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Nevada Cactuses

That's how we end up with many more years of His Flatulence.

How is how we end up with trump? Overestimating the number of people who know and care what a scumbag he is?
I'm not so sure that's a moveable number. The key is getting them to vote, that's all. Even if it's for a very nice looking turnip.

Which is why there is an echoing message among progressives: vote anyway, even if you think it doesn't matter. It does matter, insofar as it's the only way to fight the ratfuck we all know is coming. The only real victory comes from an overwhelming victory.
I do have one question for all those who are paralyzed with fear that Bernie can't beat Trump: when you look at the pundits, journalists, and Democratic party officials who push this fear, does the fact that they all either (a) voted for the war in Iraq, (b) thought Hillary Clinton would win in 2016 in a landslide, (c) presided over the loss of over 1000 Dem legislative seats between 2009 and 2016 before losing to Trump, or (d) all of the above, enter your assessment of credibility about what they're saying?
I do have one question for all those who are paralyzed with fear that Bernie can't beat Trump: when you look at the pundits, journalists, and Democratic party officials who push this fear, does the fact that they all either (a) voted for the war in Iraq, (b) thought Hillary Clinton would win in 2016 in a landslide, (c) presided over the loss of over 1000 Dem legislative seats between 2009 and 2016 before losing to Trump, or (d) all of the above, enter your assessment of credibility about what they're saying?

With most media, credibility took a flyer in the internet age. We all should know presidential polling at this stage is less than useless. It's harmful.

What I want to know is how much damage did Bernie's heart suffer from his attack. Isn't there usually a "reduced capacity report" that goes along with this? A detailed medical report dovetails in with what VP he might pick as I and I would suspect many others will be viewing this individual with a more presidential eye than presidential candidates past.
Is Bernie is going to run this out to the nomination and then tell us the full story? He likely has less than five years left to live.
What I want to know is how much damage did Bernie's heart suffer from his attack. Isn't there usually a "reduced capacity report" that goes along with this? A detailed medical report dovetails in with what VP he might pick as I and I would suspect many others will be viewing this individual with a more presidential eye than presidential candidates past.
Is Bernie is going to run this out to the nomination and then tell us the full story? He likely has less than five years left to live.

He has already given reports from three different doctors.

Dr. LeWinter, the attending cardiologist at the University of Vermont Medical Center and Mr. Sanders’s personal cardiologist, also said that Mr. Sanders had experienced “modest heart muscle damage” but that his heart function was now “stable and well-preserved.”

“At this point, I see no reason he cannot continue campaigning without limitation and, should he be elected, I am confident he has the mental and physical stamina to fully undertake the rigors of the presidency,” Dr. LeWinter wrote.
He likely has less than five years left to live.

Bloomberg is the same age and had the same procedure 25 years ago. How long does he have left to live? Joe Biden seems super healthy physically. For example, he is constantly challenging dog-faced pony solders to do push-ups in his mind. How long does that guy's brain have left?
He likely has less than five years left to live.

Bloomberg is the same age and had the same procedure 25 years ago. How long does he have left to live? Joe Biden seems super healthy physically. For example, he is constantly challenging dog-faced pony solders to do push-ups in his mind. How long does that guy's brain have left?

Meanwhile, Dick Cheney has had 5 heart attacks, went for over a year with and artificial heart, then got a heart transplant and is still kicking. Do we need a fucking exorcism to get rid of him?!?
What I want to know is how much damage did Bernie's heart suffer from his attack. Isn't there usually a "reduced capacity report" that goes along with this? A detailed medical report dovetails in with what VP he might pick as I and I would suspect many others will be viewing this individual with a more presidential eye than presidential candidates past.
Is Bernie is going to run this out to the nomination and then tell us the full story? He likely has less than five years left to live.

He has already given reports from three different doctors.

Dr. LeWinter, the attending cardiologist at the University of Vermont Medical Center and Mr. Sanders’s personal cardiologist, also said that Mr. Sanders had experienced “modest heart muscle damage” but that his heart function was now “stable and well-preserved.”

“At this point, I see no reason he cannot continue campaigning without limitation and, should he be elected, I am confident he has the mental and physical stamina to fully undertake the rigors of the presidency,” Dr. LeWinter wrote.

I seen that and similar stories. They all say the same thing: Letters from doctors are not medical reports with data. It’s, I don’t want you to see the data. Here’s a nice narrative from my doctor.
And to address the, “I’ve given as much information as other candidates” excuse, I don’t care. You’re all wrong. I think if a candidate is in their seventies, we are deserving of detailed medical information. If he thinks his private information should stay private then he should become a private citizen.
No candidate in history has ever won the popular vote in the first three states of a competitive primary until Bernie. There's already a sense of inevitability around his momentum, especially looking at the polling map going forward:


The time to worry about the man's health is over. I would love for someone with his platform to emerge who was a much younger POC of another gender, but Bernie is the only candidate in the left lane and the primary is basically over if he takes SC.
No candidate in history has ever won the popular vote in the first three states of a competitive primary until Bernie. There's already a sense of inevitability around his momentum, especially looking at the polling map going forward:

View attachment 26296

The time to worry about the man's health is over. I would love for someone with his platform to emerge who was a much younger POC of another gender, but Bernie is the only candidate in the left lane and the primary is basically over if he takes SC.

