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National Implicit Sexism - Debate One

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
There was a moment Monday Night that I thought reallly stood out and placed an exclamation point after the words 'implicit sexism'. This moment would have ended the Presidential race and Donald Trump would have narrowly been elected President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton said:
I was going to say something extremely rough to Trump, to his family. And I said to myself I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate, it's not nice. But he's spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me. It's not nice and I don't deserve that. But it's certainly not a nice thing that he's done.
She would have been belittled by the right-wing. Casted off by the 'msm' for being too soft. The media would have noted that she was 'too soft' to deal with the likes of Putin.

But Sec. Clinton did not say that. The actual statement, made by Donald Trump was:
Donald Trump said:
I was going to say something extremely rough to Clinton, to her family. And I said to myself I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate, it's not nice. But she's spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me. It's not nice and I don't deserve that. But it's certainly not a nice thing that she's done.
Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.
Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.
It has been reflected upon but just has not been covered in the main stream media. In an interview, Trump was asked about it and said he was referring to Hillary attempting to destroy the reputation and lives of women who dared to say that Bill assaulted them - what Hillary called at the time dealing with and controlling the "Bimbo Eruptions".
Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.
It has been reflected upon but just has not been covered in the main stream media. In an interview, Trump was asked about it and said he was referring to Hillary attempting to destroy the reputation and lives of women who dared to say that Bill assaulted them - what Hillary called at the time dealing with and controlling the "Bimbo Eruptions".
I'm speaking of the emphasized text. The, 'it's not fair' part of his statement. Had Clinton said that, she'd be accused of saying she was being victimized. It'd been the end of the campaign.
We're at the part of the movie when all the protagonists stand up to the bully and he has to go away wimpering.

Trump 2016: Sweep the Leg!
It has been reflected on. The whole gender bias was in full display.

Trump "Shall I call you Madame Secretary...will that make you happy?"

As if he'd be doing her a big favor just to make the little lady happy, instead of actually referring to her by a title she earned with her hard work and dedication.
More food for thought regarding sex and US politics and the Right Wing.

Edit: Hidden because it's a bit OT and a bit bigger than I thought.

It has been reflected on. The whole gender bias was in full display.

Trump "Shall I call you Madame Secretary...will that make you happy?"
I think that was more of him being pissed that Clinton was calling him Donald, not Mr. Trump.
It has been reflected on. The whole gender bias was in full display.

Trump "Shall I call you Madame Secretary...will that make you happy?"

As if he'd be doing her a big favor just to make the little lady happy, instead of actually referring to her by a title she earned with her hard work and dedication.

That was one of the examples that really stood out to me.
It has been reflected on. The whole gender bias was in full display.

Trump "Shall I call you Madame Secretary...will that make you happy?"

As if he'd be doing her a big favor just to make the little lady happy, instead of actually referring to her by a title she earned with her hard work and dedication.

That was one of the examples that really stood out to me.

Isn't it wrong, though? Clinton is a former Secretary of State. Addressing her as Secretary Clinton or Madam Secretary is misleading. That goes for former Presidents, too.
That was one of the examples that really stood out to me.

Isn't it wrong, though? Clinton is a former Secretary of State. Addressing her as Secretary Clinton or Madam Secretary is misleading. That goes for former Presidents, too.

That was an interesting article, but the point isn't whether the title would be correct or incorrect. The point was Trump's condescending comment: "Shall I call you Madame Secretary...will that make you happy?" She didn't ask him to call her anything.
There was a moment Monday Night that I thought reallly stood out and placed an exclamation point after the words 'implicit sexism'. This moment would have ended the Presidential race and Donald Trump would have narrowly been elected President of the United States.

She would have been belittled by the right-wing. Casted off by the 'msm' for being too soft. The media would have noted that she was 'too soft' to deal with the likes of Putin.

But Sec. Clinton did not say that. The actual statement, made by Donald Trump was:
Donald Trump said:
I was going to say something extremely rough to Clinton, to her family. And I said to myself I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate, it's not nice. But she's spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me. It's not nice and I don't deserve that. But it's certainly not a nice thing that she's done.
Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.

It seems that only Hilary can make comments about Trump, not Trump about Clinton. What is suspicious is a former beauty queen who is becoming a US citizen, suddenly makes claims 20 years later of being called Miss Piggy and Ms Housekeeping by Trump. As I understand Trump did sponsor her and state she was overweight or something but how is that fat shaming if she also says she was overweight at the the time (show she stresses slightly). What has that got to do with the policies?

