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Mueller investigation

Furthermore, it is not at all certain or clear Barr’s assessment “did not accurately reflect on the Mueller Report.”
It is abundantly clear that Barr's assessment did not accurately reflect the entirety of the Mueller Report.

James Madison said:
Furthermore, it is clear Barr’s assessment “did reflect on Mueller ”

What's the big deal about omitting a word or two?
Barr's assessment did not reflect on the The Mueller Report accurately, nor did it attempt to.
That is not correct. Some of Barr’s assessment does accurately reflect the Report, and is evidence Barr did “attempt to” give an accurate assessment in those specific areas of agreement.
I said Report, not snippets of the Report. The Report as a whole indicates Trump abused and tried to abuse Executive authority. This wasn't reflected in any way by Barr. Barr's "assessment" indicates that the Report indicated No Collusion (conspiracy) as specifically with Russians who did intercede with the US Election and Mueller punted on Obstruction.
But in Trump's case, it is really hard to see how he is not guilty of obstruction, and it is also hard to see how he is not tied up in illegal Russian activities also.

Dude, it's time to turn off MSNBC. They've already wasted hundreds of hours of your life on this nonsense. Why give them more?
But in Trump's case, it is really hard to see how he is not guilty of obstruction, and it is also hard to see how he is not tied up in illegal Russian activities also.

Dude, it's time to turn off MSNBC. They've already wasted hundreds of hours of your life on this nonsense. Why give them more?

There are countless reasons why you are wrong.
But in Trump's case, it is really hard to see how he is not guilty of obstruction, and it is also hard to see how he is not tied up in illegal Russian activities also.

Dude, it's time to turn off MSNBC. They've already wasted hundreds of hours of your life on this nonsense. Why give them more?

I know it is your desire for everyone to remain ignorant of the facts surrounding the running of our country, but I will stick with evidenced and supported facts, presented by industry leaders with both broad and deep experience and credentials, current government officials with personal and direct experience.... that is, Rather than your source of information from "some guy that wrote a conspiracy book once".
All words are not created equally... it's easy to spout bullshit... hard to get the story right. Your flippant one-liners are evidence you are uninterested in what is hard and settles for what is easy... live your life how you want.. really don't care.... it's just funny how so many people lack a basic interest in "things".
But in Trump's case, it is really hard to see how he is not guilty of obstruction, and it is also hard to see how he is not tied up in illegal Russian activities also.

Dude, it's time to turn off MSNBC. They've already wasted hundreds of hours of your life on this nonsense. Why give them more?

There are countless reasons why you are wrong.

Did you waste your money on these books, too, bro? Yeah, I'd probably be upset if I spent two years of my life believing this crap.

It's reads as "R-ts-hee-lad-ze", Georgian surname, not russian.

Don't be so defensive. Russian has some pretty awful consonant clusters, thanks to the fall of the yers. (You probably don't know what that is, but it is the major historical event that totally transformed Slavic languages. Here is a link:  Yer). Georgian, of course, has its own issues with consonant clusters.
You are trying to give a russian lesson to a russian again. Modern russian is as much as old one as english is german.

Actually, you are trying to give a linguistics lesson to a linguist again. The fall of the yers is about Slavic languages generally, not Russian. And I was right that you had no idea what I was being facetious about.

And I am not defensive, just pointing out that disproportional number of russians in Mueller report are not russians but shady people from former soviet republics like Georgia, Azerbeidzjan, etc.

Barbos, do you actually believe that this is about ethnic origins? The Mueller investigation is about the very successful campaign by the Russian government to help get Donald Trump elected and how that affected the behavior of the Trump campaign and the Trump administration. We've seen all of your excuses and rationalizations for it, chief among them being that we are hypocritical to blame foreign governments for meddling in our affairs. I take your point, but it still comes down to nothing more than a  tu quoque fallacy.
Barr is a lying Trump sycophant. I read enough of the report to realize that, but as the saying goes, "there is no reality, only perception". This morning I read several assessments of the report from both left and right news sources. OMG! It was like reading the accounts of two completely different things. John Dean, who I respect, said yesterday that the report was the most damaging report he had ever read and he compared it to several historical investigations. I think Dean knows what he's talking about more than any of us do.

I've been reading a lot of commentary from a variety of experts, but the most significant one came from a former clerk to a Supreme Court justice. He said that the report was muddled by two conclusions that Mueller came to as a basis for his report:

  1. He could not conclude that a president had committed the crime of obstruction, because that was a prerogative of Congress.
  2. He could not conclude that the president had NOT committed the crime of obstruction, because that was a prerogative of Congress.

Mueller failed to emphasize the point that he expected the ultimate conclusion to be reached by Congress, although he mentioned it in passing. Hence, Trump's defenders are able to claim that he did not find evidence for a charge of obstruction, and Trump's attackers are able to claim that he did find evidence for a charge of obstruction. He found neither. He just didn't feel it was his role to make that point super crystal clear such that nobody could ignore it. Mueller also didn't make much of the fact that the president could be indicted for obstruction after he left office.
The word “complete” is the problem, as it is not accurate, regardless of your “feeling” it’s accurate.

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Yeah, that's the problem. :rolleyes:

It is the problem with Higgins’ characterization, as it is inapplicable. It’s “obvious.”

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There are traitors in the White House and DoJ and you're bitching about semantics like a snowflake.
But in Trump's case, it is really hard to see how he is not guilty of obstruction, and it is also hard to see how he is not tied up in illegal Russian activities also.

