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New report on climate change released today

A rise of less than 1.5 F over 150 years is reason enough to panic and quadruple the cost of power generation in order to subsidize useless windmills [which kill millions of birds yearly] and solar panels, which incidentally are an unreliable source of power generation and still need fossil fuel generation as backup when there's no wind or the sun doesn't shine?

Oh, certainly not - as long as math, the art of extrapolation and the study of secondary and tertiary effects are beyond your grasp.

Obviously your ideology and belief what snake oil merchants such Gore are telling you has given you blinkered vision. It's CO2, 10% of the greenhouse gases and nothing else that determines climate while completely ignoring the other 90% of elements that comprise the Earth's atmosphere.

Read it and weep, angelo.

Meteorologists declaring 2018 the fourth hottest year since records began are completely ignoring, whether deliberate or for more sinister reasons, the fact that the Earth too keeps records and they go back hundreds of millions of years.

These records tell us that for 80% of Earth's history there were no ice caps, that we are now in a warm interglacial period in which temperatures peaked around 8000 years ago and are 1-2C cooler now, and past CO2 levels were commonly unrelated to temperature

It is as obvious as the nose on our face that the climate has always varied naturally and nothing unprecedented or dangerous is happening to it with changes to CO2 levels.

Looking at only 120-150 years of history on our 4.6 billion year-old planet is not scientific and the snake oil salesmen should stop it, but won't because it's now a religious as well as an economic industry lead by the left as a way of re-distribution of wealth.
Again,for the slow here,it is the time scale that is important.

I wonder what motivates climate change deniers. Is there a monetary reason?

I don't think that's true for most of them. It's more a matter of wanting to feel like they are part of a tiny and plucky band of warriors for the TRUTHTM, who are the only ones capable of seeing through the facts, and uncovering the grand conspiracy that underlies them.

The same is true for most conspiracy theories.

Only the woke can see past the structural engineering reports, and the detailed investigation, and determine that 9-11 was in fact carried out by cleverly concealing demolition charges in a busy office building without anyone noticing, and then detonating them on the day a couple of airliners just happened to crash into the twin towers.

You need to be truly special to see that the USA and USSR cleverly pretended to be mortal enemies in a half-century long nuclear standoff, as a clever way to cover up the fact that a half dozen manned moon landings were really filmed on an Arizona sound stage.

It takes real guts and glory to stand up to all those morons who have been brainwashed into accepting that the Earth is approximately spherical, when all they have to support that crazy claim is vast amounts of hard evidence.

And a ruthless band of 97% of the world's climatologists, funded by the notoriously wealthy environmentalists, can only be defeated by a grassroots movement amongst a handful of brave billionaires and oil companies, supported by a tiny but noble band of people who are the only clear thinkers on the planet. (But only if they ignore the overwhelming evidence, which is surprisingly easy for them to do, because not reading stuff comes naturally to idiots).
Still not a single example of a predicted climate catastrophe of the last few decades eventuating hey! Reason is because the batting average hasn't moved one jot from 0.00 correct! Fuck me, surely you " Warmists" can produce one, just one predicted catastrophe that has eventuated!


1) That's funded by the Koch brothers. It should be assumed wrong unless proven otherwise.

2) You still haven't addressed the point that the Earth is 14C warmer due to the greenhouse effect than it would be otherwise. If the greenhouse effect doesn't exist where did that come from?
Still not a single example of a predicted climate catastrophe of the last few decades eventuating hey! Reason is because the batting average hasn't moved one jot from 0.00 correct! Fuck me, surely you " Warmists" can produce one, just one predicted catastrophe that has eventuated!


I don't know about that. I've been hearing predictions for years that storms would become more frequent and more severe. That certainly has been the case.
Still not a single example of a predicted climate catastrophe of the last few decades eventuating hey! Reason is because the batting average hasn't moved one jot from 0.00 correct! Fuck me, surely you " Warmists" can produce one, just one predicted catastrophe that has eventuated!


I don't know about that. I've been hearing predictions for years that storms would become more frequent and more severe. That certainly has been the case.

I keep repeating that it's nothing new. The Earth's climate has been changing since it's formation. For 80% of the Earth's history there were NO ICE CAPS. Interglacial periods last hundreds of thousands of years not a few centuries.

But here are a few past disasters that have had nothing to do with human activity. Unless one can blame some of our ancestors with failing to throw a few virgins into a volcano to appease the gods!

Still not a single example of a predicted climate catastrophe of the last few decades eventuating hey! Reason is because the batting average hasn't moved one jot from 0.00 correct! Fuck me, surely you " Warmists" can produce one, just one predicted catastrophe that has eventuated!


I don't know about that. I've been hearing predictions for years that storms would become more frequent and more severe. That certainly has been the case.

I keep repeating that it's nothing new.
Which is pointless

The Earth's climate has been changing since it's formation.
Which everyone already knows.

For 80% of the Earth's history there were NO ICE CAPS. Interglacial periods last hundreds of thousands of years not a few centuries.