Sure, Hilary had to return US$240,000 worth of White House property after Bill Clinton left the Oval office and no doubt as a businessman Trump may have dones some strange things.

As I previously stated the candidates should be focussing on the issues. In other words stop attacking the other player and play the ball to fairly debate each other's policies.
I thought about how the campaign would be if they did it whichphilosophy's way, but I got bored and fell asleep before I could post anything about it.

It's like he wants a frigging Canadian election or something. "Ooh, let's all be mature and responsible adults who discuss important issues in a respectful and intelligent manner. Blah, blah, blah. Then we'll all go out for tea and crumpets". Zzzzz.

That's not what America is about, it's never been what America is about and it never will be what America is about. So, stop talking about and start insulting people like your founding fathers wanted you to do. :mad:
There was a moment Monday Night that I thought reallly stood out and placed an exclamation point after the words 'implicit sexism'. This moment would have ended the Presidential race and Donald Trump would have narrowly been elected President of the United States.

She would have been belittled by the right-wing. Casted off by the 'msm' for being too soft. The media would have noted that she was 'too soft' to deal with the likes of Putin.

But Sec. Clinton did not say that. The actual statement, made by Donald Trump was:
Donald Trump said:
I was going to say something extremely rough to Clinton, to her family. And I said to myself I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate, it's not nice. But she's spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me. It's not nice and I don't deserve that. But it's certainly not a nice thing that she's done.
Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.

If it was anybody but trump you MAY have a point here.... but no, sorry. This isn't about sexism. This is about a crazy person. He'd have said that no matter who his opponent was, and the media would have pounced on it had it been somebody with less craziness to already talk about that said it. Had Kasich or Bush or Carson or Paul won the nomination and said it, you'd see a different reaction now.
Trump Appearance In Porn Movie Found As Miss Universe Attack Totally Backfires

Donald Trump told America to check the sex tape, and unfortunately for him, what was found was the Republican candidate for president's appearance in a Playboy adult film.

:hysterical: Please tell me this is true! :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

I believe he wasn't acting; just a stand up part.

According to the Indpendant:

The 2000 VHS title, Video Centerfold, features a non-sexual segment in which Mr Trump, apparently accompanied by several Playboy playmates, opens a bottle of champagne and sprays the foam at a Playboy-branded limousine on a New York City street.

It seems more of a smear campaign which Clinton is clearly aware of. Too bad for American politics when the issues are side lined.
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I believe he wasn't acting; just a stand up part.

According to the Indpendant:

The 2000 VHS title, Video Centerfold, features a non-sexual segment in which Mr Trump, apparently accompanied by several Playboy playmates, opens a bottle of champagne and sprays the foam at a Playboy-branded limousine on a New York City street.

It seems more of a smear campaign which Clinton is clearly aware of. Too bad for American politics when the issues are side lined.
The hell issues weren't part of the debate. Your problem is that Trump's plan involves economic magic and a secret military plan, so Trump doesn't have much to run on. Clinton talked a lot of policy.

And what we have now is Trump won't drop the Miss Universe thing. It isn't the press, it is him and he keeps digging.

The guy can't man up for a bad thing he said 20 years ago, and instead goes to scorch earth policy. How the fuck will he respond to the adversity a President has to deal with?
There was a moment Monday Night that I thought reallly stood out and placed an exclamation point after the words 'implicit sexism'. This moment would have ended the Presidential race and Donald Trump would have narrowly been elected President of the United States.

She would have been belittled by the right-wing. Casted off by the 'msm' for being too soft. The media would have noted that she was 'too soft' to deal with the likes of Putin.

But Sec. Clinton did not say that. The actual statement, made by Donald Trump was:

Yet, this statement has gone almost completely unreflected upon, other than his veiled attempt to remind people that Pres. Clinton put his penis into the wrong vaginas, something Trump knows about personally.

If it was anybody but trump you MAY have a point here.... but no, sorry. This isn't about sexism. This is about a crazy person. He'd have said that no matter who his opponent was, and the media would have pounced on it had it been somebody with less craziness to already talk about that said it. Had Kasich or Bush or Carson or Paul won the nomination and said it, you'd see a different reaction now.
This isn't about Clinton or Trump, it is how America thinks about women. If Clinton had said that, she'd be castigated by the right as too weak, the press would have Dean'd her and said she may not be up to the task of dealing with the likes of Putin if she can't handle negative ads.

But almost nothing because a guy said it.
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