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Mueller investigation

I can't see the Dems winning 2020 with this this kind of rhetoric at the forefront of their politics and we are going to be stuck with Trump for a second term. Trump won't need Russia's help.
That is possible. It is nearly impossible to guess how the electorate will vote in ‘20. Obama and W were flirting below 50% and won. Trump has managed to engage a group of under-polled people, so I fee it is hard to gauge his actual standing.

Granted, the Mueller Report said Trump abused Executive power, but apparently because Barr had the first word, it doesn’t matter. Especially to pro-right wing dictatorship AM radio suckling alpha bully worshipping people of America, as well as the, I’ll vote for anyone as long as we get to regulate sex among consenting Americans crowd.
Granted, the Mueller Report said Trump abused Executive power, but apparently because Barr had the first word, it doesn’t matter. Especially to pro-right wing dictatorship AM radio suckling alpha bully worshipping people of America, as well as the, I’ll vote for anyone as long as we get to regulate sex among consenting Americans crowd.

I have to assume that you find this nonsense cathartic. Why else do you spew this utter crap.
Granted, the Mueller Report said Trump abused Executive power, but apparently because Barr had the first word, it doesn’t matter. Especially to pro-right wing dictatorship AM radio suckling alpha bully worshipping people of America, as well as the, I’ll vote for anyone as long as we get to regulate sex among consenting Americans crowd.

I have to assume that you find this nonsense cathartic. Why else do you spew this utter crap.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).
Granted, the Mueller Report said Trump abused Executive power, but apparently because Barr had the first word, it doesn’t matter. Especially to pro-right wing dictatorship AM radio suckling alpha bully worshipping people of America, as well as the, I’ll vote for anyone as long as we get to regulate sex among consenting Americans crowd.

I have to assume that you find this nonsense cathartic. Why else do you spew this utter crap.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).

Keep stomping those little feet, Trump for 2020. Fuck it, I may vote for him as I think it is hilarious how bent out of shape the petulant pea brained Dems get when they don't get their way. And what will make it even more side splitting funny is Chelsea Handler with that dumb as fuck "how did that happen?" look on her face.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).

Keep stomping those little feet, Trump for 2020. Fuck it, I may vote for him as I think it is hilarious how bent out of shape the petulant pea brained Dems get when they don't get their way. And what will make it even more side splitting funny is Chelsea Handler with that dumb as fuck "how did that happen?" look on her face.

You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).

Keep stomping those little feet, Trump for 2020. Fuck it, I may vote for him as I think it is hilarious how bent out of shape the petulant pea brained Dems get when they don't get their way. And what will make it even more side splitting funny is Chelsea Handler with that dumb as fuck "how did that happen?" look on her face.

You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.

Ignorance and violence is all stupid people have. They literally have no other concept of what it means to be human, no way to do better than mindless mongrel impulses that pass for thinking. You know what you're dealing with when someone brags about being no more self aware than a dog.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).

Keep stomping those little feet, Trump for 2020. Fuck it, I may vote for him as I think it is hilarious how bent out of shape the petulant pea brained Dems get when they don't get their way. And what will make it even more side splitting funny is Chelsea Handler with that dumb as fuck "how did that happen?" look on her face.

You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.

Immature certainly but it is not out of hate. It's purely out of comic relief. "Bonespurs", "pwn the libtards" ?! Do you even listen to yourselves ? It's seriously hilarious.

I live in California, a state so democratic that my vote does not matter. However, I have never voted for a dem or repub for president, I ALWAYS vote for the libertarian candidate for president if there is one.

Feel free to pile on with more teeth gnashing angst. It amuses me.
You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.

Immature certainly but it is not out of hate. It's purely out of comic relief. "Bonespurs", "pwn the libtards" ?! Do you even listen to yourselves ? It's seriously hilarious.

I live in California, a state so democratic that my vote does not matter. However, I have never voted for a dem or repub for president, I ALWAYS vote for the libertarian candidate for president if there is one.

Feel free to pile on with more teeth gnashing angst. It amuses me.

You kind of started it. Also, I think you should seriously re-consider voting for a traitor.
You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.

Immature certainly but it is not out of hate. It's purely out of comic relief. "Bonespurs", "pwn the libtards" ?! Do you even listen to yourselves ? It's seriously hilarious.

I live in California, a state so democratic that my vote does not matter. However, I have never voted for a dem or repub for president, I ALWAYS vote for the libertarian candidate for president if there is one.

Feel free to pile on with more teeth gnashing angst. It amuses me.

Libertarian. Explains the immaturity.
Granted, the Mueller Report said Trump abused Executive power, but apparently because Barr had the first word, it doesn’t matter. Especially to pro-right wing dictatorship AM radio suckling alpha bully worshipping people of America, as well as the, I’ll vote for anyone as long as we get to regulate sex among consenting Americans crowd.

I have to assume that you find this nonsense cathartic. Why else do you spew this utter crap.
You first - why do you spew this utter crap?
Something I heard today on the Thom Hartmann program. During the impeachment process, the president loses his authority to pardon.
It isn’t crap. The evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump to reverse Roe v Wade and likely Griswold v Connecticut (ie regulate the sex habits of Americans). Then you have the people cheering on Trump at his despotic laced language rallies, cheering and laughing at his most vile stuff because they like how he really gets how they don’t like people who are different than them. These people don’t want Democrats to exist at all and would be quite happy to have a right-wing dictatorship so things can go back to where things were socially in the late 19th century.

No one votes for Trump for any actual positional reason except for possibly the promise to reopen up the factories in America (didn’t happen, was never going to happen).

Keep stomping those little feet, Trump for 2020. Fuck it, I may vote for him as I think it is hilarious how bent out of shape the petulant pea brained Dems get when they don't get their way. And what will make it even more side splitting funny is Chelsea Handler with that dumb as fuck "how did that happen?" look on her face.

You are the picture perfect example of the voter who just wants to "pwn the libtards". No real thought, just pure hate. I have no doubt, even though you imply you didn't vote for Bonespurs the first time, that you did vote for him. Please, continue celebrating your ignorance and hatred. Its good to have stupid people self identify for all to know who they are.

What's utterly hysterical is that the majority of harm that Trump can cause would be to the Trumpettes that have been instructed not to invest in the inevitable future (of solar power, as one example), but instead instructed to look back at the past (and get their coal mining with a pickax job back, to continue the example). Total tools. The people.... not the pickaxes... No one uses pickaxes anymore.. but the Trumpettes are totally being used.
Something I heard today on the Thom Hartmann program. During the impeachment process, the president loses his authority to pardon.

No he doesn't. He can still pardon anyone he wants, except himself. I believe that he cannot pardon himself under any circumstance... probably... it would go to the Supreme Court, who in the 70's already came to the conclusion that the President cannot pardon himself under any circumstance because "we are a nation of laws, not men, and no man is above the law".

There is so much legal precedent that uses male pronouns... It would have been interesting if it were Hillary in office responding to claims of wrongdoing simply by stating, "I am not a man, and therefore not bound by these laws". Maybe that wouldn't be very funny, actually.
You know, TSwizzle, you can read the report yourself, which contains all the evidence. It is well spelled out, and written for a simple Congress person to read (wonder why that might be? hmmmm). Why take anyone's word for it? Afraid of what you may learn without the help of your handlers on Fox keeping you away from what's behind their smoke and mirrors? That is how I grew up. Church was all about protecting you from knowledge and trying to keep a steady-state. So, I am very familiar with all that.
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