Dude, it's time to turn off MSNBC. They've already wasted hundreds of hours of your life on this nonsense. Why give them more?
The man whose boots you lick recognized his predicament when his response to finding out about the Mueller investigated was "This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked."
It is the problem with Higgins’ characterization, as it is inapplicable. It’s “obvious.”

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There are traitors in the White House and DoJ and you're bitching about semantics like a snowflake.

There’s something to be said for accuracy, so this isn’t a dialogue with Higgins about mere semantics.

Let’s recall your famed appeal to “obvious” Barr is a liar and lying, was the genesis for the “snowflake” dialogue. So what’s that make you?

Of course, the hyperbole of “traitors” in the White House is a fine use of semantics. You seem well versed in the art of snowflakery.

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It is the problem with Higgins’ characterization, as it is inapplicable. It’s “obvious.”

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There are traitors in the White House and DoJ and you're bitching about semantics like a snowflake.

There’s something to be said for accuracy, so this isn’t a dialogue with Higgins about mere semantics.

Let’s recall your famed appeal to “obvious” Barr is a liar and lying, was the genesis for the “snowflake” dialogue. So what’s that make you?

Of course, the hyperbole of “traitors” in the White House is a fine use of semantics. You seem well versed in the art of snowflakery.

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I thought it made me a truth teller. Do you have a problem with the truth?
There’s something to be said for accuracy, so this isn’t a dialogue with Higgins about mere semantics.

Let’s recall your famed appeal to “obvious” Barr is a liar and lying, was the genesis for the “snowflake” dialogue. So what’s that make you?

Of course, the hyperbole of “traitors” in the White House is a fine use of semantics. You seem well versed in the art of snowflakery.

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I thought it made me a truth teller. Do you have a problem with the truth?

Here it is: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Accuses Media of Anti-Liar Bias
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What difference does it make if someone's surname is Georgian. The Georgian language(s) are spoken in Mother Russia. A person can be ethnically admixed and live in Russia. So their nationality would be Russian and their ethnicity could be Russian, Georgian, and a bunch of other ethnicities from the region. Georgian language(s) are primarily spoken in Russia, Georgia, Iran, and Turkey. But someone with a Georgian surname is one step removed from speaking Georgian language. And speaking Georgian language is one step removed from being Russian nationality. This is like trying to argue that Guccifer 2.0 was not a Russian agent because the name sounds Italian!

Why is this apologist tangent even necessary? As far as I can tell this whole weird tangent started with some guy texting to Cohen
Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know….

It doesn't matter if the guy with the Georgian surname is Russian, Iranian, African, Georgian, Martian, or Faroese. Mother Russia is in the text. He could be an American CIA agent with codename George McFly and it's still a text with seemingly impactful meaning.
You are trying to give a russian lesson to a russian again. Modern russian is as much as old one as english is german.

Actually, you are trying to give a linguistics lesson to a linguist again. The fall of the yers is about Slavic languages generally, not Russian. And I was right that you had no idea what I was being facetious about.
And this is relevant how? I am sorry but you look stupid when you constantly try to inject your linguistic lessons.
And I am not defensive, just pointing out that disproportional number of russians in Mueller report are not russians but shady people from former soviet republics like Georgia, Azerbeidzjan, etc.

Barbos, do you actually believe that this is about ethnic origins?
Not really, I merely tried to clarify context for these who who can't distinguish between russian and georgian.
The Mueller investigation is about the very successful campaign by the Russian government to help get Donald Trump elected and how that affected the behavior of the Trump campaign and the Trump administration.
Does it bother you that most named perpetrators seem to be shady businessmen who seem to be pursuing their own (business) agenda?
Did you forget that Trump is a fairly wealthy businessman who is both stupid and a crook?
And most of these are not even russian, let alone russian government. Names from russian government were mentioned very indirectly.
And no, Mueller does not say that the goal of russians was to elect Trump. You need to read his report.
We've seen all of your excuses and rationalizations for it, chief among them being that we are hypocritical to blame foreign governments for meddling in our affairs. I take your point, but it still comes down to nothing more than a  tu quoque fallacy.
Maybe you have seen these excuses but you certainly did not get them processed in your head. You are still not getting the message.
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What difference does it make if someone's surname is Georgian.

The Georgian language(s) are spoken in Mother Russia.
Only by people from Georgia.
A person can be ethnically admixed and live in Russia. So their nationality would be Russian and their ethnicity could be Russian, Georgian, and a bunch of other ethnicities from the region. Georgian language(s) are primarily spoken in Russia, Georgia, Iran, and Turkey. But someone with a Georgian surname is one step removed from speaking Georgian language. And speaking Georgian language is one step removed from being Russian nationality. This is like trying to argue that Guccifer 2.0 was not a Russian agent because the name sounds Italian!
The Guy is a georgian citizen from Georgia who has business in Georgia who had prior business contacts with Trumps in Georgia.
Now, does he have a business in Moscow too? google does not say, but very likely.
Georgia is an independent country which aspire to be pain in the ass for Russia, hence pro-US

Why is this apologist tangent even necessary? As far as I can tell this whole weird tangent started with some guy texting to Cohen
Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know….

It doesn't matter if the guy with the Georgian surname is Russian, Iranian, African, Georgian, Martian, or Faroese. Mother Russia is in the text. He could be an American CIA agent with codename George McFly and it's still a text with seemingly impactful meaning.
You are giving too much credence to random fucker trying to get favors from Trump.
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