And he'll select a VP that will be more than capable of carrying the torch. I have no fears for his health.
It isn't really that optimistic. Bernie is running against the establishment, the partisan media, and Not Bernie which is the sum of the other candidates unless Warren gives her delegates to him in the end. So the map should be done with just a Bernie and Not Bernie color key. Biden will also likely get a bump from SC and if so, the numbers in other states should include a small bump in his favor.
Assuming that Bernie is the nominee, I don't think it's realistic to think he will easily beat Trump. I suppose that it's possible because we are currently living in a time when populism is very.....well popular. So, the question is can a populist leftie who drives a lot of people crazy with his shouting, and poorly thought out ideas, imo, gain enough swing states to win a right wing populist who pretends to care about the "poorly educated" and basically has no ideas, by shouting?

I don't think anyone really knows. As for me, I'm skeptical that he can win, party because other than a few people here, I've yet to meet a single Democratic voters who likes him, or thinks he has a clue as to how to get any of his goals become law. But then, I don't think many presidents have gotten many of their goals accomplished so that's nothing new.

And yes. all of these old men should release their complete medical records. For the record, Bloomberg, didn't have a heart attack. He had stents put in for one or two blocked arteries. A heart attack usually does a lot more damage but we don't know how much since he won't release his records. I'm not defending Bloomberg. I think he should have left the campaign to those who had already put in so much effort and time. Warren has released the most medical records and she is the healthiest of. them all, but she is a good bit younger too, and we women tend to have more longevity than men. Biden released more medical records than Bernie, but I think it was only about five pages. All of the old guy's doctors said they were in excellent health, but so did Trump's doctor. Do we really trust short summaries from doctors? I don't.

While most of us see the threat that Trump is to democracy, our environment, and to the world for that matter, people like my rather wealthy bro in law don't care about anything else but the tax break he received under Trump. People like him are rather self centered and don't give too much thought about those who are poor and needy, although to his credit, he's always been generous to his two step children. People who own small business, like a few in my neighborhood aren't going to vote for Bernie over Trump, and according to my sister in NJ, her clients won't either. When I visit medical discussion boards, it always shocks me how many doctors support Trump, although some of the younger one do seem more open to M4A. The more established ones don't.

All I'm suggesting is that we all get out of whatever bubble we live in and realize that a lot of people of different ages, occupations, religious beliefs, etc etc. don't think the same way. Unless Bernie can be more unifying and get some of his most obnoxious supporters to shut the fuck up and stop criticizing people on Twitter and FB, I think the odds are against him winning. He needs to calm down and show himself to be a bit pragmatic. Supporting the same things for decades isn't an admirable trait to me. As I've said before, I'm voting blue no matter who, even if the Dem just pretends to be one. ;) But, how many swing voters and moderate Dems will do the same? That's what we don't know yet.

The stock market is tanking today and while I'm not looking for a recession, that might be what it takes to bring down Trump. It's almost always very difficult to defeat an incumbent president, especially if the economy is decent. No matter how much we see his flaws, his ratings are currently about 45% or so positive. He can easily lose the popular vote and still win, unfortunately.

So, how concerned are any of you about the Dems losing the House or not regaining the Senate? If not, why? That's my biggest concern at this point. Don't forget that about 47 seats that went to moderate Dems were in Trump districts. The Dems need to be careful not to come across as too in much step with Bern, or those districts could swing back in November. Who do any of you see has a good chance of defeating a Republican Senator. My biggest dream is to see Moscow Mitch be defeated by the strong, moderate women who is campaigning against him, but I have no idea if she will have enough support to do that. Your thoughts?
No candidate in history has ever won the popular vote in the first three states of a competitive primary until Bernie. There's already a sense of inevitability around his momentum, especially looking at the polling map going forward:

View attachment 26296

The time to worry about the man's health is over. I would love for someone with his platform to emerge who was a much younger POC of another gender, but Bernie is the only candidate in the left lane and the primary is basically over if he takes SC.

