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New report on climate change released today

Head-in-sand again, I see. The temperature has not remained stable for the last 20 years. What has happened is a major outlier--1998--has become basically the norm. Furthermore, you're ignoring the lag time inherent in a system as large as the Earth. If I go set the water heater to 160, open the drain and put my hand in it will I be burned? No, because setting it to 160 doesn't mean it immediately becomes 160.

The fact remains that for over 160 years the global temperature has increased by a measly 1.4 Fahrenheit. That's according to the buffoons at the discreteted UN run IPCC, and most of that rise in temperature has occurred before the industrial revolution when CO2 was around 280ppm as compared to over 400ppm today.

Please reconcile that claim with the graph that we have been discussing.
Just over 40 years ago, the " consensus " among scientists was that the Earth was heading towards another catastrophic ice age, and that most of humanity, or at least modernity or life as we knew it was doomed!


That's a lie.

God exists! No, that's a lie, God doesn't exist, and practically every scientist [at least 80%] in say The Academy Of American Science agrees! The batting average is still 0.00 for warming activists of predicted catastrophe to befall the earth for over 40 years of doomsday predictions!

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Head-in-sand again, I see. The temperature has not remained stable for the last 20 years. What has happened is a major outlier--1998--has become basically the norm. Furthermore, you're ignoring the lag time inherent in a system as large as the Earth. If I go set the water heater to 160, open the drain and put my hand in it will I be burned? No, because setting it to 160 doesn't mean it immediately becomes 160.

The fact remains that for over 160 years the global temperature has increased by a measly 1.4 Fahrenheit. That's according to the buffoons at the discreteted UN run IPCC, and most of that rise in temperature has occurred before the industrial revolution when CO2 was around 280ppm as compared to over 400ppm today.

Please reconcile that claim with the graph that we have been discussing.

That graph is not worth commenting on as there's no link to a source!
Mann is a fraud and his research is garbage. But it does not affect other research.

Most of the high profile personalities are dishonest. The research is a cash cow for some of them, churning out research that is of little or no value.
Proof positive that Mann and his ilk should have been jailed for fraud! Remember Climategate? I haven't, and many people haven't either!


This article isn't science. It's an opinion piece with a mix of news. Nothing in it leads a rational person to a conclusion that it is "proof positive that Mann and his ilk should have been jailed for fraud."

What's a fraudster to do to get thrown in jail? Many of the left were screaming to have GW Bush and his henchmen charged with fraud for taking America to war on a blatant lie. What's changed?
For the hard of thinking, here is some detailed analysis of various natural and man-made contributions to global temperature:


Can right wingers look at that, and still insist that AGW is a hoax?
Oh - never mind. I forgot that none of them is going to look at it.

A rise of less than 1.5 F over 150 years is reason enough to panic and quadruple the cost of power generation in order to subsidize useless windmills [which kill millions of birds yearly] and solar panels, which incidentally are an unreliable source of power generation and still need fossil fuel generation as backup when there's no wind or the sun doesn't shine?
Of course, another way to reduce CO2 [ plant food ] is to ethunase around 4 billion people forthwith and all animals as they all breath out carbon dioxide! :realitycheck:
This thread between Kayhoe and Lurvey is like that between most of us and Angelo.


Do you think that Kayhoe would start to pontificate on weapons and military tactics to Lurvey?

At some point a person who has put in the work needs to use that as a firm place to stand on.

If you had to get a degree in climatology, Angelo, would you be like a YEC taking a degree related to biological evolution?
For the hard of thinking, here is some detailed analysis of various natural and man-made contributions to global temperature:


Can right wingers look at that, and still insist that AGW is a hoax?
Oh - never mind. I forgot that none of them is going to look at it.

A rise of less than 1.5 F over 150 years is reason enough to panic and quadruple the cost of power generation in order to subsidize useless windmills [which kill millions of birds yearly] and solar panels, which incidentally are an unreliable source of power generation and still need fossil fuel generation as backup when there's no wind or the sun doesn't shine?

Oh, certainly not - as long as math, the art of extrapolation and the study of secondary and tertiary effects are beyond your grasp.
A rise of less than 1.5 F over 150 years is reason enough to panic and quadruple the cost of power generation in order to subsidize useless windmills [which kill millions of birds yearly] and solar panels, which incidentally are an unreliable source of power generation and still need fossil fuel generation as backup when there's no wind or the sun doesn't shine?

Oh, certainly not - as long as math, the art of extrapolation and the study of secondary and tertiary effects are beyond your grasp.

Obviously your ideology and belief what snake oil merchants such Gore are telling you has given you blinkered vision. It's CO2, 10% of the greenhouse gases and nothing else that determines climate while completely ignoring the other 90% of elements that comprise the Earth's atmosphere.
Meteorologists declaring 2018 the fourth hottest year since records began are completely ignoring, whether deliberate or for more sinister reasons, the fact that the Earth too keeps records and they go back hundreds of millions of years.

These records tell us that for 80% of Earth's history there were no ice caps, that we are now in a warm interglacial period in which temperatures peaked around 8000 years ago and are 1-2C cooler now, and past CO2 levels were commonly unrelated to temperature

It is as obvious as the nose on our face that the climate has always varied naturally and nothing unprecedented or dangerous is happening to it with changes to CO2 levels.

Looking at only 120-150 years of history on our 4.6 billion year-old planet is not scientific and the snake oil salesmen should stop it, but won't because it's now a religious as well as an economic industry lead by the left as a way of re-distribution of wealth.
Meteorologists declaring 2018 the fourth hottest year since records began are completely ignoring, whether deliberate or for more sinister reasons, the fact that the Earth too keeps records and they go back hundreds of millions of years.

These records tell us that for 80% of Earth's history there were no ice caps, that we are now in a warm interglacial period in which temperatures peaked around 8000 years ago and are 1-2C cooler now, and past CO2 levels were commonly unrelated to temperature

It is as obvious as the nose on our face that the climate has always varied naturally and nothing unprecedented or dangerous is happening to it with changes to CO2 levels.

Looking at only 120-150 years of history on our 4.6 billion year-old planet is not scientific and the snake oil salesmen should stop it, but won't because it's now a religious as well as an economic industry lead by the left as a way of re-distribution of wealth.
Again,for the slow here,it is the time scale that is important.

I wonder what motivates climate change deniers. Is there a monetary reason?
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