But here are a few past disasters that have had nothing to do with human activity. Unless one can blame some of our ancestors with failing to throw a few virgins into a volcano to appease the gods!

Which is as stupid as saying it's okay to play with matches since lightning can start fires.
The brainwashed sheeple that have embraced the cult of GW/CC can be led to enlightenment but can't be made to even look at it.



Human activity accounts for 3% [ a fact not disputed by most scientists] of global CO2, the rest is from natural causes. It's got me beat how anyone can argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

I happen to own a coat hanger shaped bridge located in Australia's biggest city. Because I'm a little short of money atm, I'm willing to sell this valuable asset at a bargain price. PM me, first come first served!
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The brainwashed sheeple that have embraced the cult of GW/CC can be led to enlightenment but can't be made to even look at it.



Human activity accounts for 3% [ a fact not disputed by most scientists] of global CO2, the rest is from natural causes. It's got me beat how anyone can argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

I happen to own a coat hanger shaped bridge located in Australia's biggest city. Because I'm a little short of money atm, I'm willing to sell this valuable asset at a bargain price. PM me, first come first served!
Well then, it's a good thing no one does argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

They argue that tiny % is enough to tip the balance of earth's natural system, and that is what is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.
Human activity accounts for 3% [ a fact not disputed by most scientists] of global CO2, the rest is from natural causes. It's got me beat how anyone can argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

Picture you are saving your retirement money and it is getting 3% interest each year compounded. I come along and each year steal 3% of your money. You try to blame me for your retirement nest egg being empty and I say, "Hahaha, no the banks save 97% of your money. It's their fault."
Human activity accounts for 3% [ a fact not disputed by most scientists] of global CO2, the rest is from natural causes. It's got me beat how anyone can argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

Picture you are saving your retirement money and it is getting 3% interest each year compounded. I come along and each year steal 3% of your money. You try to blame me for your retirement nest egg being empty and I say, "Hahaha, no the banks save 97% of your money. It's their fault."

You are completely off base Angelo, the CO2 levels in the atmosphere and ocean have both increased by a significant amount since industrialization and you already have shown that you know this.
The brainwashed sheeple that have embraced the cult of GW/CC can be led to enlightenment but can't be made to even look at it.



Human activity accounts for 3% [ a fact not disputed by most scientists] of global CO2, the rest is from natural causes. It's got me beat how anyone can argue that this tiny percentage is responsible for catastrophic weather and GW/CC.

Yet another example of regurgitating denier propaganda without understanding the actual issue.

Vast amounts of carbon are absorbed by plants and converted into plant, those plants then decay (releasing the carbon) or eaten (at which point most of the carbon is released as the animal extracts the energy.) This cycle is pretty much inherently self-balancing (although it can be thrown off kilter by big ecological things--for example, CO2 levels dropped after the discovery of the New World because disease killed so many people that forests reclaimed lots of cleared areas, increasing the amount tied up in trees) and thus means basically nothing to atmospheric CO2 levels.

Then there is the carbon released from burning fossil fuels. This has no counterbalancing absorption and thus actually increases atmospheric CO2.

Consider a swimming pool. No matter how large the filter pumps they will never raise the water level. A lowly garden hose, much smaller than the filter piping can raise the water level. It doesn't matter if that garden hose only puts out 3% of the water of the filter, leave it running and you'll get a flood.
You are completely off base Angelo, the CO2 levels in the atmosphere and ocean have both increased by a significant amount since industrialization and you already have shown that you know this.

He's trying to claim it's natural, not caused by man.
Totally implausible that climate change could be drastically influenced by humans when we're releasing billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Totally implausible.
It is like claiming that morning dew is filling up a bucket of water fed by a garden hose.
You're all acting just like religious fundamentalist when it's pointed out to them that homo sapiens are a just different evolutionary branch of the apes. They'll argue, with no justication at all mind, : if that is so, why are there still apes.

For the last time, these are the facts, agreed to by most of the honest scientists involved with geoscience.

1. GW/CC is natural, has been since the very dawn of time and has produced severe ice ages at times and no ice at all for perhaps 80% of Earth's history.

2. Nothing unprecedented or dangerous has happened to the climate with the 40% CO2 increase since 1880.

3. If CO2 was a problem, wind and solar wouldn't fix it. More detailed facts and arguments all fit within these three statements.

The most convincing of these facts relate to past climate and today's solar and oceanic variables, not changes to concentration of a trace gas. [ a plant food ]

All of the predicted catastrophes in the last 40 years or so that have been predicted by activists and outright snake oil merchants have failed to materialise. So much so, that the moniker global warming had to be quietly changed to climate change, so that even an elephant's excessive farting could be blamed on the new moniker. In all other spheres of science those wrongful claimants of GW/CC would be ignored or laughed out of town. Why aren't the snake oilers peer reviewed by real, proper scientists? Because it's more to do with politics and the redistribution of wealth by stealth!
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