But look at the states Biden is leading in. Are the Dems just going to write off Alabama in the general election?
The NYT now has results for 100% of the caucuses counted: Nevada Caucuses 2020: Live Election Results - The New York Times

[table="class: grid"]
[tr][td]Bernie Sanders[/td][td]6788[/td][td]17[/td][td]18[/td][td]18[/td][td]18[/td][td]24[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Joe Biden[/td][td]2927[/td][td]7[/td][td]8[/td][td]6[/td][td]9[/td][td]9[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Pete Buttigieg[/td][td]2073[/td][td]5[/td][td]5[/td][td]6[/td][td]6[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Elizabeth Warren[/td][td]1406[/td][td]3[/td][td]3[/td][td]3[/td][td]3[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Tom Steyer[/td][td]682[/td][td]2[/td][td]1[/td][td]3[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Amy Klobuchar[/td][td]603[/td][td]2[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Tulsi Gabbard[/td][td]4[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Andrew Yang[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Deval Patrick[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Michael Bennet[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]John Delaney[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
Delegates by proportional allocation:
  • LR = Largest remainder
  • HA = Highest averages (D'Hondt)
  • LR3 = Largest remainder in groups of 3
  • HA3 = Highest averages (D'Hondt) in groups of 3
CCD's are caucus-level delegates.
Assuming that Bernie is the nominee, I don't think it's realistic to think he will easily beat Trump. I suppose that it's possible because we are currently living in a time when populism is very.....well popular. So, the question is can a populist leftie who drives a lot of people crazy with his shouting, and poorly thought out ideas, imo, gain enough swing states to win a right wing populist who pretends to care about the "poorly educated" and basically has no ideas, by shouting?

I don't think anyone really knows. As for me, I'm skeptical that he can win, party because other than a few people here, I've yet to meet a single Democratic voters who likes him, or thinks he has a clue as to how to get any of his goals become law. But then, I don't think many presidents have gotten many of their goals accomplished so that's nothing new.

And yes. all of these old men should release their complete medical records. For the record, Bloomberg, didn't have a heart attack. He had stents put in for one or two blocked arteries. A heart attack usually does a lot more damage but we don't know how much since he won't release his records. I'm not defending Bloomberg. I think he should have left the campaign to those who had already put in so much effort and time. Warren has released the most medical records and she is the healthiest of. them all, but she is a good bit younger too, and we women tend to have more longevity than men. Biden released more medical records than Bernie, but I think it was only about five pages. All of the old guy's doctors said they were in excellent health, but so did Trump's doctor. Do we really trust short summaries from doctors? I don't.

While most of us see the threat that Trump is to democracy, our environment, and to the world for that matter, people like my rather wealthy bro in law don't care about anything else but the tax break he received under Trump. People like him are rather self centered and don't give too much thought about those who are poor and needy, although to his credit, he's always been generous to his two step children. People who own small business, like a few in my neighborhood aren't going to vote for Bernie over Trump, and according to my sister in NJ, her clients won't either. When I visit medical discussion boards, it always shocks me how many doctors support Trump, although some of the younger one do seem more open to M4A. The more established ones don't.

All I'm suggesting is that we all get out of whatever bubble we live in and realize that a lot of people of different ages, occupations, religious beliefs, etc etc. don't think the same way. Unless Bernie can be more unifying and get some of his most obnoxious supporters to shut the fuck up and stop criticizing people on Twitter and FB, I think the odds are against him winning. He needs to calm down and show himself to be a bit pragmatic. Supporting the same things for decades isn't an admirable trait to me. As I've said before, I'm voting blue no matter who, even if the Dem just pretends to be one. ;) But, how many swing voters and moderate Dems will do the same? That's what we don't know yet.

The stock market is tanking today and while I'm not looking for a recession, that might be what it takes to bring down Trump. It's almost always very difficult to defeat an incumbent president, especially if the economy is decent. No matter how much we see his flaws, his ratings are currently about 45% or so positive. He can easily lose the popular vote and still win, unfortunately.

So, how concerned are any of you about the Dems losing the House or not regaining the Senate? If not, why? That's my biggest concern at this point. Don't forget that about 47 seats that went to moderate Dems were in Trump districts. The Dems need to be careful not to come across as too in much step with Bern, or those districts could swing back in November. Who do any of you see has a good chance of defeating a Republican Senator. My biggest dream is to see Moscow Mitch be defeated by the strong, moderate women who is campaigning against him, but I have no idea if she will have enough support to do that. Your thoughts?

I don't think anyone can beat Trump even Bllomberg. Also I think we are destroying the planet and human civilization. Mainstream politicians are only talking about reducing the increasing temperature. That is logically inadequate to save us from this existential threat. We need some kind of Green New Deal instead. Throw electability out the window. Throw politics and philosophy out. Not passing a point of no return on raising temperatures to a catastrophic level is essential. There's no second place, like in horse shoes and hand grenades. Either we do it or we're fucked.
I don't think anyone can beat Trump even Bllomberg. ... We need some kind of Green New Deal instead.

Huh? Sure - get Trump to sign a green new deal. He'll surely go along with a green new deal because he so loves the green stuff, likes new things and is such a deal maker, right?
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