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New report on climate change released today

That was the beauty of getting rid of the moniker global warming and substituting it with Climate Change. every natural bad weather event can and is blamed on it! I'm wearing a huge grin as I'm typing this! :rolleyes:

Instead of grinning you should focus on logic: global warming means more ocean energy which means more frequent and stronger hurricanes.

I raise you one bullshit card with a fact card...........I win.
That was the beauty of getting rid of the moniker global warming and substituting it with Climate Change. every natural bad weather event can and is blamed on it! I'm wearing a huge grin as I'm typing this! :rolleyes:

Instead of grinning you should focus on logic: global warming means more ocean energy which means more frequent and stronger hurricanes.

I raise you one bullshit card with a fact card...........I win.

I already submitted the data that showed more hurricanes. So you already lost pages ago. Trying to desperately claim victory now with emotional grinning and swearing won't change facts to be in your favor.
Hilarious. A bunch of kids in the UK have taken the day off school to protest "climate change". Or more accurately protest that government do something about "climate change". I was particularly moved by young Eddy Barrow, 15 who had sacrificed a day at school to stand shoulder to shoulder with sixth form students;

Eddy Barrow said:
Climate change is a big problem that is being ignored by mainstream media. The MPs in parliament are not doing much. There will be rising sea levels, no more Antarctica, the climate will be destroyed. Loads of terrible things.

Teh Gruaniad

What a mixed up little individual young Eddy is.
It is great that young people are caring about their futures. Too bad some older people want to take all the planet's resources with them when they die.
The planet has enough resources to last for centuries, by which time alternatives will be discovered or extraterrestrial mining will become possible. Science does not stand still, but is an ever evolving venture that will have all the answers some day in the not too distant future.

There are already some alternatives today, but atm the cost is prohibitive.
The planet has enough resources to last for centuries, by which time alternatives will be discovered or extraterrestrial mining will become possible. Science does not stand still, but is an ever evolving venture that will have all the answers some day in the not too distant future.

There are already some alternatives today, but atm the cost is prohibitive.

What will we do with the waste that will be overflowing from landfills?

So, I see you share cornucopianism with Bilby.
Read the 1896 paper by Arrhenius, TSwizzle and Angelo. Also the video below with some background on it.


Yes AGC may be used by bleeding heart leftists, but it does not mean AGC is concocted. That is a logical fallacy that is below your mental ability to fall for.

If you get a thrill from debunking left wing influenced bullshit science, stick with sociology and so on.
Science does not stand still...

Oh? If you climate deniers get your way, it will grind to a halt on the application side. Yeah, there will be scientists making discoveries, but none of that will come into the public sphere in the USA as long as the ignoranti are convinced that science promotes Chinese hoaxes.
Read the 1896 paper by Arrhenius, TSwizzle and Angelo. Also the video below with some background on it.


Yes AGC may be used by bleeding heart leftists, but it does not mean AGC is concocted. That is a logical fallacy that is below your mental ability to fall for.

If you get a thrill from debunking left wing influenced bullshit science, stick with sociology and so on.

" The bleeding heart leftists " have destroyed all credibility of the claim.
I have stated the bleeding obvious before, but I'll give it another go!

It is very important to note some very basic problems with the theory of "anthropogenic" man-made GW/CC. Unfortunately, given the detailed nature of climate science, it is impossible to provide a detailed summation of the thoroughly debunked theory of Anthropogenic Man-Made GW/CC, at least as it relates to the non existent and entirely invented theory of CO2 as a poisonous and planet killing gas.
Suffice it to say that the Earth WAS much hotter in the past, thus indicating that we are well within the norm of climate ups and downs.

In addition, it is important to mention the fact that warming has not taken place for the last 20 years or so, despite all the fudging and rigging of equipment and of faulty computer models to prove the opposite.
Can you think of ANY facts of the world that while true have been massively abused by ideologues, control freaks or profiteers of any stripe? This is what AGC is for me, true but actually and potentially abused. Proposals for emissions trading with financial companies being in a position to make a scam of it? The same people that drove physical silver in trucks around in circles to game a market? No thank you!!!

Also, do you think that the theories that describe stellar evolution are gamed to assist the AGW scam? The sun is getting warmer all the time on a geologic time scale according to these models that are as close to unassailable as you can get.


That was the beauty of getting rid of the moniker global warming and substituting it with Climate Change. every natural bad weather event can and is blamed on it! I'm wearing a huge grin as I'm typing this! :rolleyes:

Instead of grinning you should focus on logic: global warming means more ocean energy which means more frequent and stronger hurricanes.

I raise you one bullshit card with a fact card...........I win.

I said it before and I will say it again... angelo, you may be better served simply sticking to porn on the internet. From the site you reference, the data they post charts as follows:

Storms over Time.PNG
I'm not interested in arguing about climate change because there is overwhelming evidence that not only are we heading for some very difficult times, there is a fairly new international report on climate change that has been referred to by some as the "doomsday report". I apologize is this has already been linked. I just found it on a link from an editorial regarding climate change.


An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

It's a very long report with several parts. I haven't even had a chance to read it all, but I'm linking it here for anyone that is interested.
I'm not interested in arguing about climate change because there is overwhelming evidence that not only are we heading for some very difficult times, there is a fairly new international report on climate change that has been referred to by some as the "doomsday report". I apologize is this has already been linked. I just found it on a link from an editorial regarding climate change.

