as he can, Trump will try to keep alive the mythos that the election was stolen from him and that quisling Republicans didn’t fight hard enough to prevent this horrifying travesty of injustice. A vote like this will stand as the final betrayal of the Lost Cause of Trumpism, a day that will live in bloody infamy in the Trumpist mythology.

McConnell is trying to prevent any and all Senate Republicans from endorsing the idea that Trump actually won the election, but not because he thinks GOP voters deserve the basic respect of being told the truth. With some notable exceptions, most Republicans, McConnell included, treated it as simply unthinkable that they would tell their voters the truth about Trump’s loss until they absolutely had to.

After cynically feeding the lie that Biden wasn’t the clear winner for as long as he personally could, McConnell is only trying to get fellow Republicans to refrain from further feeding that beast because the alternative will give birth to a beast that’s even worse. Their contempt for their own voters is bottomless.
Do you have a link to the full article?
Mitch McConnell is getting kudos for following Putin's lead and acknowledging Biden's election. But an opinion in the Washington Post points out that McConnell's action is intended to strengthen the Trump Resistance! :
... The scenario McConnell prefers, in which no Republican senator objects to any Biden electors, is not ideal, to be sure, since Trump and his loyalists will no doubt rage at them for failing to join his scheme. But it’s better than having to actively vote against it.

At first glance, this looks like more garden-variety GOP cowardice when it comes to Trump. But if you unpack it a bit, it demonstrates something considerably darker.

First, it’s important to note that McConnell has spent weeks refusing to acknowledge Biden’s victory, for a purpose that’s purely instrumental: Because he has thought this was necessary to keep Republican voters energized heading into the Georgia runoffs.

And so, now that Biden’s victory is so official that it really can no longer be denied, here you have McConnell begging fellow Republicans not to feed the very beast that McConnell himself has been feeding for weeks, for incredibly cynical reasons.

That’s bad enough, but it gets still worse.

What McConnell almost certainly fears in the dreaded scenario — in which Senate Republicans vote down an objection to Biden electors from a given state — is that Republicans will be cast as stab-in-the-back betrayers of Trump.

For as long as he can, Trump will try to keep alive the mythos that the election was stolen from him and that quisling Republicans didn’t fight hard enough to prevent this horrifying travesty of injustice. A vote like this will stand as the final betrayal of the Lost Cause of Trumpism, a day that will live in bloody infamy in the Trumpist mythology.

McConnell is trying to prevent any and all Senate Republicans from endorsing the idea that Trump actually won the election, but not because he thinks GOP voters deserve the basic respect of being told the truth. With some notable exceptions, most Republicans, McConnell included, treated it as simply unthinkable that they would tell their voters the truth about Trump’s loss until they absolutely had to.

After cynically feeding the lie that Biden wasn’t the clear winner for as long as he personally could, McConnell is only trying to get fellow Republicans to refrain from further feeding that beast because the alternative will give birth to a beast that’s even worse. Their contempt for their own voters is bottomless.
Do you have a link to the full article?

Certainly, McConnell deserves nothing for recognizing an election outcome we had several weeks ago.
Do you have a link to the full article?

Certainly, McConnell deserves nothing for recognizing an election outcome we had several weeks ago.

I think McConnell deserves a great deal.
I'm not sure what the term is to describe the equivalent of an impeachment when the perp is a Senator. I'm not sure there is such a term or process. He does deserve it though.
Do you have a link to the full article?

Certainly, McConnell deserves nothing for recognizing an election outcome we had several weeks ago.

I think McConnell deserves a great deal.
I'm not sure what the term is to describe the equivalent of an impeachment when the perp is a Senator. I'm not sure there is such a term or process. He does deserve it though.

Yeah, he deserves that, but also big props for causing the GOP to kill and eat their own.
No one has lost quite like Donald Trump in nearly 150 years

Donald Trump is now a history-making loser.

His doomed crusade to overturn the U.S. election result crossed a milestone following electoral college meetings Monday that formally selected Joe Biden as the next president.

Not in a century and a half, since the post-Civil War era, has a defeated presidential candidate continued to challenge the results past those electoral college meetings.

That's where Trump now finds himself. He has persisted in peddling the idea he can still win even after losing Monday in the formal electoral votes.

He not only denied the electoral college reality in a flurry of defiant tweets. Trump's campaign also convinced groups of Republicans to organize their own parallel meetings in various swing states and declare him the winner.

It's part of a no-hope effort to persuade the U.S. Congress to call the election result erroneous and to vote to overturn it.

"This is off the charts," said Alexander Keyssar, a professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and author of a book on the history of the electoral college.

"It's very unusual."
It's past absurdity. Even if there were a conflict between the EC and the voting public, the EC would win. They, not we, have the official power to vote in a new president or not.
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