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Mrs. Trump's missing headscarf

This thread is about Trump's hypocrisy as it concerns the wearing of head scarves by current versus past FLOTUS. The post to which you were replying does not appear to have a different focus. Even in the post in question, Elixir explicitly restated the point for you.

The issue here is not with what the Koran states about what visiting dignitaries must do in Saudi Arabia nor if there are other problems back home for the administration. The issue is the inconsistency between what Trump did and what he criticized his predecessor for. You get that, right? Right?

Why are you assuming this is Donald Trump's action? Why are you not assuming that Melania, and Ivanka, decided for themselves to show their head hair to the Saudis? After all, Melania has shown some admiration for Michelle Obama in the past.
Does it make any difference as it concerns the hypocrisy of his past statements? If Obama risked making more enemies by not wearing a head scarf, then so did Trump. Or are you saying that Donald secretly feels the same way about Melanie's choice as he did about Michelle's, given that they both made the same one?
Melania and Ivanka seem to have found their head gear in time for the meeting with the Pope. I wonder why that is?
Do you have a camera in their home?

I'm talking about her public face. Or are you suggesting she is beaten into submission at home?
So, does this make Trump's comments, and Melania's dress, more or less hypocritical in context?
I do not think Melania's dress is hypocritical in any case, since she is not responsible for her husband's tweets.
I do think Trump is definitely being hypocritical, but that is nothing new for him.

What I am more interested is the bigger topic of western leaders (and their wives) covering or not covering up when visiting Muslim lands and leaders.

So, you're saying Trump is NOT hypocritical, just incorrect? Or what? I can't see your context, here.
Not everything is about Trump.
I was googling for images and saw something interesting: Michelle Obama covered up when visiting Indonesia, but not when visiting Saudi Arabia, a more conservatively Islamic country. I was wondering as to the reason for the discrepancy.
Calm down, dude. Derec is a one-trick pony: "But (choose Obama, Hillary, libtards) did X",
No, not at all.
In reality, you are the one trick pony, not leaving out any opportunity to attack me.
How are the photos I posted any different than those whichphilosophy posted?

The question as to why Hillary is so ready to don the hijab is both interesting and relevant to this discussion. Especially when so many Western leaders do not feel the need to.
The question as to why Michelle covered up in Indonesia when she did not in Saudi Arabia is both interesting and relevant to this discussion.

which of course excuses even the most heinous acts by Cheato or his ilk.
Letting Melania go uncovered in Saudi Arabia is a "most heinous act"?
Also, you call him "Cheato"? While he was the beneficiary of the electoral system we have, I see no evidence that he cheated to win the EC votes.
Melania and Ivanka seem to have found their head gear in time for the meeting with the Pope. I wonder why that is?
Yeah, what in the heck was that about. I didn't even know there was a veil thing for the Vatican.
Yes head gear and skirts or dresses only at the Vatican.
No shit? I remember the RC days when women had to cover their heads inside a church but thought that stupidity had been overturned by Vatican II. So inside Vatican City the women are still required to cover in shame?

Must be a drag sometimes having a vagina.

Okay, so I checked what seemed to be couple official sites and didn't see any of this, nothing about women having to cover their heads or wear dresses.

Can you please provide a link as I can find no confirmation of this requirement?
What I am more interested is the bigger topic of western leaders (and their wives) covering or not covering up when visiting Muslim lands and leaders.
So, by 'bigger topic' you mean Hillary, Chelsea and Michelle. Just democrats.
And the 'bigger topic' came up the first time Trump made his comments. He never acknowledged the traditional Western approach to the topic he was blaming Obama for violating. Chances are good, though, that he just doesn't remember making the fuss in the first place.
Not everything is about Trump.
But this thread is... So you're posting a derail. Good to know.
So, by 'bigger topic' you mean Hillary, Chelsea and Michelle. Just democrats.
And the 'bigger topic' came up the first time Trump made his comments.

That ain't just "the bigger topic", it's the ONLY topic!
I was there about 10 years ago, and this is what I was told to wear. They turned away women not wearing skirts or scarves.

Here is what it now says on their website:

Entry to the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Gardens is permitted only to appropriately dressed visitors.
Low cut or sleeveless clothing, shorts, miniskirts and hats are not allowed.

I think the bigger question should be Trump's found gold pimp chain. How much is that gift worth? Should he have accepted it? Is that even legal? What about the "Muslim problem?" Rich, powerful backward Muslims are now acceptable, but not Syrian orphans?
I think the bigger question should be Trump's found gold pimp chain. How much is that gift worth? Should he have accepted it? Is that even legal? What about the "Muslim problem?" Rich, powerful backward Muslims are now acceptable, but not Syrian orphans?
Trump has never had an issue taking other people's money.
I think the bigger question should be Trump's found gold pimp chain. How much is that gift worth? Should he have accepted it? Is that even legal? What about the "Muslim problem?" Rich, powerful backward Muslims are now acceptable, but not Syrian orphans?
Trump has never had an issue taking other people's money.

But is he going to wear it with a sweat suit? Or melt it down? Is that legal? At my company you cannot accept expensive gifts from vendors and other companies we have deals with.
Trump has never had an issue taking other people's money.

But is he going to wear it with a sweat suit? Or melt it down? Is that legal? At my company you cannot accept expensive gifts from vendors and other companies we have deals with.
Probably sell it Manafort for cash, who'll then get a triple mortgage on it.
Do you have a camera in their home?

I'm talking about her public face. Or are you suggesting she is beaten into submission at home?

Total derail here, but I think Melania is starting to take advantage of the fact that Trump can't get away with mistreating her now.
Melania and Ivanka seem to have found their head gear in time for the meeting with the Pope. I wonder why that is?
Yeah, what in the heck was that about. I didn't even know there was a veil thing for the Vatican.

Yes, head covering and modest dress is the custom for meeting the Pope at the Vatican.

And that may be the differences in the various photos Derec posted - what was the context for each. If those photos were taken in connection with meeting religious leaders, that is often a different protocol than meeting political leaders, regardless what is the general custom in the country
I'm talking about her public face. Or are you suggesting she is beaten into submission at home?

Melania and Trump have different homes so I don't think he can beat her there. Maybe he can pay for someone else to do it though.
Do you have a camera in their home?

I'm talking about her public face. Or are you suggesting she is beaten into submission at home?

Total derail here, but I think Melania is starting to take advantage of the fact that Trump can't get away with mistreating her now.
Fuck Melenia. She swats at Trump's hand, oh whoopee-do! She could as easily push him down from the stairs coming out of Air Force One. Grow a fucking backbone Melenia, your nation... err... your adopted nation needs you!
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