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Mueller, a Republican, is part of a conspiracy against Republicans!!!!!!

With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!

So was that 'rightfully' firing due to Comey's treatment of HRC? Or was it for the several other reasons Don the Con said he fired Comey?

A broken military clock is still right once a day...
Don't ask me, I'm not in Trump's head. However, as it turns out it appears to have been the thing to do, it's opened up a real can of worms.
With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!

So was that 'rightfully' firing due to Comey's treatment of HRC? Or was it for the several other reasons Don the Con said he fired Comey?

A broken military clock is still right once a day...
Don't ask me, I'm not in Trump's head. However, as it turns out it appears to have been the thing to do, it's opened up a real can of worms.

Yeah - right thing to do when you're under investigation by the FBI is to fire the investigators. Because everyone knows Trump has never defrauded anyone, lied about anything or conspired with Russians to undermine our electoral process...

Seriously, I can't wait until the can is fully opened and all the worms - Trump included - are in jail.
Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information about a target is preemptively presented, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person says.

Next, a person can be bad at one thing, but good at another. Similarly, a person can do something bad, but also do something good.

So what you're trying to say, is that because Mueller supported a Bush Administration policy, that he's now unqualified to investigate Donald Trump.

I think you may be out of your league here.
I'm sure I am!

Mueller was Bush's pick to head the FBI. Mueller then fed Bush what Bush needed to invade Iraq. Oh wait those dots don't connect because Rachel Maddow hasn't done the connecting. So sorry!

Robert Mueller lacks credibility.

So you don't understand or engage in actual reasoning? You're just here to take up space and sow shit?
With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!

Trump knew he wanted to save his own ass. It takes an idiot not to recognize that. The same applies for the release of this bullshit memo that's been doctored and had facts omitted from it, which is going to be really appealing to gullible people who don't understand how the law works.

It takes either one of two types to believe in Donald Trump:

1. The fucking idiot type

2. An authoritarian who never really believed in any of the faux-patriotic bullshit the GOP or Trump was selling. This is the type that would've fit in well in 1930s Germany. Truth and facts don't matter; what the Leader says is truth, and that's what matters.

Which type are you?
Judge: Mobster #1, you stand accused of murder and racketeering. How do you plead?

Mobster #1: Innocent your honor! I have here a memo written by my associate Mobster #2 in which he accuses the cops of being mean to me.

Memo: The cops are totally meanie mean heads! It's a conspiracy!

District Attorney: The state drops all charges, your honor, this proves the innocence of the accused. Further, we will fire all the police involved in this case and the captain of the department, just in case they get it into their heads to use a law enforcement agency to enforce laws in the future. We can't have that!
Judge: Mobster #1, you stand accused of murder and racketeering. How do you plead?

Mobster #1: Innocent your honor! I have here a memo written by my associate Mobster #2 in which he accuses the cops of being mean to me.

Memo: The cops are totally meanie mean heads! It's a conspiracy!

District Attorney: The state drops all charges, your honor, this proves the innocence of the accused. Further, we will fire all the police involved in this case and the captain of the department, just in case they get it into their heads to use a law enforcement agency to enforce laws in the future. We can't have that!

The whole Nunes memo thing reminds me of that pic of a napkin that has written on it, "The Napkin religion is the true religion because it says so right here on this napkin."
Mueller was Bush's pick to head the FBI. Mueller then fed Bush what Bush needed to invade Iraq. Oh wait those dots don't connect

Those dots don't connect because those dots don't connect.

The FBI deals mostly in domestic law enforcement, not justification for war.

But if you want to get into dots, consider the fact that Mueller and Comey were right up at the top of the Bush FBI/DOJ. They are both at the top of the effort to uncover Trump's corruption, and they're not alone. Dubya's chief speechwriter David Frum has been sounding the alarm on Trump since day one. Bush's ethics lawyer is beside himself over Trump's shenanigans.

The fact that senior Bush administration officials are looking at the current President and saying "oh, fuck no" should give us all pause.
With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!

Trump knew he wanted to save his own ass. It takes an idiot not to recognize that. The same applies for the release of this bullshit memo that's been doctored and had facts omitted from it, which is going to be really appealing to gullible people who don't understand how the law works.

It takes either one of two types to believe in Donald Trump:

1. The fucking idiot type

2. An authoritarian who never really believed in any of the faux-patriotic bullshit the GOP or Trump was selling. This is the type that would've fit in well in 1930s Germany. Truth and facts don't matter; what the Leader says is truth, and that's what matters.

Which type are you?

You forgot the racist "red pill" idiot as well.
Mueller was Bush's pick to head the FBI. Mueller then fed Bush what Bush needed to invade Iraq. Oh wait those dots don't connect

Those dots don't connect because those dots don't connect.

The FBI deals mostly in domestic law enforcement, not justification for war.
Pick your poison.


So Mueller is definitely a liberal Democrat plant trying to destroy the Republicans. Gotcha.

So Mueller is definitely a liberal Democrat plant trying to destroy the Republicans. Gotcha.

I'm amazed that pro-Russian trolls think they are going to influence anyone on this forum by spewing transparent bullshit. I guess they get paid for simply posting "x", regardless of how impotent they are. As long as they sound enough like any deluded victim of Repu-Russo propaganda, it's all good.
Reality is a lib'rul conspiracy to undermine Rethuglican lies.
We have to do something about reality!

Yo memo bombed so bad Hawaii sent out an alert.

Yo memo is such a disaster Trump threw a roll of paper towels at it.

Yo Memo was so childish Roy Moore got banned from a mall for trying to date it.
[FONT=&quot]Yo memo contains so little intelligence Trump just nominated it to be the new Secretary of Education.

#YoMemo[FONT=&quot] so fake Donald Trump put it on top of his head this morning.
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