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My Conspiracy Theory


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
My conspiracy theory: this fall there will be a huge fight over government funding. Primarily it will be over the border wall. Trump will not be able to back down as he claimed the last time was that he wouldn’t do it again. But there aren’t enough votes to stop the democrats from blocking the wall funding. Government will shut down. Trump will blame the democrats and claim that they are blocking the will of the people. His supporters will demand that he lock them up. Trump declares a national emergency and assumes "temporary" powers to enact the budget. After all its the democrats' fault. They’ll deny he has assumed dictatorial powers. The Democrats (the real feckless cunts, WADR) won’t do anything but scream and shout. They may try to file a lawsuit over the use of funds. That will be tied up in courts for years.


Bannon is a bigger fan of his own intellect more than anything. His track record is not so good.

Bannon's "record" isn’t relevant. I don’t see how we avoid a border wall fight this Fall. Trump was adamant earlier this year that it would be the last time he caved to the democrats on the border wall issue. His supporters were really disappointed in him. He can’t afford to disappoint them again. He can’t lose his base. It’s all he has. There will be a shutdown over this unless the dems cave.

Bannon is a bigger fan of his own intellect more than anything. His track record is not so good.

Bannon's "record" isn’t relevant. I don’t see how we avoid a border wall fight this Fall. Trump was adamant earlier this year that it would be the last time he caved to the democrats on the border wall issue. His supporters were really disappointed in him. He can’t afford to disappoint them again. He can’t lose his base. It’s all he has. There will be a shutdown over this unless the dems cave.


President Cheeze-Wiz is always adamant about everything. The next day he's adamant about the exact opposite. He can't afford to disappoint his base, but it is nigh impossible for him to disappoint his base. They're dumber than creosote posts without the creosote, and if he tells them to eat shit and call it ice cream, they'll dutifully swallow it and smile.
My conspiracy theory: this fall there will be a huge fight over government funding. Primarily it will be over the border wall. Trump will not be able to back down as he claimed the last time was that he wouldn’t do it again. But there aren’t enough votes to stop the democrats from blocking the wall funding. Government will shut down. Trump will blame the democrats and claim that they are blocking the will of the people. His supporters will demand that he lock them up. Trump declares a national emergency and assumes "temporary" powers to enact the budget. After all its the democrats' fault. They’ll deny he has assumed dictatorial powers. The Democrats (the real feckless cunts, WADR) won’t do anything but scream and shout. They may try to file a lawsuit over the use of funds. That will be tied up in courts for years.



I wouldn't be surprised, but somewhere in there has to be a plan to suspend the elections, or at least some elections to the degree that Republicans continue hold the House and Senate. A majority of Conservative/Trump voters have already said they'd be willing to suspend elections if they thought illegal voting was taking place, which is something they've been primed to believe for years now.

Generally, the federal government can't interfere in state elections, but considering that the majority of states are red, it's easy to see enough governors and state legislatures going along with the idea. Also, I think that Congress and the POTUS can declare states of emergency, which would then grant them the power to do any number of things. Closing polls on voting day, whether ordered by the state or fed would be a pretty easy thing to do following that. Disburse local police and some soldiers to voting booths to turn people away, and don't count mail-in ballots. Voila, no more democracy.

It would literally take just a matter of days and a relatively small handful of people to destroy the nation as we've known it. Then the arrests would start.
My conspiracy theory: this fall there will be a huge fight over government funding. Primarily it will be over the border wall. Trump will not be able to back down as he claimed the last time was that he wouldn’t do it again. But there aren’t enough votes to stop the democrats from blocking the wall funding. Government will shut down. Trump will blame the democrats and claim that they are blocking the will of the people. His supporters will demand that he lock them up. Trump declares a national emergency and assumes "temporary" powers to enact the budget. After all its the democrats' fault. They’ll deny he has assumed dictatorial powers. The Democrats (the real feckless cunts, WADR) won’t do anything but scream and shout. They may try to file a lawsuit over the use of funds. That will be tied up in courts for years.



Border wall fight? Sure.

Emergency powers? Unlikely.
My conspiracy theory: this fall there will be a huge fight over government funding. Primarily it will be over the border wall. Trump will not be able to back down as he claimed the last time was that he wouldn’t do it again. But there aren’t enough votes to stop the democrats from blocking the wall funding. Government will shut down. Trump will blame the democrats and claim that they are blocking the will of the people. His supporters will demand that he lock them up. Trump declares a national emergency and assumes "temporary" powers to enact the budget. After all its the democrats' fault. They’ll deny he has assumed dictatorial powers. The Democrats (the real feckless cunts, WADR) won’t do anything but scream and shout. They may try to file a lawsuit over the use of funds. That will be tied up in courts for years.



I wouldn't be surprised, but somewhere in there has to be a plan to suspend the elections, or at least some elections to the degree that Republicans continue hold the House and Senate. A majority of Conservative/Trump voters have already said they'd be willing to suspend elections if they thought illegal voting was taking place, which is something they've been primed to believe for years now.