"overwhelming evidence" ? Not really.


An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

It's a very long report with several parts. I haven't even had a chance to read it all, but I'm linking it here for anyone that is interested.

I read some of it, the predictions are based on wonky models. And what on earth has weather got to do with eradicating poverty ?

Man made AGW really is a Rapture like cult.
... what on earth has weather got to do with eradicating poverty ?

Well, one part of the issue is that the eradication of poverty implies increasing energy use by those who used to be too poor to use much energy. That's a LOT of people, particularly in Africa, but also in parts of Asia. If they all burn fossil fuels to get that energy, it will add significantly to carbon dioxide emissions, leading to climate change, which leads to different weather.

Your inability to understand the link between two phenomena is NOT evidence that there is not a link; It's just evidence that you lack imagination and don't know as much as you would like to think that you do.
... what on earth has weather got to do with eradicating poverty ?

Well, one part of the issue is that the eradication of poverty implies increasing energy use by those who used to be too poor to use much energy. That's a LOT of people, particularly in Africa, but also in parts of Asia. If they all burn fossil fuels to get that energy, it will add significantly to carbon dioxide emissions, leading to climate change, which leads to different weather.

Your inability to understand the link between two phenomena is NOT evidence that there is not a link; It's just evidence that you lack imagination and don't know as much as you would like to think that you do.

I never thought about poverty being good for the environment before. Interesting.
I'm not interested in arguing about climate change because there is overwhelming evidence that not only are we heading for some very difficult times, there is a fairly new international report on climate change that has been referred to by some as the "doomsday report". I apologize is this has already been linked. I just found it on a link from an editorial regarding climate change.

"overwhelming evidence" ? Not really.


An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

It's a very long report with several parts. I haven't even had a chance to read it all, but I'm linking it here for anyone that is interested.

I read some of it, the predictions are based on wonky models. And what on earth has weather got to do with eradicating poverty ?

Man made AGW really is a Rapture like cult.

Inline with bilby's response to you about how your inability to see the link between poverty and the weather (like I was unaware of too) does not mean no such lin exists, I'd also like to add that just because you don't like or don't understand the model, does not make it necessarily "wonky".
... what on earth has weather got to do with eradicating poverty ?

Well, one part of the issue is that the eradication of poverty implies increasing energy use by those who used to be too poor to use much energy. That's a LOT of people, particularly in Africa, but also in parts of Asia. If they all burn fossil fuels to get that energy, it will add significantly to carbon dioxide emissions, leading to climate change, which leads to different weather.

Your inability to understand the link between two phenomena is NOT evidence that there is not a link; It's just evidence that you lack imagination and don't know as much as you would like to think that you do.

The fact is that in the real world, things are more likely to be linked (at least to a small extent) than they are not to be. That's why physicists need to go to absurd lengths to define systems that are dependent only on the one variable they are interested in, such as the proverbial 'spherical cow in a vacuum'.

If any person cannot see how two apparently disparate phenomena could possibly be related to one another, then this is almost certainly due to a lack of understanding or imagination, rather than the absence of any kind of link. One thing that has become quite clear since the enlightenment is that everything is interrelated, and that the whole body of science fits together as a coherent single structure, wherein no fact stands in isolation. Typically, the more complex the system under consideration - that is the more variables or 'moving parts' it has - the less isolated it is. The trick is not to determine whether two systems (eg 'poverty' and 'weather') influence each other, but in what ways they do. In this example, there is feedback in both directions - weather influences poverty (for example, a drought causing crop failure, and increasing poverty amongst marginal populations), and poverty influences weather (as explained above).

This is why, as H L Mencken said, "For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong".
The planet has enough resources to last for centuries, by which time alternatives will be discovered or extraterrestrial mining will become possible. Science does not stand still, but is an ever evolving venture that will have all the answers some day in the not too distant future.

There are already some alternatives today, but atm the cost is prohibitive.

Assuming there are tons of resources doesn't make it so.
I'm not interested in arguing about climate change because there is overwhelming evidence that not only are we heading for some very difficult times, there is a fairly new international report on climate change that has been referred to by some as the "doomsday report". I apologize is this has already been linked. I just found it on a link from an editorial regarding climate change.


An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

It's a very long report with several parts. I haven't even had a chance to read it all, but I'm linking it here for anyone that is interested.

With people like Michael Mann and the past president [ Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (born 20 August 1940) was the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and was replaced by Hoesung Lee. He held the post from 2002 until his resignation in February 2015, due to sexual harassment allegations. The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during his tenure.] Source Wiki. not to mention that not one of their predictions ever even coming close to their useless reports and predictions. This political organasation has no credibility at all and reading that manifesto would be a complete waste of time. Time that would be much better spent watching porn!
The planet has enough resources to last for centuries, by which time alternatives will be discovered or extraterrestrial mining will become possible. Science does not stand still, but is an ever evolving venture that will have all the answers some day in the not too distant future.

There are already some alternatives today, but atm the cost is prohibitive.

Assuming there are tons of resources doesn't make it so.

There is an estimated another 1000 years of known coal reserves throughout the planet using it at the present rate of consumption. Also Uranium reserves which is a clean power source are also almost an infinite supply.
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