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New report on climate change released today

George Monbiot said:
It is now mid-February, and already I have sown 11 species of vegetable. I know, though the seed packets tell me otherwise, that they will flourish. Everything in this country - daffodils, primroses, almond trees, bumblebees, nesting birds - is a month ahead of schedule. And it feels wonderful. Winter is no longer the great grey longing of my childhood. The freezes this country suffered in 1982 and 1963 are, unless the Gulf Stream stops, unlikely to recur.

Teh Gruaniad

Up to four inches of the white stuff fell overnight as far south as London threatening chaos on the roads and rails with '15 breakdowns expected every minute' Four inches of snow fell on high ground overnight, with households as far south as London affected by wintery storms today. People awoke to their cars, gardens and entire streets covered in a carpet of white from the Shetland Islands north of Scotland to the Home Counties. Greater Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, the Cotswolds and the Chiltern Hills were the worst-hit by snow in England, while Glasgow got a considerable covering in Scotland and County Antrim in Northern Ireland.


A-rapture like cult.
A-rapture like cult.

Now the hyphen has appeared, but between the first two words rather than the second two, and "Rapture" is no longer capitalized. I will continue to document this developing story, which is exactly as relevant to people's lives as the weather report in London is to a global rise in temperature
Ah yes, the English newspapers and their hyperbolic response to a light dusting of snow.

According to my family in Sheffield, Leeds, and London, they basically got no snow at all, though there's some on the hills.

100mm of snow at the tops of the Pennines translates to a few snowflakes in the air, that melt when they touch the ground, in London.
I will continue to document this developing story, which is exactly as relevant to people's lives as the weather report in London is to a global rise in temperature

Perth, PH. The AGW hoax is all about Perth. :)

The measure failed on a 57-to-0 vote

Yeah, I remember that.

a-Rapture like kult.
This was in the Senate. TSwizzle's account very conveniently omits how Mitch McConnell called for a vote on it without any hearings on it.
I'm starting to believe those alarmists who claim the Earth is heading into another ice age. This Summer, which is almost over here in Sunny Perth WA. We've had just 1 or two days with 40C + days, where the norm is up to 4-5 days straight.
23 February 1991
The highest temperature recorded in Perth was 46.2 °C (115.2 °F) on 23 February 1991, although Perth Airport recorded 46.7 °C (116.1 °F) on the same day.

Did you know that Antarctica is bigger than Perth? In fact it's bigger than your whole island. Even bigger than Europe. It's calving icebergs bigger than Perth. And it is recording the highest temperatures ever seen there.
How does your "ice age" hypothesis explain that?

Any idea where all that melted ice has vanished to? The Pacific atolls are all still there, and in fact some have actually grown in size. I call your BS and I raise you this irrefutable hand.

I'm starting to believe those alarmists who claim the Earth is heading into another ice age. This Summer, which is almost over here in Sunny Perth WA. We've had just 1 or two days with 40C + days, where the norm is up to 4-5 days straight.
23 February 1991
The highest temperature recorded in Perth was 46.2 °C (115.2 °F) on 23 February 1991, although Perth Airport recorded 46.7 °C (116.1 °F) on the same day.

Did you know that Antarctica is bigger than Perth? In fact it's bigger than your whole island. Even bigger than Europe. It's calving icebergs bigger than Perth. And it is recording the highest temperatures ever seen there.
How does your "ice age" hypothesis explain that?

Any idea where all that melted ice has vanished to? The Pacific atolls are all still there, and in fact some have actually grown in size. I call your BS and I raise you this irrefutable hand.

I took one of his data sources, found the actual article--and I can't find anything in the article that matches what he claimed came from it.
The question still stands though. What happened to all that massive amount of melted land ice? Maybe a fleet of alien spacecraft took it abord as it was needed back on their planet. :)
I'm starting to believe those alarmists who claim the Earth is heading into another ice age. This Summer, which is almost over here in Sunny Perth WA. We've had just 1 or two days with 40C + days, where the norm is up to 4-5 days straight.
23 February 1991
The highest temperature recorded in Perth was 46.2 °C (115.2 °F) on 23 February 1991, although Perth Airport recorded 46.7 °C (116.1 °F) on the same day.

Did you know that Antarctica is bigger than Perth? In fact it's bigger than your whole island. Even bigger than Europe. It's calving icebergs bigger than Perth. And it is recording the highest temperatures ever seen there.
How does your "ice age" hypothesis explain that?

Any idea where all that melted ice has vanished to? The Pacific atolls are all still there, and in fact some have actually grown in size. I call your BS and I raise you this irrefutable hand.

Atolls grew, therefore water level isn’t rising. Is Mt Everest’s increasing height also a sign that water levels aren’t rising?

While I’m not expecting people to remember my humor (?) threads, I wrote one about how far ahead of time Palin was regarding her enacted plan to save coastal Alaska via geostatic rebound (one natural cause for increasing elevations near water).
So there's no answer to my question about WTF did all that water go! Need I remind that icebergs, or even the entire North Pole were to melt, it would have zero effect on sea levels. but if all the land based ice sheets were to melt, the seas would flood ALL coastal areas up to 100 meters or more.

Here's an anti Swedish brat who has just as much right to speak her mind as does the lefts darling brat of the century!

Newspaper shocks readers by publishing full names and pictures of men threatening Greta Thunberg on Facebook

To give you a rough idea of the comments, here’s a selection of some that were linked to specific Facebook users by the Bristol paper.

"Crush the b***h. Sounds good to me. Send her home"

"Her parents need to slap her with a brick."

"She should be burnt at the stake!"

"Can someone grab her pigtails and ms trunchable her over the fence"

It seems ridiculous that this even needs to be said, but a young woman should obviously be able to make her voice heard without being threatened with physical violence by strangers online.
Unless they're psychos, in which case how come they're allowed anywhere near a media device, it's just talk, and last time I looked, we still have some form of free speech. But the brat does grate many people with her incessant banter!
Great news, Europe has passed a climate law;

Focus on coronavirus shows need for climate law, says EU official. Tensions at the Greek-Turkish border and the coronavirus show why the European Union needs a climate law that binds member states to net zero emissions by 2050, the EU’s top official on climate action has said.

Teh Gruaniad

Rejoice !! Hallelujah !! We are saved !!

But uh-oh, Scoldilocks is not on board !

Even before the text was officially released, the climate activist Greta Thunberg and teenage school strike leaders across Europe gave a blistering verdict, accusing the commission of ignoring climate science. In an open letter, she said it failed to respect the goal of capping global heating at 1.5C above pre-industrial levels

A rapture like cult-.
So there's no answer to my question about WTF did all that water go! Need I remind that icebergs, or even the entire North Pole were to melt, it would have zero effect on sea levels. but if all the land based ice sheets were to melt, the seas would flood ALL coastal areas up to 100 meters or more.

Here's an anti Swedish brat who has just as much right to speak her mind as does the lefts darling brat of the century!

What Thunberg says and this other teen says... are irrelevant to the fact that we are seeing higher temperatures raising at what are fast rates for such a large area. For instance. Take a bowl of water in your kitchen that is at room temperature. Heat it up 1 degree Celsius using only the energy in the air. Multiply that by quite a bit to understand the amount of energy required to increase temperatures over such a large system.
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