Generally, the federal government can't interfere in state elections, but considering that the majority of states are red, it's easy to see enough governors and state legislatures going along with the idea. Also, I think that Congress and the POTUS can declare states of emergency, which would then grant them the power to do any number of things. Closing polls on voting day, whether ordered by the state or fed would be a pretty easy thing to do following that. Disburse local police and some soldiers to voting booths to turn people away, and don't count mail-in ballots. Voila, no more democracy.

It would literally take just a matter of days and a relatively small handful of people to destroy the nation as we've known it. Then the arrests would start.

We must suspend elections in order to preserve freedom! Long live his majesty!
To address the original post, this is of course highly speculative at best. I'm sure that what really happens will be far more stupid and horrifying than anything you or I can imagine. The only thing I know for sure is that the vast majority of conservative and libertarian voters will go along with it.

Because we have to protect our freedom from those gun-grabbing libtards.

We failed to stop Jade 15, and Hillary has not been impeached yet. If we don't do something drastic now, Obama is going to use his weather machine to steal all of our guns! How are we going to defend our freedom from the Democrat party libtards then?
To address the original post, this is of course highly speculative at best. I'm sure that what really happens will be far more stupid and horrifying than anything you or I can imagine. The only thing I know for sure is that the vast majority of conservative and libertarian voters will go along with it.

Because we have to protect our freedom from those gun-grabbing libtards.

We failed to stop Jade 15, and Hillary has not been impeached yet. If we don't do something drastic now, Obama is going to use his weather machine to steal all of our guns! How are we going to defend our freedom from the Democrat party libtards then?

I could see him using the gun threat after the election to compel the democrats from not taking their seats, if they’re going to be a majority. In that case expect the rhetoric to grow truly violent from Trump. It has on other occasions. He'll blame the fake news, which is the enemy of the people. Watch for physical attacks on journalists encouraged by Trump. He’ll demand investigations into voter fraud before any democrat can take their seats. After all the integrity of the election is Important. The threat of loss of gun rights will be enough for a few of them to take drastic actions.

Before the election expect voter intimidation and harassment to be epidemic. Expect dozens of lawsuits in troubled districts challenging voter registration drives. They may not be successful, but they can slow the efforts down and intimidate potential voters.

It’s going to be interesting. But there’s an ancient Chinese curse about that.

I’ve been thinking more on this topic lately. Everything I read, says, naannnh no way in hell. He doesn’t have the constitutional power. True enough. He doesn’t. But I wonder if that would really stop him. Then I was reading about his recent upsurge in tweets about stopping Russian interference in the 2018 election. Some call it gaslighting but another conspiracy theory is that he’s laying the groundwork to nullify the election results if they go against him. Coupled with the border fight over the wall, and now his demanding a loyalty oath to retain your clearance, I really do fear for our future. Most likely I’m being paranoid. It probably won’t happen. Probably.

But that ain’t good enough.

Look at West Virginia for the Republican solution to the Constitution.
What's all the fuss about on this side of the border? Trumpty Dumpty said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Tell Trumpty Dumpty to go fight with the Mexicans for the money he promised he would get.

I'd be sticking those words so fat and so often into his blovating face that he'd actually shut up.

Calmly and directly.

"Mr. President you're doing a great job (for the uber-rich). Now is the time to get Mexico to pay for your wall as you promised. And thank you ahead of time."

"Have a good day and hit em' straight."
What's all the fuss about on this side of the border? Trumpty Dumpty said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Tell Trumpty Dumpty to go fight with the Mexicans for the money he promised he would get.

I'd be sticking those words so fat and so often into his blovating face that he'd actually shut up.

Wouldn't it have been smart for the Dems to have confronted Trump on that yesterday in the Oval office with him on camera... They went there to play right into his hand of looking like they were obstructing. Why the FUUUUUUUCK did they not grandstand right in front of him and on camera during that awesome opportunity to embarrass and derail him? All they had to do is say, "We will fully support the promise our President made to the people of the United States that the Wall will be built and funded by Mexico". Mic drop.
But no... that's OF COURSE not what they did. They came off as "the opposition" instead of the "go ahead, do what you said you would and we will help" crew.
What's all the fuss about on this side of the border? Trumpty Dumpty said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Tell Trumpty Dumpty to go fight with the Mexicans for the money he promised he would get.

I'd be sticking those words so fat and so often into his blovating face that he'd actually shut up.

Wouldn't it have been smart for the Dems to have confronted Trump on that yesterday in the Oval office with him on camera... They went there to play right into his hand of looking like they were obstructing. Why the FUUUUUUUCK did they not grandstand right in front of him and on camera during that awesome opportunity to embarrass and derail him? All they had to do is say, "We will fully support the promise our President made to the people of the United States that the Wall will be built and funded by Mexico". Mic drop.
But no... that's OF COURSE not what they did. They came off as "the opposition" instead of the "go ahead, do what you said you would and we will help" crew.

I think you saw things through your filter. What I saw happen was Pelosi try, very patiently, to show Trump how to advance the agenda he claims he wants. He's too chickenshit to even call for a vote from the House, where he claims he has the votes. Probably because he doesn't really have them. Why should the Dems deliver to Trump something they don't want and know to be foolish--and horrendously expensive--and ineffective? He's had the House and the Senate for 2 years now and hasn't accomplished a damn thing which makes him look awfully incompetent.
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